Front and rear wheel drive vehicle and control device for controlling same

A front and rear wheel drive vehicle (1) having front and rear wheel pairs one of which is driven with an engine (3) and the other one of which is driven with an electric motor (5), and a control device (6) for the same are disclosed as including a target drive-power setting means (62) which settles a target drive-power responsive to operating conditions of the vehicle, a motor- assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit (distribution setting means) 63 which settles a drive-power distribution-ratio between an engine drive-power and a motor drive-power according to the degree of contribution to fuel consumption obtained from a first equation on the basis of the target drive-power and a vehicle speed, and an electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit (charging-mode distribution-ratio setting means) 61 which settles a charging-mode description-ratio, between the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power, responsive to the degree of contribution to fuel consumption during a charging-mode that is obtained in a second equation on the basis of the target drive-power and the vehicle speed, thereby controlling the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power responsive to the drive-power distribution- ratio or the charging-mode discrimination-ratio.


[0001] The present invention relates to front and rear wheel drive vehicles and, more particularly, to a front and rear wheel drive vehicle and a control device for the front and rear wheel drive vehicle wherein one of front and rear wheel pairs is driven with an engine and the other one of the front and rear wheel pairs is driven with an electric motor.


[0002] In recent years, extensive research and development works have been undertaken to provide a front and rear wheel drive vehicle wherein one of front and rear wheel pairs is driven with an engine and the other one of the front and rear wheel pairs is driven with an electric motor. The front and rear wheel drive vehicle is a vehicle which serves as a hybrid vehicle having a low fuel consumption and which serves as a four-wheel drive vehicle having a running stability.

[0003] In general, the front and rear wheel drive vehicle includes a battery that stores electric power to be supplied to the electric motor, and an electric power generator that charges the battery. In a case where the electric motor, which drives the wheels, serves as the electric power generator, the electric motor regenerates a portion of the running energy of the vehicle as an electrical energy, i.e., a regenerative power which is charged into the battery. Usually, the electric motor functions to produce regenerative power during a decelerating condition of the vehicle wherein an accelerator pedal is not depressed. However, in an event that a power remaining amount of the battery is below a given level, a forced charging operation is carried out even when the accelerator pedal is depressed. During regenerative operation of the electric motor, also, a brake force is applied to the wheels associated with the electric motor on account of its regenerative operation.

[0004] In addition, the front and rear wheel drive vehicle includes a control device which is arranged to set an engine drive-power and a motor drive-power and controls the engine and the electric motor. The control device functions to settle a target drive power necessary for driving the vehicle on the basis of a vehicle speed and an accelerator pedal's opening degrees, etc. Further, the control device selects a drive power distribution ratio from a data map, which is preliminarily set, and functions to divide the target drive-power into the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power on the basis of the drive power distribution ratio.


[0005] In such a hybrid vehicle, in order to improve fuel consumption, there are many instances where the control device selects a drive-power distribution ratio effective for minimizing fuel consumption of the engine. When the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power are settled on the basis of the drive-power distribution-ratio, fuel consumption of the engine is minimized. However, due to the minimized fuel consumption, there are many instances where the drive-power distribution-ratio specified for the engine is reduced and the motor drive power is increased. In such instances, the amount of electric power to be supplied by the battery and the amount of electric power to be charged into the battery are inevitably increased. As a result, in an event that the drive power distribution ratio, that minimizes the fuel consumption of the engine, is selected, there are some instances where a problem is encountered in a decrease in an energy efficiency of the hybrid system composed of the engine and the electric motor. That is, when distributing drive power components for the engine and the electric motor in the hybrid system, if the power distribution is implemented so as to minimize the fuel consumption of the engine, the electric power consumption of the electric motor tends to increase. For this reason, it is required for the battery to be charged to compensate for such electric power consumption and, therefore, the engine drive power should be increased to cause the electric motor to generate electric power output. This results in an increase in the fuel consumption of the engine, degrading an energy efficiency of the hybrid system with a resultant deterioration in the fuel consumption.

[0006] It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide a control device for a front and rear wheel drive vehicle for allocating drive power at the most optimum energy efficiency to minimize electric power consumption while providing an improved fuel consumption.

[0007] It is another object of the present invention to provide a front and rear wheel drive vehicle for allocating drive power at the most optimum energy efficiency to minimize electric power consumption while providing an improved fuel consumption.

[0008] According to a first aspect of the present invention, as defined in appended claim 1 to address the above issues, there is provided a control device for a front and rear wheel drive vehicle having a front wheel pair and a rear wheel pair, one of which is driven with an engine and the other one of which is driven with an electric motor, which comprises target drive-power setting means for setting a target drive-power of the front and rear wheel drive vehicle on the basis of operating conditions thereof, wherein the target drive-power setting means settles a distribution ratio between an engine drive-power and a motor drive-power on the basis of the target drive-power, settled by the target drive-power setting means, and a vehicle speed in dependence on a ratio between an incremental or decremental amount of fuel consumption and an incremental or decremental amount of electric power consumption, that are achieved during an operation of said electric motor, to thereby control the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power in accordance with the distribution ratio.

[0009] In the control device for the front and rear wheel drive vehicle, defined in the appended claim 1, the control device further comprises distribution-ratio setting means for obtaining a degree of contribution to fuel consumption in an equation (1) on the basis of the target drive-power settled with the target drive-power setting means and the vehicle speed for thereby setting a drive power distribution ratio between the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power on the basis of said degree of contribution to the fuel consumption such that the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power are controlled in dependence on the drive-power distribution-ratio settled by the distribution-ratio setting means, and wherein

(EF−AF)/PU . . .   (1)

[0010] where C=the degree of contribution to the fuel consumption;

[0011] EF=the amount of fuel consumption attained when the target drive-power is achieved with the engine drive-power;

[0012] AF=the amount of fuel consumption which is predicted when the motor drive power is added; and

[0013] PU=the amount of electric power consumption when the motor drive power is added.

[0014] With such a control device for the front and rear wheel drive vehicle, during the assist-mode with the drive power of the electric motor, the distribution ratio setting means functions to select an assist ratio (that is, the drive-power distribution-ratio) of the electric motor to maximize the ratio of “the decremental amount of fuel consumption due to the assist-mode versus the amount of electric power consumption due to the motor drive-power” (that is, at a value to maximize the decremental amount of fuel consumption versus the electric power consumption due to the motor assist-mode), thereby setting the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power. As a result, it is possible for the control device to reduce the electric power consumption to an extremely low value while decreasing the fuel consumption by the maximum limit, with a resultant improvement in an energy efficiency of the hybrid system.

[0015] In the control device for the front and rear wheel drive vehicle, as defined in the appended claim 1, the control device features the provision of electric storage means adapted to be charged with an electric power output of said electric motor, and charging-mode distribution ratio setting means for obtaining a degree of contribution to fuel consumption during a charging mode in an equation (2) on the basis of the target drive-power settled with the target drive-power setting means and said vehicle speed for thereby setting a charging mode distribution-ratio between the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power on the basis of the degree of contribution to the fuel consumption during the charging mode such that the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power are controlled in dependence on the charging-mode distribution-ratio settled by the charging-mode distribution-ratio setting means, and wherein

(GF−EF)/PC . . .   (2)

[0016] where CC=the degree of contribution to fuel consumption during the charging mode;

[0017] EF=the amount of fuel consumption attained when the target drive-power is achieved with the engine drive-power;

[0018] GF=the amount of fuel consumption which is predicted when the motor drive power is added; and

[0019] PC=the amount of electric power charge when the motor drive power is added.

[0020] With such a control device for the front and rear wheel drive vehicle, when the electric motor generates electric power output, the charging-mode distribution-ratio setting means functions to select an electric-power-generation-ratio for the electric motor (that is, the charging-mode distribution-ratio) such that “the incremental amount of fuel consumption due to the motor drive power versus the power-charging amount of the electric storage means due to electric power output of the electric motor” is minimized (that is, the incremental amount of fuel consumption due to the charging-mode versus the power-charging amount is minimized), thereby setting the engine drive power and the motor drive-power (with the negative value). As a result, it is possible for the control device to maximize the power-charging amount while decreasing the fuel consumption to a level as low as possible to improve the energy efficiency of the hybrid system.

[0021] According to a second aspect of the present invention, there is provided a control device for a front and rear wheel drive vehicle having a front wheel pair and a rear wheel pair, one of which is driven with an engine and the other one of which is driven with an electric motor, which comprises sensor means for producing detection signals representative of operating conditions of the front and rear wheel drive vehicle, target drive-power setting means for setting a target drive-power of the front and rear wheel drive vehicle in response to said detection signals, engine drive power setting means for setting an engine drive-power in response to the target drive-power, and motor drive-power setting means for setting a motor drive-power in response to the target drive-power. The target drive-power setting means settles a plurality of distribution-ratios, to be used in a plurality of operating modes of said vehicle, between an engine drive-power and a motor drive-power on the basis of the target drive-power and a vehicle speed in dependence on a ratio between an incremental or decremental amount of fuel consumption and an incremental or decremental amount of electric power consumption, that are achieved during an operation of the electric motor, to thereby control the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power in accordance with the distribution-ratio.

[0022] According to a third aspect of the present invention, there is provided a front and rear wheel drive vehicle having a front wheel pair and a rear wheel pairs which comprises an engine drivably coupled to one of the front and rear wheel pairs, an electric motor drivably coupled to the other one of said front and rear wheel pairs, sensor means for producing detection signals representative of operating conditions of the front and rear wheel drive vehicle, target drive-power setting means for setting a target drive-power of the front and rear wheel drive vehicle in response to the detection signals, engine drive-power setting means for setting an engine drive-power in response to the target drive-power, and motor drive power setting means for setting a motor drive-power in response to the target drive-power. The target drive-power setting means settles a plurality of distribution ratios, to be used in a plurality of operating modes of said vehicle, between an engine drive-power and a motor drive-power on the basis of the target drive-power and a vehicle speed in dependence on a ratio between an incremental or decremental amount of fuel consumption and an incremental or decremental amount of electric power consumption, that are achieved during an operation of the electric motor, to thereby control the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power in accordance with the distribution ratio.

[0023] The operating conditions indicate driving conditions in regard with running of the front and rear wheel drive vehicle, such as an accelerator pedal's opening degrees and a vehicle speed.


[0024] Preferred embodiments of the present invention will be described below, by way of example only, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1 is a schematic view of an overall structural view of a preferred embodiment of a front and rear wheel drive vehicle according to the present invention;

FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a control device of the front and rear wheel drive vehicle shown in FIG. 1;

FIG. 3 is a view for illustrating a method of preparing a motor assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map to be employed in a motor assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit shown in FIG. 2;

FIG. 4 is a view for illustrating a method of preparing an electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map to be employed in an electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit shown in FIG. 2;

FIGS. 5A to 5D are schematic views illustrating an assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map employed in a map-changeover discriminating unit shown in FIG. 2, wherein FIG. 5A is a view for illustrating the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map, FIG. 5B is a view for illustrating the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map when a battery power-remaining amount remains at a high level, FIG. 5C is a view for illustrating the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map when the battery-power remaining amount remains at a medium level and FIG. 5D is a view for illustrating the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map when the battery-power remaining amount remains at a low level; and

FIG. 6 is a flow diagram of the basic sequence of operational steps of the control device shown in FIG. 2.


[0031] To describe the present invention more in detail, a preferred embodiment of a control device for a front and rear wheel drive vehicle according to the present invention will be described below in detail with reference to the drawings.

[0032] Advanced features of the control device for the front and rear wheel drive vehicle according to the present invention involves the presence of a power distribution-ratio setting unit which settles a drive-power distribution-ratio such that the quotient of “the decremental amount of fuel consumption in a motor's assist-mode versus the amount of electric power consumption of the motor” assumes the maximum value to improve an energy efficiency of a hybrid drive system during a motor's assist-operation. Further, the control device employs a charging-mode distribution-ratio setting unit which settles a charging-mode distribution-ratio such that the quotient of “the incremental amount of fuel consumption in a motor's power-generation-mode versus the power charging amount due to the motor” assumes the minimum value to improve an energy efficiency of the hybrid drive system during a motor's power-generating mode.

[0033] In the illustrated embodiment of the present invention, the front and rear wheel drive vehicle to which the control device of the present invention is applied will be described with reference to a front and rear wheel drive vehicle wherein a front wheel pair is driven with an engine and a rear wheel pair is driven with a motor. In the illustrated embodiment, further, the control device of the present invention includes a drive-power distribution-ratio data map for a motor assist-mode that serves as a map for enabling a distribution in drive power between an engine drive-power and a motor drive-power, a drive-power distribution-ratio data map for running in an electric-power-generation mode and a drive-power distribution-ratio data map for a slipping mode. Further, the control device functions to change over to the drive-power distribution-ratio map for the slipping mode during a slipping phase and to change over the power-drive distribution-ratio for the motor-assist-mode and the power-drive distribution-ratio for the motor's power-generation-mode on the basis of a remaining amount of a battery to execute the distribution between the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power. Also, the motor drive-power represents a negative value (due to electric power generation) to cause a braking force acting against the engine drive-power.

[0034] Now, a structural overview of the front and rear wheel drive vehicle 1 (hereinafter called as a vehicle) is described below in detail in conjunction with FIG. 1. FIG. 1 is an overall structural view of the front and rear wheel drive vehicle.

[0035] In the illustrated embodiment, the front and rear wheel drive vehicle 1 refers to a front and rear wheel drive vehicle defined in appended claims.

[0036] The vehicle 1 has left and right front wheels 2, 2 which are driven with an engine 3, and left and right rear wheels 4, 4 which are driven with a motor 5. Further, in the vehicle 1, the control system 6 controls the engine 3 and the motor 5.

[0037] In the illustrated embodiment, also, the front wheels 2, 2 refer to one of front and rear wheel pairs defined in the appended claims. The rear wheels 4, 4 refer to the other one of the front and rear wheel pairs defined in the appended claims. The engine 3 refers to an engine defined in the appended claims. The motor 5 refers to an electric motor defined in the appended claims, and the control device 6 refers a control device defined in the appended claims.

[0038] The engine 3 is laterally mounted on a front area of the vehicle 1. In addition, the engine 3 is coupled through an automatic power transmission 7, which includes a torque converter 7a and a main shaft 7b, and a front differential 8 to the front wheels 2, 2 to drive the same. Further, the engine 3 includes a throttle valve 26, which is connected through a DBW (Drive By Wire) driver 25 to the control device 6. Also, the drive power level of the engine 3 is settled by the control device 6 and, on the basis of such drive power level, an opening degree of the throttle valve 26 is electronically controlled by the DBW driver 25. The DBW driver 25 includes a motor for varying the opening degree of the throttle valve 26.

[0039] The motor 5 is mounted on a rear area of the vehicle 1. Further, the motor 5 is connected to a battery 9 which serves as a power supply. In addition, the motor 5 is coupled through an electromagnetic clutch 10 and a rear differential 11 to the rear wheels 4, 4 to drive the same. Also, the motor 5 is supplied with an electric power output of the battery 9 and, in a case where the electromagnetic clutch 10 remains in a coupled state, the rear wheels 4, 4 are driven to maintain the vehicle 1 in a four-wheel drive state. On one hand, in an event that the motor 5 is driven with a running energy of the vehicle 1, the motor 5 functions as an electric power generator to recapture a regenerative power.

[0040] Further, a current sensor 12 and a voltage sensor 13 are provided in the battery 9 to detect these parameters for producing a battery current signal BC and a battery voltage signal BV, respectively, which are introduced to the control device 6. In this connection, the battery current signal BC and the battery voltage signal BV are used in the control device 6 to calculate a power remaining amount SOC of the battery 9.

[0041] In the illustrated embodiment, furthermore, the battery 9 refers to electric storage means defined in the appended claims.

[0042] Further, the motor 5 is coupled through a motor driver 15 to the control device 6. In addition, the control device 6 sets the drive power level of the motor 5 required during the four-wheel driving state and the electric power output level (negative drive power level) of the motor 5 during the regenerative power generating mode, based on which the motor driver 15 controls the motor 5. The motor driver 15 serves as a control unit for the motor 5 to perform control for electric current level, etc., of the motor 5. Furthermore, coupling or uncoupling states of the electromagnetic clutch 10 are discriminated with the control device 6, which then controls supply or interruption of electric current to be supplied to a solenoid (not shown) of the electromagnetic clutch 10.

[0043] In order to control the engine 3 and the motor 5 with the control device 6, the vehicle 1 has various sensors to introduce various information items to the control device 6. To this end, wheel sensors 16 each of a magnetic flux pick-up type are provided at the left and right front wheels 2, 2 and the left and right rear wheels 4, 4, respectively, to detect respective rotational speeds for producing respective wheel's rotational speed signals WS (also referred to as a “RPM signal”), each representing a train of pulse signals indicative of the rotational speed (also referred to as “RPM”), to be introduced to the control device 6. Further, acceleration sensors 17, 18 are provided at one of the left and right front wheels 2, 2 and at one of the left and right rear wheels 4, 4, respectively, to detect respective acceleration degrees of the front wheels 2, 2 and the rear wheels 4, 4 for producing acceleration signals WA which are introduced to the control device 6. Also, the acceleration sensors 17, 18 are composed of fore and sensors (of a magnetostrictor type), which are mounted in a central area of the vehicle 1, respectively, for detecting acceleration levels in fore and aft directions of the vehicle such that the acceleration signals WA indicative of accelerations in the fore and aft directions of the vehicle detected by the acceleration sensors may be introduced to the control device 6 in order to accurately obtain the vehicle speed. In the control device 6, further, the wheel's RPM signals WS is used for calculating a wheel's speed, and the wheel's RPM signals WS and the acceleration signals WA are used for calculating a vehicle speed.

[0044] A crank angle sensor 19 is also mounted to a crankshaft (not shown) of the engine 3 to detect a crank angular position of the crankshaft to produce a crank pulse signal CP representative of a crank angle which is applied to the control device 6. Further, a main shaft RPM sensor 20 of a magnetic pick-up type is mounted to the automatic power transmission 7 to detect a rotational speed of the main shaft 7b for producing a main shaft RPM signal NM, composed of a train of pulse signal indicative of the RPM of the main shaft 7b, which is introduced to the control device 6. The crank pulse signal CP is used in the control device 6 to calculate an engine RPM signal NE. Further, the main shaft RPM signal NM is used in combination with the engine RPM signal NE in the control device 6 to calculate a slip ratio=NM/NE of the torque converter 7a.

[0045] In addition, a motor RPM sensor 21 is mounted to the motor 15 of a resolver type is mounted to the motor 5 to detect a RPM value of the motor 5 for producing a motor RPM signal MS, composed of a train of pulse signal representative of the RPM value of the motor 5, which is applied to the control device 6.

[0046] Further, an accelerator opening sensor 23 is coupled to an accelerator pedal 22 to detect an accelerator's displacement opening degree for producing an accelerator opening signal AO, composed of a train of pulse signals inclusive of ON/OFF states of the accelerator pedal 22, which is applied to the control device 6.

[0047] The control device 6 is constructed of a microcomputer (not shown) composed of a RAM (Random Access Memory), a ROM (Read Only Memory), a CPU (Central Processing Unit) and I/O Interfaces, etc. The control device 6 includes a motor assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 63d, an electric-power-generation-mode drive-power distribution-ratio map 64d and a slipping-mode drive-power distribution-ratio map (see FIGS. 3 and 4), which serve as maps for executing distribution of the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power. Further, the control device 6 settles a target drive-power on the basis of the accelerator opening degree and the vehicle speed. In addition, the control device 6 functions to switch to the slip-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 65 during the slipping operation, and to change over the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 63 and the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 64 on the basis of the battery-power remaining amount SOC during a non-slipping operation, and to settle the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power on the basis of respective drive-power distribution-ratio and the target drive-power. Consecutively, the control device 6 generates an engine drive signal ED on the basis of the engine drive-power and a motor-demanded-torque signal MT on the basis of the motor drive-power. Further, the control device 6 outputs the engine drive signal ED to a DBW driver 25 to control the opening degree of the throttle valve 26 for thereby controlling the drive power output of the engine 3. Likewise, the control device 6 outputs the motor-demanded-torque signal MT to the motor driver 15 for thereby controlling the drive power output of the same.

[0048] Now, an overview of the control device 6 is described below in detail in conjunction with FIG. 2, which shows a structural view of the control device 6 for the front and rear wheel drive vehicle according to the present invention.

[0049] The control device 6 includes a vehicle-speed estimating unit 60, a slip detection unit 61, a target drive-power setting unit 62, a motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 63, an electric-power-generation-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 64, a slip-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 65, a map changeover discriminating unit 66, a map changeover unit 67, an engine drive-power setting unit 68, a motor drive-power setting unit 69, an engine drive signal setting unit 70 and a motor-demanded-torque signal setting unit 71.

[0050] In the illustrated embodiment, further, the target drive-power setting unit 62 refers to a target drive-power setting means defined in the appended claims, the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 63 refers to a distribution-ratio setting means defined in the appended claims, and the electric-power-generation-mode distribution-ratio setting unit 64 refers to a charging-mode distribution-ratio setting means.

[0051] Initially, the vehicle-speed estimating unit 60 is described in detail. The vehicle-speed estimating unit 60 is applied with the wheel's RPM signals WS from the wheel sensors 16 and the acceleration signals WA outputted by the acceleration sensors 17, 18 to produce a vehicle speed signal BS, which is applied to the slip detection unit 61, the target drive-power setting unit 62, the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 63, the electric-power-generation-mode distribution-ratio setting unit 64, the slip-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 65 and the map changeover discriminating unit 66.

[0052] The vehicle-speed estimating unit 60 functions to calculate the wheel speeds of the respective wheels 2, 2, 4, 4 on the basis of the wheel's RPM signals WS. Further, the vehicle-speed estimating unit 60 functions to calculate the vehicle speed BS of the vehicle 1 on the basis of a history of the past vehicle speed, the wheel speeds and the acceleration signals WA.

[0053] Next, the slip detection unit 61 is described below in detail. The slip detection unit 61 is applied with the wheel's RPM signals WS outputted by the wheel sensors 16, and the vehicle speed Bs outputted from the vehicle speed estimating unit 60 to produce a slip detection signal SS which is applied to the target drive-power setting unit 62 and the map changeover unit 66. The slip detection unit 61 functions to calculate wheel speeds of the respective wheels 2, 2, 4, 4 on the basis of the wheel RPM signals WS. Further, the slip detection unit 61 functions to calculate slip rates of the respective wheels 2, 2, 4, 4 on the basis of the wheel speed of the respective wheels and the vehicle speed BS. In addition, the slip detection unit 61 discriminates whether the vehicle 1 remains in a slipping condition or in a non-slipping condition on the basis of the slip rates of the respective wheels 2, 2, 4, 4 such that, when the vehicle 1 remains in the slipping condition, the slip detection unit 61 produces a slip detection signal SS of “1” and, when the vehicle 1 remains in the non-slipping condition, the slip detection unit 61 produces the slip detection signal SS of “0”. The discrimination whether the vehicle 1 remains in the slipping condition or in the non-slipping condition is executed on the basis of the slip rates of the four-wheel rotating conditions when the vehicle 1 runs on a dry asphalt, and the presence of the slipping condition is recognized even if there exists a little difference in slip rates from the aforementioned slip rates.

[0054] Now, the target drive-power setting unit 62 is described below in detail. The target drive-power setting unit 62 is applied with the accelerator opening signal AO delivered from the accelerator opening sensor 23, the vehicle speed signal BS delivered from the vehicle-speed estimating unit 60 and the slip detection signal SS delivered from the slip detection unit 61 to produce a target drive-power signal TD which is outputted to the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 63, the electric power generation-mode drive power distribution-ratio setting unit 64, the slip-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 65, the map changeover unit 66, the engine drive-power setting unit 68 and the motor drive-power setting unit 69. Further, the target drive-power signal TD is indicative of a drive-power that is required for the vehicle 1 and includes drive-power outputs produced by the engine 3 and the motor 5. In this connection, when the motor 5 functions as an electric power generator, all of the target drive-power TD is produced by the engine 3. In this even, further, the running energy that is used by the motor 5 is produced by the engine 3.

[0055] The target drive-power setting unit 62 includes a memory unit such as ROM etc. that stores a table associated with the vehicle speed BS which is settled on the basis a preliminary experimental test result or a designed value and the accelerator opening signal AO in terms of the target drive-power TD. Further, the table is arranged such that the larger the opening degree of the accelerator opening, the larger will be the target drive-power and the higher the vehicle speed, the smaller will be the target drive-power. In the event that the slip detection signal SS indicates “O”, the target drive-power setting unit 62 reads out the target drive-power TD associated with an address in terms of the vehicle speed BS and the accelerator opening signal AO. On the contrary, In the event that the slip detection signal SS indicates “1”, the target drive-power setting unit 62 calculates a road-surface-frictional-coefficient estimated value (with the frictional-coefficient hereinafter referred to as “μ”) on the basis of the slip rates of the respective wheels 2, 2, 4, 4. Also, the target drive-power setting unit 62 calculates a drive power to be transmitted to a road surface during the slipping operation on the basis of the total weight of the vehicle 1 and the road-surface μ-estimated value, with the drive power to be transmitted being assigned as the target drive power TD.

[0056] Next, the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 63 is described below in detail. The motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 63 is applied with the vehicle speed BS from the vehicle-speed estimating unit 60 and the target drive-power TD from the target drive-power setting unit 62 to produce a motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio MD which is applied to the map changeover unit 67.

[0057] The motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 63 includes a memory unit such as ROM etc., that stores a motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio map 63d (see FIG. 3) associated with or interactive with the vehicle speed BS, which is settled on the basis of the preliminary experimental test result or the designed value, and the target drive power TD in terms of the motor assist-mode drive power distribution ratio data map 63d. Further, the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 63 reads out a motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio MD interactive with an address in terms of the vehicle speed BS and the target drive-power TD. Also, during an assist mode owing to the drive power produced by the motor 5, further, the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 63dserves as a map where in the drive-power distribution- ratio between the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power, to enable fuel consumption to be improved at the maximum efficiency while reducing electrical power consumption to the minimum value, is associated with the vehicle speed and the accelerator opening signal.

[0058] Referring to FIG. 3, a production process for the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 63d is described below in detail. Also, FIG. 3 is a view for illustrating a sequence of operations for producing the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 63d. First, the data maps 63a, 63b, 63c are prepared.

[0059] The data map 63a represents a fuel consumption data map wherein the target drive-power is achieved with drive power of the engine 3 by 100%. In particular, the data map 63a represents a map indicative of the amount of fuel consumption of the engine 3 which is plotted at respective matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds, that are plotted at given vehicle speed intervals (for example, at an interval of 1 km/h) starting from 0 km/h to the maximum vehicle speed, and the respective target drive-power levels that are plotted at given intervals of the drive power levels (for example, at an interval of 1 N).

[0060] Also, the data map 63b represents a fuel-consumption data map which is predicted in a case wherein the target drive-power is achieved with an assistance of the drive power of the motor 5. Further, in an event that the target drive-power is assisted with the motor 5, since the drive power of the motor 5 to be provided for assistance varies in a value ranging from 0% to 100% of the target drive-power level, the data map 63b is plotted into a data map representing the amount of fuel consumption that is plotted at given rate intervals (for example, at an interval of 1%) in terms of the drive-power distribution-ratio (%) that varies in a value ranging from 0 to 100 %.

[0061] Also, the data map 63c includes a plurality of map files plotted in terms of the respective drive-power distribution-ratios (%) assigned to the motor 5. In particular, the data map 63c represents a map indicative of the amount of electric power consumption of the motor 5, associated with the respective drive-power distribution-ratios to be assigned thereto, which is plotted at respective matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds, that are plotted at given vehicle speed intervals (for example, at an interval of 1 km/h) starting from 0 km/h to the maximum vehicle speed, and the respective target drive power levels that are plotted at given intervals of the drive power levels (for example, at an interval of 1 N).

[0062] Next, the degree of contribution to the fuel consumption during the charging mode is calculated for a case wherein the drive-power distribution-ratio to be assigned to the motor 5 is plotted at the given rate intervals (for example, at the interval of 1%) in a value ranging from 0% to 100% relative to the matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds, that are plotted at the given vehicle speed intervals (for example, at the interval of 1 km/h) starting from 0 km/h to the maximum vehicle speed, and the respective target drive-power levels that are plotted at given intervals of the drive power levels (for example, at the interval of 1 N), on the basis of the aforementioned equation (1) by using respective values of the data maps 63a, 63b, 63c. Accordingly, in an event that the drive-power distribution-ratio (%) to be assigned to the motor 5 is divided at the interval of the given ratio of 1%, the degree of contribution to the fuel consumption is calculated to have 101 units. Subsequently, the maximum degree of contribution to the fuel consumption is selected from the number of degrees of contribution to the fuel consumption calculated in such plural units, thereby selecting the drive power distribution ratio (%), to be assigned to the motor 5, associated with the selected degrees of contribution to the fuel consumption. That is, an operation is implemented to select the drive power distribution ratio (%), to be assigned to the motor 5, that maximizes a quotient of “a decreased amount of fuel consumption, predicted when the drive power is needed by the motor 5, versus electric power consumption when the drive power is added with the motor 5” . As a result, controlling the engine 3 and the motor 5 on the basis of the selected distribution-ratio allows the amount of fuel consumption to be reduced by the maximum limit and the amount of electric power consumption to be reduced by the maximum limit, resulting in an optimum energy efficiency in the hybrid drive system composed of the engine 3 and the motor 5. In this connection, the amount of fuel consumption, to be attained when the target drive power is achieved with the drive power of the engine 3 by 100%, becomes higher than the amount of fuel consumption at all times that is predicted in a case where the drive power is needed by the motor 5.

[0063] Also, in the illustrated embodiment, a symbol “EF” in the equation (1) represents the amount of fuel consumption of the engine 3 that is plotted at the matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds and the associated respective target drive-power appearing on the data map 63a, a symbol “AF” represents the amount of fuel consumption of the engine 3 that is predicted in a case where the respective distribution-ratios, to be assigned to the motor 5, is plotted at the respective matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds and the associated respective target drive-power appearing on the data map 63b and a symbol “PU” represents the amount of electric power consumption in a case where the respective distribution ratios, to be assigned to the motor 5, is plotted at the respective matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds and the associated respective target drive-power appearing on the data map 63c.

[0064] Lastly, an operation is performed to provide the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 63d on the basis of the respective drive-power distribution-ratios, to be assigned to the motor 5, that are selected in terms of the respective matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds and the respective target drive power levels. As a consequence, the presence of the motor assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 63d allows the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio MD to be selected such that it optimizes the energy efficiency to be achieved during the assist-mode of the motor 5, in terms of an arbitrary vehicle speed BS and an arbitrary target drive power TD. Also, since the data maps 63a, 63b, 63c represent the maps that are settled respectively on the basis of operating characteristics of the engine 3 and the motor 5 which are mounted in the vehicle 1, the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 63d serves as a map that reflects the operating characteristics of the engine 3 and the motor 5 mounted on the vehicle 1.

[0065] Next, the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 64 is described below in detail. The electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 64 is applied with the vehicle speed signal BS from the vehicle-speed estimating unit 60 and the target drive-power signal TD from the target drive-power setting unit 62 to produce an electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal GD which is applied to the map changeover unit 67. The electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 64 includes a memory unit such as ROM etc., that stores the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 64d (see FIG. 4) associated with the vehicle speed BS, that is settled on the basis of the preliminary experimental test result or the designed value and the target drive-power TD in terms of the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio GD. Further, the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 64 reads out the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio GD addressed with the vehicle speed BS and the target drive-power TD. Also, during charging mode owing to the electrical power output produced by the motor 5, further, the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 64 serves as a map wherein the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio is correlated with the vehicle speed and the accelerator opening signal to restrict the fuel consumption by the maximum limit from being deteriorated while obtaining the maximum charging rate.

[0066] Referring to FIG. 4, a production process for the electric-power generation running-mode drive power distribution ratio data map 64d is described below in detail. Also, FIG. 4 is a view for illustrating a sequence of operations for producing the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 64d. First, the data maps 64a, 64b, 64c are prepared. Also, since the data map 64a is identical with the aforementioned data map 63a and, therefore, a detailed description of the same is herein omitted.

[0067] The data map 64b represents a fuel-consumption data map that is predicted in a case wherein the electric-power generation is carried out by the motor 5. Further, since the running energy of the vehicle 1, which is used by the motor 5 to perform the electric-power generation, is produced with the drive-power of the engine 3, the engine 3 is arranged to produce the drive-power output, to be consumed by the motor 5, at a rate ranging from 0% to 100% of the target drive-power level. To this end, the data map 64b includes a plurality of map files associated with the respective drive-power distribution-ratios (%) assigned to the motor 5 during the charging mode. When the motor 5 performs the electric power generation, also, since the drive power is further added to the target drive power, the charging-mode distribution ratio(%) to be applied to the motor 5 is expressed as a negative value. In particular, the data map 64b represents a map indicative of the amount of fuel consumption that is predicted in case of the respective charging-mode distribution-ratios at the respective matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds, that are plotted at given vehicle speed intervals (for example, at an interval of 1 km/h) starting from 0 km/h to the maximum vehicle speed, and the respective target drive-power levels that are plotted at given intervals of the drive-power levels (for example, at the interval of 1 N).

[0068] Further, the data map 64c is a power-charging amount indicating map that is used when the electric-power generation is carried out by the motor 5. Further, when the electric power output is generated by the motor 5, since the motor 5 performs the electric power generation with the target drive-power varying in a value ranging from −100% to 0%, the data map 64c is plotted in terms of the power-charging amount in a case where the charging-mode distribution-ratio (%), to be applied to the motor 5, is plotted at the given rate intervals (for example, at the interval of 1%) in a value ranging from −100% to 0%. Accordingly, the data map 64c includes a plurality of map files plotted in terms of the respective charging- mode distribution-ratios (%) to be applied to the motor 5. In particular, the map data 64c represents a map indicative of the power-charging amount in case of the respective charging-mode distribution-ratios, to be applied to the motor 5, appearing at respective matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds, that are plotted at the given vehicle speed intervals (for example, at the interval of 1 km/h) starting from 0 km/h to the maximum vehicle speed, and the respective target drive-power levels that are plotted at the given intervals of the target drive-power levels (for example, at an interval of 1 N) with variation ranging from 0 N to the maximum target drive-power level.

[0069] Next, the degree of contribution to the fuel consumption during the charging mode is calculated for a case wherein the charging-mode distribution-ratio (%) to be assigned to the motor 5 is plotted at the given rate intervals (for example, at the interval of 1%) in a value ranging from −100 to 0% relative to the matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds, that are plotted at the given vehicle speed intervals (for example, at the interval of 1 km/h) starting from 0 km/h to the maximum vehicle speed, and the respective target drive-power levels that are plotted at given intervals of the drive-power levels (for example, at the interval of 1 N), on the basis of the aforementioned equation (2) by using respective values of the data maps 64a, 64b, 64c. Accordingly, in an event that the charging-mode distribution-ratio (%) to be assigned to the motor 5 is divided at the interval of the given ratio of 1%, the degree of contribution to the fuel consumption is calculated to have 101 units. Subsequently, the minimum degree of contribution to the fuel consumption during the charging mode is selected from the number of degrees of contribution to the fuel consumption during the charging mode calculated in such plural units, thereby selecting the charging-mode drive-power distribution-ratio (%), to be assigned to the motor 5, associated with the selected degrees of contribution to the fuel consumption during the charging mode. That is, an operation is implemented to select the charging-mode distribution ratio (%), to be assigned to the motor 5, that minimizes a quotient of “an increased amount of fuel consumption, that is predicted when the drive power is needed by the motor 5, versus a power-charging amount when the drive power is needed by the motor 5. As a result, controlling the engine 3 and the motor 5 on the basis of the selected charging-mode distribution ratio allows the amount of fuel consumption to be reduced by the maximum limit and the power charging amount to be increased by the maximum limit, resulting in an optimum energy efficiency in the hybrid drive system composed of the engine 3 and the motor 5. In this connection, the amount of fuel consumption, to be attained when the target drive-power is achieved with the drive power of the engine 3 by 100%, becomes lower than the amount of fuel consumption at all times that is predicted in a case where the electric power generation is performed with the motor 5.

[0070] Also, in the illustrated embodiment, a symbol “EF” in the equation (2) represents the amount of fuel consumption of the engine 3 that is plotted at the matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds and the associated respective target drive-power appearing on the data map 64a, a symbol “GF” represents the amount of fuel consumption of the engine 3 that is predicted in a case where the respective charging-mode distribution-ratios, to be assigned to the motor 5, is plotted at the respective matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds and the associated respective target drive-power appearing on the data map 64b and a symbol “PC” represents the power-charging amount in a case where the respective charging-mode distribution-ratios, to be assigned to the motor 5, is plotted at the respective matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds and the associated respective target drive-power appearing on the data map 64c.

[0071] Lastly, an operation is performed to provide the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 64d on the basis of the respective drive-power distribution-ratios, to be assigned to the motor 5, that are selected in terms of the respective matrix points between the respective vehicle speeds and the respective target drive-power levels. As a consequence, the presence of the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 64d allows the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio GD to be selected such that it optimizes the energy efficiency to be achieved during the electric power generation of the motor 5, in terms of the arbitrary vehicle speed BS and the arbitrary target drive power TD. Also, since the data maps 64a, 64b, 64c represent the maps that are settled respectively on the basis of operating characteristics of the engine 3 and the motor 5 which are mounted in the vehicle 1, the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 64d serves as a map that reflects the operating characteristics of the engine 3 and the motor 5 mounted on the vehicle 1.

[0072] Next, the slipping-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 65 is described below in detail. the slipping-mode drive-power distribution ratio setting unit 65 is applied with the vehicle speed BS and the target drive power-signal TD from the vehicle-speed estimating unit 60 and the target drive-power setting unit 62, respectively, to produce a slipping-mode drive-power ratio signal SD which is applied to the map changeover unit 67. The slipping-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 65 includes a memory unit such as ROM, etc., for storing a slipping-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map (not shown), that is associated with a road-surface μ-estimated value, the vehicle speed BS and the target drive-power TD which are settled on the basis of the preliminary experimental test results and the designed values, in terms of the slipping-mode drive-power distribution-ratio SD. Also, the road-surface μ-estimated value is calculated by using the slip rates etc., that is calculated in the slip detection unit 61. In addition, the slipping-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 65 reads out the slipping-mode drive-power distribution-ratio SD addressed with the road-surface μ-estimated value, the vehicle speed BS and the target drive power TD.

[0073] Now, the map changeover discriminating unit 66 is described below in detail. The map changeover discriminating unit 66 is applied with the battery current signal BC, the battery voltage signal BV, the vehicle speed signal BS, the slip detection signal SS and the target drive signal TD delivered from the current sensor 12, the voltage sensor 13, the vehicle speed estimating unit 60, the slip detection unit 61 and the target drive-power setting unit 62, respectively, to produce a map discriminating signal MS which is applied to the map changeover unit 67. To this end, the map changeover discriminating unit 66 stores an assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a (see FIG. 5) for discriminating a particular usage range of the drive-power distribution-ratio data map in response to the vehicle speed signal BS and the target drive-power signal TD that are settled on the basis of the preliminary experimental test results or the designed values. First, the map changeover unit 66 functions to calculates a battery-power remaining amount SOC on the basis of the battery current signal BC and the battery voltage signal BV. Upon receipt of the slip discriminating signal SS of “1”, the map changeover discriminating unit 66 settles a “slip” phase that is represented as a slip discriminating signal MS. Upon receipt of the slip discriminating signal of “ ”, the map changeover discriminating unit 66 discriminates whether to use the motor assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 63d or to use the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 64d in response to the assist-mode/electrical-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a on the basis of the vehicle speed signal BS and the target drive-power signal TD. When using the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 63d, the map changeover discriminating unit 66 settles a “motor-assist mode” that is represented with the map discriminating signal MS. When using the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 64d, the map changeover discriminating unit 66 settles an “electrical-power-generation running-mode” that is represented with the map discriminating signal MS.

[0074] Now, the assist/electric power generation changeover data map 66a is described below in detail with reference to FIGS. 5A to 5D which show the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a. In particular, FIG. 5A shows a graph for illustrating the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map. FIG. 5B is a view for illustrating an operation of the control device wherein the battery power-remaining amount remains at a high value. FIG. 5C is a view for illustrating an operation of the control device wherein the battery-power remaining amount remains at a medium value. FIG. 5D is a view for illustrating the operation of the control device wherein the battery-power remaining amount remains at a low value. The assist-mode/electrical-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a serves as a map for discriminating whether to use the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 63d or to use the electrical-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 64d (see FIGS. 3 and 4) as the drive-power distribution-ratio data map on the basis of the relationship between the target drive-power and the vehicle speed. To this end, the assist-mode/electrical-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a has a changeover-threshold line 66d that divides a usable area into a motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio map usable area (hereinafter referred to a motor-assist-mode area) 66b, indicated by a hatched area, and an electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio map usable area (hereinafter referred to as an electric-power-generation running-mode area) 66c. Further, the changeover-threshold line 66d of the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a is shifted in position according to the battery-power remaining amount to thereby vary the motor assist-mode area 66b and the electric-power-generation running-mode area 66c. For this reason, the assist-mode/electrical-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a includes a plurality of data maps in dependence on the battery-power remaining amount.

[0075] As shown in FIG. 5A, the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a has the axis of abscissas plotted with the vehicle speed and the axis of ordinate plotted with the target drive-power. Further, the changeover-threshold line 66d of the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a is settled to be parallel to and above a running resistance line 66e with a gradient of 0%. Further, the motor-assist-mode area 66b has the target drive-power that varies in a higher range area than the changeover-threshold line 66drelative to the vehicle speed and the electric-power-generation running-mode area 66c that varies in an area between the running resistance line 66e with the gradient of 0% and the changeover-threshold line 66d. In addition, the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a is defined such that, as the battery-power remaining amount increases, the changeover-threshold line 66d is plotted in close vicinity of the running resistance line 66e with the gradient 0% to increase the motor assist area 66b. In contrast, the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a is defined such that, as the battery-power remaining amount decreases, the changeover-threshold line 66d is spaced from the running resistance line 66e with the gradient 0% to increase the electric-power-generation running-mode area 66c. In such a manner, the smaller the battery-power remaining amount, the larger will be the electric-power-generation running-mode area 66c. Thus, even when the vehicle is running at a constant speed, the battery is charged with the motor 5 when the battery-power remaining amount begins to decrease and, when the battery-power remaining amount still continues to decrease, the battery is charged with the motor 5 even in a case where the vehicle is running at a slightly accelerated condition. Further, when the battery-power remaining amount still decreases, the battery is charged with the motor even in a case where the vehicle is running under a strongly accelerated condition. Also, it is to be noted that the running resistance line 66e with the gradient of 0% serves as a line for indicating the running resistance at the flat surface road plotted in relationship between the vehicle speed and the target drive power. In this connection, if the drive power of the vehicle becomes less than the running resistance under a condition where the accelerator pedal is depressed just a little bit, it becomes difficult for the vehicle to maintain the current running speed, with a resultant decrease in the vehicle speed.

FIG. 5B shows an assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a1 to be used in a case where the battery-power remaining amount remains at a sufficient value and where a changeover-threshold line 66d1 is aligned on the running resistance line 66e with the gradient 0%. In such a case, since the battery-power remaining amount remains at a high value, the battery 9 does not need to be charged. Thus, in the assist -mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a1, only the motor-assist-mode area (designated by hatched area with a solid line) 66b1 is settled. In such a case, the charging operation is carried out with the motor 5 only during the decelerating condition of the vehicle 1.

FIG. 5C shows an assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a2 to be used in a case where the battery-power remaining amount decreases and where a changeover-threshold line 66d2 is spaced from the running resistance line 66e with the gradient of 0%. In such a case, since the battery-power remaining amount remains at a low value, the number of frequencies for charging the battery 9 is increased to the maximum value. To this end, the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a2 is settled such that the electric-power-generation running-mode area (designated by hatched area with dotted lines) 66c2 is increased to the maximum value and the motor-assist-mode area (designated by hatched area with a solid line) 66b2 is decreased to the minimum value. In such a case, the charging operation is carried out with the motor 5 even when the vehicle 1 is running at the constant speed or is running under the slightly accelerated condition.

FIG. 5D shows an assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a 3 to be used in a case where the battery-power remaining amount decreases and where a changeover-threshold line 66d3 is mostly spaced from the running resistance line 66e with the gradient of 0%. In such a case, since the battery-power remaining amount remains at an extremely low value, the number of frequencies for charging the battery 9 is increased to the maximum value. To this end, the assist-mode/electric-power- generation-mode changeover data map 66a3 is settled such that the electric-power-generation running-mode area (designated by hatched area with dotted lines) 66c3 is increased to the maximum value and the motor-assist-mode area (designated by hatched area with a solid line) 66b3 is decreased to the minimum value. In such a case, the charging operation is carried out with the motor 5 even when the vehicle 1 is running under the strongly accelerated condition.

[0079] Now, the map changeover unit 67 is described below in detail. The map changeover unit 67 is applied with the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal MD, the electric-power generation drive-power distribution-ratio signal GD and the slipping-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal SD delivered from the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 63, the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 64 and the slipping-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 65, respectively, to output either one of the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal MD, the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal GD and the slipping-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal SD to the engine drive-power setting unit 68 and the motor drive power setting unit 69. The map changeover unit 67 outputs the motor assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal MD when the map discrimination signal MS represents the “motor-assist-mode”, and outputs the electric-power-generation drive-power distribution-ratio signal GD when the map discrimination signal MS represents the “electric-generation running-mode”, and also outputs the slipping-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal SD when the map discrimination signal MS represents “the slipping-mode”.

[0080] Next, the engine drive-power setting unit 68 is described below in detail. The engine drive-power setting unit 68 is applied with the target drive-power signal TD delivered from the target drive-power setting unit 62 and is also applied with the drive-power distribution-ratio composed of either one of the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal MD, the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal GD and the slipping-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal SD delivered from the map changeover unit 67 to output an engine drive- power signal TED which is applied to the engine drive-power signal setting unit 70. Upon receiving the drive-power distribution-ratio signal and the target drive power TD, the engine drive-power setting unit 68 calculates the engine drive power TED. In case of the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal GD, the engine drive-power TED has a higher level than that achieved by the engine 3 that meets the target drive-power TD of 100%.

[0081] Next, the motor drive-power setting unit 69 is described below in detail. The motor drive-power setting unit 69 is applied with the target drive signal TD delivered from the target drive-power setting unit 62 and the drive-power distribution-ratio signal composed of either one of the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal MD, the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power signal GD and the slipping-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal SD delivered from the map changeover unit 67 to output the motor drive-power signal TMD which is applied to the motor-demanded-torque signal setting unit 71. The motor drive-power setting unit 69 calculates the motor drive-power signal TMD on the basis of the drive-power distribution-ratio and the target drive-power TD. Also, upon receiving the electric-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal GD, the motor drive-power signal TMD has a negative potential and enables the motor 5 to serve as the electric power generator.

[0082] Next, the motor-demanded-torque signal setting unit 71. The motor-demanded-torque signal setting unit 71 is applied with the motor drive signal TMD from the motor drive-power setting unit 69 to output the motor-demanded-torque signal MT which is applied to the motor driver 15. The motor-demanded-torque signal setting unit 71 settles the RPM of the motor 5 and the rotational direction thereof on the basis of the motor drive-power signal TMD. Further, upon receiving data involving the RPM and the rotational direction of the motor 5, the motor-demanded-torque signal setting unit 71 sets the motor-demanded-torque signal MT that controls the motor driver 15.

[0083] Now, the basic sequence of operation of the control device 6 is described below in detail in conjunction with FIG. 6. FIGS. 1 to 5 are also referred to from time to time in dependence on the description.

[0084] At the start, the power supply is turned on. In this instance, the control device 6 receives the detection signals from the respective sensors 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 23. In step S1, the vehicle speed estimating unit 60 is responsive to the wheel RPM signal WS and the acceleration signal WA and calculates the vehicle speed BS.

[0085] In consecutive step S2, the slip detection unit 61 calculates the wheel speeds of the respective wheels 2, 2, 4, 4 on the basis of the wheel RPM signal WS, etc., and also calculates the slip rates on the basis of the calculated wheel speeds and the vehicle speed BS. In step S3, the slip detection unit 61 is responsive to the calculated slip rates and discriminates whether the vehicle 1 remains in the slipped state to produce the slip detection signal SS.

[0086] In step S4, upon receiving the slip detection signal SS of “1” (representing the slipped condition), the target drive power setting unit 62 is responsive to the slip rates of the respective wheels 2, 2, 4, 4 and calculates the road surface μ-estimated value. In step S5, further the target drive power setting unit 62 calculates the transmissible drive power to be used during the slipping condition on the basis of the total weight of the vehicle 1 and the road surface μ-estimated value, thereby producing the target drive power signal TD that represents the transmissible drive power in step S6.

[0087] In step S7, on the contrary, upon receiving the slip detection signal of “0” (representing the non-slipping condition), the target drive-power setting unit 62 reads out the target drive-power, associated with the addresses for the vehicle speed BS and the accelerator opening signal AO, from the table to select the target drive power signal TD.

[0088] In step S8, the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 63 is responsive to the vehicle speed BS and the target drive-power signal TD and selects the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal MD from the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 63d. In step S8, also, the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 64 is responsive to the vehicle speed and the target drive-power signal TD and selects the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio GD from the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 64d. Instep S8, further, the slip-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit 65 is responsive to the road-surface μ-estimated value, the vehicle speed BS and the target drive-power TD and selects the slip-mode drive-power distribution ratio SD from the slip-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map.

[0089] In consecutive step S9, upon receiving the slip detection signal SS of “1”, the map changeover discriminating unit 66 settles the map discrimination signal MS representing the slip-state. In contrast, upon receiving the slip detection signal SS of “0”, the map-changeover discriminating unit 66 calculates the battery-power remaining amount SOC on the basis of the battery current signal BC and the battery voltage signal BV. Then, the map-changeover discriminating unit 66 selects the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a on the basis of the battery-power remaining amount SOC. Further, the map-changeover discriminating unit 66 is responsive to the selected assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a and discriminates whether the relationship between the vehicle speed and the target drive-power TD remains in the motor-assist-mode area 66b or in the electric-power-generation running-mode area 66c. In step S9, when the aforementioned relationship remain in the motor-assist-mode area 66b, the map-changeover discriminating unit 66 selects the map discrimination signal MS representing the “motor-assist-mode” and, when the aforementioned relationship remains in the electric-power-generation running-mode area 66c, the map-discrimination signal MS representing “the electric-power-generation running-mode” is selected.

[0090] Then, in step S10, the map-changeover unit 67 functions to select the motor-assist-mode drive power distribution ratio MD when the map-discrimination signal MS representing “the motor-assist-mode”, to select the electric-power generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio GD when the map-discrimination signal MS representing “the electric-power-generation running-mode” and to select the slip-mode drive-power distribution-ratio SD when the map-discrimination signal MS representing “the slip-mode”, thereby outputting the selected drive-power distribution ratio to the engine drive power setting unit 68 and the motor drive power setting unit 69.

[0091] In consecutive step S11, the engine drive-power setting unit 68 calculates the engine drive-power TED on the basis of the inputted drive-power distribution-ratios MD, GD, SD and the target drive-power TD. In step S12, further, the motor drive-power setting unit 69 calculates the motor drive-power TMD on the basis of the inputted drive-power distribution-ratios MD, GD, SD and the target drive-power TD.

[0092] Lastly, the engine drive signal setting unit 70 is responsive to the engine drive-power TED and produces the engine drive signal ED which is applied to the DBW driver 25. On the other hand, the motor demanded torque signal setting unit 71 is responsive to the motor drive signal TMD and produces the motor-demanded-torque signal MT which is outputted to the motor driver 15.

[0093] Then, the DBW driver 25 is responsive to the engine drive signal ED to adjust the opening degree of the throttle valve 26 for thereby controlling the drive power output of the engine 3. On the other hand, upon receiving the motor-demanded-torque signal MT, the motor driver 15 adjusts the RPM of the motor 5 and the rotational direction thereof. Further, the motor driver 15 is responsive to the motor-demanded-torque signal MT to control the motor 5 for thereby controlling the charging operation of the motor 5.

[0094] With such a control device 6, the presence of the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 63dformed by utilizing the aforementioned equation (1) enables the selection of the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio MD mostly excellent in the energy efficiency with respect to the relationship between the amount of fuel consumption and the amount of electric power consumption in terms of the arbitrary vehicle speed and the arbitrary target drive-power to be attained during the assist-mode of the motor 5. With such a control device 6, further, the presence of the electric-power- generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 64d formed by utilizing the aforementioned equation (2) enables the selection of the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio GD mostly excellent in the energy efficiency with respect to the relationship between the amount of fuel consumption and the amount of electric power charge in terms of the arbitrary vehicle speed and the arbitrary target drive power to be attained during the electric-power-generation mode of the motor 5. Another important advantage of the control device 6 involves the presence of the assist-mode/electric-power-generation-mode changeover data map 66a that enables either one of the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 63band the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map 64d to be selected in dependence on the battery-power remaining amount SOC, enhancing a reliability in obtaining an adequate battery-power remaining amount with an adjustable energy efficiency. Another important advantage of the control device 6 involves the capability of controlling the hybrid drive system such that the electric power consumption is minimized to allow the vehicle to be mounted with the battery 9 having a smaller charging amount.

[0095] It will now be appreciated from the foregoing description that the present invention is not limited to the particular illustrated embodiment discussed above and may be carried out in various modified forms.

[0096] For example, although the motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map based on the aforementioned equation (1) and the electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map based on the aforementioned equation (2) have been discussed as being preliminarily settled, the control device may be arranged to have a structure to compute the respective drive-power distribution-ratios by calculation with the use of the equations (1) and (2).

[0097] Further, although the respective data maps have been discussed as being settled as functions of the parameters of the vehicle speed and the target drive-power, the respective data maps may be settled by other parameters representing operating conditions of the vehicle.

[0098] Also, although the control device has been shown and described as having the capability of automatically changing over the drive-power distribution-ratios with three data maps, the control device may be modified so as to allow a vehicle driver to manually change over the drive power distribution ratios.

[0099] In addition, although the control device has been shown and described as having a structure wherein the slip-mode drive-power distribution-ratio SD is settled with the slip-mode drive-power distribution-ratio data map during the slip-mode based on which the engine drive power and the motor drive-power are calculated, the control device may have a modified structure to enable calculation in a manner as will be discussed below. First, the vehicle speed and the target drive-power for the slip-mode are settled on the basis of the transmissible drive power (the drive power transmissible between the road surface and the respective wheels) that is calculated on the basis of the total weight of the vehicle and the road-surface μ-estimated value. Further, the control device is responsive to the vehicle speed and target drive-power, which are settled for the slip-mode, and settles the drive-power distribution-ratio mostly excellent in the energy efficiency in terms of the relationship between the amount of fuel consumption and the amount of electric power consumption. Thus, the control device may calculate the engine drive-power and the motor drive- power on the basis of such settled target drive-power and relevant drive-power distribution-ratio.

[0100] An important advantage of the control device for the front and rear wheel drive vehicle of the present invention, as defined in appended claim 1, enables the distribution ratio between the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power to be settled on the basis of a particular ratio between the incremental or decremental amount of fuel consumption due to the assist mode and the incremental or decremental amount of electric power consumption due to the motor drive-power, that vary during the operation of the motor, in response to the target drive-power and the vehicle speed, for thereby allowing the engine drive-power and the motor drive-power to be controlled with the aforementioned distribution ratio. As a result, it is possible for such control device to improve the energy efficiency of the hybrid drive system composed of the engine and the motor.

[0101] Another important advantage of the control device for the front and rear wheel drive vehicle, as defined in the appended claim 2, involves the capability of selecting the drive power distribution ratio that maximize the quotient of “an incremental or decremental amount of fuel consumption due to the assist-mode versus the amount of electric power consumption due to the motor drive-power” with the use of the distribution ratio setting means under a condition wherein the drive power of the motor is provided in the assist-mode, thereby minimizing the electric power consumption while minimizing the fuel consumption. As a result, it is possible for such control device to improve the energy efficiency of the hybrid drive system composed of the engine and the motor.

[0102] Another important advantage of the control device for the front and rear wheel drive vehicle, as defined in the appended claim 3, involves the presence of the charging-mode distribution ratio setting means that, when the motor serves as the electric power generator, enables selection of the charging-mode distribution-ratio that minimizes the quotient of “the incremental or decremental amount of fuel consumption due to electric power generating operation of the motor versus the power-charging amount of the electric storage means due to the electric power generating operation of the motor”, thereby restricting an increase in the fuel consumption of the engine by the maximum limit while increasing the power charging amount due to the motor by the maximum limit. As a result, it is possible for such control device to improve the energy efficiency of the hybrid drive system composed of the engine and the motor.

  • 1. A control device for a front and rear wheel drive vehicle having a front wheel pair and a rear wheel pair, one of which is driven with an engine and the other one of which is driven with an electric motor, comprising: target drive-power setting means for setting a target drive-power of said front and rear wheel drive vehicle on the basis of operating conditions thereof; wherein said target drive-power setting means settles a distribution ratio between an engine drive-power and a motor drive-power on the basis of said target drive-power, settled by said target drive-power setting means, and a vehicle speed in dependence on a ratio between an incremental or decremental amount of fuel consumption and an incremental or decremental amount of electric power consumption, that are achieved during an operation of said electric motor, to thereby control said engine drive-power and said motor drive-power in accordance with said distribution ratio.
  • 2. The control device for the front and rear wheel drive vehicle according to claim 1, further comprising: distribution-ratio setting means for obtaining a degree of contribution to fuel consumption in an equation (1) on the basis of the target drive-power settled with said target drive-power setting means and said vehicle speed for thereby setting a drive-power distribution-ratio between said engine drive-power and said motor drive-power on the basis of said degree of contribution to said fuel consumption such that said engine drive power and said motor drive power are controlled in dependence on said drive power distribution ratio settled by said distribution-ratio setting means; and wherein C=(EF−AF)/PU . . .   (1) where C=the degree of contribution to the fuel consumption; EF=the amount of fuel consumption attained when said target drive-power is achieved with said engine drive-power; AF=the amount of fuel consumption which is predicted when the motor drive-power is added; and PU=the amount of electric power consumption when the motor drive-power is added.
  • 3. The control device for the front and rear wheel drive vehicle according to claim 1, further comprising: electric storage means adapted to be charged by an electric power generating operation of said electric motor; and charging-mode distribution-ratio setting means for obtaining a degree of contribution to fuel consumption during a charging mode in an equation (2) on the basis of the target drive-power settled with said target drive-power setting means and said vehicle speed for thereby setting a charging-mode distribution-ratio between said engine drive-power and said motor drive-power on the basis of said degree of contribution to said fuel consumption during said charging mode such that said engine drive-power and said motor drive-power are controlled in dependence on said charging-mode distribution-ratio settled by said charging-mode distribution ratio setting means; and wherein CC=(GF−EF)/PC . . .   (2) where CC=the degree of contribution to fuel consumption during the charging mode; EF=the amount of fuel consumption attained when said target drive-power is achieved with said engine drive-power; GF=the amount of fuel consumption which is predicted when the motor drive-power is added; and PC=the amount of electric power charge when the motor drive-power is added.
  • 4. A control device for a front and rear wheel drive vehicle having a front wheel pair and a rear wheel pair, one of which is driven with an engine and the other one of which is driven with an electric motor, comprising: sensor means for producing detection signals representative of operating conditions of said front and rear wheel drive vehicle; target drive-power setting means for setting a target drive-power of said front and rear wheel drive vehicle in response to said detection signals; engine drive-power setting means for setting an engine drive-power in response to said target drive-power; and motor drive-power setting means for setting a motor drive-power in response to said target drive-power; wherein said target drive-power setting means settles a plurality of distribution ratios, to be used in a plurality of operating modes of said vehicle, between an engine drive-power and a motor drive-power on the basis of said target drive-power and a vehicle speed in dependence on a ratio between an incremental or decremental amount of fuel consumption and an incremental or decremental amount of electric power consumption, that are achieved during an operation of said electric motor, to thereby control said engine drive-power and said motor drive-power in accordance with said distribution ratio.
  • 5. The control device for the front and rear wheel drive vehicle according to claim 4, wherein said target drive power setting means includes: a target drive-power setting unit for producing a target drive-power signal in response to said detection signals; a motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit for producing a motor-assist-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal in response to said detection signals; and an electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio setting unit for producing an electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal in response to said detection signals; wherein said engine drive power setting means and said motor drive power setting means are operative to control said engine and said electric motor in response to said target drive signal, said motor assist-mode drive power distribution ratio signal and said electric-power-generation running-mode drive-power distribution-ratio signal.
  • 6. A front and rear wheel drive vehicle having a front wheel pair and a rear wheel pairs comprising: an engine drivably coupled to one of said front and rear wheel pairs; an electric motor drivably coupled to the other one of said front and rear wheel pairs; sensor means for producing detection signals representative of operating conditions of said front and rear wheel drive vehicle; target drive-power setting means for setting a target drive-power of said front and rear wheel drive vehicle in response to said detection signals; engine drive-power setting means for setting an engine drive-power in response to said target drive-power; and motor drive-power setting means for setting a motor drive-power in response to said target drive power; wherein said target drive-power setting means settles a plurality of distribution ratios, to be used in a plurality of operating modes of said vehicle, between an engine drive-power and a motor drive-power on the basis of said target drive-power and a vehicle speed in dependence on a ratio between an incremental or decremental amount of fuel consumption and an incremental or decremental amount of electric power consumption, that are achieved during an operation of said electric motor, to thereby control said engine drive power and said motor drive power in accordance with said distribution ratio.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
P2000-344555 Nov 2000 JP