Harmonic studies of frequency sets related to nature, natural events (phenomena), elements, astronomy, mathematics, and human form have been useful in identification of vibrations related to science, mechanics, medicine, psychology and human functions.
Two common aspects of frequency sets are music and musical scales.
The standard musical frequency for the fourth octave of “A” in musical instruments such as the piano is presently 440 Hz (Hz=cycles per standard second). Equal temperament into a 1/12 th interval is the way that all modern keyboard instruments are manufactured. This standard has been in use throughout the 20th century. However, this choice is not necessarily correct or harmonically tuned to nature.
Scientific author, Isaac Asimov, has stated that music is made of musical intervals (octaves, fourths, fifths, etc.) The exact frequency and exact harmonic sets are not the basis of music; it is the alternation of intervals that is perceived as a melody and harmonic chord structure. The choice of A=440 Hz for the calibration of music is to a degree arbitrary.
Composers and performers of the past had no such standards. A Mozart or Bach would simply listen to a note and intuitively decide that it sounded “right” to them with the choice made; they would have all the players of the ensemble adjust to the chosen tuning. This method was satisfactory for most early instrumental families. The introduction of polyphonic keyboard instruments such as the harpsichord and later the piano presented a new problem with intuitive tunings. The numerous individual strings were too difficult to adjust quickly, and therefore the need for standard tuning arose. To facilitate the need for standards, we use A=440 Hz today.
But, what of tunings that seemed natural to these composers of centuries ago? Many other cultures do not use western methods of tuning. Was there something lost with the creation of modern standards? Remember, music is defined by intervals not necessarily frequency. Is there a “right or correct” note?
In 1975, researcher Wesley H. Bateman began studies of many ancient building sites world wide, particularly the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. This work has spanned the last 25 years, from which he has rediscovered the mathematical system used by the original architects in defining the measurements of all aspects of the ancient structure. He has titled this system The Ra System (© 1987) and the units of measure derived from it the “Rods of Amon Ra” (© 1987), named for the ancient Egyptian sun god “Amon Ra.” In fact the Ra System of mathematics has proven to be the natural system of mathematics which nature uses to describe itself. Among the mathematical properties contained in the “Ra System” are formats of frequency and resonance that relate to nature and natural events. These are mathematically perfect sets that are used by nature. Presently, we know of nine Ra mathematical formats. Each format has its own version for all of the known mathematical constants such as: Pi, Phi, Balmer constant for hydrogen, Rydberg constant for hydrogen, and the speed of light—to name just a few.
In the fall of 1975, while engaged in e.e.g. biofeedback research, Bateman came upon a scientific paper written by Drs. C. Polk and F. Fitchen of the University of Rhode Island. The paper was titled: “The Schumann Resonances of the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity—Extremely Low Frequency Reception at Kingston R.I.” The report can be found in the Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards—D Radio Propagation—Vol. 66D, No. 3, May-June, 1962.
That paper described the instrumentation that was used at the time to receive and record extremely low frequency electromagnetic wave trains (elf waves) that are a by-product of lightning strikes occurring all over the Earth. The elf waves are contained within the natural resonance cavity (wave-guide) composed of the surface of the Earth and the “D” layer of the ionosphere. The resonance cavity of the Earth is analogous to the resonance cavity of a guitar or violin.
His interest in lightning generated elf waves was heightened when he realized that the waves had the same frequencies, frequency averages and wave shapes (envelopes) as do human brain waves. The frequency range of the elf waves is between 0.02 cycles per second (Hz) and 13.5 Hz. The most frequently occurring elf wave frequency is 10.6 Hz. The frequency of 10.6 Hz is very important to the present invention.
The human brain produces 4 distinct brain wave patterns that are named after letters from the Greek alphabet. These brain wave patterns along with their frequencies are described below:
Delta: 0.02 Hz up to and including 3 Hz. A person who is either asleep or unconscious produces delta brain waves.
Theta: 3 Hz up to and including 7 Hz. A person who is either asleep or unconscious also generates Theta waves. Theta waves have been linked to the state of dreaming that is accompanied by “rapid eye movement” (REM sleep). Hyperactive children have been known to produce Theta waves while awake.
Alpha: 7 Hz up to and including 13.5 Hz. Alpha brain waves are generated when a person is relaxed or in a state of meditation.
Beta: 13.5 Hz. to 27 Hz. A person produces Beta waves when awake and totally aware of the world around them. Brain waves above 27 Hz. are known to occur on occasion and are called “High Beta.”
The most frequently generated Alpha brain wave produced by a meditating person is 10.6 Hz. As stated above, 10.6 Hz is also the most frequently occurring lightning generated elf wave. In addition, the last frequency of Alpha brain waves and the first ceiling frequency of the elf waves are in both cases 13.5 Hz. In October 1975, Bateman discovered a relationship between these frequencies and the mathematical constant Pi (3.1415926). The ratio of 10.6 Hz to 13.5 Hz is 0.785185185. The ratio 0.785185185 is almost directly proportional to Pi (3.1415926), i.e., 0.785185185×4=3.1407407. This relationship demonstrates that brain wave frequencies are Pi-based.
Similar to the relationship between alpha brain wave/elf wave frequencies and the mathematical constant Pi, Bateman also discovered a proportional relationship between the last frequency of Alpha brain waves or the first ceiling frequency of the elf wave phenomenon (which is in both cases 13.5 cycles per n.s.t.) and the mathematical constant Phi. When 13.5 cycles per n.s.t. is multiplied by 12 the result is 1.62. This result is very close in value to the number 1.61803389 (Phi). Phi and its associated Fibonacci ratios are found in the proportions and shapes of every living thing, including humans.
The above proportional relationships led Bateman to the conclusion that our brains function on the order of Pi and our bodies are proportioned on the order of Phi. Knowing that both Pi and Phi are well known constants that relate to the geometry of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Bateman undertook a full time 25-year study of the ancient structure. This long term study led to the discovery of the Ra System of mathematics.
The Nine Known Ra Formats
While studying the geometry of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Bateman encountered several numbers that were close in value to the square root of 2. These numbers were: 1.41371666 - - - and 1.414710633. Note that 1.41371666 - - - ×1.414710633=2. These numbers were arbitrarily named Red and Blue numbers. The actual value of the square root of 2 is 1.414213562. This value was then named a Green number; Red, Blue and Green being the basic constituents of the color white.
After considerable research it was realized that the Ra System of Mathematics consists of at least 9 formats. The names of the nine known Ra formats and their related values of Pi are as follows: Omega Major; Alpha Major; Hydrogen Major; Blue; Green; Red; Hydrogen Minor; Alpha Minor; and Omega Minor. There is a relationship between each of the mirror image formats (Omega Major/Omega Minor-Alpha Major/Alpha Minor-Hydrogen Major/Hydrogen Minor-Blue/Red) and the central format (Green).
For the sake of brevity 5 values for the square root of 2 and five values for Pi are seen in the chart below:
The corresponding values of Pi for each of the nine Ra formats are as follows:
From the list above, the ratios that relate one format to another can be easily calculated by multiplying the corresponding related values (i.e., Major/Minor or Blue/Red) and comparing the number to the square of Green Pi. Note: Omega Minor Pi×Omega Major Pi=9.87654321 (Green Pi squared) or Red Pi×Blue Pi=9.87654321 (Green Pi squared). The Green format is the central format.
In the Ra system of mathematics, the units of measurement are the Ram (which approximates the meter in size), the Ra foot (⅓ of a Ram), and Ra inches ( 1/12 of a Ra foot and 1/36 of a Ram). As will be explained below, there are different Rams for each Ra format.
When dealing with frequencies one is dealing with time (cycles per second). Bateman's studies led to the realization that nature uses a unit of time—or natural second of time (n.s.t.)—that is slightly longer in duration than the standard second we presently employ. In the Ra System of Mathematics, the speed of light is 300,000.00 Omega Major kilorams per n.s.t. The speed of light in kilometers has been measured and found to be 299,792.456081 kilometers per standard second (+/−1 m). Therefore the duration of the n.s.t. is 1.000692286 standard seconds in length. This ratio is used to convert Ra musical frequencies from cycles per n.s.t. to cycles per standard second of time.
Using this conversion from standard seconds to n.s.t., the average Alpha brain wave or average elf wave frequency is 10.602875 cycles per n.s.t. Employing the same relationship to Pi demonstrated above, the ratio of 10.602875 cycles per n.s.t. to 13.5 Hz =0.7853981481—and—0.7853981481×4=3.141592592.
The numbers: 10.602875 and 3.141592592 - - - are Red numbers. In fact, as will be described more fully below, 106.02875 cycles per n.s.t. (about 10 times the average Alpha brain wave or average elf wave frequency) is the second octave of Red “A”.
In addition, each Ra format is divided into different levels or Rods based upon 10 basic formats as set forth above with the central Green format being treated as Green Major and Green Minor. The ratio between each Rod format level is 1.0125 which is the reciprocal of Green Pi squared times 10. Minor up values are numerically larger than their corresponding down values. In contrast, Major up values are numerically smaller than their corresponding down values. On the Major side, to obtain the next up level one must take the value of any up level and divide it by 1.0125. On the Major side, to obtain the next down level one must take the value of any down level and multiply it by 1.0125. On the Minor side, up levels are multiplied by 1.0125 and down levels are divided by 1.0125.
The Ra and Rod formats apply not only to frequencies, but to electronic waves, broadcast frequency, computer systems, wave structures, biorhythms, brain waves, bio-electrical functions, botany, Earth and astronomical sciences. Other possible applications include artificial intelligence, computer sciences, broadcast, entertainment, space-time, human and veterinary medicine, chemistry, biology, botanical-agriculture (both land and sea), mining, manufacturing, aviation, air, sea and space navigation, communications-terrestrial/space, Earth and astronomical sciences. The relevance of each application is still to be determined. These discoveries are truly “Universal”.
Accordingly, it is an object of this invention to provide a unique process to convert frequencies of standard musical notes into frequencies having a greater appeal to a listener.
It is a further object to provide a device incorporating this process.
This present invention comprises an electronic device—called the “Pyramid Processor”—and a corresponding method that converts musical notes from standard frequencies to Rod format musical notes based upon Ra formats. The conversion of standard musical notes measured in cycles per standard seconds to Rod format musical notes measured in cycles per standard seconds is based on two very important factors:
The apparatus for converting the frequency of standard musical notes to a corresponding frequency of Rod format musical notes comprises a processor having a signal input port and a signal output port, means for converting the frequency of standard musical notes to a corresponding frequency of Rod format musical notes, means for selecting a Rod format natural harmonic resonance, and a frequency analyzer. The means for converting may comprise a software program or a hardware configuration containing all Rod format natural harmonic resonances. The means for selecting a Rod format natural harmonic resonance may comprise means for selecting two or more Rod format natural harmonic resonances and may comprise a switch, a dial, or multiple buttons having positions corresponding to each of the nine Rod formats. The apparatus may be connected to an audio device, i.e., a tuner or a computer, for transmission of a signal of standard musical notes and receipt of a signal of converted Rod format musical notes. The apparatus may also comprise means for recording an output signal, i.e., tape recorder, CD burner, computer hard drive.
The process for converting standard musical notes to Rod format musical notes comprises inputting a signal of standard musical notes, each note having a frequency, analyzing the frequency of each note in the signal of standard musical notes, selecting a Rod format natural harmonic resonance, converting the frequency of each note in the signal of standard musical notes to a natural frequency corresponding to the selected Rod format natural harmonic resonance, and outputting a signal of natural musical notes consisting of each of the converted notes. The process may further comprise a step of analyzing the frequency of each of the converted notes prior to the outputting step. The input signal may be either analog or digital, but an analog signal should be converted to a digital signal before converting the notes to a Rod format. The process may involve the conversion of signals of standard musical notes consisting of two or more audio channels which are each converted to a Rod format. The two or more audio channels of an output signal of Rod format natural musical notes may be layered as different audio channels are commonly layered, i.e., stereo, surround, etc.
Where as the two factors are essential for the hardware of the Pyramid Processor to electronically convert standard note music frequencies to Ra standard note music frequencies—no other variation of these factors will permit the Pyramid Processor or another device to do so. These factors form the basis for either a hard wired program or a software program that provides the same data to any variation of the Pyramid Processor.
The accompanying drawings illustrate the invention. In such drawings:
In the case of Ra music there are 9 frequency values for the “A” musical tone, 9 values for the “B” musical tone etc. That is: Red “A”, Green “A”, Blue “A”, Omega Major “A”, Omega Minor “A”, Hydrogen Major “A”, Hydrogen Minor “A”, Alpha Major “A”, and Alpha Minor “A”. The frequency of Red “A”×the frequency of Blue “A” equals the frequency of Green “A” squared. This rule is true for any 2 mirror format values of “A” or for any other Ra musical tones which are located in their respective mirrored formats.
When Johann Sebastian Bach laid out the even-tempered clavichord he intuitively separated the notes by Ra value ratios. Therefore Bach's ratios are perfectly valid for the 9 Ra musical scales. The Bach Ratios are:
The conversion of standard musical notes measured in cycles per standard seconds to Ra musical notes measured in cycles per standard seconds is based on two very important factors:
Using the Ra System of mathematics and the formulas described above, the conversion ratios presented in
Then, the Bach ratios described above may be used to convert the “A” in Ra format to any other note, i.e., “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, or “G”.
The above conversion ratios are determined by calculating the frequency of a note as defined in the Ra system and generating the ratio for ease of repeatability. Calculating the frequency of a note as defined in the Ra system is accomplished in the following manner.
To calculate the frequency for each note in a Ra format, one must roll out a Pi wheel having the corresponding Ra format unit diameter as depicted in
For example, as shown in
The corresponding distances traveled for each of these degrees of rotation for each of the nine Ra formats are shown in
Each successive octave is obtained by multiplying the frequency of the previous octave by 2, i.e., 1st octave Red “C” is 63.61725 Hz and the 2nd octave Red “C” is 127.2345 Hz. In addition, each successive octave may be calculated by multiplying the degrees to obtain the successive octave, i.e., the second octave of “C” is 145.8° (72.90×2) and the third octave of “C” is 291.6° (145.8°×2). However, due to the large number of decimal places, calculating successive octaves by the later method increases mathematical error.
The 4th octave of “D” is 656.1 (2^3×82.0125) degrees of rotation. There are 656.1 Ra milli-microns in the Balmer m3 spectral line of hydrogen (visible).
The 6th octave of “D” is 2624.4 (2^5×. 82.0125) degrees of rotation. There are 2624.4 Ra milli-microns in the Brackett m3 spectral line for hydrogen (deep infra red).
The 3rd octave of “E” is 364.5 (2^2×91.125) degrees of rotation. The Balmer Constant is 91.125.
The 1st octave of “F” is 97.2 degrees of rotation. There are 97.2 Ra milli-microns in the Lyman m4 spectral line of hydrogen (visible).
The 2nd octave of “F” is 194.4 (2^1×97.2) degrees of rotation. There are 194.4 Ra milli-microns in the Brackett m8 spectral line of hydrogen (deep infra red).
The 3rd octave of “F” is 388.8 (2^2×97.2) degrees of rotation. There are 388.8 Ra milli-microns in the Balmer m8 spectral line of hydrogen (visible).
The 1st octave of “G” is 109.35 degrees of rotation. There are 109.35 Ra milli-microns in the Paschen m6 spectral line of hydrogen (near infra red).
The 4th octave of A is 486 (2^3×60.75) degrees of rotation. There are 486 Ra milli-microns in the Balmer m4 spectral line of hydrogen (visible).
The 2nd octave of A is 121.5 (2^1×60.75) degrees of rotation. There are 121.5 Ra milli-microns in the Lyman m2 spectral line of hydrogen (ultra violet). The most intense spectral line of hydrogen is 121.5 Ra milli-microns. The related Red “A” frequency of 106.02875 approximates the average alpha wave produced by a meditating human being and the most frequently occurring elf wave generated by lightning. This is the Ra base line frequency from which all other harmonious Ra musical tones are derived.
The ratio of a n.s.t. to a standard second is used to convert Ra musical frequencies from cycles per n.s.t. to cycles per standard second of time. Musical instruments may be tuned to standard Ra tones in order to produce pleasing musical renditions. In addition, vintage musical recordings of any type may be processed (translated) to Ra tones per standard second seconds electronically by the Pyramid Processor and then re-recorded for repeated listening.
The Green Ra Tone Scale—Natural and Standard
The Ra formats relate to many aspects of nature and science. One relationship to be estimated is musical notes and their conversion to natural frequencies. In the Green Ra format, the following 1st octave frequencies have been calculated per natural second of time (n.s.t.):
In the Green Ra format, the following 1st octave frequencies have been calculated per standard second of time (s.s.t.):
Another method to find the tonal frequencies for the other Ra formats is to use the ratios that are evident when the Pi values of each format are mathematically compared to the Pi value for the Green format. For example, standard Green “A” is 52.9963197 cycles per second. The ratio of Red Pi to Green Pi is 3.141592÷3.142696805 and that value multiplied by 52.9963197 cycles per second equals 52.977699 cycles per second. The standard Red “A” is 52.977699 cycles per second.
Method For Producing Musical Frequencies in all 9 Ra Formats
Having determined the natural values of the frequency of notes in standard seconds, the following will convert a composition or other series of musical notes into a Ra format based composition.
This conversion can be precisely demonstrated for all the values of the musical notes in the various Ra format scales. The table in
Major and Minor Rod Format Levels
There are at least 480 Rods based upon 10 basic Ra formats. These Ra formats are Alpha Major, Alpha Minor, Hydrogen Major, Hydrogen Minor, Omega Major, Omega Minor, Red, Blue, Green Major and Green Minor. Minor and Major may be used interchangeably with Left and Right respectively when referring to the various Ra formats. The Green Major and Green Minor formats correspond to the Green Ra format discussed above. For the one up Rod format, Green Major and Green Minor are equal. Successive up and down Rod formats are calculated for Green Major and Green Minor as discussed herein.
Starting with the 1-up values for the Major Ra formats, subsequent up values are determined by dividing the current up Rod format by 1.0125—the reciprocal of Green Pi squared times ten. Starting with the 1-down values for each of the Major Ra formats, subsequent down Rod formats are determined by multiplying the current down Rod format by 1.0125. This relationship reverses for the Minor Ra formats. To get successive up Rod formats, the current up Rod format is multiplied by 1.0125. To get successive down Rod formats, the current down Rod format is divided by 1.0125. In theory, the number of Rod formats is unlimited insofar as one may repeatedly divide or multiply successive up/down Rod formats by 1.0125 to determine successive up/down Rod formats. As of the writing of this application, applicants have confirmed the existence of at least 480 Rod formats based upon the 10 Ra formats.
There are no up or down Rod values for the Green format as a central format. This is true because the value of a Major Rod format multiplied by the value of its Minor counterpart is equal to the Green value for the same Rod or Rod subdivision squared. For example, Alpha Major 1-up (125.9712) multiplied by Alpha Minor 1-up (128.600823045) equals 16,200. The square of the Green Rod 1-up value (127.2792206) equals 16,200.
Up and down Rod values for Green Major and Green Minor Ra formats do exist using the Green Rod as the 1-up value for both Green Major and Green Minor. This relationship carries over to subsequent up or down Rod values for any Major or Minor Ra format and the corresponding Major and Minor Green formats.
A number of interesting relationships arise from the Rod values. The Alpha Major 1-up Rod value of 125.9712 is proportional by a power of ten to the value of the permeability constant for free space (1.256×10−7). Further, the Alpha Minor 2-up Rod value of 130.208333 is the frequency generated by the beating wings of a bumblebee, which it has been theorized should not be able to fly based upon its anatomical shape. The ratio between each format level (1.0125) when squared equals 1.02515625, which is proportional by a power of ten to the value of the wave length of the Lyman M3 spectral line for hydrogen (1025.15625 milli-microns).
It is a simple calculation to establish a musical scale for any Rod format up or down level. A particular Rod value is divided by 120 then multiplied by 100. This calculation produces the second octave of the musical note “A” for that Rod level. Other notes in the octave can then be determined using the Bach Ratios. In addition, any Pi musical scale can be created by first determining the Pi value and level for a particular Rod format of interest. The diameter of one master ram of that Rod format can be multiplied by the established Pi value to obtain a circumference. The “C” musical note corresponding to that particular Rod format will be produced by rolling the wheel 72.9 degrees as in the method discussed above with regard to the Pi wheel depicted in
Similar to
Test subjects of the soul types corresponding to Alpha Major and Alpha Minor Ra formats reported that the Ra frequencies appearing in the bottom table of
Both charts depicted in
The Pyramid Processor
The Pyramid Processor itself consists of 2 main parts: 1) a uniquely designed electronic device that recognizes standard forms of musical notes (frequencies) that were previously recorded on any type of existing recording medium; and 2) a hard wired or software program containing all Ra frequency scales.
The Pyramid Processor allows a user to select a single or any combination of compatible Ra frequency scales i.e., Green, Red, Blue, Red-Blue, and Red-Blue-Green, etc. It has been found that the formats of Red, Blue, and Green, in any combination or individually produce, the most pleasing sounds to a human being, although any of the Rod formats will operate under the present invention.
During processing under the present invention, the frequencies of notes in standard music—either A-G scale or solfeggio frequencies—are converted into Rod frequencies as illustrated in the flowchart of
The means for converting 22 may comprise either a software program containing conversions and/or frequencies for all Rod format natural harmonic resonances or hardware containing all Rod format natural harmonic resonances. The means for selecting 18 a Rod format natural harmonic resonance may comprise a switch, a dial, or multiple buttons having positions corresponding to a single Rod format or combinations of multiple Rod formats. As described above, the Pyramid Processor 10 may be configured to convert multiple audio channels into multiple corresponding Rod formats.
The signal input port 14 may be connected to a microphone for receiving a real time audio signal or may be connected to an audio device, i.e., a stereo receiver, for converting an audio signal from a non-real time event, i.e., prerecorded tape, compact disc, computer file, etc. The signal output port 16 may likewise be connected to another audio device, i.e., stereo receiver, for reproduction of the converted signal through the stereo speakers or re-recording of the converted signal. The means for recording may comprise a tape deck, CD burner, or other known recording device.
As shown in
With reference to
In modern audio production and reproduction, the signal path is anywhere from a single signal path to multiple signal paths or channels, i.e., right, left, center, surround, etc. This is to provide separate signal paths for each audio component. Therefore a conversion system would have multiple signal paths and processing as shown below:
This would be true for “N” numbers of channels that are necessary for any application.
Although an embodiment has been described and illustrated, it should not be construed as limiting the scope of the invention as various modifications may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
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Number | Date | Country | |
20100024626 A1 | Feb 2010 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 11915670 | Jun 2008 | US |
Child | 12560816 | US |