The present invention relates to the field of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). More particularly, the present invention relates to ambiguity resolution using multiple GNSS and/or GNSS that use FDMA. Especially, the fixed-ambiguity carrier-phase positioning using a combination of GPS and GLONASS signals is substantially improved.
Ambiguity estimation of GNSS signals for three or more carriers is disclosed in Vollath U.S. Pat. Appl. US 2005/0101248 A1, published May 12, 2005. Relative position measuring techniques using both GPS and GLONASS carrier phase measurements are described in Kozlov et al. U.S. Pat. No. 5,914,685, dated Jun. 22, 1999, and in Kozlov et al. U.S. Pat. No. 6,229,479 B1, dated May 8, 2001. A receiver using signals of GLONASS and GPS systems is described in Rog et al. U.S. Pat. No. 6,441,780 B1, dated Aug. 27, 2002. Navigation data prediction for GPS and GLONASS weak signal tracking is described in Vorobiev et al. U.S. Pat. No. 6,731,701 B2, dated May 4, 2004. Improved methods and apparatus for ambiguity resolution using multiple GNSS and/or GNSS that employ FDMA are desired, as will become apparent from the description below.
Pseudo-range can be determined for example using the GPS C/A code with an error of about one meter. A civil GPS receiver not using the military-only P/Y code determines rover position with an error in the range of meters. However, the phases of the L1 and L2 carriers can be measured with an accuracy of 0.01-0.05 cycles (corresponding to pseudo-range errors of 2 mm to 1 cm), allowing relative position of the rover to be estimated with errors in the range of millimeters to centimeters with appropriate estimation of carrier ambiguities.
Combined processing of signal data from more than one GNSS, such as combined GPS+GLONASS RTK processing, has some special issues to be addressed in the algorithms. These include: A. Clock Difference(s), B. Frequency-Dependent Biases, and C. Partial Fixing.
A. Clock Difference(s). The clock errors of inter-GNSS data, such as GPS and GLONASS data, can differ from a few meters to a few tens of meters, depending on the receiver hardware used.
One modeling method is to treat the GPS and GLONASS clock errors separately, i.e., as two completely unrelated clock errors. This has the consequence of needing a second reference satellite, i.e., one reference satellite for GPS and one reference satellite for GLONASS. This has two adverse consequences: the overdetermination is worse, and signals must be available from at least 6 satellites (at least 2 satellites for each GNSS) to obtain a kinematic RTK solution.
Data analyses have shown that the difference between the differential clock errors of the two GNSS stays fairly constant over time, and may be temperature dependent. This means with carrier phase measurements that steady state estimation is possible to the millimeter level. This has the advantage of quicker conversion of all estimation processes.
Clock-error-difference modeling requires that the original receiver-clock errors have not been changed independently for GPS and GLONASS. This would happen if, e.g., in RTCM 2.3 format message types 20/21 the receiver clock errors would be determined independently and thereafter removed from the observations. In the past, some receivers required removal of the same receiver-clock error from GPS and GLONASS observables. The RTCM 2.3 standard includes no restrictions on the receiver-clock-error handling between GPS and GLONASS. However, existing reference-station software should handle this correctly, and other formats do not have this problem. Clock-error differences available from other sources do not address the differential clock errors. In any event, they are accurate only in the decimeter to meter level and are thus not applicable to carrier-phase positioning.
B. Frequency-Dependent Biases. Another problem with GLONASS is frequency dependent biases. These biases originate in the hardware, filters and other elements which are inherently frequency dependent. A (band-pass) filter always introduces frequency-dependent biases that can be derived mathematically. Another contribution is the fact that the absolute level of the ambiguities matters: the error in that absolute level also generates frequency-dependent errors. The hardware-related problems are greatly amplified when data from receivers of different manufacturers is combined, leading to unreliable fixes.
Embodiments in accordance with this aspect of the invention model that frequency/wavelength-dependent error directly in .the filter process. Initial testing shows reliability increases of at least an order of magnitude when data from receivers of different manufacturers are combined, enabling operations with a mixed system, e.g., a system having GNSS receivers from different manufacturers. Thus, an existing network of receivers from one manufacturer can be augmented with receivers from another manufacturer without degradation of results due to frequency-dependent biases.
C. Partial Fixing. Partial-fixing methods increase availability (reduce time-to-fix) and reliability by fixing subsets of the satellites tracked instead of the full set of satellites.
Embodiments in accordance with the invention address the need for carrier-phase ambiguity resolution in current and future GNSS systems providing users with one or more frequencies, e.g. GPS, GLONASS and the future GALILEO.
Computationally-efficient techniques are employed on a realistic physical model for obtaining good approximations of the carrier phase ambiguities.
Embodiments in accordance with the invention may offer one or more benefits: ambiguities are fixed in a shorter period of time, such that centimeter-level positions can be provided faster; the reliability of ambiguity resolution is increased, minimizing the percentage of positions that are reported to have centimeter level accuracy while actually only being at the decimeter level or worse; and/or mixing of observables from GNSS receivers with substantially different hardware is enabled.
The well-known floating solution starts with defining the observation equations, i.e., how the GNSS observations (measurements represented in signal data) relate to the unknowns (states) to be determined.
The carrier phase observation equation used within this document is for the signal received by receiver r from satellite s which is a member of the GNSS gi. The band of the carrier used (e.g. L1, L2, L5) is denoted with b:
Here, Rrs refers to the distance between the satellite s and the user receiver r:
s=|{right arrow over (ps)}−{right arrow over (pr)}| (2)
where {right arrow over (ps)} is the position of the satellite s and {right arrow over (pr)} is the position of the user receiver r:
Trs is the tropospheric error in the signal from satellite s at user receiver r,
bIrs is the ionospheric error in the signal of band b from satellite s at user receiver r, and
bNrs is the number of integer wavelengths of band b from satellite s to user receiver r.
Single differencing between the user receiver and the reference receiver data eliminates the satellite-specific clock error δts and the GNSS satellite-specific clock errors which it includes:
ΔbNr,qs=bNrs−bNqs (5)
Usually the single-difference code (pseudorange) observation equation is implemented, too, to provide all available information to the filter for faster convergence:
where Δb0r,qs=b0rs−b0qs.
These observation equations define a Kalman filter via the state vector used:
in which ng is the number of GNSS and ns is the number of satellites. The others entry refers to additional states used to model the remaining error sources. This can consist of ionospheric delay states, tropospheric delay state(s) and/or multipath states and more.
This can be extended to filtering multiple bands at the same time, i.e. for different bands bε{b1, . . . , bn
Example for 2 bands L1 and L2 and 5 satellites s1, . . . s5 from two GNSS g1 and g2. No others states are used here:
For the ambiguity resolution using multiple GNSS and a single-difference floating solution as described in the previous section, an additional technique is employed.
Due to the influence of the correlations between the estimated ambiguities of the two (or more) GNSS, simply computing the differences between the estimated single difference ambiguities does not generate a floating solution usable for ambiguity resolution.
Instead, the chosen value of the ambiguities for the reference satellites are handled as constraints to the floating solution. That means the effect of setting those ambiguities to a preselected value must be properly modeled.
This easy-to-implement technique handles the information about the chosen reference-satellite ambiguities as additional information to the floating solution filtering process. A disadvantage is that the floating solution is altered before fixing the ambiguities. To continuously improve the solution, a “copy” of the filter is used for preparation of ambiguity resolution, while an unaffected version of the filter continually works with the GNSS data stream.
For each GNSS included in the integer ambiguity resolution, the ambiguities b of the reference satellite ri of GNSSi for every band are chosen. The determination of that value should be done with the information available from all filters. A straightforward way to get such an estimate is by using the single-differenced code-minus-carrier estimate:
where Round(x) returns the nearest integer for x.
The observation equations used for this are simply:
In theory, this observation would be added with a variance of zero. However, in many implementations this is not possible. In that case, a very small number, e.g., 10−20 is used.
This technique avoids affecting the floating-solution filter by directly manipulating the single difference floating solution results.
With C being the variance/covariance matrix of the floating solution {right arrow over (N)}, the constraint solution is computed by iterating over all ambiguities j1, . . . , jk that have to be set to a fixed value:
C(i)<j> denotes the j-th row of matrix C(i) and C(i)<j,j> is the j-th diagonal element of the same matrix. {right arrow over (N)}(i)<j> is the j-th entry of vector {right arrow over (N)}. The final matrix C(k) contains the final constraint variance/covariance matrix and {right arrow over (N)}(k) is the final constraint floating solution.
Note 1): For the vector of estimated ambiguities, it also works to just subtract the reference ambiguities. Applying the constraint technique presented here is still the preferred (clean) way. However, for the variance/covariance matrix, use of the constraint technique is mandatory.
Note 2): This section might apply only if at least one of the GNSS is FDMA-type, e.g., GLONASS.
Note 3): In FAMCAR-like implementations this technique is only applicable to the geometric filter. FAMCAR is an abbreviation for “factorized multi-carrier ambiguity resolution” described for example in United States Patent Application Publication US 2005/0101248 A1, published May 12, 2005 and incorporated herein by this reference. The other FAMCAR filters (code, ionosphere, Q) must not be handled in this way but rather by the documented double-differencing technique.
In general, the time reference used in different GNSS will differ from each other. However, in differential processing this difference has to be known only to a certain degree in order to compute precise satellite positions for the simultaneous data measured in the receiver. For example, assuming the satellites are typically moving with 1500 m/s relative to the earth's surface, knowing the time reference within a tenth of a millisecond will result in an accuracy of 15 cm for the satellite positions which is usually accurate enough for most absohlte and differential positioning techniques.
The effect of the time differences on the measurements will be the same for different receivers and thus cancel out when building the measurement differences between two receivers (single differences). This is equivalent to incorporating the inter-system time-differences into the satellite clock errors for non-differenced techniques.
Still, differences in the receiver hardware tracking the signals in different electronics and possibly using different frequencies (e.g., in FDMA GNSS such as GLONASS) will create another type of common-mode errors that are receiver-dependent and thus do not cancel out in single differences. These errors are called inter-GNSS receiver clock differences. These biases are very stable over time and mainly dependent on the receiver hardware temperature. Due to this property, they can be modeled as a constant bias term affecting all measurements.
In the documented existing algorithms, this problem is solved by introducing different receiver clock errors for each GNSS. This does not exploit the very nature of that error being more or less time-independent.
A better solution is to use the following modifications modeling inter-GNSS receiver clock error differences:
Note: this transformation doesn't change the value of the clock errors but the way they are written down.
Further note that for the first GNSS (g1) the second term cancels out so that the original definition remains:
For i>1, we define
Hence equation (13) becomes
That is, the term Δ∂tg
Thus, the observation equations (4) and (6) for satellites of the GNSS other than GNSS 1 include the inter-GNSS clock-error difference term (Δ∂tg
and for satellites s of GNSS 1, equations (4) and (6) are kept unchanged:
The new Kalman-filter state vector is then defined by:
For the example (9) with 2 bands L1 and L2 and 5 satellites s1, . . . , s5 from two GNSS g1 and g2 as before:
In principle, the previously-given Kalman filter state vector is just modified by replacing the clock-error term for GNSS 2 (Δδtg
There are two things remaining for the Kalman filter definition: the time update and the initial covariance matrix. In one version of this method, a default behavior is used: the inter-GNSS clock-error difference states (Δ∂tg
To handle potential changes of the clock difference over time, for example caused by changing hardware temperature of the user or reference receiver, a noise input can be applied to the inter-GNSS clock-error difference state(s). One of the well-known techniques from the Kalman filter area is the noise input for a Random Walk process. Another possibility is defining the clock state(s) as so-called First Order Gauss-Markov Processes GM(1).
If the primary GNSS g1 has no observations available, the filtering process can become numerically unstable. The clock difference states are defined relative to the first GNSS clock, so if that's not determined the difference can become badly determined as well. As a solution, in another implementation of the method an initial variance can be assigned to the clock error difference states, together with an initial value of zero. In another implementation, the clock error of the first system can be initialized with zero and a limited initial variance. The clock-error difference modeling techniques described here are applicable to processing of satellite-signal observations of any two or more GNSS, e.g., GPS+GLONASS, GPS+GALILEO, GLONASS+GALILEO, GPS+GLONASS+GALILEO.
The receiver hardware will always contain frequency dependent biases. One source of these biases is the RF and IF filters. Filtering always results in frequency dependent biases. Also, as the filter hardware is never perfectly matching the theoretical models, more biases result. FDMA GNSS (e.g., GLONASS) use different frequencies for different satellites. As a consequence, different satellites will have different biases. These biases cannot cancel out when building receiver-receiver differences (single differences).
Also, FDMA signals require additional techniques for ambiguity resolution. The reason is that the double differences of FDMA signals are no longer invariant against changes in the absolute ambiguity level.
Starting again with equation (4):
For the following derivations the ionospheric and tropospheric error are omitted (or subsumed under the geometric range), resulting in the simplified carrier phase observation equation:
The double difference formulation (i.e., differencing between satellite s and reference satellite t) removes the receiver clock error from the equation and results in
where Δ∇Rr,qs,t=ΔRr,qs−ΔRr,qt is the difference of single differences between satellites, the double difference for the geometric distances.
Due to unmodeled biases, only the double difference integer ambiguities Δ∇bNr,qs,t can be determined, e.g. by applying integer least squares techniques. The single difference integer ambiguities ΔbNr,qs cannot reliably be fixed. Thus, the equation is reformulated using the identity ax−by=a(x−y)+(a−b)y:
Now, the knowledge of the single difference ambiguity ΔbNr,qt for satellite t becomes important.
Note: For the non-FDMA case bλs=bλt, hence this additional term vanishes.
Any estimated value ΔbÑr,qt—for example derived from code measurements—will always contain an error
εΔbNr,qt=ΔbÑr,qt−ΔbNr,qt (27)
Especially its integer value cannot be reliably resolved. It can be easily seen that a wavelength-dependent error term for satellite s has been introduced:
bε(s)=(bλs−bλt)εΔbNr,qt (28)
This error is dependent on the wave length difference bλs−bλt of satellite s to the reference satellite t as well as the error εΔbNr,qt of the single difference carrier phase ambiguity for the reference satellite carrier phase measurement. To solve the observation equations, not only the double-difference integer ambiguities have to be solved, but a good estimate for the single difference ambiguity of the reference satellite is needed.
The reference ambiguity can be reformulated as a general wavelength/frequency dependent factor bωg
A second implementation uses the wavelength of each satellite directly to determine a coefficient bΩg
The pseudorange observation equations remain unchanged.
The new Kalman-filter state vector is then defined for one FDMA-type GNSS gi for the first implementation:
and for the second implementation:
As will be shown in section VI F, this will also model any frequency dependent error caused by the receiver hardware.
To analyze what “good” means in this special case, the error is given in terms of the carrier frequency differences:
So the error is proportional to the relative carrier frequency difference
times the error in the absolute single difference reference ambiguity in units of length bλtΔNr,qt.
As an example for the Russian GLONASS system L1 carrier frequency, the frequencies for the satellites are given by the formula
s=1602·106+ks·0.5625·106 (34)
where k is a channel number given for a specific satellite in the range of 0 to 12. The relative carrier frequency can be approximated quite well as:
This means that for the maximum channel difference ks−kt of 12 the additional error introduced will be 4.2 mm per meter of error in the determination of the absolute single difference reference ambiguity.
Frequency-dependent and wavelength-dependent biases are equivalent. This can be seen in the formulation:
The first order Taylor series including the exact quadratic residual term yields
Thus, by using the linear term only—i.e. converting the frequency dependent bias into a wave length dependent bias—the additional quadratic error corresponds to the quotient of squared wave length difference to absolute wave length. For GLONASS, this means an attenuation by a factor of at least 300. This means, the residual term can be neglected for all practical purposes.
The techniques described in the previous sections VI B, VI C and VI D for a single carrier are also applicable, if the filter is not formulated in directly observed carrier phase and pseudorange observables bφrs and bφrs.
For example, the L1 carrier (covered by the equations above) can be substituted with any ionosphere-free carrier combinational α1*L1+α2*L2=Lc. As in the factorized carrier-ambiguity resolution techniques of United States Patent Application Publication US 2005/0101248 A1, the minimum-error combination can be used instead of L1, L2 or L5.
Thus, the benefits hold if the carrier phase used for nb bands b1, . . . , bk is a combination
with the effective wavelength
and/or the code used is a combination.
All methods are used identical to the methods outlined above.
In principle, ambiguity resolution should always become more reliable and quicker with an increasing number of satellites used in the solution. However, two effects counteract on this general rule:
The expectation of GNSS users is that adding another GNSS to the receiver (and thus adding cost to the user) will always result in better performance than for a single GNSS system. This will be judged by all possible criteria such as reliability, availability, accuracy and time-to-fix.
To work around the limitations mentioned above, embodiments of the present invention use partial fixing methods. They are also very helpful in processing data of difficult environments such as canopy.
Some embodiments in accordance with the invention use the following algorithm for partial fixing of ambiguities:
1. Perform a full search and save the search results.
2. (Optional) If option enabled and GLONASS satellites tracked disable all GLONASS am-biguities and search only the GPS ambiguities. Save these search results.
3. (Optional) If option enabled and GLONASS satellites tracked disable the ambiguities for each GLONASS satellite in turn and search the remaining ambiguities. Save each of these search results.
4. (Optional) If option enabled and GLONASS satellites tracked disable all GPS ambiguities and search only the GLONASS ambiguities. Save these search results.
5. (Optional) If option enabled and GLONASS satellites tracked disable the ambiguities for each GPS satellite in turn and search the remaining ambiguities. Save each of these search results.
6. Find the search results that passed validation and with the highest ratio probability from steps 2 to 5.
7. If no search results are available from step 6 then partial searching has failed.
8. If search results are available from step 6 then compare the ambiguities with the ambiguities from the full search in step 1.
9. If all ambiguities are the same then accept the partial search results
10. If any ambiguities are different then reject the partial search results
Steps 2 to 5 are optionally enabled/disabled by the processing application. For example, a processing application may enable only one or any desired combination of steps 2-5, such as steps 2 and 3 only.
Other embodiments in accordance with the invention use the following algorithm(s):
a. Doing a complete solution
b. Applying partial fixing only if complete solution fails
c. Applying partial fixing always
d. Partially fixing by excluding all satellites of a (one some) GNSS
e. Partially fixing by disabling a subset of all satellites (one or more)
f. Combination of d. and e.
There are multiple possibilities to disable (i.e., exclude) a satellite subset from the total result. A simple approach is to remove the parts of the solution from the floating solution before applying the integer-least-squares search. Then removing satellites from the solution is equivalent to just removing the rows and columns of the variance/covariance matrix and the entries of the floating solution vector for the ambiguities of those removed satellites. If the ambiguity estimates {right arrow over (N)} are given as:
and satellite j should be removed, the resulting data looks like this:
Correspondingly, for the corresponding covariance matrix C the rows and columns referring to the ambiguities of the excluded satellite(s) are removed. This removal of entries can be done on the single-differenced floating solution as well as on the double-differenced solution. The latter has the disadvantage of not being able to exclude the reference satellite but requires less computing time.
Other possible implementations include running multiple floating solutions in parallel, one for each subset of excluded satellites. The solutions used for the subsets can then be taken directly from those filters.
At 1530 a first subset 1532 is selected, e.g., by eliminating data from one GNSS or data from one or more satellites of a GNSS. Subset 1532 is processed at 1534 in one or more Kalman filters to produce an array 1536 of ambiguity estimates for the first subset. At 1538 an integer-least-squares process is applied to array 1536. At 1540, a validation process is applied and quality measures are determined as desired (or selected from the associated statistical information). The result is an array 1542 of ambiguity estimates corresponding to the first subset of satellites with validation and quality measures. At 1544 a check is made whether the first subset has been validated.
A similar process is performed for each subset of some number K of subsets. At 1550 subset K 1552 is selected, e.g., by eliminating data from one GNSS or data from one or more satellites of a GNSS. Subset 1552 is processed at 1554 in one or more Kalman filters to produce an array 1556 of ambiguity estimates for subset K. At 1558 an integer-least-squares process is applied to array 1556. At 1550, a validation process is applied and quality measures are determined as desired (or selected from the associated statistical information). The result is an array 1542 of ambiguity estimates corresponding to subset K of satellites with validation and quality measures. At 1544 a check is made whether the subset K has been validated.
At 1570, a determination is made about the set or subset(s) of satellites to be selected as “correct,” resulting in a selected array 1575 of ambiguity estimates with associated statistical information. Various selection criteria may be used. Among other schemes, an array of ambiguities for a subset selected as correct may be augmented with ambiguities for satellites of other subsets. Non-limiting examples of the selection process are given below.
The following section gives examples for possible results of partial fixing. It is assumed for purposes of these examples that successful validation results with a probability of at least 99.99%. For each satellite, the satellite id, the L1 ambiguity N1 and the L2 ambiguity N2 are specified. Solutions that could be validated are rendered in boldface font. Validated ambiguities that are not consistent between the validated sets are given in italics. The entries for satellites not included in a partial set are simply left empty.
The first example, shown in
The full set is not validated due to a probability of 99.20%. Still, the partial sets Part2 and Part5 are validated with respective probabilities of 99.99% and 100%. As the ambiguity results in those two sets are identical for the common satellites, fixing the ambiguities. is possible. As for sets Part1, Part4, and Part6, they contain solutions not consisted with the validated ones. However, as these partial sets have not been validated, they do not result in a complete rejection of the solution. In a first variant, set Part5 is used as it has the highest probability. In another variant, the union of the results of sets Part2 and Part5 is fixed. This coincides with the complete result, thus allowing a full fix in a situation where the traditional complete-fixing-only method fails to resolve the ambiguities.
In the example shown in
The presented techniques can be used individually, two at a time, or all three in combination. For best results, all three of the presented techniques can and should be combined. For example, the observation equation and state vector are given above for combining clock-error difference and frequency-dependent-bias modeling. Applying the partial fixing method to the filter results is possible and recommended in addition.
The observation equations (4) and (6) become:
and, if the satellite s is from GNSS 1, which is assumed here to be of FDMA-type:
The complete state vector is then defined by:
For the example (9) with 2 bands L1 and L2 and 5 satellites s1, . . . , s5 from two GNSS g1 and g2 as before:
The described methods can be implemented in a variety of hardware configurations, e.g., in a processor with instructions for performing one or more of the above methods (such as processor 900 in
Those of ordinary skill in the art will realize that the detailed description of embodiments of the present invention is illustrative only and is not intended to be in any way limiting. Other embodiments of the present invention will readily suggest themselves to such skilled persons having the benefit of this disclosure. In the interest of clarity, not all of the routine features of the implementations described herein are shown and described. It will be appreciated that in the development of any such actual implementation, numerous implementation-specific decisions must be made to achieve the developer's specific goals, such as compliance with application- and business-related constraints, and that these specific goals will vary from one implementation to another and from one developer to another. Moreover, it will be appreciated that such a development effort might be complex and time-consuming, but would nevertheless be a routine undertaking of engineering for those of ordinary skill in the art having the benefit of this disclosure.
In accordance with embodiments of the present invention, the components, process steps and/or data structures may be implemented using various types of operating systems (OS), computer platforms, firmware, computer programs, computer languages and/or general-purpose machines. The methods can be run as a programmed process running on processing circuitry. The processing circuitry can take the form of various combinations of processors and operating systems, or a stand-alone device. The processes can be implemented as instructions executed by such hardware, by hardware alone, or by any combination thereof. The software may be stored on a program storage device readable by a machine. Computational elements, such as filters and banks of filters, can be readily implemented using an object-oriented programming language such that each required filter is instantiated as needed. Those of skill in the art will recognize that devices of a less general-purpose nature, such as hardwired devices, field programmable logic devices (FPLDs), including field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs), application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), or the like, may also be used without departing from the scope and spirit of the inventive concepts disclosed herein.
In accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, the methods may be implemented on a data processing computer such as a personal computer, workstation computer, mainframe computer, or high-performance server running an OS such as Microsoft Windows XP and Windows 2000, available from Microsoft Corporation of Redmond, Wash., or Solaris available from Sun Microsystems, Inc. of Santa Clara, Calif., or various versions of the Unix operating system such as Linux available from a number of vendors. The methods may also be implemented on a multiple-processor system, or in a computing environment including various peripherals such as input devices, output devices, displays, pointing devices, memories, storage devices, media interfaces for transferring data to and from the processor(s), and the like. Such a computer system or computing environment may be networked locally, or over the Internet.
According to another embodiment a program is provided including instructions adapted to cause a data processor to carry out a method with the features of the above-described embodiments. According to another embodiment a computer-readable medium embodying the program is provided. The computer-readable medium can comprise any type of computer-readable medium on which information is stored and/or embodied permanently or temporarily in a tangible form, including without limitation magnetic media, optical media, analog signals and digital signals. According to another embodiment a computer program product comprises the computer-readable medium embodying the program.
The following is a partial outline of the inventive concepts:
1. A method of A. combined with a method of B.
2. A method of A. combined with a method of C.
3. A method of B. combined with a method of C.
4. A method of A. combined with a method of B. and with a method of C.
Benefit is claimed of the filing date of Provisional U.S. Patent Application 60/723,038 filed 3 Oct. 2005, the content of which is incorporated herein by this reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
60723038 | Oct 2005 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 11983925 | Nov 2007 | US |
Child | 12384184 | US | |
Parent | 11526960 | Sep 2006 | US |
Child | 11983925 | US |