GEOPAths Informal Network Vocational Experiences and Research Training in Marine Science (GP-IN:VERT) is a project designed to increase pre-college student exposure to and participation in marine STEM activities in an effort to increase the number of undergraduate students pursuing a degree in marine STEM. Marine STEM remains one of the least racially and ethnically diverse fields despite increased emphasis and efforts to increase participation from groups who have been structurally excluded in STEM. GP-IN:VERT aims to increase the pursuit of marine STEM degrees by: engaging students primarily from structurally excluded and marginalized groups in authentic, marine geoscience career-relevant experiences; providing access to students that might otherwise not encounter geoscience before deciding on a major; and creating mechanisms to engage local high school students in experiences that demonstrate the geosciences as a viable career path. This will be done through a school-year afterschool program followed by a two-week immersive experience over the summer. Participating students will engage with marine STEM content, hands-on experiences and higher educational opportunities as well as various marine STEM professionals to gain a better understanding of the broad landscape of the field as well as pathways into careers.<br/><br/>GP-IN:VERT aims to engage students from structurally excluded and marginalized populations in meaningful marine STEM activities in an effort to increase high school student: awareness of marine STEM career opportunities; understanding of marine STEM career pathways; self-efficacy, sense of belonging, and science identity in marine STEM settings, feelings of social support through participation in a learning ecosystem-based program; and confidence in pursuing undergraduate programs and careers in marine STEM. A Social Cognitive Career Theory approach will be utilized in which learning experiences of student participants are influenced by their prior experiences, predispositions, and/or cultural backgrounds and identities, which all impact the complex decision-making process of career choice. Under the guidance of trained staff mentors and returning student peer mentors, students will be provided a scaffolded learning framework to build their knowledge base of marine STEM concepts and topics as well as career relevant information like careers available and pathways into those careers. This program has the potential to serve as a model for other institutions looking to create a career exposure and exploration program, both in marine STEM and in other STEM fields. Ultimately this project seeks to diversify the marine STEM landscape in order to produce productive and creative problem solving in geoscience research.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.