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Progress in Pulsed Laser Array Techniques for Generation of Acoustic Waves. Todd W. Murray; James W. Wagner. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondesructive Evaluation vol. 13, pp. 532-539, 1994 (no month). |
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Holographic currents and the non-steady-state photoelectromotive force in cubic photorefractive crystals. L. A. Sokolov; S. I. Stepanov; and G. S. Trofimov. Optical Society of America vol. 9. No. 1/Jan. 1992, pp. 173-176. |
Photodisplacement techniques for defect detection. Y. Martin Y; E. A. Ash. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, vol. 320, No. 1554, pp. 257-269, 1986 (no month). |