The present invention relates generally to a methodology that can drive a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver to generate the structurally independent aerodynamic influence coefficient (AIC) matrices for aeroelastic analysis. During a flight vehicle's structural design cycle of a fixed aerodynamic configuration, the AIC matrices can be repeatedly used to rapidly generate aeroelastic solutions of the redesigned a flight vehicle's structures without any additional CFD computation.
Despite advances of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods, applications of CFD to an aeroelastic analysis using the time-marching approach is still not well-accepted by the aerospace industry. One obvious reason is the high cost of the CFD computation because whenever the structural design is changed, the CFD computation must be executed again. Also, the time-marching CFD approach can only determine the first flutter mode because it cannot proceed further beyond the lowest flutter speed due to the divergent oscillatory response. Usually, the flutter engineer in the aerospace industry would like to find all critical flutter modes occurring in the flight envelope so that they can modify the structural design to resolve these flutter problems. This is the reason that the aerospace industry prefers to solve the aeroelastic equation in the frequency domain that reads:
[−ω2[Mhh]+iω[Chh]+[Khh]−q∞[Qhh(ik)]]{ξ}=q∞[Qhc(ik)]{δ}+q∞[Qhg(ik)]wg (1)
where [Mhh], [Chh], and [Khh] are the generalized mass, damping, and stiffness matrices, respectively, that can be provided by the commercially available structural finite element solvers, (the subscript h denotes the number of modes), q∞ is the dynamic pressure, {ξ} is the generalized coordinates vector, {δ} is the control surface deflection vector, and wg is the gust velocity profile such as the one-minus-cosine profile. Usually, the most time-consuming parts of establishing Equation (1) are the generation of the Generalized Aerodynamic Forces (GAF) due to h number of structural modes [Qhh(ik)], c number of control surface kinematic modes [Qhc(ik)], and due to gust [Qhg(ik)], where k=ωL/V is the reduced frequency, L is the reference length, and V is the freestream velocity. These generalized aerodynamic forces are provided by the unsteady aerodynamic computation that solves the linear potential equation or the high-fidelity Euler/Navier-Stokes equations. Currently, the unsteady panel methods such as Doublet Lattice Method [Rodden, W. P., Giesing, J. P. and Kalman, T. P., “New Development and Applications of the Subsonic Doublet-Lattice Method for Nonplanar Configurations,” AGARD Conf. Proc. No. 80-71, Part II, No. 4, 1971] and ZONA6 [Chen, P. C., Lee, H. W. and Liu, D. D., “Unsteady Subsonic Aerodynamics for Bodies and Wings with External Stores Including Wake Effect,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 30, No. 5, September-October 1993, pp. 618-628.] for solving the subsonic potential equation, and ZONA7 [Chen, P. C. and Liu, D. D., “Unsteady Supersonic Computations of Arbitrary Wing-Body Configurations Including External Stores,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 27, No. 2, February 1990, pp. 108-116.] for solving the supersonic potential equation are still the primary methods used by the aerospace industry because these panel methods can generate the Aerodynamic Influence Coefficient (AIC) matrix in the frequency domain. The AIC matrix is a complex matrix with a size equal to the number of panels in the aerodynamic model. The jth row of the ith column in the AIC matrix contains the unsteady pressure coefficient on the jth panel due to a unit input at the control point of the ith panel. Thus, the AIC matrix contains the purely unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of the aerodynamic geometry and, therefore, is independent of the structure. Once the AIC matrix is available, the [Qhh(ik)]ϵh×h and [Qhc(ik)]ϵ
h×c matrices can be rapidly computed using the following equations:
[Qhc(ik)]=[ϕh]T[S][AIC(ik)][ϕc] (2)
where [S] is an integration matrix to convert pressures to forces, [ϕh] is the structural mode shapes, and [ϕc] is the control surface kinematic modes. The AIC matrix can also be used to generate the Qhg(ik) matrix by the following equation:
where x is the control point locations of the panel model and x0 is the gust reference point.
Because the AIC matrix is independent of the structure, once the aerodynamic configuration is fixed during the flight vehicle's structural design process, the AIC matrix can be repeatedly used for structural design. Also, the AIC matrix is an ideal aerodynamic force generator for structural sizing optimization involving aeroelastic constraints because it only needs to be computed once prior to the optimization iterations. Furthermore, because the increase of computational time for generating GAF from the AIC matrix due to the increase of the number of structural modes is small, the AIC matrix can be used to determine the required number of structural modes for accurate aeroelastic analysis, i.e. a convergence study is usually required for a modal-based aeroelastic analysis.
However, because of the linear potential flow assumption, the unsteady panel methods are not valid at transonic and hypersonic Mach numbers nor at high angles-of-attack. In these flow conditions, accurate unsteady aerodynamic forces only can be obtained by solving the Euler or Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations. Therefore, the aerospace industry would greatly benefit from having an innovative method that can efficiently generate the AIC matrix from a CFD method.
The objective of this invention is to provide a CFD-based AIC generator for generating the structurally independent AIC matrices using a high fidelity CFD solver. The high fidelity CFD solver can be either a public-domain code such as FUN3D developed by NASA Langley Research Center and SU2 by Stanford University or a commercial CFD solver such as Fluent and CFX developed by ANSYS, CFD++ by Metacomp Technologies Inc., STAR-CCM+ by Siemens and Cobalt by Cobalt solution LLC. Using these AIC matrices, the Generalized Aerodynamic Forces (GAF) due to structural modes and control surface kinematic modes can be rapidly obtained using Equation (2). Also, the GAF due to gust excitation can be computed using Equation (3). With these three GAFs available, Equation (1) can be constructed to perform the frequency-domain flutter, aeroservoelastic (ASE), and dynamic loads analysis.
Because the output of the AIC matrix is the linearized unsteady pressure coefficients, it is required to linearize the CFD solver using two approaches. The first approach is the Finite Difference (FD) method that is applied to a CFD solver in which all floating numbers are programmed in the real variables. For a given mode shape vector, {ϕ}, with an amplitude of ξϵ and a unit excitation signal of (t) specified on the surface mesh defined by {X0}, the moving surface mesh to define the total unsteady motion is {X0}+ξϵ
(t){ϕ}. Defining the unsteady CFD solver as a nonlinear real variable operator, ℑr, where the subscript r denotes the real variable version of the CFD solver, the total unsteady aerodynamic pressure coefficients about the mean flow condition, {Cp
{Cp(t){ϕ}) (4)
Because each column of the AIC matrix is the linearized unsteady aerodynamic pressure distribution per a unit amplitude, {Cp(t)}, the mean aerodynamic pressures must be subtracted from the CFD computed total unsteady aerodynamic pressures then divided the resulting pressures by ξϵ using the following equation:
Here, Equation (5) is defined as a Finite Difference (FD) method where ξϵ must be sufficiently small but not too small to avert the numerical subtraction error. The FD method for computing {Cp(t)} requires an unsteady CFD computation to yield ℑr({X0}+ξϵ(t){ϕ}) and a steady CFD computation to yield ℑr({X0}). Also, the accuracy of {Cp(t)} depends on the choice of the value of ξϵ whose best value must be determined by a trial-and-error procedure.
The second approach for generating the linearized unsteady pressure distribution is to apply the Complex Variable Differentiation (CVD) technique to a CFD solver that is programmed by the complex variables and is represented by a nonlinear complex variable operator ℑc, where the subscript c denotes the complex variable version of the CFD solver. By incorporating the surface mesh, {X0}, in the real part and the unsteady motion, ξϵ(t){ϕ}, in the imaginary part of the complex unsteady boundary condition, the complex total unsteady aerodynamic pressure, {Cp
{Cp(t){ϕ}) (6)
Assuming ξϵ<<1 (e.g., 10−50) and using Taylor's expansion, {Cp(t)} can be directly obtained from the imaginary part of the complex aerodynamic pressures computed by the complex-variable CFD solver as:
Because of ξϵ=10−50, the high order terms from Taylor's expansion are below machine zero in a 64-bit computer. Therefore, the unsteady aerodynamic pressures generated by the complex-variable CFD solver is the numerically exact linearized unsteady aerodynamic pressure distribution. This CVD technique expressed in Equations (6) and (7), when applied to a CFD viscous/inviscid computation, is referred to herein as the numerically Exact Linearized Viscous Unsteady Solver (ELVUS).
The derivation of Equation (7) from Equation (6) via Taylor's expansion is shown below:
Carefully examining the term
where NCFD is the number of the CFD surface grid points, in the right-hand side of Equation (8) and assuming (t) to be a delta function, it can be realized that
represents a Multi-Input-Multi-Output (MIMO) linearized unsteady aerodynamic transfer function matrix. In fact, it is equivalent to the AIC matrix generated by the linear unsteady aerodynamic panel method except in the time domain. Multiplying this AIC matrix to a mode shape vector yields the linearized unsteady pressure distribution shown below:
Thus, Equation (7) can be derived by plugging Equation (9) into Equation (8).
Since the objective of this invention is to generate the AIC matrix in the frequency domain, the excitation signal of (t) is replaced by
(t)=sin(ωt). Then, applying Fourier transform (represented by the operator FT) to the matrix
in Equation (9) yields the AIC matrix in the frequency domain shown by the following equation:
In the ith column, the AIC matrix shown in Equation (10) contains the frequency-domain aerodynamic pressure coefficients at NCFD number of CFD surface grid points due to an impulse input at the ith surface grid. Thus, to generate the AIC matrix requires NCFD number of CFD unsteady computations.
However, because the CFD mesh of a Three-Dimensional (3D) configuration can easily contain over thousands if not millions of surface grid points, generating the AIC matrix using the Point-by-Point Excitation (PPE) approach is computationally unaffordable. This technical issue can be resolved by a Master Point Excitation (MPE) approach that can drastically reduce the computational time for the AIC generation.
The present invention will hereinafter be described in conjunction with the following drawing figure, wherein like numerals denote like elements, and
As used and defined herein, the terms “computer”, “assembler”, “solver”, and “generator” refers variously to software modifying a single computer, a plurality of computers with each computer in communication at least one of the plurality of computers, and multiple standalone computers.
The input of the 3D MPE preprocessor 108 is a coarse panel model that is generated by coarsening the CFD surface mesh 616 and then connecting the coarser grid points 618, herein referred to as the panel grids, by panels, rendering a panel model. This can be achieved using commercial grid generation software such as Hypermesh developed by Altair or Pointwise developed by Pointwise Inc. In so doing, the panel grids are always the subset of the CFD surface grid points. This panel model serves as the mid-layer between the CFD solver and the structural finite element model. Therefore, it is called the Mid-Layer Panel Model (MLPM). The output 624 of the 3D MPE preprocessor 108 is the excitation amplitude matrix, denoted as Φexc ϵ(3N
To generate the excitation amplitude matrix, two steps are involved in the 3D MPE preprocessor 108. The first step is to identify the CFD surface grid points 606 that lie within each panel and the second step is to compute the excitation amplitude matrix 624 using the bi-linear Lagrange shape functions.
Identifying the CFD surface grid points that lie within each panel 202 is purely a geometric problem. The algorithm is illustrated as follows. Using the diagram shown in
where {right arrow over (n)} is the normal vector of the panel which points outwards from the body encompassed by the panel model. Similarly, the distance of Point P to the other three edges are computed as:
For Point P to be inside of Panel ABCD, the distances computed by Equation (11) and (12) must be greater than zero. To circumvent numerical truncation errors, a small tolerance value is introduced. If the absolute value of the distance, e.g., DP2AB, is less than this small tolerance, Point P will be regarded as lying on the edge of the panel.
One more check is still needed to ensure Point P lies within the Panel ABCD; supposedly the CFD surface mesh and MLPM define the same surface. The distance of Point P to the flat plane of Panel ABCD is computed as:
Similarly, if the absolute value of DP2AB is less than the tolerance, Point P will be treated as it lies within the plane defined by Panel ABCD.
For each panel 202 of MLPM, the coordinates of the four corner points and its associating CFD surface grid points are first projected onto the panel plane. Afterwards, the bi-linear Lagrange shape functions are used to correlate the displacement field of each panel to that of the panel corner nodes:
where ui (i=1, . . . , 4) represents the displacements at the four corner points, and (ξ, η) are the local coordinates of each CFD surface grid point.
Using the iso-parametric element concept, the local coordinates of the CFD grids can be found from the following relation:
The bi-linear Lagrange shape functions Nt (ξ, η) used in the above equations are defined in a local coordinate system: (ξ: [0,1]; η: [0,1]), and are shown in
For the ith panel grid, called the master grid, that is the common corner point shared by its adjacent panels (macroelements), by assigning the excitation amplitude at this panel grid to be unit (ti=1) the excitation amplitudes at those CFD surface grids that lie within the adjacent macroelements, called the slave grids, can be computed by the bi-linear Lagrange shape functions and are depicted in
Considering that the displacement at each panel grid consists of three translational degrees-of-freedom along the x, y and z directions, the final assembled excitation amplitude matrix, Φexc ϵ(3N
Two set of inputs are needed by the wrapper around a high fidelity CFD solver. The first set is the CFD surface mesh and volume mesh, and the second set is the excitation amplitude matrix generated by the 3D MPE preprocessor 108. By treating each column of the excitation amplitude matrix as the unsteady motion on the CFD surface mesh, the wrapper applies either the ELVUS or FD technique to drive the high fidelity CFD solver to generate one column of the frequency-domain AIC matrix. Repeating the process (3×NMLPM) times and collecting the frequency-domain unsteady pressure coefficients at CFD surface grid points yield the [AIC(ikj)]ϵN
A frequency-domain aeroelastic analysis usually requires the AIC matrices at Nk number of reduced frequencies, i.e. kj, j=1, 2, . . . , Nk, where Nk is typically less than ten. Therefore, this process must be repeated for (3×NMLPM×Nk) times, requiring the execution of (3×NMLPM×Nk) CFD jobs to generate Nk number of AIC matrices in the frequency domain of interest. Using the index of the column number and the index of the reduced frequency, the wrapper can assemble a file name to save the frequency-domain Cp. Therefore, for (3×NMLPM×Nk) CFD jobs the wrapper generates (3×NMLPM×Nk) files with different file names and each file contains one column of the AIC matrix at a reduced frequency.
To further reduce the number of CFD jobs, a composite sinusoidal excitation technique is incorporated in the wrapper around the high fidelity CFD solver 110 which can generate Nk number of AIC matrices simultaneously.
The composite sinusoidal excitation reads:
where a is the user assigned damping ratio to ensure that the excitation is a rapidly decay function and T is the non-dimensional time.
Applying Fourier transform for the jth reduced frequency (kj), denoted as j, to both the time-domain linearized unsteady pressure coefficients computed by the high fidelity CFD solver as well as the composite sinusoidal excitation,
(t), and using the following equation yields the frequency-domain AIC matrix at reduced frequency=kj. Repeating the application of Fourier transform using Equation (17) for j=1, 2, . . . Nk leads to .Nk number of AIC matrices.
The major technical issue of the CFD-based AIC generation process is that the computational time to generate an AIC matrix is proportional to the number of panel grids (master points) of a MLPM. The number of surface grid points of a complex viscous CFD model can easily exceed millions. To generate an AIC matrix for such a CFD model with an affordable computational resource, the coarsening ratio (the ratio between the number of panel grids and CFD surface grid points) must be small but not too small to ensure the accuracy of the unsteady aerodynamic solutions. This technical issue can be resolved by the Coarsening Ratio Criterion (CRC) that can foresee the accuracy of the unsteady aerodynamic solutions prior to the generation of AIC matrices.
Theoretically, one can generate an AIC matrix using the Point-by-Point Excitation (PPE) technique, denoted as [AICPPE]. Then, the AIC matrix generated by the MPE technique, denoted as [AICMPE], in fact can be related to [AICPPE] via the excitation amplitude matrix, Φexc ϵN
For a mode shape calculated or splined from the structural grids to the CFD surface grid points, denoted as {ϕSpline}N
where {Cexact}N
Because the panel grids are the subset of the CFD surface grid points, the mode shape at the panel grids, denoted as {ϕMLPM}N
To quantify the difference between {Cpexact}N
Therefore, MACCp can be used as an index to determine the accuracy of {Cpapproximate}N
Comparing Equations (19) to (22), it is seen that MACCp is equivalent to MACmode which is shown by the equation below:
Now, MACmode can be calculated before the AIC matrix is generated.
To amplify the difference between {ϕTransform} and {ϕSpline} calculated by MACmode, it is modified to define a Coarsening Ratio Criterion (CRC) shown below:
CRC=√{square root over (1−MACmode)} (25)
Thus, the small CRC value implies that the AIC matrix can lead to an accurate unsteady Cp distribution. Numerical experience has shown that, in general, a MLPM that satisfies the CRC<3% requirement can guarantee the unsteady Cp solution to be accurate.
The AIC assembler assembles the frequency-domain AIC matrix, [AIC(ik)]ϵN
The GAF generator essentially computes the GAFs due to structural modes, control surface kinematic modes and gust excitation using Equations (2) and (3) and consequently constructs Equation (1) to perform flutter, ASE, and dynamic loads analysis during the flight vehicle's structural design cycle. It should be noticed that during such a design cycle, the AIC matrices can be repeatedly used because of its structurally independent characteristics.
The following claims have some functional language and do not contain any statements of intended use.
This application involves an invention made with United States Government support under a Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program, Phase I entitled, “Generation of CFD-Based Structurally Independent Aerodynamic Influence Coefficient Matrix,” having Contract Number: 80NSSC200369 awarded by NASA Langley Research Center (National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23666).