The present invention concerns thermo-sensitive, charge-state dependant, formation of polyelectrolyte gels.
Chitosan is a polysaccharide obtained by partial deacetylation of chitin (Hoppe-Seyler, Berichte; 3329-3331, 1894). Chitin is insoluble in water while chitosan is soluble when free amino groups of chitosan are sufficiently protonated. Chitosan is inexpensive and commercially available in varying deacetylation ratio (fD). The use of gels based on chitosan and its derivatives for cell and drug delivery has been widely studied (Lavertu et al., J Control Release, submitted 2005; Liu et al., Bioconjugate Chem 14: 782-789, 2003; MacLaughlin et al., J Control Release 56: 259-272, 1998).
Thermo sensitive aqueous solutions based on a chitosan/glycerol 2-phosphate (GP) have been described previously (U.S. Pat. No. 6,344,488). In the system described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,344,488, the glycerol 2-phosphate, which is present partly in an anionic divalent form, was proposed to increase the strength of hydrophobic interactions between chitosan upon heating, thereby forming a thermo-sensitive gel. The phosphate groups were not thought be a direct ionic cross-linking agent of chitosan, as is the role of calcium in calcium alginate systems, due to stearic hindrance. That is to say that an ionic bridge of divalent phosphate linking two charged monovalent amine groups of chitosan is unlikely due to stearic hindrance given the molecular sizes of the molecules involved. Moreover, U.S. Pat. No. 6,344,488 teaches that the gelation is specifically induced by organic mono-phosphate dibasic salts of polyols or sugars. According to this invention the critical feature of this kind of system is the structuring action of the polyol or the sugar part of the organic salt on water that induces chitosan-chitosan hydrophobic interactions via a dehydration effect. The structuring action of the polyol moieties on water thereby reduces the chitosan-water interactions and enhances the chitosan-chitosan interactions. The nontrivial aspect of such a gelation originates essentially from the later polyol-water induced chitosan hydrophobic attractions, which are enhanced upon increasing temperature (temperature-controlled gelation).
International publication WO03/042250 provides a new composition and method for chemically modifying chitosan, including N-substituting or N-cross-linking, under homogeneous conditions by providing neutral aqueous chitosan solutions with enhanced reactivity. The method comprises the steps of preparing a clear aqueous solution of chitosan and of dissolving homogeneously at least one reagent into the solution. The solution of chitosan had to be composed of 0.1 to 10% by weight of a chitosan, and of 0.1 to 20% by weight of at least one buffering agent having a pKa between 6.0 and 7.6. The solution also had to have a pH ranging from 6.8 to 7.2. The reagent to be dissolved in the chitosan solution had to be at a concentration from 0.01 to 10% by weight, and it had to be reactive toward the amine groups of chitosan. This publication therefore teaches the making of an aqueous chitosan solution that is chemically modified or cross-linked by a selective substitution on the amino group of chitosan, and that can be used in the making of a chitosan hydrogel.
The international publication WO01/36000 is teaching a biopolymeric liquid aqueous composition for producing self-gelling systems and gels and a method for preparing such a composition. The composition is comprising an acidic water-based medium, 0.1 to 10% by weight of a pH-gelling acid-soluble biopolymer, and 0.1 to 10% by weight of a water-soluble molecule having a basic character and a pKa between 6.0 and 8.4. The liquid composition has a final pH ranging from 5.8 and 7.4, and forms a stable solid and homogeneous gel within a temperature range from 10 to 70° C. Cosmetic, pharmacological and medical uses of this composition are also presented by this reference.
Aebischer et al. have shown that a core matrix of chitosan can be formed by precipitation induced via neutralization of the amino groups of the polymer (U.S. Pat. No. 6,140,089). In this patent a partly neutralized solution of chitosan containing cells is encapsulated in a permeable or a semi-permeable membrane and then washed several times with physiological saline to allow further neutralization and full precipitation to occur. It is clear here that use of an encapsulating membrane is necessary for this type of dialysis neutralization process. Also, according to Aebischer, the use of dibasic phosphate or any other multivalent anions is not suitable since they will lead to undesirable levels of ionic cross-linking. Aebischer further mentions that if phosphate buffers are used, they should be monobasic. No mention of thermo-sensitivity is made in Aebischer et al.
It should be noted that in the current state of the art, the use of a thermally gelling chitosan solution that is free of organic (polyol) salts, of ionic cross-linking and of encapsulation membranes has not been reported.
It is reported herein for the first time the complete mechanism of gelation of thermally gelling chitosan gel composition, which mechanism has now been uncovered and allows for generalization.
The present invention provides a new thermally gelling chitosan gel composition where the mechanism of gelation is based upon changes in ionization state of solution components upon heating, allowing the polyelectrolyte component to form a precipitated network, or hydrogel. One example of such a system is heat induced proton transfer from the cationic polyelectrolyte chitosan to an inorganic phosphate base. This system is free of organic salts, chemical or ionic cross link and encapsulation membranes. It can be used for encapsulation of living cells or their delivery, as well as for drug delivery, protein delivery and gene delivery applications. This new material can be injected into body sites in the liquid state and gels in situ at body temperature and at physiological pH. Several additional systems can be devised using the principles disclosed in this invention, where proper combinations of polyelectrolytes and weak electrolytes will result in changes in ionization state upon heating and thereby produce thermosensitive gels.
The following description will be made by considering this chitosan/dibasic sodium phosphate or inorganic phosphate system but one should keep in mind that the mechanism of gelation of this system can be extended to virtually any polyelectrolyte aqueous system that presents specific characteristics to be described herein.
An aqueous chitosan solution at physiological pH that gels upon heating is described in accordance with the present invention. A method for preparing the gel is presented wherein a chitosan/dibasic sodium phosphate mix is heated from room temperature (approximately 20° C.) to body temperature (approximately 37° C.). The mechanism of formation of the gel is described in terms of a heat-induced proton transfer from chitosan to dibasic sodium phosphate resulting in chitosan neutralization and homogeneous precipitation or gel formation. The temperature of gelation can be adjusted by changing phosphate/glucosamine ratios.
The present invention is based on the discovery that chitosan can be homogeneously neutralized by heating in order to form a gel. The characterization of its physico-chemical properties are described in the section “Detailed description of the characterization of the polyelectrolyte and the weak electrolyte”. The mechanism of gel formation by heating of a chitosan/dibasic sodium phosphate gel is presented herein.
One embodiment of the present invention provides a thermally sensitive polyelectrolyte composition comprising a solution of a polyelectrolyte; and a weak electrolyte, said weak electrolyte being dissolved in the solution of polyelectrolyte and causing said polyelectrolyte to precipitate and form a gel upon heating, when said composition components reach specific charge state values.
Another embodiment of the invention provides a method for preparing a thermally sensitive polyelectrolyte composition comprising a solution of a polyelectrolyte; and a weak electrolyte, said method comprising the step of dissolving at a temperature below the gelling temperature of the composition a weak electrolyte in the solution of polyelectrolyte without causing gelation of the composition to occur, said composition turns into a gel upon heating when said composition components reach specific charge state values.
In one embodiment of the present invention, the first step in the preparation of a solution that forms a gel is to partially neutralize the polyelectrolyte chitosan and bring it close to precipitation via addition of a weak base such as dibasic sodium phosphate. The exact level of neutralization required depends on parameters such as chitosan concentration, its degree of deacetylation, acetyl group distribution, and its molecular weight, as well as the ionic strength of the solution and temperature. After this partial neutralization step, the solution is then heated. At this point, since the tendency of chitosan to release its protons with increasing temperature is significantly greater than that of the dibasic sodium phosphate (the dissociation constant of chitosan increases with temperature while this parameter is quite stable for the dibasic sodium phosphate providing a proton sink), there is a transfer of protons from chitosan to the dibasic sodium phosphate. Thus, in this example, our discovery consists mainly in the demonstration that heating of the solution induces a homogeneous proton transfer from chitosan to dibasic sodium phosphate resulting in homogeneous precipitation of the polysaccharide. In order to have an appreciable neutralization of chitosan, there must be enough dibasic sodium phosphate to accept these protons. Under these conditions, the transfer of protons is sufficient to bring the polymer to precipitation and induce the sol-gel transition. The gel formation is in fact a block precipitation of the polymer resulting from a homogeneous neutralization of the polyelectrolyte induced by heating. This neutralization allows attractive hydrophobic interactions between the chitosan chains that will come together and form a three-dimensional network.
The dibasic sodium phosphate acts as a proton sink that allows deprotonation of the chitosan during heating. There is therefore no ionic cross-link between the divalent anionic phosphate and the chitosan so that the former is free to diffuse out of the gel. The proof that the sodium phosphate do not form any cross-link with chitosan is described in the section “Detailed description of the proof of absence of cross-links between the polyelectrolyte and the weak electrolyte”.
To determine the condition for which a reduction of the ionization degree of chitosan occurs upon heating, a set of equations was used to solve weak electrolyte systems, namely dissociation equations, species conservation and electroneutrality.
It should be noted that the dissociation of protons occurs at glucosamine monomers of chitosan. Therefore, the condition is established using equations related to this monomer. When using GlcNH2, we refer to the neutral form of chitosan monomer and when using GlcNH3+ we refer to its ionized form. When using glucosamine (Glc) alone, we refer to all monomers including the neutral and ionized form. The same applies for phosphate using PO43− for its trivalent form, PO42− for its divalent form, PO4 for its monovalent form, PO4 for its neutral form and P by itself refers to all phosphate ions. The system is restricted to pH between 5 and 8 and to monomer concentrations over 1 mM. It should be noted that those restrictions are fully satisfied for the present embodiment and that they are needed to make approximations that facilitate calculations.
The dissociation equations of glucosamine and phosphate are
The constant KapGlc is the object of the following section whereas values for Ka1P, Ka2P and Ka3P can be found in the literature (Voet and Voet, Biochimie 2e edition, De Boeck, Italia, John Wiley & Sons, 1361 p., 1998) to be approximately 2.2, 6.8 and 12.4 respectively. When using the value for Ka1P and the restricted pH range of 5 to 8, we have
When using the value for Ka3P and in the restricted pH range, we have
Therefore, PO4 and PO43− concentrations can be neglected leading to the conservation equation
Conservation of Glc monomers gives
The requirement of electroneutrality is written
since H+ and OH− concentrations may be neglected when pH is between 5 and 8 and concentrations of the species cited in equation 9 are greater than 10−3 M.
Having α defined as the ionized ratio of the glucosamine monomer
The equation system is normalized by defining χ, β and γ as
where cNa+ and cCl− represent the concentration of the dissociate ions Na+ and Cl−, respectively.
Using these normalized parameters, electroneutrality (equation 9) can be expressed as
α+γ=β(1+χ) (12)
Temperature induced gelation for the chitosan phosphate system will occur if chitosan charge state is sufficiently reduced upon heating to allow precipitation. Thus one necessary condition for inducing thermosensitive gelation via heat-induced neutralization is that
It can be shown (see section “The degree of ionization of polyelectrolytes in solution varies with temperature in a manner predicted by the temperature-dependence of their dissociation constants”) that
is satisfied if
Alternatively, the demonstration that the degree of ionization of polyelectrolytes in solution varies with temperature in a manner predicted by the temperature-dependence of their dissociation constants can be made as follows:
The following demonstration is derived for a chitosan/dibasic sodium phosphate aqueous system. However, it can be generalized to any system composed of two weak electrolytes that are each in a single dissociation equilibrium (as for phosphate in the range of pH 5 to 8 where the two other dissociation equilibriums can be neglected). The theoretical expression of the apparent pKa of a polyelectrolyte is given by the following equation (see section “Poisson-Boltzmann cylindrical cell model predicts pKap variation with the degree of ionization for a polyelectrolyte”)
For weak polyelectrolytes, the pKap variation with its degree of ionization is generally linear. Titration experiments on chitosan show that this also applies to chitosan (see Table 2), so that the pKap of chitosan can be expressed as
Theoretical calculations and experiment on chitosan show that m(T) doesn't vary significantly with temperature. The expression of the pKap is rewritten taking m as a constant:
ap(T)≈pK0(T)−mα (2a)
For chitosan, m is positive and the pKap decreases as the charge state α increases. The dissociation equations 1 and 3 are rewritten using α, χ and equation 2a:
The normalized form of electroneutrality is given by equation 9:
Knowing that β and γ are invariant, the total differential of equations 3a, 4a and 5a are (the almost equal sign ≈ is replaced by equality sign for convenience in equation 3a):
By subtracting equation 7a from equation 6a, we obtain:
Using the expression of dχ given by equation 8a, equation 9a is rewritten:
and by using
and by dividing by dT, we obtain
Thus, since α and χ range from 0 to 1 and that β and m are positive,
Note that m is positive for a cationic polyelectrolyte. Note also that for simple acid/base electrolytes, the variation of α with temperature is obtained from equation 11a taking m=0. Equation 11a predicts an important change in charge state when
have high values and when α or χ are not too close from 0 or 1 (this last condition can be satisfied if the pKa values of the two electrolytes are similar)
The above derivations can now be extended in an obvious manner to polyanion/cationic weak electrolyte systems
The preferred way to characterize the pKap (or pKa) variation with temperature described in equation 13 is described in the section “Detailed description of the characterization of the polyelectrolyte and the weak electrolyte”.
Polyelectrolytes and weak electrolytes that can be used to obtain thermally sensitive gels in accordance with one embodiment of the invention are as described in Table 1 below.
The property to characterize is the variation of the dissociation constant pKap with temperature of the polyelectrolyte and of the weak electrolyte. When this property is determined, we can predict if a proton transfer will occur when the temperature is varied and consequently predict system components and compositions that form thermogelling systems.
The characterization of pKap may be executed by measuring the pH variation when the temperature is varied. In order to test temperature-induced changes in pKap, we use the relationship
where we consider the case of a cationic group on the polyelectrolyte (or electrolyte) (HA+H++A) in the presence of a strong acid or base (see section “Derivation of dpKap/dpH≈1” for proof of equation 14). Thus, the variation in pKap (or pKa) with temperature is assessed by measuring changes in pH as long as the polyelectrolyte (or electrolyte) is not totally in dissociated or associated form and if the proton and hydroxyl ion concentrations are low compared to the polyelectrolyte monomer (or electrolyte) concentration. For our example system, chitosan is only soluble for acidic pH, these conditions are satisfied when the pH>˜4 or equivalently when α<˜0.95. Then the temperature induced change in pKap with respect to that of a reference temperature, ΔpKap(T), can be determined from the corresponding pH difference via
ΔpKap(T)=pKap(T)−pKap(Tref)≅pH(T)−pH(Tref) (15)
where Tref is an arbitrary reference temperature (such as 25° C.).
An experimental apparatus can be used (
The dissociation constant of the polyelectrolyte may vary for different ionic strengths, for different polyelectrolyte structures (modifying its hydrophobicity or ability to form hydrogen bonds) for different temperatures. Therefore, titration curves can be obtained to measure the dissociation constant and its variation with these parameters. For chitosan, we present pKap value obtained from titration curves at three different temperatures (
aCalculation of αps from experimental measurements (n = 3 with error of ±0.05 due to measurement accuracy).
bSimilar values were obtained at 5° C. and 37° C. with n = 3.
cpK0PB are values of pK0 obtained via the PB fit. The error is represented as half the difference of pK0 obtained with an inner cell radius a set to 0.6 nm versus 1.0 nm
dpK0lin are y-axis intercepts obtained from a linear fit of the pKap in the non phase separated region and with α ≦ 0.85 (n = 3).
eΔpKap/ΔαPB is obtained at α = 0.85 using the pK0 obtained via the PB fit. The error is represented as half the difference obtained with an inner cell radius a set to 0.6 nm versus 1.0 nm
fΔpKap/Δαlin are slope values obtained by a linear fit of the pKap in the non phase separated region and with α ≦ 0.85 (n = 3).
These three ultrapure chitosans were provided by Bio Syntech (Laval, Qc, Canada) having number average molecular weight (Mn) ranging from 65 to 220 kDa and a polydispersity index (PDI=Mw/Mn) of 1.5 to 1.7. A 1.0 N NaOH (Aldrich, Cat No. 31, 951-1) and 1.0 N HCl (Aldrich, Cat No. 31, 894-9) were used to prepare the titrant solution and to dissolve chitosan, respectively. NaCl (Fisher Scientific, Cat No. S271-1) was used to adjust ionic strength (Ic) of chitosan solutions.
The dissociation constant of phosphate, glucosamine monomer and glycerol 2-phosphate also vary with temperature. Therefore, temperature ramp tests were performed by modifying the temperature and measuring the pH of the following solutions. Inorganic phosphate solutions at 50 mM concentration at α=0.5 by mixing equal amount of monobasic phosphate (Sigma, Cat. No. S-5011) and dibasic phosphate (Sigma, Cat. No. S-9713). Monomeric glucosamine (non-polyelectrolyte) solutions were prepared by adding 12.9 mg d(+)-glucosamine hydrochloride (Sigma, Cat. No. G1514) to 20 mL distilled and de-ionized water to obtain 3.00 mM d(+)-glucosamine with 3.00 mM Cl− weak electrolyte. Further addition of 0.3 mL of 0.1 N NaOH solution produces a solution with α≅0.95 that was used for temperature ramp tests described below (equation 14 is satisfied since pH>5.8, and dpKa/dpH=1.00±0.01). Glycerol 2-phosphate (GP) solutions at 50 mM concentration with α=0.5 were then prepared by adding 297 mg GP (Sigma, Cat. No. G9891) to 20 mL distilled and de-ionized water followed by addition of 0.5 mL of 1 N HCl (equation 14 condition is satisfied since pH=6.2, and dpKa/dpH=1.00±0.01).
In order to prepare chitosan solutions with precise concentration, chitosan powder was dried at 60° C. for 2 days using a heated centrifugal vacuum concentrator (Savant Speedvac, model SS11) and kept in a desiccator until use. Chitosan was dissolved in dilute HCl at a glucosamine monomer to HCl molar ratio of 1:1 so that ionizable sites on the polymer and their weak electrolytes (Cl−) were present in equal concentrations in the solution, each at 3 mM. To prepare solutions, dried chitosan was first added to de-ionized water and stirred to disperse the powder prior to adding HCl. The solution was then stirred overnight to ensure complete dissolution of chitosan. The NaCl concentration (Ic) of the solution was adjusted by adding appropriate amounts of 5 M NaCl. At the highest level of added salt used in our study, i.e. Ic=150 mM, the glucosamine monomer and HCl concentrations were diluted to 2.91 mM.
A theoretical cylindrical cell model can be used to solve the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation and fit or predict the experimental data (see section “Poisson-Boltzmann cylindrical cell model predicts pKap variation with the degree of ionization for a polyelectrolyte” or Marcus, R. A., J Chem Physics 23: 1057-1068, 1955). A useful simplification to the non linear PB model is pKap=pK0−CT(T−Tref)−CIcα where we found CT=0.03/° C. (
In order to measure the variation of the polyelectrolyte ionization degree (chitosan in the present case), we performed NMR measurements of the glycerol 2-phosphate (GP) 31P chemical shift. Glycerol 2-phosphate titration curve at different temperatures allow determination pKa2GP, δa and δb by fitting pH and δ values of the following equation
where δa and δb are the chemical shifts of 31P in the monovalent and divalent form of GP, respectively.
This last equation is valid for ideal solutions where the proton activity coefficient is γH
We dissolve 0.594 g of glycerol 2-phosphate (Sigma, No. Cat. G-9891, 297 g/mol with 4.5 moles H2O per mole of GP) in 18 mL H2Odd and 2 mL D2O (Aldrich, No. Cat. 15,188-2-250G) in a graduate cylinder giving a CGP concentration of 100 mM. A total of 11 solutions (see Table 3) with different ionization degree are prepared from this base solution. The pH is measured with an Accumet meter, model 20 using an electrode 9803BN from Orion. Titrations data along with fitted curves are shown in
We then use the pKa2GP, δa and δb values found at different temperatures to determine χ with the following equation
In order to measure the variation of the degree of ionization of chitosan with temperature when mixed with GP, we measured the GP 31P chemical shift at different temperatures. Table 5 presents the masses used to prepare 4 chitosan/GP mixtures in order to obtain different values of β and γ. The preparation is described herein.
To obtain a final concentration cg-f in a total volume of 50 mL, we calculate the needed mass of chitosan (fD=0.866) with a loss on drying (LD) of 0.1329 (water content) using this equation
In a volumetric flask of 25 mL, we add the mass mc of chitosan in about 20 mL of a H2Odd-D2O mix (11:2) and disperse the powder by stirring the solution. We add the volume VHCl of HCl (1.037 M) and complete the volume to the mark using the H2Odd-D2O mix. We stir the solution with a magnetic bar overnight to obtain a 2×ccg-f and 2×cHClf solution.
With a 25 mL-volumetric flask, we dissolved the mass mGP of glycerol 2-phosphate into about 20 mL of the H2Odd-D2O mix. The solution was stirred until dissolution and complete the volume to the mark with H2Odd-D2O mix obtaining a 2×cGPf solution.
In a graduate cylinder of 50 mL, 20 mL of the prepared chitosan solution was added and the volume completed to 40 mL with the GP solution. Thus the two solutions are combined at a 1:1 ratio. A stir bar was added and the solution stirred for 10 minutes.
The phosphate chemical shift of prepared solutions (Table 5) was measured at 5, 15, and 37° C. and the value of χ found using equations 17 and 12. The value of χ is then used to calculate α, the degree of ionization of chitosan that was found to decrease with increasing temperature (
Here we provide evidence that supports the notion that there is no ionic cross-link between the polyelectrolyte and the counter-ion, using gels kept in contact with a bath solution to allow the weak electrolyte (glycerol 2-phosphate in this example) to diffuse out of the gel. The counter-ion concentration was measured at different times in the bath solution and showed an increase in concentration with time. A simple diffusion model predicted the diffusion profile and allowed the calculation of the diffusion constant in the gel (see section “Diffusion from a gel to a washing solution”) showing an absence of binding with the chitosan gel component.
A 7.5 mL solution (see Table 6) containing chitosan (2.93% w/v Protosan UP CL 213) was placed on ice at 4° C. To this solution, we added 2.25 mL glucosamine (2.16% w/v) drop by drop every 15 seconds followed by 1 mL glycerol 2-phosphate (GP) (33.3% w/v) and 2 mL of hydroxyethyl cellulose. Approximately 5 g of this solution was poured into 5.3 cm diameter Petri dishes and placed in an incubator at 37° C. at 5% CO2 under 100% relative humidity for 30 minutes. Another aliquot was taken for determination of initial phosphorus concentration in the gel.
The initial concentration of phosphorus in the gel is then (see Table 6)
15.5 mL of DMEM (pH=7.4) was then layered over solidified gels in the Petri dishes containing gels and this time was defined as time zero, t0. Aliquots (50 μL) of the DMEM bath medium were taken at predetermined times tP (2.5, 6.5, 14.5, 28.0, 46.5, 79.0, 240.0 and 1080.0 minutes) for phosphorus content determination. The remaining DMEM solution was then removed and replaced by fresh DMEM for 240 minutes and again replaced by fresh DMEM for another 72 minutes.
Samples of gel were then taken for analysis of phosphorus content and additional gel samples also taken following three subsequent washes in DMEM for 60 minutes each. Phosphorus was quantified using the established method of Kjeldahl digestion (Liao, N., Total phosphorus in Kjeldahl digests, Milwaukee, Wis.: LACHAT Instruments, 25 p., QuickChem Method 10-115-01-1-C, 1993) followed by the analysis of the absorption at 880 nm of the PO43− complex with ammonium molybdate and antimony potassic tartrate.
Concentration cpm is the measured concentration from the absorption at 880 nm. Knowing that following the Kjeldahl digestion, a 21 mL solution is used to dilute phosphorus extracted from the V, aliquot volume, aliquots concentration measurements are given by
Where 30.97 g/mol is the phosphorus molar mass.
To model the GP diffusion from the gel to the washing solution, we use a Cartesian representation where the x-axis originates at the bottom (x=0) of the Petri dish and is directed towards the top (
The model presented in the section entitled “Diffusion from a gel to a washing solution” is used to calculate the concentration c(x,t) where c is the GP concentration at position x at time t. We also know the gel-solution interface position x=hg and the solution-air interface position δ. The value hg is determine from the Petri dish diameter dp and the gel volume. Approximating the gel volume from a density ρg taken to be 1 g/mL, the gel height hg is given from its measured mass mg using the following formula
Knowing the washing solution volume Vw added on top of the gel, we find δ
It should be noted that during the equilibrium process, we observe a contraction of the gel (its mass mg is lower after washing, meaning that water left the gel). To simulate this contraction, we describe hg using a function of time
where hgi represents the initial gel thickness and hgc represents its contracted value. The time t0.5 represents the time for the gel to reach its half-contraction and τ is a time relative to its contraction speed.
The Degree of Ionization of Polyelectrolytes in Solution Varies with Temperature in a Manner Predicted by the Temperature-Dependence of their Dissociation Constants
Since β and γ vary between 0 and 1 and β is positive, it follows from equation 12 that γ respects the following conditions
β−1<γ<2β (24)
We now replace χ by a function of KaGlc, Ka2GP and γ using equations 7 and 8, and the parameters defined in equation 11. The dissociation equations 1 and 3 can now be rewritten as
We define
Dividing equation 25 by equations 26 and 27, we eliminate cH
The term χ+1 can now be substituted into 12 using equation 28. We eliminate cGPO
In order to simplify the following calculations, we define two parameters
A=2β−γ+1 (30)
B=γ−β (31)
Such that equation 29 becomes
α2(R−1)+α(A+B·R)−(A−1)=0 (32)
providing α is
Since A and B are constants (they are only functions of β and γ), the conditions for γ (equation 24) become
1<A<β+2 (34)
−1<B<β (35)
From A+B=β+1, we also have
A+B>1 (36)
We can show from equation 36 that appropriate root of equation 33 is that with the positive sign before the square root. The square root term of equation 33 can be rewritten
From equation 32 and the condition A>1 (equation 34) and α>0, we also have
α(R−1)+(A+B·R)>0 (38)
From equation 32 we see that if R<1, we have that (A+B·R) is positive and greater than α(1−R). Therefore, examining equation 33, we see that the positive root must be taken to respect condition 38. Moreover, if R>1, we know that equation 33 is greater than A+B·R (since A>1) and we see that the positive root is taken to obtain α>0. Therefore, α is given by the positive root of equation 33.
We now need to find the partial derivative of equation 33 with respect to the temperature T. We first define
We then have
The partial derivative of the previous equation with respect to the temperature T is then
The derivatives of x, y and z give
Using equations 39, 41, 44 et 46, the term with the derivatives of x and z in equation 43 are
Using equations 40, 41, 45 et 46, the term with the derivatives of y et z in equation 43 are
We define the coefficient of
in the right-hand term of this previous equation equal to f and rewrite this term as
From equation 43 and relations 47, 48 and 49 the derivative of α with respect to the temperature T is given by
Also, we have
Therefore, we can rewrite equation 50 to obtain
In order to obtain a reduction of the ionization degree of the polyelectrolyte we require conditions such that
We now need to know if f−(A+B)√{square root over (y)}>0, that is equivalent to showing f2−(A+B)2y>0 since (A+B)√{square root over (y)}>0 (see equation 36). We have for f2, from equation 49,
And therefore,
f>(A+B)√{square root over (y)}>0 (55)
And the condition producing
Derivation of dpKap/dpH≅1
Assuming an ideal solution the equilibrium constant of the cationic polyelectrolyte dissociation AH+H++A is
and water dissociation to protons and hydroxyl ions related by
Conservation of the total number of ionizable sites requires
A (59)
Solution electroneutrality in the presence of a strong base and/or acid like NaOH or HCl is
where zi is the valence of species i and ci is its concentration.
The degree of ionization
combined with equation 59 provides
Approximating γH
Differentiating equation 63 we have
while equation 61 and pH=−log10
Taking into account that the strong base and/or acid are entirely dissociated such that
we find by differentiating electroneutrality equation 60 with respect to CH
Differentiating water dissociation equation 58 similarly provides
Inserting equations 65 to 68 into equation 64 results in
where use of equations 59, 61 and 62, reveals
Finally we find that
Poisson-Boltzmann Cylindrical Cell Model Predicts pKap Variation with the Degree of Ionization for a Polyelectrolyte
Chitosan is composed of two distinct monomers: a fraction fD of ionizable glucosamine and a fraction 1−fD of nonionizable N-acetyl-glucosamine (
where e is the elementary charge, α is the degree of ionization of the polycation (α=0 is neutral and α=1 is fully ionized) and l is the structural length of the monomer that is set to l=0.52 nm following structural data (Mazeau et al., Macromolecules 27: 7606-7612, 1994; Okuyama et al., Macromolecules 30: 5849-5855, 1997). The radius of the inner cylinder representing chitosan is taken as a=0.8 nm. Each polymer chain is located at the center of a cylindrical cell whose radius b (
where NA is Avogadro's number.
The polycation is surrounded by mobile ions in the region a<r<b. Using the mean field approximation (Marcus, R. A., J Chem Physics 23: 1057-1068, 1955), these ions are assumed to follow a Boltzmann distribution at equilibrium, resulting in a concentration profile ci(r) about the poly ion that is a function of radial position r and electrostatic potential ψ(r),
where zi is the valence of the mobile ionic species i, T is the temperature, and k is Boltzmann's constant. The position where the electrostatic potential is zero, and therefore where ci0 would be the concentration of ionic species i, always exist in a solution where the polymer is infinitely dilute or when the solution is in equilibrium across a semi-permeable membrane (permeable to salt but not to the polyelectrolyte). When these conditions do not apply, as in the case of a closed polyelectrolyte solution at finite concentration in the present study where ψ>0 can occur throughout the solution, then the value of ci0 can be found from the known mean concentration of positive or negative electrolyte ions,
where a mono-monovalent electrolyte, zi=1+ or 1−, is considered and
are the mobile ion activity coefficients in the cylindrical cell, particular to this mean-field theory.
A theoretical relationship describing pH dependence on pK0, α and ψ|r=a where ψ|r=a is the electrostatic potential at the surface of the polyelectrolyte from the Poisson-Boltzmann cylindrical cell model (Marcus, R. A., J Chem Physics 23: 1057-1068, 1955) is given by
and μH0 is the standard proton chemical potential in the solution phase, and μAH
that includes two contributions, the first representing the intrinsic monomeric dissociation constant pK0(T), and the second containing the polyelectrolyte surface potential ψ|r=a that can be found by solving the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. Note that for simple acid/base electrolytes ψ|r=a=0 in the current model and therefore the apparent pKa (pKap) and pKa become identical pKap(T)=pK0(T)=pKa(n.
The use of equation 77 to determine pH requires knowledge of ψ|r=a, α, and pK0 for a given temperature, T. The electrostatic potential, ψ(a<r<b), can be found from the solution to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation (Buschmann and Grodzinsky, J Biomech Eng 117: 179-192, 1995; Carnie and Torrie, Adv Chem Phys 56: 141-253, 1984; Fixman, J Chem Phys 70: 4995-5005, 1979) in cylindrical coordinates,
subject to boundary conditions from Gauss' law
where ε is the permittivity of water and ρ(r) is the spatially varying charge density. In a region where the electrostatic potential and derivatives are zero (i.e. a real or virtual ground) we have from equation 80
In the context of this study, the mobile ions considered are the weak electrolyte Cl− (from the solvent HCl and NaCl salt added), the co-ion Na+ (from the dissociation of NaOH and NaCl) and protons (H+). Hydroxyl ion (OH−) concentration is negligible since only acidic solutions are considered. Then equation 82 can be used to define a concentration of total cationic or total anionic species, c0, at the real or virtual ground as
0 (83)
Since both cations follow the same Boltzmann distribution, the summation on the right side of equation 80 can be written in terms of cCl0 alone, using equation 83, to obtain
The experimentally known average Cl− concentration
The degree of ionization, α is required to calculate pH from equation 77. To determine α, we use the condition of macroscopic electroneutrality, again assuming negligible amounts of hydroxyl ions,
+=0 (85)
where cg+g is the concentration of ionized glucosamine monomers,
p (86)
Substituting equations 77 and 86 into equation 85 we find
The value of α and the corresponding ψ|r=a are determined for each particular experimental pH. In most cases, the proton concentration is negligible and α is simply determined from the known ion and monomer concentrations (taking into account any dilution from the cumulative titrant addition). For cases where proton concentration must be considered (i.e. the term
in equation 87 is significant), the degree of ionization α can be estimated by using the pH experimental value and assuming an activity coefficient equal to one. For low ionic strength and low pH values, the approximation γ+=1 becomes inaccurate, in which case, after having solved the Poisson-Boltzmann equation (equation 84) as described in the previous section, the potential profile ψ(r) is used to calculate γ+ using equation 76 and this γ+ is subsequently inserted into equation 77 to obtain a new α and the process is iterated until a converges to a unique value.
Diffusion from a Gel to a Washing Solution
We define a concentration function c(x,t) for the counter-ion where x represents the position in the axial direction of the Petri dish and t represents the time (see
Lack of diffusive flux at the impermeable boundaries requires
The diffusion coefficient D(x,t) in the gel is Dg, while in the solution an larger coefficient Ds is chosen to account for stirring. Therefore
Initial conditions are
where cg and cs are phosphate concentration values in the gel and the solution, respectively.
The diffusion equation (equation 88) was solved respecting the specified conditions (equations 89 to 91) using the pdepe function from MatLab software.
The present invention will be more readily understood by referring to the following examples, which are given to illustrate the invention rather than to limit its scope.
Now using the previous equations, it is now possible to arrive more rapidly at a gel composition comprising a solution of 2% w/v of chitosan with a degree of deacetylation of 78.5% dissolved in HCl 0.092 M. The solution is stirred vigorously for about 2 hours in order to dissolve the chitosan powder. With a syringe, 3.125 mL of the chitosan/HCl solution is transferred to a glass vial. This solution is partly neutralized by adding drop-by-drop 1.875 mL of 0.27 M dibasic sodium phosphate. During the addition of the dibasic sodium phosphate, the solution is stirred vigorously to minimize local basification and avoid formation of local precipitates. This mixing is preferably done at room temperature (20° C.) since the solubility of dibasic sodium phosphate is reduced at lower temperatures. The pH of the resulting solution is near 7.0 at room temperature. The solution is then placed in an incubator at 37° C. whereupon it forms a gel within 15 minutes. A rheological measurement of this mixture, demonstrating thermogelling behavior, is presented in
A further example of the application of the above formulae is reported herein. Chitosan from Natural Biopolymer having a degree of deacetylation 85% was dissolved in 120 mM HCl to obtain a molar glucosamine concentration of 141 mM (166 mM as total average mean monomer molar concentration or 2.7% w/v). A disodium phosphate solution of 0.815 M Na2HPO4 with 0.288 M HCl was prepared. An initial volume of 200 μL of the Na2HPO4 solution was added to 2.0 mL of the chitosan solution and placed in a oven at 60° C. to dissolve some precipitates that form during the previous mixing step. The mixture is then cooled down to room temperature. An additional 200 μL of the same phosphate-HCl solution was then added to the mixture. The resulting solution was placed in an oven at 60° C. whereupon a gel is formed after 25 minutes.
The principle of thermal gelation of polyelectrolyte solutions that is revealed in this invention can be applied to obtain several additional compositions that are logical and direct extensions of the chitosan-inorganic phosphate system described above. The use of alternative buffers other than dibasic sodium phosphate and glycerol 2-phosphate and other polyol phosphates described here is clearly possible and simply depends upon their specific pKa and variation of pKa with temperature (dpKa/dT) as long as equation 13 is respected. Particular volumes and concentrations of solutions to be mixed can then be predicated using the modeling approach described in this invention, for example by calculating the change in ionization state induced by a temperature change with equation 47. One general principle outlined by this invention is that the pKa of the weak electrolyte should be close to that of the cationic polyelectrolyte and the pKa of the weak electrolyte should be relatively insensitive to temperature, compared to that of the cationic polyelectrolyte in order that heat induced neutralization of the cationic polyelectrolyte occurs. In this manner several mixtures of polyelectrolyte and weak electrolyte may be chosen from components such as those in Table 1, but not limited to those of Table 1, in order to achieve thermosensitive gelation.
Examples using anionic polyelectrolytes can also be identified using the principles taught from this invention. The primary difference with anionic polyelectrolytes is that temperature induced dissociation of protons from an anionic polyelectrolyte will increase charge state of an anionic polyelectrolyte rather than reduce it, as in the case of the above described cationic polyelectrolyte. Thus, in order to form thermosensitive gelling systems using anionic polyelectrolytes the criterion expressed in equation 13 should be reversed such that the tendency of the weak electrolyte to dissociate at higher temperatures is greater than that of the anionic polyelectrolyte, thereby creating a net transfer of protons to the anionic polyelectrolyte and neutralizing it at higher temperatures. Of course such a polyelectrolyte will gel only when attractive hydrophobic forces and hydrogen bonds overcome residual repulsive electrostatic forces due to the partial remaining charged state of the polyelectrolyte. One example of such a system, that is an embodiment of our invention, is a phosphate containing polyelectrolyte, such as a polynucleotide (DNA, RNA), in the presence of an amine containing weak electrolyte, such as glucosamine. Heat induced charge transfer from monomeric glucosamine, to the phosphate containing polyelectrolyte and thereby neutralize it, allowing it to establish hydrogen bonding and gel formation.
Yet another embodiment of the invention is the formation of temperature sensitive gels using anionic polyelectrolytes where the anionic polyelectrolyte transfers protons to the weak electrolyte when heated and thereby becomes more highly charged thereby permitting ionic cross-linking with an oppositely charged cationic species in solution at higher temperature. Such a system can be achieved with the commonly used alginate/calcium ionically cross-linked gel. A thermosensitive system could be produced by tailoring the composition of this system such that the alginate passes from a less charged to a more charged (anionic) state upon heating allowing it to form ionic bonds with calcium and thereby a thermosensitive gel. Using the principles of this invention the exact parameters of such a system can be easily identified.
Yet additional examples of thermosensitive polyelectrolyte/buffer systems may be found by implementing temperature-induced changes of ionization state of system components. Here an example is a composition of the anionic polyelectrolyte alginate to which we add calcium carbonate, CaCO3 and glucosamine in similar amounts. Alginate is first cooled down, calcium carbonate solution is then added following which we add glucosamine solution and heat the mixture. Upon heating glucosamine will dissociate, thereby liberating protons into solution, decreasing the pH and permit the solubilization of calcium carbonate, since calcium carbonate dissolves easily under acidic pH and higher temperature. Once Ca2+ ions are released from calcium carbonate they attract polyanionic alginate chains, form ionic bonds and consequently a solid hydrogel.
This example shows the precipitation induced by heating in diluted chitosan solutions monitored by a decrease in light transmittance in temperature ramp experiments. These experiments reveal the mechanism of the gelification or homogeneous block-precipitation induced by heating that occurs in concentrated solutions.
Chitosan-GP and chitosan-dibasic sodium phosphate mixtures were prepared and heated using the experimental apparatus described above and shown in
and β are both smaller than for the GP solution.
This example shows the precipitation induced by heating in a diluted chitosan solution monitored by a decrease in light transmittance in a temperature ramp experiment. This experiment reveals the mechanism of the gelation or homogeneous block-precipitation induced by heating that occurs in concentrated solutions. In addition, it shows that the precipitation/gelation for chitosan also occurs with buffers other that phosphate-based buffers.
Chitosan-MES (4-Morpholineethanesulfonic acid) solution was heated using the experimental apparatus described above and shown in
While the invention has been described in connection with specific embodiments thereof, it will be understood that it is capable of further modifications and this application is intended to cover any variations, uses, or adaptations of the invention following, in general, the principles of the invention and including such departures from the present disclosure as come within known or customary practice within the art to which the invention pertains and as may be applied to the essential features hereinbefore set forth, and as follows in the scope of the appended claims.
This application is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 12/092,484, filed on Aug. 25, 2008 which is a 371 National Stage of International Application No. PCT/CA2006/001814, filed on Nov. 6, 2006, which claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) of U.S. provisional application Ser. No. 60/733,174 filed Nov. 4, 2005, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
60733174 | Nov 2005 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 12092484 | Aug 2008 | US |
Child | 13184953 | US |