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"High-Definition Wide Screen Television System for the Future-Present State of the Study of HDTV Systems in Japan "T. Fujio, IEEE Trans. on Brdcstg. 12/180, vol. BC-26, No. 4. |
"The Future of High-Definition Television: First Portion of a Report of th SMPTE Study Group on High-Definition Television", Fink, SMPTE Journal, 2/80, vol. 89, No. 2, pp. 89-94. |
"The Future of High-Definition, Television: Conclusion of a Report of the SMPTE Study Group on High-Definition Television", Fink, SMPTE Journal, 3/80, vol. 89, No. 3, pp. 153-161. |
"High-Definition Television System-Signal Standard and Transmission", T. Fujio, SMPTE Journal, 8/80, vol. 89, No. 8, pp. 579-584. |
"Fibre Optic Analogue Transmission Experiment for High-Definition Television Signals Using Semiconductor Laser Diodes", Electronics Letters, Jul. 3, 1980, vol. 16, No. 14, pp. 536-538. |
"Research and Development on High-Definition Television in Japan", K. Hayashi, SMPTE Journal, Mar. 1981, vol. 90, No. 3, pp. 178-186. |
"Magnet Recording of a High-Definition Television Signal", Abe et al, SMPTE Journal, vol. 90, No. 3, Mar. 1981, pp. 192-195. |
"High-Definition Television System-Signal Standards and Transmission", T. Fujio et al., IBC 80, Int. Broadcasting Convention Brighton, UK, Sep. 20-23, 1980, pp. 14-18. |
"Development Options for Future Television Systems", Wendland, HDTV Committee Minutes Sponsered by SMPTE. |
"High-Definition Television and Compatibility with Existing Standards", Sandbank et al., Tomorrow's Television Conference, Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 5-6, 1982. |
"High Definition Television Studies on Compatible Basis with Present Standards", Seminar 1982, Sponsored by Dept. of Communication at U. of Dortmund, W. Germany, Prof. Wendland. |
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"Transistor Effects in Compatible Color Television", J. B. Chatten, Proceedings of the IRE, Jan. 1954, pp. 221-227. |
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"Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the National Television System Committee and Its Panels", Fink, Television Standards and Practice, 1943. |
"Time-Frequency Multiplexing (TFM) of Two NTSC Color TV Signals-Simulation Results", Haskell, Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 60, No. 5, May-Jun. 1981, pp. 643-660. |
"The New Mark VIII Automatic Colour Camera", Underhill, Principles of Video Processing, pp. 12-16. |
"Time Compression Multiplexing of Multiple Television Signals in Satellite Channels Using Chirp Transform Processors", Kai Eng., et al., No. 12, 12/81, pp. 1832-1840. |
"Signal Processing for Compatible HDTV-Systems, First Results", Wendland, U. of Dortmund, HDTV Colloquium Sponsored by Canadian Govt. Ottawa, Canada, Oct. 18-21, 1982. |
"Networking Aspects of High Definition Television", Toth, Bell-Northern Research, HDTV Colloquium Sponsored by Canadian Govt., Ottawa, Canada, Oct. 18-21, 1982. |
"Compatiblity Aspects of HDTV", Powers, RCA Laboratories, HDTV Colloquium Sponsored by Canadian Govt., Ottawa, , Canada, Oct. 18-21, 1982. |
"Universal Weighted Power Function of Television Noise and Its Application to High-Definition TV System Design", T. Fujio, SMPTE Journal, vol. 89, No. 9, Sep. 1980. |
"Transmission Primaries and Signal Forms, "Fujio et al., NHK Technical Monograph, No. 32, Jun. 1982. |
"Towards the Implementation of a Compatible HDTV System in North America", Rhodes, High Definition TV Colloquium Post Conference Proceedings 1982, Ottawa, Canada, Oct. 18-21, 1982, p. 1.5. |
"A Study of High-Definition TV System in the Future", T. Fujio, IEEE Trans. on Brdcstg. 12/78, vol. BC-24, No. 4, pp. 92-100. |
"Present Situation of Japanese Satellite Broadcasting for Experimental Purpose", T. Ishida, et al., IEEE Trans. on Brdcstg. 12/79, vol. BC-25, No. 4, pp. 105-112. |
"A Univeral Weighted Power Function of Television Noise & Its Application to High Definition TV System Design", T. Fujio, IEEE Trans. On Brdcstg. 6/80, vol. BC-26, No. 2, pp. 39-47. |
"A Compatible High-Definition Television System", T. S. Rzeszewski, The Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 62, No. 7, Sep., 1983, U.S.A. |