Pacman store, announced 2016[online], [site visited Jan. 18, 2024]. Available on internet, URL: (Year: 2016). |
Boardwalk arcade store, announced 2016[online], [site visited Jan. 18, 2024]. Available on internet, URL: (Year: 2019). |
“Arc Double”, Aristocrat, Specification Sheet, disclosure date unknown but prior to the filing date of present application. |
“TwinStar™ Wave XL™”, Scientific Games, Brochure, disclosure date unknown but prior to the filing date of present application. |
Entropy Cabinet Solutions, Products Brochure, Web Page dated Apr. 23, 2021; retrieved from Internet Archive Wayback Machine on Aug. 10, 2022, disclosure date unknown but prior to the filing date of present application; URL: <>. |
“Product Galaxy 2020”, ICE Brochure 2020, Merkur Gaming 2020; disclosure date unknown but prior to the filing date of present application. |
Cabinet Wave+—Blueprint Operations; retrieved from internet Aug. 9, 2022; disclosure date unknown but prior to the filing date of present application; URL: <>. |
Picture of Contour Slant Top Cabinet, Gitchi Gaming Inc., 2021; 1 color sheet of photographs; disclosure date unknown but prior to the filing date of present application. |
Picture of Neptune Double Cabinet, Aristocrat Technologies, 2021; 1 color sheet of photographs; disclosure date unknown but prior to the filing date of present application. |
Picture of Neptune Double Cabinet (2), Aristocrat Technologies, 2021; 1 color sheet of photographs; disclosure date unknown but prior to the filing date of present application. |
Picture of Neptune Double Cabinet (3), Aristocrat Technologies, 2021; 1 color sheet of photographs; disclosure date unknown but prior to the filing date of present application. |