This program is designed to investigate the possibility of synthesizing a new class of materials (known as transition metal complexes, with a structure called zeolitic structure) for rapid absorption and desorption of gases. It is proposed to use these new materials for selectively absorbing oxygen from air so that the oxygen can be desorbed subsequently to provide a source of highly pure oxygen. The presently-available devices absorb nitrogen from air to produce a left-over gas stream with predominant oxygen content. However, this leads to impure oxygen, with a substantial amount of argon, carbon dioxide and moisture. Successful completion of the proposed work promises to provide an economic source of pure oxygen for medical use and for welding and metal cutting. Additional applications are also possible. The PI, Dr. Neil Hendricks, ahs very good training in the background areas needed for this work, and his employer, Maxdem Inc., has good facilities for conducting this Phase I work under the Small Business Innovation Research Program. An award for $40,000 for six months is recommended.