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H. Taub et al., “Principles of Communication Systems”, 2nd Edition, pp 562-571, McGraw Hill, NY, 1986.* |
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Technical Paper Entitled “A Programmable Parallel Processor Archecture for a Viterbi Detector”, H. Loe et al., Globecom 1990.* |
Technical Paper Entitled “Memory Management in a Verterbi Decoder”, C.M. Rader, IEEE Trans. Comms., vol. com-29, No. 9, Sep. 1981.* |
G. Ungerboeck, “Trellis-Coded Modulation with Redundant Signal Set, Part1, Introduction; Part 11,State of the Art”, IEEE Communication Magazine, vol. 25, pp. 5-21,Feb. 1997. |
H.Taub et al, “Principles of Communication Systems”, 2nd Edition, pp. 562-571, McGraw Hill,NY, 1986. |
Viterbi et al, “Principles of Digital Communication and Coding”,McGraw Hill NY, 1979. |
Technical Paer Entitled “A Programmable Parallel Processor Architecture for a Viterbi Detector” H.Lou et al, Globecom 1990. |
Technical Paper Entitled “Memory Management in a Viterbi Decoder”, C.M. Rader, IEEE Trans. Comms., vol. COM-29, No. 9, Sep. 1981. |