
  • Patent Application
  • 20130316840
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    May 24, 2012
    12 years ago
  • Date Published
    November 28, 2013
    10 years ago
In accordance with the preferred embodiment and alternative embodiments described are embodiments of a system and method that automatically grading a golf swing, by grading components of a golf swing, relative to a perfect swing.

Golf teaching methodologies are numerous, as are devices that seek to attempt to instruct the particular golfer on how to achieve better results. Many of these methodologies are published in books and magazines, with pointers provided to the individual golfer on how to improve that golfer's score when on the golf course.

Also known are a myriad of teaching devices, aimed at assisting the golf instructor to teach the golfer. A simplest is an unused golf club that lies on the ground and which can be used to show a direction to a target.

Television coverage will also provide after the swing highlighting to a particular aspect of the swing of a professional golfer, suggesting why a particular shot was good, or, more likely, bad.

In play, the golf score is achieved by adding together the different shots taken. The lower the score, the better the round; and the better the golfer.

Along with the different golf teaching methodologies referenced above are various beliefs on what is necessary for a good golf swing.


Described herein are embodiments of a software system that automatically grades a golf swing, by grading components of a golf swing, relative to a perfect swing.

In one embodiment, there is described system for providing a measure of a golf swing of a golfer relative to predetermined ideal golf swing comprising: a plurality of swing capture devices that provide data of relative positions of the head, shoulders, arms, hips, knees and feet in relation to a predetermined reference at each of a start position, top of swing position and finish position, the start position providing an initial stance view of the golfer prior to the golfer initiating a swing, the top of swing position providing a top of backswing view of the golfer after a backswing movement and the finish position providing a finish view of the golfer after a ball strike movement; and a computer that receives the data and operates using an application program to automatically assess a plurality of components associated with each of the start position, the top of swing position and the finish position to obtain a score for each of the plurality of components and an overall swing score indicative of the golfer's golf swing relative to the predetermined ideal golf swing.

In another embodiment is described a method of providing a measure of a golf swing of a golfer relative to predetermined ideal golf swing using a computer comprising: loading onto the computer a predetermined ideal swing data set that includes ideal start position data, ideal top of swing position data and ideal finish position data; receiving data onto the computer from a plurality of swing capture devices, the data including start position data, top of swing position data and finish position data; and automatically assessing, using the computer, a plurality of components associated with each of the start position, the top of swing position and the finish position to obtain a score for each of the plurality of components and an overall swing score indicative of the golfer's golf swing relative to the predetermined ideal golf swing, the automatically assessing including the step of comparing the ideal start position data, the ideal top of swing position data and the ideal finish position data to the start position data, the top of swing position data and the finish position data, respectively.

Also described is a score card, which can be used in real-time by a golf professional, to assist in teaching using the grading components discussed herein.

Further described is a methodology of grading a golf swing.

These and other aspects and advantages are described further herein.


FIGS. 1A1, 1A2, 1B1, 1B2, 1C1, and 1C2 each illustrate one of the three positions from which component information is obtained according to embodiments described herein;

FIGS. 2A-2B illustrates components of the start position according to embodiments described herein;

FIGS. 3A-3B illustrates components of the top of swing position according to embodiments described herein;

FIGS. 4A-4B illustrates components of the finish position according to embodiments described herein;

FIG. 5 illustrates a camera system that implements an embodiment described herein.

FIG. 6 illustrates a flowchart used in the embodiment of FIG. 5.

FIG. 7 illustrates a sensor system that implements an embodiment described herein.

FIG. 8 illustrates a flowchart used in the embodiment of FIG. 8.

FIGS. 9A and 9B illustrate examples of a ball position component at the start position.

FIG. 10A, illustrates the posture component, with the hips tilt and body angle subcomponents at the start position;

FIGS. 10B and 10C illustrate examples of a posture (body angle) subcomponent at the start position.

FIG. 11 illustrates the head set angle component at the start position.

FIG. 12 illustrates the arm extension sub-component at the start position.

FIG. 13 illustrates the right foot and the left foot subcomponents of the foot component at the start position.

FIGS. 14 A, 14 B and 14C illustrate examples of a left arm component at a top of swing position.

FIG. 15 illustrates a head set component at the top of swing position.

FIG. 16 illustrates the right arm component at the top of swing position.

FIGS. 17A and 17B illustrate the hips component at the top of swing position.

FIG. 18 illustrates the left knee subcomponent at the top of swing position.

FIGS. 19A and 19B illustrate examples of a body lean component at a finish position.

FIGS. 20A and 20B illustrate the head set component at the finish position.

FIGS. 21A and 21B illustrate the arms component at the finish position.

FIG. 22 illustrates the wrist component at the finish position.

FIGS. 23A and 23B illustrate examples of a hips component at a finish position.

FIGS. 24 and 25 each illustrate one of the knees subcomponents at the finish position.

FIGS. 26 and 27 each illustrate one of the feet subcomponents at the finish position.

FIG. 28 illustrates a score card usable to assist in grading the start position, top of swing position, and finish position components according to the embodiments described herein.

FIG. 29 illustrates an ensemble of clothing and other equipment according to an embodiment.


Preferred embodiments and applications will now be described. Other embodiments may be realized and changes may be made to the disclosed embodiments. Although the preferred embodiments disclosed herein have been particularly described as a software system, score card, and methods of teaching and grading swing components, it should be readily apparent that they may be adapted.

In the following description, a reference is made to the accompanying drawings which form a part hereof and which illustrate several embodiments. It is understood that other embodiments may be utilized and structural and operational changes may be made without departing from the scope of the descriptions provided.

Three Positions

Golf swings have a Start ‘position’, a Top of Swing ‘position’ and a Finish ‘position’.

There are not six, eight or ten, ‘steps’, or ‘check points’ that are important in a swing, but three and only three. Accepting this early concept—that a golf swing has only three positions—is important if, as we attempt to move forwards, we are to make progress towards certainty. I am not talking about certainty of performance, but certainty of understanding, of boundaries, parameters, dimensions, volumes, co-ordinates, structure, etc. None of these things will be possible if the concept of a swing is left as something non-specific or non-measurable. The golf swing is regularly simplified with casual ideas that are almost always found to be shallow when probed, either by question or by practical trial.

To suggest that golf and the golf swing is:

    • a ‘hands game’
    • a ‘turn back and turn through’
    • a ‘swing’ (very simple but non-specific, obvious, and helpful only at a most basic level)
    • an ‘arms driven game’
    • a movement governed by the ‘feel of the club head’ (abstract and non-transferable) . . . .

      . . . or any other such similarly vague idea—is unsatisfactory. Casual ideas like these may have some value at certain junctures and for certain people but ultimately they lay down nothing that is definite about what is a correct golf swing. Whilst a given person may apply one of the simple ideas above, to their game, and manage a transformation in play; the value that the same idea might bring to the masses upon a test of validation would be modest indeed. They are simply too vague.

So this overview begins by laying down an early parameter to help define the golf swing, and that parameter is:

‘As the club passes around the body at high speed, it is harnessed within three positions.’ (The three positions, in closer detail, will be further described hereinafter. Here they are being introduced as a central concept.

Impact is not a position: Impact is a moment that is passed through and it is beholden to the quality of the surrounding ‘swing fabric’, ie pre-impact and post-impact. If this surrounding fabric is flawed, then impact must also be flawed. However, due to the instructional focus historically placed on the impact moment in the swing and the impressive images thereof that are routinely presented, ‘impact’ is conventionally treated as a separate position, and one that is often held as being causal of poor shots. It is a mistaken understanding.

Impact is the single most important moment in the swing, and it is true to say that work can, and indeed must be undertaken on impact, during the route from learner to expert player. However, if this work is to be undertaken effectively, it should be done through the use of a ‘strike thought’ or ‘strike concept’, one that would be intended to create a change to impact's physical dynamic. Any attempt to improve impact by way of treating it as a position, will falter. This is because when dealing with strike as a position the body will want to momentarily stop to ‘create’ the position, and even if this impulse is fleeting it will nevertheless have a damaging effect.

Thus, if we want excellence in the impact area, then, we must employ the use of simple strike concepts such as ‘hit down’, or ‘hit through’, plus (and this is the most important aspect) we must pursue a tightening of the aforementioned swing fabric that surrounds impact and ‘trap’ impact into proper form. This is where Three Positions has great importance, for it is through these that the trapping begins.

Each of the Three Positions has a number of components. A component is a part of the body that has independent aspect during the swing; that is, it does not automatically position or move correctly, but needs training.

For example, the left arm when in the Top of Swing position is deemed to be a component because it will not automatically be on the correct ‘plane’ after its journey to the top. Neither will it automatically have correct ‘form’ when it arrives there. What is more, there is nothing you can do elsewhere with the swing or with the body to guarantee influencing it into correct form or placement. It has independence from other body parts and so has ‘independent aspect’ during a golf swing. This is why left arm is deemed to be a component and is also why it needs separate study and training.

Another example of a ‘component’ would be a player's head set, which has a discipline to perform in each of the Three Positions, and, when in the Finish position, it should be seen to be tilted on its side and facing the target. As before, nothing you can do elsewhere in the swing will provide delivery of head set into correct form at Finish. It is independent and lust like other components, needs separate training.

The grip, is of course; another component. However unlike the headset, which has a task to perform on three occasions, the grip is only a component on one occasion—in the Start position. Once the grip has been set correctly in Start, it stays in place for the rest of the swing and no longer has independent aspect. It is fixed.

Each of the Three Positions ‘Start’ ‘Top of Swing’, and ‘Finish’ have a number of components that define them, in one embodiment there being the following number of components:

Start position—7

Top of Swing position—10

Finish position—8

All golf swings have these 25 components. The status or grade of these components determines the status/grade of the swing itself, and the strictness of the arrangement of the 25 components is the determining factor in whether a player can be said to have good technique, or not.

Point to point

Some people believe that the swing is best learnt when built painstakingly, almost inch by inch. Most of us do not undertake such a difficult task, but do however use the same principle; that of adding a piece to a piece or a section to a section with great care until the swing is slowly built. This is a perfectly fine and normal approach. The following is incomparably better though, as it is apparent that:

‘The body can be left free, and be trusted to find route from one place to the next, so long as it knows where the next ‘place’ is.’

Furthermore, ‘The body's innate skill will seek out the most intelligent route forward—always.’

If we adopt this idea and apply it to the three positions described above—then Point to Point states that after the player has taken up their Start position, the swing should be left alone to make its own route to the next position—Top of Swing. Likewise, once the player departs Top of Swing position, the swing should again be left alone to make its own route to its next position—Finish. When the player allows this to happen the swing is able to ignore and bypass ‘stations’ check-points' or ‘steps’ that would otherwise interfere with and disturb, smooth movement.

Point to Point is—‘The free and untouched passage between two positions’

Auto-Neuro Response

Point to Point, as a concept, assists in achieving the highest status in Quantum Golf Swing Theory described herein. It has a right to this status because of the power of the principle that underpins it. Point to Point says that the body should be left free to move by itself from place to place. We will now open that idea fully and explain exactly why we should hand over the control of our golf swing, and the principle on which this is based is described herein as Auto-Neuro Response, which is based upon the proposition that ‘The human body, moving under jurisdiction by way of a set of parameters, will seek out the most efficient means of movement, whilst obeying those parameters’.

The parameters in golf are the Three Positions that the player will visit during the swing. The status of a player's positions, and of the components within them, does not affect the ANR mechanism in any way. Auto-Neuro Response is ready to respond if allowed no matter who the golfer is and no matter how good or bad their swing is. When a player has numerous component errors in their swing, then those numerous component errors become the ‘parameters’ that ANR will register and work with. Consequently, if there is a ‘tangle’ it will recognise it and proceed to the next ‘tangle’ (if that is what lies ahead) as efficiently as possible.

One thing that is interesting is that the numerous component errors in any given swing are seen by observers to repeat to a surprising tolerance (considering the array of shots hit) and this repeating swing and repeating tolerance is consistent whether the player plays from a handicap of eight or eighteen. The fact that one moment a fine shot occurs and the next moment an awful one, is in no way representative of the player finding a fine swing one moment and the next, the opposite. The very same swing that hits it beautifully to the pin, also, duffs it into the lake. Components in the swing of both the beautiful shot and the duff shot will be the same, but with a random element in timing and strike and the increased factor of chance that a poor technique is vulnerable to. In both instances though and in every other instance imaginable, Auto-Neuro Response will deliver the best possible movement from whatever is given to it by way of the Three Positions, and no amount of effort by a player to consciously manipulate or co-ordinate the move can compare to the performance ability of their natural ANR mechanism.

Conscious attempts made to hit ‘steps’ or ‘check-points’ during the golf swing are misguided. There is an infinitely more intelligent system, innate, and ready to deliver safe movement, from one place to the next.


A swing-thought is a consciously inserted ‘thought’ or ‘awareness’ that the player focuses on during the swing in an attempt to bring about a successful shot. Thoughts or awareness' prior to the beginning of the swing are not swing-thoughts. A player may simply be ticking off a check-list when thinking in the moments leading up to the take-back and the best we could say for any specific thought at this point in proceedings is that it is hoping to act as a primer. Sometimes two or more swing-thoughts are employed during one swing, but this is not recommended, at least not during competitive play.

The most common use of a swing-thought is as an attempt to apply compensation to an error that repeats in a player's swing. A game of golf is often littered with poor shots. When we finish play and shake hands there will usually have been half a dozen or more shots hit, that we wish we could have another go at. Some shots are so dire that our score is badly affected by them, and if these particularly bad shots repeat a few times, then the score can be ruined.

So, as golfers, we will all have passages of play (lasting weeks or months) during which a repetitive error will arrive that becomes the main concern and the main problem, to be fixed. What will usually happen next is that an analysis will be undertaken by the player, and a fault will be found that apparently accounts for the bad shots being hit. Having thus diagnosed the fault, the player then searches for a corresponding swing-thought that can be employed to counter, or correct, it. At this point in proceedings what looks like being a promising and proactive response can suddenly hit a wall of difficulty, for the following reason: The particular swing-thought that the player might decide to employ, could be very well chosen and highly relevant, but it needs support from the component that is linked to it and support therefore from at least one, of the Three Positions. If the player's component grades do not support the intended move, then the intended move will fail—again and again—to take hold in the player's swing. In the main, this is the reason why so many players have difficulty delivering a success from a determined effort with their swing-thought. Their component grades are not compatible with what they are attempting to do. Once, though, the player has corrected the component/s relevant to the given move then they will be able to find success with their swing-thought. This is the real significance behind ‘components’, they allow for and even encourage proper movement of the club to take place. If a player does not have well graded components that suit the chosen swing-thought, they will be engaged in an on-going struggle against the dictates of their swing's fundamental status.

Components are thus so influential as to be vital to the success of a golf swing, including to the success of a swing-thought. Their authority and influence is such that we can say—‘When something truly fundamental is in error, or is flawed; it necessarily brings damage to all things connected’.

In this case ‘all things connected’ includes the player's well-intended swing thought, the one that they are trying to make happen, but which is not being supported by the grade of the component associated with it.

Swing-thoughts are, and always will be, a part of golf. They are a must-have tool for the vast majority of golfers. What is described herein is not trying to minimise their place in the game by the above understanding, for they deservedly have a place of great importance in the game. Just their dependence is being declared.

With the above introduction, reference is not made to the drawings and other descriptions that describe embodiments herein.

FIGS. 1A-1C each illustrate one of the three positions from which component information is obtained according to embodiments described herein. These positions are shown as the start position in FIG. 1A, the top of swing position in FIG. 1B and the finish position in FIG. 3C. In between the start position and the top of swing position is a movement well known as the backswing. In between the top of swing position and the finish position is the ball strike movement.

FIGS. 2A-2B illustrate components of the start position according to embodiments described herein. A golfer is shown in the start position, 200, gripping a golf club 202, which for purposes of the discussions herein is a driver, though other clubs could be used. The start position components 210, which will be described further hereinafter, include the grip-right hand 210-1, the grip-left hand 210-2, the ball position 210-3, posture 210-4 (which includes (knee bend) 210-4a, posture (body angle) 210-4b, posture (head set) 210-4c, and posture (hips tilt) 210-4d), arms 210-5 (which includes arm extension 210-5a and arm straightness 210-5b), feet 210-6 (which includes right foot 210-6a, left foot 210-6b and feet width 210-6c) and alignment 210-7 (which includes shoulder alignment 210-7a, and feet alignment 210-7b). As will be explained hereinafter, where there are multiple different aspects to a component, individual scores for each aspect are obtained and then averaged in some manner to get a total score for that component.

FIGS. 3A-3B illustrate components of the top of swing position according to embodiments described herein. The same golfer is shown in the top of swing position 300, still gripping the golf club 202, at the top of the backswing. The top of swing position components 220, which will be described further hereinafter, include body turn 220-1, left arm 220-2 (which includes left arm plane 220-2a, left arm form 220-2b and left arm leverage 220-2c), head set 220-3 (which includes down the line view 220-3a and front view 220-3b), right arm 220-4, wrists 220-5 (which includes wrist hinge one 220-5a and wrist hinge two 220-5b), body angle 220-6, hips 220-7, knees 220-8 (which includes front view 220-8a and side view 220-8b) and feet 220-9 (which includes right foot 220-9a and left foot 220-9b). As will be explained hereinafter, where there are multiple different aspects to a component, individual scores for each aspect are obtained and then averaged in some manner to get a total score for that component.

FIGS. 4A-4B illustrate components of the finish position according to embodiments described herein. The same golfer is shown in the finish position 400, still gripping the golf club 202, at the finish position at the end of the ball strike movement. The finish position components 230, which will be described further hereinafter, include body twist/wrap 230-1, body lean 230-2, head set 230-3, arms 230-4, wrists 230-5, hips 230-6, knees 230-7 (which includes right knee side view 230-7a, right knee front view 230-7b, and left knee 230-7c), and feet 230-8 (which includes right foot 230-8a and left foot 230-8b).

Camera Embodiment System Overview

FIG. 5 illustrates one embodiment of a system that provides for a software system that automatically grading a golf swing, by grading components of a golf swing, relative to a perfect swing, based upon the use of digital video cameras, also just referred to as cameras herein. As an overview, this system 500 records an image or images of the golfer at each of the start position 200, the top of swing position 300, and the finish position 400. Then using these images, specific component values are determined and summed to obtain an overall swing score, with a scoring system that has, preferably, a highest score being a perfect swing, though of course other scoring systems can be obtained based upon the discussions provided herein.

The system devices that work together in the embodiment described include front camera 510A, side camera 510B, and top view camera 510C, which provide different views of the golfer, respectively. Other camera angles can be used, as well as even a single camera (in which case it would be front vie camera 510A), though likely with some degradation on the ability to best capture each of the component positions described herein. The cameras 510 are preferably video cameras; since although a single picture is preferably used during analysis as described further herein, having continuous frames, and then later selecting the specific best frame, as further described herein, is preferable.

Connected to the cameras 510 is a computer 520, which includes an input output (I/O) port(s) 512(a-c) for connection to the cameras 510 (A-C), as well as a display 530 and an input device 540, such as a keyboard. Other types of computer devices can be used as well. The computer 520 preferably contains a CPU, memory (including system memory, program application memory, data memory, other data storage in RAM, ROM, transitory and/or non-transitory memory, as well as registers and the like) and other conventional hardware for connections to the swing capture devices, the display, the input device, and other devices for communications connections (such as to the internet) and the like, as well as allows the loading of an application software program containing program instructions, executed by the computer along with the operating system software, that enable the functionality described herein, including in the following flowchart of FIG. 6 and the component descriptions detailed hereinafter, and which can also include data manipulation and transformation algorithms necessary to operate upon the various different data as described herein.

Camera devices 510 can preferably be connected to allow for the camera to receive signals from the computer 520 regarding their specific positioning, since while positioning can be performed by hand, automatic control based upon the size of the golfer and other considerations as discussed herein is preferable.

FIG. 6 illustrates a flowchart used in the embodiment of FIG. 5. In enter user data step 610, the input device 540 is used to input user data, particularly the height of the golfer, as that is most relevant to correlating actual and predetermined gofer data, as discussed further hereinafter.

In configure for the user step 620, correlations are obtained so that subsequent component data obtained with respect to the particular user can be more easily correlated to the predetermined ideal golfer component data stored on the computer, based upon the input user data—though techniques may also exist that eliminate the need for this step. In an embodiment where the subsequently obtained start position component data, top of swing position component data, and finish position component data is calibrated to the predetermined ideal golfer component data, actual-to-ideal scaling factors can be applied to the different types of start position component data, top of swing position component data, and finish position component data in order for them to correctly match the scale of the predetermined ideal golfer component data. In an embodiment where the predetermined ideal golfer component data is calibrated to the obtained start position component data, top of swing position component data, and finish position component data, ideal-to-actual scaling factors can be applied to the different types of ideal golfer start position component data, ideal golfer top of swing position component data, and ideal golfer finish position component data in order for them to correctly match the scale of the obtained start position data, top of swing position data, and finish position data, respectively. Other embodiments using sensors with detectors or other data collection techniques can be scaled as well, based upon the teachings provided herein.

Thereafter, once the system 500 has preferably been configured for the specific golfer, steps 630, 640 and 650 occur, start position images, top of swing position images, and finish position images are obtained, respectively. The images associated with each different position are preferably time correlated, such that a different image obtained from a different camera for the same position (start, top of swing, finish) are synchronized as to time.

As to which time-stamp image to use in the sequence of video images of the user, the start position images are each obtained from that time that just precedes detectable backswing movement, though in light of the large number of sequential images obtained by a video camera, any number of prior, or even a few frames immediately after swing start, could be used. The video image can be analyzed using, for example, conventional motion detection techniques, template matching or lookup table pattern matching applied to the received video stream. As a specific example, techniques such as those used for animation can be applied to the different obtained images, so that distances between various points of interest, to obtain the various angles and distances necessary for the correlations described herein. An example of such an animation model is described in U.S. Published Application 2010/0259546, entitled “Modelization of Objects in Images”, the contents of which are expressly incorporated by reference herein.

It is also possible, for use with the video image and the camera as described herein, to include markers that are attached at various points (which points correspond to the location of the sensors described hereinafter in FIG. 7, in order for the overall model development of significant movements, as is described, for example, in U.S Published Application 2012/0002017, entitled “Three-Dimensional Motion Capture”, the contents of which are expressly incorporated by reference herein.

Another technique that can be used is to create a skeletal model based upon the image, as described in, for example, U.S. Published Application 2012/00588824 entitled “Scalable Real-Time Motion Recognition.” the contents of which are expressly incorporated by reference herein.

Still another technique is disclosed in U.S Published Application 2011/0210915, entitled “Human Body Pose Estimation”, the contents of which are expressly incorporated by reference herein.

The above different techniques make it apparent that a wide variety of techniques can be used in connection with the embodiments described herein, and still be within their spirit and scope.

Regarding the corresponding ideal golfer video image or corresponding ideal golfer component data associated with that start position, a single start image photo of the ideal golfer, such as Rory Mcllroy or Charl Scwartzel, can be obtained; if necessary, adjustments can be made to the relative ideal golfer component values to obtain the ideal data set, though a data set based upon the swing of either of these two golfers would be more than adequate.

Each top-of-backswing position image is obtained from that time that amounts to the rest position at the top of the backswing, immediately at the end of the backswing, and right b before the beginning of the downswing, with room for slight variation as discussed above. The continued video image can be analyzed for the top-of-backswing position images using the same conventional motion detection technique as previously used and described.

Regarding the corresponding ideal golfer video image or corresponding ideal golfer component data associated with that top-of-backswing position, the top-of-backswing position will differ significantly from golfer to golfer with respect to its size/volume. To accommodate for this, this embodiment preferably first automatically obtains the top-of-backswing position image for the actual golfer being analyzed. Based on the relative size of backswing, a corresponding position for that amount of backswing is automatically retrieved from a stored database of images/component values for the ideal golfer top-of-backswing position. In one embodiment a predetermined ideal golfer image/component data set exists for every 1° of rotation of the wrists from a 0° start point of a video sequence of the ideal golfer taking a backswing, such as Sam Snead or Rory Mcllroy as described above, through 180 degrees to the ideal top of swing position. If necessary adjustments can be made to the relative ideal golfer component values to obtain the ideal data set for the entire range of top-of-backswing images/component values, though a data set based upon the swing of either of these two golfers would be more than adequate. Depending upon the degree of rotation of the actual golfer, the corresponding predetermined ideal golfer image/component data is selected for the comparison use as described herein below.

Each finish position image is obtained from that time that amounts to the end of the throughswing, when the arms/hands finish their progression around the golfer, as seen from the front view, with room for slight variation as discussed above. The continued video image can be analyzed for the finish position images using the same conventional motion detection technique as previously used and described.

Regarding the corresponding ideal golfer video image or corresponding ideal golfer component data associated with the finish position, a single finish image photo of the ideal golfer, such as Rory Mcllroy or Ben Hogan, can be obtained; if necessary, adjustments can be made to the relative ideal golfer component values to obtain the ideal finish component data set, though a data set based upon the swing of either of these two golfers would be more than adequate.

Once the image has been obtained that will be used to determine the corresponding component data and the corresponding image/component data for the ideal golfer, the system in step 660 will calculate the component score, based upon automatically derived associated component data and corresponding ideal component data, as discussed hereinafter.

The component data automatically derived from a particular image for a particular component is described in detail hereinafter with respect to each component, and this is used with respect to obtaining the ideal golfer component data set, as well as the component data set for the golfer being scored. In common between all components, however, is that once the component data from a particular image for a particular component is automatically derived, the system 500 will then compare that component data with the corresponding ideal golfer component data for that component, and automatically determine how close to the ideal that particular component was, and therefore provide a relative score associated therewith for that component.

Well known and understood image processing techniques can be used determine the component data of the golfer who is being measured based upon the descriptions provided hereinafter, and then comparing that against the predetermined ideal golfer component data to obtain the score for that component. In general, the more the overlap between the measured component data and the ideal component data, the higher the score.

It is noted that the determination of the component data for each different component is preferably based upon a single image, as this eliminates the need to cross-correlate images obtained from different cameras in obtaining the component data for any one component, and ultimately makes it easier to obtain the component score for that one component.

A preferred component scoring system can have, for example, a component score of integers between 0-10, with 0 being the worst and 10 being the best, though other scoring systems having less or more score granularity can be used and is within the intended scope of the embodiments.

After the scores for each component are derived in step 660, they are automatically summed by the system 500 in step 670 to obtain a swing total, which is then preferably displayed on the screen 530 in step 680.

It is noted that in the above system each of the components are equally weighted. An alternative that is within the scope of the embodiments is to weight the more important components (described as such in other places herein) more importantly than others, in order to obtain a total score that is skewed toward recognizing the importance of significant components.

Regarding the component data described above and described in more detail below for specific components, the scoring system for each component is described as being based upon a single swing. Of course, multiple swings can be analyzed, the system 500 configured to provide and average of the total swing score, as well as averages for each particular component.

Specific Component Data

The specific measures that are associated with the component data for each different component of the golf swing will now be described.

First, reference to the start position components, which include the grip-right hand 210-1, the grip-left hand 210-2, the ball position 210-3, posture 210-4 (which includes (knee bend) 210-4a, posture (body angle) 210-4b, posture (head set) 210-4c, and posture (hips tilt) 210-4d), arms 210-5 (which includes arm extension 210-5a and arm straightness 210-5b), feet 210-6 (which includes right foot 210-6a, left foot 210-6b and feet width 210-6c) and alignment 210-7 (which includes shoulder alignment 210-7a, and feet alignment 210-7b).

Grip Right Hand Component: 210-1

Measurement is taken by reference to the angle of the right wrist relative to the target line and a line that cuts the target line at 90 degrees, and in this embodiment is best accomplished using a picture from the top view camera 510C at the start position. Table I provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score.


−ve 60 degrees - 0 point

−ve 53 degrees - 1 points

−ve 46 degrees - 2 points

−ve 39 degrees - 3 points

−ve 32 degrees - 4 points

−ve 25 degrees - 5 points

−ve 18 degrees - 6 points

−ve 11 degrees - 7 points

−ve 4 degrees - 8 points

+ve 3 degrees - 9 points

+ve 10 degrees - 10 points

+ve 17 degrees - 9 points

+ve 24 degrees - 8 points

+ve 31 degrees - 7 points

+ve 38 degrees - 6 points

+ve 45 degrees - 5 points

+ve 52 degrees - 4 points

+ve 59 degrees - 3 points

+ve 66 degrees - 2 points

Degree references are to a straight line at a tangent to the player's hands and a tangent to the line of the sideways shot.

−ve means that a line running across the back of the right hand/wrist is open to the tangent line, ie cutting bottom to top, to the right of 12 o'clock on a clock face.

+ve means that the said line of the right hand/wrist is closed to the vertical line, ie cutting bottom to top, to the left of the vertical line.

Grip left hand component: 210-2

Golf left hand component measurement is taken by reference to the angle of the left wrist relative to the target line and a line that cuts the target line at 90 degrees, and in this embodiment is best accomplished using a picture from the top view camera 510C at the start position. Table II provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score.


90 degrees - 0 point

84 degrees - 1 point

78 degrees - 2 points

72 degrees - 3 points

66 degrees - 4 points

60 degrees - 5 points

54 degrees - 6 points

48 degrees - 7 points

42 degrees - 8 points

36 degrees - 9 points

30 degrees - 10 points

26 degrees - 9 points

22 degrees - 8 points

18 degrees - 7 points

14 degrees - 6 points

10 degrees - 5 points

6 degrees - 4 points

2 degrees - 3 points

−ve 2 degrees - 2 points

−ve 6 degrees - 1 point

−ve 10 degrees - 0 points

−ve means that a line running across the back of the left hand/wrist is open to the tangent line, ie cutting bottom to top, to the left of 12 o'clock on a clock face.

+ve means that the said line of the left hand/wrist is closed to the vertical line, ie cutting bottom to top, to the right of the vertical line.

Ball position component: 210-3

The ball position component measurement is taken by reference according to the ball's centre, in a lateral relation to the centre point of the stance, which is the centre point between the heels of the feet when standing parallel to the target line, and in this embodiment is best accomplished using a picture from the front view camera 510A at the start position.

Illustrated in FIG. 9A is an example component ball position component in the start position. This player's ball position calculated as 4 inches left of centre.=Grade 3 points. FIG. 9B is another example component ball position component in the start position. This player's ball position calculated as 9 inches left of centre.=Grade 8 points.

Table III provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score.


1 inch left of centre - 0 point

2 inches left of centre - 1 point

3 inches left of centre - 2 points

4 inches left of centre - 3 points

5 inches left of centre - 4 points

6 inches left of centre - 5 points

7 inches left of centre - 6 points

8 inches left of centre - 7 points

9 inches left of centre - 8 points

10 inches left of centre - 9 points

11 inches left of centre - 10 points

12 inches left of centre - 9 points

13 inches left of centre - 8 points

14 inches left of centre - 7 points

15 inches left of centre - 6 points

16 inches left of centre - 5 points

17 inches left of centre - 4 points

18 inches left of centre - 3 points

19 inches left of centre - 2 points

20 inches left of centre - 1 point

21 inches left of centre - zero points

Based on a player that is 6 feet tall.

Each +/−3″ on the player's height equals +/−½″ adjustment to the ideal 10 grade placement of the ball to the left of centre of stance. ie A player 5 feet 6 inches tall will have an ideal ten grade ball placement of 10 inches left of centre.

Posture component: 210-4

The posture component 210-4 is comprised of a number of different measurement, described hereinafter, and which includes posture (knee bend) 210-3a, posture (body angle) 210-3b, posture (head set) 210-3c, and posture (hips tilt) 210-3d, which individual subcomponent scores are obtained, then averaged by simple addition and division, the final number grade being rounded up/down to the nearest whole value number, in a preferred embodiment.

Table IV-1 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the posture (knee bend) 210-3a subcomponent and is best measured using the side view camera 510b.


42 degrees bent - 0 points

40 degrees bent - 1 point

38 degrees bent - 2 points

36 degrees bent - 3 points

34 degrees bent - 4 points

32 degrees bent - 5 points

30 degrees bent - 6 points

28 degrees bent - 7 points

26 degrees bent - 8 points

24 degrees bent - 9 points

22 degrees bent - 10 points

20 degrees bent - 9 points

18 degrees bent - 8 points

16 degrees bent - 7 points

14 degrees bent - 6 points

12 degrees bent - 5 points

10 degrees bent - 4 points

8 degrees bent - 3 points

6 degrees bent - 2 points

4 degrees bent - 1 point

2 degrees bent - 0 points

Table IV-2 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the posture (body angle) 210-3b subcomponent and is best measured using the side view camera 510b. Reference is also made to FIG. 10A that illustrates that this angle (a) is determined by a straight line drawn between the reverse most (back of player) point of the belt or hips and connecting to the rearmost point of the golfer's neck. In particular, as shown, FIG. 10B is an example subcomponent posture (body angle) position component in the start position. This player's body angle calculated at 29 degrees.=Grade 2 points. FIG. 10C shows another example subcomponent posture (body angle) at the start position. This player's body angle calculated at 49 degrees.=Grade 6 points.


25 degrees - 0 points

27 degrees - 1 point

29 degrees - 2 points

31 degrees - 3 points

33 degrees - 4 points

35 degrees - 5 points

37 degrees - 6 points

39 degrees - 7 points

41 degrees - 8 points

43 degrees - 9 points

45 degrees - 10 points

46 degrees - 9 points

47 degrees - 8 points

48 degrees - 7 points

49 degrees - 6 points

50 degrees - 5 points

51 degrees - 4 points

52 degrees - 3 points

53 degrees - 2 points

54 degrees - 1 point

55 degrees - 0 points

Body angle is based on an adult player with a men's standard length driver. The player being 6 feet tall.

Each +/−1″ in height equals +/−½ of one degree in body angle adjusted to find the players 10 grade. (i.e. a player 5 feet tall will have a 10 point grade for a 39 degree bend). The grades show that too much body angle is more damaging than too little.

Table IV-3 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the posture (head set) 210-3c subcomponent and is best measured using the side view camera 510b. Reference is also made to FIG. 11 that shows the head set is determined by a line drawn square with their face angle and measured as angled out from a vertical reference line. It is apparent from the below Table IV-3 that too much head tilt is more damaging than too little.


20 degrees - 0 points

24 degrees - 1 point

28 degrees - 2 points

32 degrees - 3 points

36 degrees - 4 points

40 degrees - 5 points

44 degrees - 6 points

48 degrees - 7 points

52 degrees - 8 points

56 degrees - 9 points

60 degrees - 10 points

64 degrees - 8 points

68 degrees - 6 points

72 degrees - 4 points

76 degrees - 2 points

80 degrees - 0 points

Measurement of head tilt is based on an adult player with a men's standard length driver; and the player being 6 feet tall.

Each +/−1″ in height equals +/−⅔ of one degree of head-set angle adjusted to find the players 10 grade. Numbers to be rounded up/down to nearest whole value.

Table IV-4 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the posture (hips tilt) 210-3d subcomponent and is best measured using the side view camera 510b. Reference is also made to FIG. 10A that illustrates that this angle (b) is determined by a straight line drawn between the reverse most (back of player) point of the belt or hips and connecting to the frontmost part of the player's belt or hips. It is apparent from the below that too much hip tilt is more damaging than too little.


0 degrees - 0 points

3 degrees - 1 point

6 degrees - 2 points

9 degrees - 3 points

12 degrees - 4 points

15 degrees - 5 points

18 degrees - 6 points

21 degrees - 7 points

24 degrees - 8 points

27 degrees - 9 points

30 degrees - 10 points

33 degrees - 8 points

36 degrees - 6 points

39 degrees - 4 points

42 degrees - 2 points

45 degrees - 0 points

Measurement of hip tilt is based on an adult player with a men's standard length driver; and the player being 6 feet tall.

Each +/−1″ in height equals +/−⅓ of one degree of hip tilt angle adjusted to find the players 10 grade. Numbers to be rounded up/down to nearest whole value.

Arms component: 210-5

The arms component 210-5 is comprised of a number of different measurement, described hereinafter, and which include includes arm extension 210-5a and arm straightness 210-5b, which individual subcomponent scores are obtained, then averaged by simple addition and division, the final number grade being rounded up/down to the nearest whole value number, in a preferred embodiment.

Table V-1 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the arm extension 210-5a subcomponent and is best measured using the side view camera 510b. In particular, the measurement is taken relative to a vertical line, and the correct angle is 18 degrees positive to the vertical line as drawn from the centre of the shoulders and extended through the centre of the wrists, as shown in FIG. 12.


−2 degrees - 0 points

0 degrees - 1 point

2 degrees - 2 points

4 degrees - 3 point

6 degrees - 4 points

8 degrees - 5 points

10 degrees - 6 points

12 degrees - 7 points

14 degrees - 8 points

16 degrees - 9 points

18 degrees - 10 points

20 degrees - 9 points

22 degrees - 8 points

24 degrees - 7 points

26 degrees - 6 points

28 degrees - 5 points

30 degrees - 4 points

32 degrees - 3 points

34 degrees - 2 points

36 degrees - 0 points

Table V-2 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the right arm straightness 210-5b subcomponent and is best measured using the side view camera 510b. In particular, the right arm bend angle is determined by measuring the degree of bend at the elbow, as per a line drawn down from the centre of the upper arm, into the centre of the elbow section, and then angled/hinged along the centre of the lower arm and into the centre of its wrist. The angle of bend is referenced from a straight arm (zero bend at elbow) so that 10 degrees elbow bend—grade 10—equals a right arm at 170 degrees straight.


60 degrees - 0 points

55 degrees - 1 point

50 degrees - 2 points

45 degrees - 3 points

40 degrees - 4 points

35 degrees - 5 points

30 degrees - 6 points

25 degrees - 7 points

20 degrees - 8 points

15 degrees - 9 points

10 degrees - 10 points

5 degrees - 8 points

0 degrees - 5 points

Feet component: 210-6

The feet component 210-6 is comprised of a number of different measurement, described hereinafter, and which include includes right foot 210-6a, left foot 210-6b and feet width 210-6c, which individual subcomponent scores are obtained, then averaged by simple addition and division, the final number grade being rounded up/down to the nearest whole value number, in a preferred embodiment.

Table VI-1 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the right foot 210-6a subcomponent and is best measured using the front view camera 510a. In particular, the degrees referred to are the degrees in the angle obtained by a line taken through the right foot with a line perpendicular to the target line, as shown in FIG. 13. −ve is where the heel-to-toe line points to the left of the perpendicular reference line (player's perspective).


−10 degrees - 0 points

−8 degrees - 1 point

−6 degrees - 2 points

−4 degrees - 3 points

−2 degrees - 4 points

0 degrees - 5 points

2 degrees - 6 points

4 degrees - 7 points

6 degrees - 8 points

8 degrees - 9 points

10 degrees - 10 points

12 degrees - 9 points

14 degrees - 8 points

16 degrees - 7 points

18 degrees - 6 points

20 degrees - 5 points

22 degrees - 4 point

24 degrees - 3 points

26 degrees - 2 points

28 degrees - 1 point

30 degrees - 0 points

Table VI-2 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the left foot 210-6b subcomponent and is best measured using the front view camera 510a. In particular, the degrees referred to are the degrees in the angle obtained by a line taken through the left foot with a line perpendicular to the target line. −ve means closed (pointing to the right, (player's perspective)) of the perpendicular line, as shown in FIG. 13.


−ve 10 degrees - 0 points

−ve 7 degrees - 1 point

−ve 4 degrees - 2 point

−ve 1 degree - 3 points

+2 degrees - 4 points

+5 degrees - 5 points

+8 degrees - 6 points

+11 degrees - 7 points

+14 degrees - 8 points

+17 degrees - 9 points

+20 degrees - 10 points

+23 degrees - 9 points

+26 degrees - 8 points

+29 degrees - 7 points

+32 degrees - 6 points

+35 degrees - 5 points

+38 degrees - 4 points

+41 degrees - 3 points

+44 degrees - 2 points

+47 degrees - 1 point

+50 degrees - 0 points

Table VI-3 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the foot width 210-6c subcomponent and is best measured using the front view camera 510a. In particular, the width is determined by measuring the distance between the inside of the heels of each foot.


10 inches - 0 points

11 inches - 1 point

12 inches - 2 points

13 inches - 3 points

14 inches - 4 points

15 inches - 5 points

16 inches - 6 points

17 inches - 7 points

18 inches - 8 points

19 inches - 9 points

20 inches - 10 points

21 inches - 9 points

22 inches - 8 points

23 inches - 7 points

24 inches - 6 points

25 inches - 5 points

26 inches - 4 points

27 inches - 3 points

28 inches - 2 points

29 inches - 1 point

30 inches - 0 points

Based on a person of height six feet tall.

Every +/−2 inches on the golfer’s height will require a +/−½ inch adjustment on width of stance.

Alignment component: 210-7

The alignment component 210-7 is comprised of a number of different measurement, described hereinafter, and which include shoulder alignment 210-7a, and feet alignment 210-7b, which individual subcomponent scores are obtained, then the shoulder alignment 210-7a is doubled, and then the total is obtained by adding the feet alignment 210-7b and dividing by three, the final number grade being rounded up/down to the nearest whole value number, in a preferred embodiment. It is seen that the relative value of correct shoulder alignment to a golfer is twice the value of correct feet alignment.

Table VII-1 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the shoulder alignment 210-7a subcomponent and is best measured using the side view camera 510b. In particular, the degrees referred to are determined by measuring the angle of the shoulder line relative to the target line.


30+ degrees L/R of target - 0 points

27 degrees L/R of target - 1 point

24 degrees L/R of target - 2 points

21 degrees L/R of target - 3 points

18 degrees L/R of target - 4 points

15 degrees L/R of target - 5 points

12 degrees L/R of target - 6 points

9 degrees L/R of target - 7 points

6 degrees L/R of target - 8 points

3 degrees L/R of target - 9 points

Parallel to target - 10 points

L = left of target

R = right of target

Table VII-2 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the feet alignment 210-7b subcomponent and is best measured using the side view camera 510b. In particular, the degrees referred to are determined by measuring the angle obtained from the intersection of the line obtained from the front feet of the player's stance relative to the target line.


30+ degrees L/R of target - 0 points

27 degrees L/R of target - 1 point

24 degrees L/R of target - 2 points

21 degrees L/R of target - 3 points

18 degrees L/R of target - 4 points

15 degrees L/R of target - 5 points

12 degrees L/R of target - 6 points

9 degrees L/R of target - 7 points

6 degrees L/R of target - 8 points

3 degrees L/R of target - 9 points

Parallel to target - 10 points

Second, reference to the top of swing position components, which for ease of reference, are body turn 220-1, left arm 220-2 (which includes left arm plane 220-2a, left arm form 220-2b and left arm leverage 220-2c), head set 220-3 (which includes down the line view 220-3a and front view 220-3b), right arm 220-4, wrists 220-5 (which includes wrist hinge one 220-5a and wrist hinge two 220-5b), body angle 220-6, hips 220-7, knees 220-8 (which includes front view 220-8a and side view 220-8b) and feet 220-9 (which includes right foot 220-9a and left foot 220-9b).

Body Turn Component 220-1

The body turn component 220-1 is determined by measuring the angle that the shoulders rotate where a vertical line is the 90 degree point.

Table VIII provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the body turn component 220-1 and is best measured using the front view camera 510a.


38 degrees - 0 points

46 degrees - 1 point

54 degrees - 2 points

62 degrees - 3 points

70 degrees - 4 points

78 degrees - 5 points

86 degrees - 6 points

94 degrees - 7 points

102 degrees - 8 points

110 degrees - 9 points

118 degrees - 10 points

Left arm components 220-2

The left arm 220-2 has the value of two components in the swing. It has a whole component value for left arm plane 220-2a. Left arm plane warrants a full component value by itself due to its significance to the swing. Left arm form has one component value and comprises two sub-components. Left arm form has two different measurements, described hereinafter, and which include the two subcomponents—straightness 220-2b, and leverage 220-2c—which individual subcomponent scores are obtained, then averaged by simple addition and division, the final number grade being rounded up/down to the nearest whole value number, in a preferred embodiment.

Table IX-1 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the left arm plane 220-2a and is best measured using the side view camera 510b. In particular, the measurement is taken of an angle that exists between a line drawn and extending from the centre of the left wrist, down and through the centre of the left shoulder joint, so that it can be measured against a horizontal reference line. It is the angle that the arm line as described above cuts this horizontal line; that is measured.


23 degrees - 0 points

26 degrees - 1 point

29 degrees - 2 points

32 degrees - 3 points

35 degrees - 4 points

38 degrees - 5 points

41 degrees - 6 points

44 degrees - 7 points

47 degrees - 8 points

50 degrees - 9 points

53 degrees - 10 points

56 degrees - 9 points

59 degrees - 8 points

62 degrees - 7 points

65 degrees - 6 points

68 degrees - 5 points

71 degrees - 4 points

74 degrees - 3 points

77 degrees - 2 points

80 degrees - 1 point

Table IX-2 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the left arm straightness 220-2b subcomponent and is best measured using the front view camera 510a. In particular, the measurement is taken of the ‘straightness’ of the left arm at the top of the backswing based upon the amount of bend at the elbow, as shown in FIGS. 14a, 14B and 14C.


70 degrees - 0 points

63 degrees - 1 point

56 degrees - 2 points

49 degrees - 3 points

42 degrees - 4 points

35 degrees - 5 points

28 degrees - 6 points

21 degrees - 7 points

14 degrees - 8 points

7 degrees or less - 10 points

Table IX-3 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the left arm leverage 220-2c subcomponent and is best measured using the front view camera 510a. In particular, the measurement is directed to the ‘leverage’ of the left arm at the top of the backswing and is determined by the angle that the left arm has managed relative to a horizontal line. It is the upper part of the left arm (bicep/tricep section) that is measured for this angle and not the forearm.


90 degrees - 0 points

98 degrees - 1 point

106 degrees - 2 points

114 degrees - 3 points

122 degrees - 4 points

130 degrees - 5 points

138 degrees - 6 points

146 degrees - 7 points

154 degrees - 8 points

162 degrees - 9 points

170+ degrees - 10 points

The head set component 220-3 is comprised of a number of different measurements, described hereinafter, and which include down the line view 220-3a and front view 220-3b, which individual subcomponent scores are obtained, then averaged by simple addition and division, the final number grade being rounded up/down to the nearest whole value number, in a preferred embodiment.

Table X-1 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the down the line view head set 220-3a subcomponent and is best measured using the side view camera 510b. In particular, the measurement is taken along a line that corresponds to the front of the face, as described previously with respect to FIG. 11 at the start position, but for the same measurement at the top of the swing position.


20 degrees - 0 points

24 degrees - 1 point

28 degrees - 2 points

32 degrees - 3 points

36 degrees - 4 points

40 degrees - 5 points

44 degrees - 6 points

48 degrees - 7 points

52 degrees - 8 points

56 degrees - 9 points

60 degrees - 10 points

64 degrees - 8 points

68 degrees - 6 points

72 degrees - 4 points

76 degrees - 2 points

80 degrees - 0 points

Horizontal = zero degrees (face pointing straight out) and

90 degrees = where the head is facing straight at the ground.

Table X-2 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the front view head set 220-3a subcomponent and is best measured using the front view camera 510a. In particular, as shown in FIG. 15, the measurement is taken for an angle between a line perpendicular to the target line and a “line” that projects perpendicularly from the face (from the nose, for instance) to provide the angle of face rotation away from the target.


5 degrees - 2 points

10 degrees - 4 points

15 degrees - 6 points

20 degrees - 8 points

25 degrees - 10 points

30 degrees - 9 points

35 degrees - 8 points

40 degrees - 7 points

45 degrees - 6 points

50 degrees - 5 points

55 degrees - 4 points

60 degrees - 3 points

65 degrees - 2 points

70 degrees - 1 point

75 degrees - 0 points

Right arm component 220-4

The right arm component 220-4 is determined by its relationship to the left arm, specifically the angle measured between a line from the elbows and wrists of one arm, measured against a line from the elbows and wrists of the other arm, as shown in FIG. 16.

Table XI provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the right arm 220-4 and is best measured using the side view camera 510b.


25 degrees - 4 points

30 degrees - 5 points

35 degrees - 6 points

40 degrees - 7 points

45 degrees - 8 points

50 degrees - 9 points

55 degrees - 10 points

60 degrees - 9 points

65 degrees - 8 points

70 degrees - 7 points

75 degrees - 6 points

80 degrees - 5 points

85 degrees - 4 points

90 degrees - 3 points

95 degrees - 2 points

100 degrees - 1 point

105 degrees - 0 points

Wrist component 220-5

The wrist component 220-5 is comprised of a number of different measurements, described hereinafter, and which include wrist hinge one 220-5a and wrist hinge two 220-5b, which individual subcomponent scores are obtained, then averaged by simple addition and division, the final number grade being rounded up/down to the nearest whole value number, in a preferred embodiment.

Table XII-1 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the wrist hinge one 220-5a subcomponent and is best measured using the front view camera 510a. In particular, the measurement is of the angle between the left forearm and the club shaft.


20 degrees - 0 points

27 degrees - 1 point

34 degrees - 2 points

41 degrees - 3 points

48 degrees - 4 points

55 degrees - 5 points

62 degrees - 6 points

69 degrees - 7 points

76 degrees - 8 points

83 degrees - 9 points

90 degrees - 10 points

94 degrees - 9 points

98 degrees - 8 points

102 degrees - 7 points

106 degrees - 6 points

110 degrees - 5 points

114 degrees - 4 points

118 points - 3 points

122 degrees - 2 points

126 degrees - 1 point

130 degrees - 0 points

Table XII-2 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the wrist hinge two 220-5a subcomponent and is best measured using the side view camera 510b. In particular, the measurement is determined when the club is at horizontal moment at top of backswing and relating its line of point (where the shaft is pointing) relative to the target. (−ve=pointing left) (+ve=pointing right). When a golfer does not reach this horizontal reference point in their swing then accurate reference is calculated according to a chart/table that holds all relative (to the horizontal standard) figures and measurements necessary for the said calculation of the players wrist hinge to be made.


−ve 40 degrees - 0 points

−ve 36 degrees - 1 point

−ve 32 degrees - 2 points

−ve 28 degrees - 3 points

−ve 24 degrees - 4 points

−ve 20 degrees - 5 points

−ve 16 degrees - 6 points

−ve 12 degrees - 7 points

−ve 8 degrees - 8 points

−ve 4 degrees - 9 points

Parallel - 10 points

+ve 4 degrees - 9 points

+8 degrees - 8 points

+12 degrees - 7 points

+16 degrees - 6 points

+20 degrees - 5 points

+24 degrees - 4 points

+28 degrees - 3 points

+32 degrees - 2 points

+36 degrees - 1 point

+40 degrees - 0 points

Body angle component 220-6

The body angle component 220-6 below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the body angle which is given whole component value it top of swing position (as opposed to start position where it is a sub-component) and is best measured using the side view camera 510b. Reference is also made to FIG. 10A that illustrates that this angle (though in the start position rather than top of swing position in the illustrated Figure) is determined by a straight line drawn between the reverse most (back of player) point of the belt or hips and connecting to the rearmost point of the golfer's neck. The method of measurement taken for body posture sub-component in start (0070), is also used for measurement of body angle in top of swing position. Body angle at top of swing position should have remained the same as at Start position. Therefore the same data is relevant and applicable.

Table XIII provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the body angle component 220-6 and is best measured using the side view camera 510b.


25 degrees - 0 points

27 degrees - 1 point

29 degrees - 2 points

31 degrees - 3 points

33 degrees - 4 points

35 degrees - 5 points

37 degrees - 6 points

39 degrees - 7 points

41 degrees - 8 points

43 degrees - 9 points

45 degrees - 10 points

47 degrees - 9 points

49 degrees - 8 points

51 degrees - 7 points

53 degrees - 6 points

55 degrees - 5 points

57 degrees - 4 points

59 degrees - 3 points

61 degrees - 2 points

63 degrees - 1 point

65 degrees - 0 points

Body angle is based on an adult player with a men’s standard length driver; and the player being 6 feet tall. The angle is taken from a ‘down the line’ view and is determined by a straight line drawn between the reverse most (from front) point of the belt or hips and connecting to the rearmost point of the golfer’s neck. (See diagram)

Each +/−1″ in height equals +/−½ of one degree in body angle adjusted to find the players 10 grade.

i.e a player 5 feet tall will have a 10 point grade for a 39 degree bend.

Hips component 220-7

The hips component 220-7 is determined in relation to a vertical line dropped from the edge of the right hip from the front-on view, and then in relation to the hips original position when at start, as shown in FIGS. 17A and 17B.

Table XIV provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the hips 220-7 and is best measured using the front view camera 510a. + is where the hip has moved sideways to the player's right, by top of swing. −ve is where the hip has moved sideways to the player's left, by top of swing. At top of swing the hips score grade ten when the right hip is 1 inch negative to its original starting position.


+9 inches - 0 points

+8 inches - 1 point

+7 inches - 2 points

+6 inches - 3 points

+5 inches - 4 points

+4 inches - 5 points

+3 inches - 6 points

+2 inches - 7 points

+1 inch - 8 points

Zero - 9 points

−ve 1 inch - 10 points

−ve 2 inches - 9 points

−ve 3 inches - 8 points

−ve 4 inches - 7 points

−ve 5 inches - 6 points

−ve 6 inches - 5 points

Knees component 220-8

The knees component 220-8 is comprised of a number of different measurements, described hereinafter, and which include front view 220-8a and side view 220-8b, which individual subcomponent scores are obtained, then averaged by simple addition and division, the final number grade being rounded up/down to the nearest whole value number, in a preferred embodiment.

The knees component 220-8a is determined by the angle at the edge of the knee, from a line down the player's outside of left thigh into the edge of the knee and then continued down and on to the outside of the players shoe, as shown in FIG. 18.

Table XV-1 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the knees component 220-8a and is best measured using the front view camera 510a, given the body turn at the top of swing position.


180 degrees - 0 points

177 degrees - 1 point

174 degrees - 2 points

171 degrees - 3 points

168 degrees - 4 points

165 degrees - 5 points

162 degrees - 6 points

159 degrees - 7 points

156 degrees - 8 points

153 degrees - 9 points

150 degrees - 10 points

145 degrees - 9 points

140 degrees - 8 points

135 degrees - 7 points

130 degrees - 6 points

125 degrees - 5 points

Table XV-2 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the knees component 220-8b, which measures right knee flex, along the back of the right leg with the knee at the point of the angle, and is best measured using the side view camera 510b, given the body turn at the top of swing position. Grade 10 is equal to the right knee having 15 degrees of bend when at the top of swing.


175-180 degrees - 0 points

174 degrees - 5 points

173 degrees - 6 points

171 degrees - 7 points

169 degrees - 8 points

167 degrees - 9 points

165 degrees - 10 points

163 degrees - 9 points

161 degrees - 8 points

159 degrees - 7 points

157 degrees - 6 points

155 degrees - 5 points

153 degrees - 4 points

151 degrees - 3 points

149 degrees - 2 points

147 degrees - 1 point

145 degrees - 0 points

The feet component 220-9 is comprised of a number of different measurements, described hereinafter, and which include which includes right foot 220-9a and left foot 220-9b, which individual subcomponent scores are obtained, then averaged by simple addition and division, the final number grade being rounded up/down to the nearest whole value number, in a preferred embodiment.

The right foot component 220-9a is determined relative to a line that extends directly out along a line from the centre of the foot and that cuts the target line tangentially, as described previously with respect to FIG. 13, though for the start position.

Table XVI-1 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the right foot component 220-9a and is best measured using the front view camera 510a.


−10 degrees - 0 points

−8 degrees - 1 point

−6 degrees - 2 points

−4 degrees - 3 points

−2 degrees - 4 points

0 degrees - 5 points

2 degrees - 6 points

4 degrees - 7 points

6 degrees - 8 points

8 degrees - 9 points

10 degrees - 10 points

12 degrees - 9 points

14 degrees - 8 points

16 degrees - 7 points

18 degrees - 6 points

20 degrees - 5 points

22 degrees - 4 point

24 degrees - 3 points

26 degrees - 2 points

28 degrees - 1 point

30 degrees - 0 points

−ve is where the right foot line points left of the tangential line.

+ve is where the foot points right of the tangential line.

The left foot component 220-9b is determined relative to a line that extends directly out from the foot and that cuts the target line tangentially, as with the right foot, as described previously with respect to FIG. 13, though for the start position.

Table XVI-2 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the left foot component 220-9b and is best measured using the front view camera 510a.


−10 degrees - 0 points

−7 degrees - 1 point

−4 degrees - 2 point

−1 degree - 3 points

2 degrees - 4 points

5 degrees - 5 points

8 degrees - 6 points

11 degrees - 7 points

14 degrees - 8 points

17 degrees - 9 points

20 degrees - 10 points

23 degrees - 9 points

26 degrees - 8 points

29 degrees - 7 points

32 degrees - 6 points

35 degrees - 5 points

38 degrees - 4 points

41 degrees - 3 points

44 degrees - 2 points

47 degrees - 1 point

50 degrees - 0 points

−ve is where the left foot line points right of the tangential line.

+ve is where the left foot points left of the tangential line.

The finish position components are described next, and are body twist/wrap 230-1, body lean 230-2, head set 230-3, arms 230-4, wrists 230-5, hips 230-6, knees 230-7 (which includes right knee side view 230-7a, right knee front view 230-7b, and left knee 230-7c), and feet 230-8 (which includes right foot 230-8a and left foot 230-8b).

Body Twist/Wrap Component 230-1

The body twist/wrap component 230-1 is determined by the relationship of the player's body, relative to square to the target, in other words where a line across the player's chest or a line drawn from shoulder to shoulder, would cut the target line at a tangent.

Table XVII provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the body twist/wrap component 230-1 and is best measured using the overhead view camera 510c. The measurement is taken from the shoulder line.


−15 degrees - 0 points

−7 degrees - 1 point

+1 degree - 2 points

+9 degrees - 3 points

+17 degrees - 4 points

+25 degrees - 5 points

+33 degrees - 6 points

+41 degrees - 7 points

+49 degrees - 8 points

+57 degrees - 9 points

+65 degrees - 10 points

+73 degrees - 9 points

+81 degrees - 8 points

+89 degrees - 7 points

Rotation of shoulders beyond target = (+ve)

Rotation of shoulders short of target = (−ve).

Body lean component 230-2

The body lean component 230-2 is determined by measuring the angle from the left edge of the hip/belt extended by a straight line to the left edge of the player's neck. This angle is taken from a vertical reference, as is shown in FIGS. 19A and 19B.

Table XVIII provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the body lean component 230-2 and is best measured using the side view camera 510b.


5 degrees - 0 points

8 degrees - 1 point

11 degrees - 2 points

14 degrees - 3 points

17 degrees - 4 points

20 degrees - 5 points

23 degrees - 6 points

26 degrees - 7 points

29 degrees - 8 points

32 degrees - 9 points

35 degrees - 10 points

40 degrees - 9 points

45 degrees - 8 points

49 degrees - 5 points

Head set component 230-3

The head set component 230-3 measurement is taken from a line that corresponds to the tilt of the player's head on its side, when seen from side view camera 510b. The head set grade is obtained by measuring the angle of the head's tilt on its side, relative to a vertical line, as shown in FIGS. 20A and 20B.

Table XIX provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the down the line view head set 230-3 and is best measured using the side view camera 510b.


−5 degrees - 0 points

−2 degrees - 1 point

1 degree - 2 points

4 degrees - 3 points

7 degrees - 4 points

10 degrees - 5 points

13 degrees - 6 points

16 degrees - 7 points

19 degrees - 8 points

22 degrees - 9 points

25 degrees - 10 points

30 degrees - 9 points

35 degrees - 8 points

39 degrees - 5 points

Arms component 230-4

The arms component 230-4 is calculated by study of the hands and where the hands finish in the follow through of the swing. The hands must appear above the shoulder level which is the minimum requirement of swing size to qualify for study. At finish of swing a vertical line is centred in the middle of the player's head. A measurement is taken of the progression of the hands travel relative to this head-centred vertical line, as shown in FIGS. 21A (for past 14″) and 21B (for short 18″).

Table XX provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the arms component 230-4 and is best measured using the front view camera 510a.


Short 10 inches - 0 points

Short 7 inches - 1 point

Short 4 inches - 2 points

Short 1 inch - 3 points

Past 2 inches - 4 points

Past 5 inches - 5 points

Past 8 inches - 6 points

Past 11 inches - 7 points

Past 14 inches - 8 points

Past 17 inches - 9 points

Past 20+ inches - 10 points

‘short’ is to mean that the hands are on the right side (target side) of the vertical line.

‘past’ is to mean that the hands are on the left side of the vertical line.

Wrists component 230-5

The wrist component 230-5 is determined by the measurement of the angle between the club shaft and the right forearm at finish of swing, as shown in FIG. 22.

Table XXI provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the wrist component 230-5 and is best measured using the overhead view camera 510c.


130 degrees - 0 points

124 degrees - 1 point

118 degrees - 2 points

112 degrees - 3 points

106 degrees - 4 points

100 degrees - 5 points

94 degrees - 6 points

88 degrees - 7 points

82 degrees - 8 points

76 degrees - 9 points

70 degrees or less - 10 points

Hips component 230-6

The hips component 230-6 is determined by dropping a vertical line from the centre of the player's right hip. The vertical line is then referenced against the player's left heel, as shown in FIGS. 23A and 23B.

Table XXII provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the hips component 230-6 and is best measured using the front view camera 510a.


−ve 10 inches - 0 points

−ve 9 inches - 1 point

−ve 8 inches - 2 points

−ve 7 inches - 3 points

−ve 6 inches - 4 points

−ve 5 inches - 5 points

−ve 4 inches - 6 points

−ve 3 inches - 7 points

−ve 2 inches - 8 points

−ve 1 inch - 9 points

On line - 10 points

−ve means opposite side to target.

Knees component 230-7

The knees component 230-7 is comprised of a number of different measurements, described hereinafter, and which include right knee side view 230-7a, right knee front view 230-7b, and left knee 230-7c, which individual subcomponent scores are obtained, then averaged by simple addition and division, the final number grade being rounded up/down to the nearest whole value number, in a preferred embodiment.

The knees component 230-7a is determined by measuring where the right knee is pointing relative to the target. The angle determined by extending a line through the centre of the player's calf and knee and then measuring the angle relative to vertical, as shown in FIG. 24.

Table XXIII-1 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the knees component 230-7a and is best measured using the side view camera 510b.


−ve 12 degrees - 0 points

−ve 9 degrees - 1 point

−ve 6 degrees - 2 points

−ve 3 degrees - 3 points

Vertical - 5 points

+ve 3 degrees - 6 points

+ve 6 degrees - 7 points

+ve 9 degrees - 8 points

+ve 12 degrees - 9 points

+ve 15 degrees - 10 points

−ve is to mean on the right side of vertical.

+ve is to mean on the left side of vertical.

The knees component 230-7b is determined by measuring the angle from the bottom tip of the right foot to the right knee tip of the leg, in relation to a vertical line, as illustrated in FIG. 25.

Table XXIII-2 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the knees component 230-7b and is best measured using the front view camera 510a.


15 degrees - 0 points

18 degrees - 1 point

21 degrees - 2 points

24 degrees - 3 points

27 degrees - 4 points

30 degrees - 5 points

33 degrees - 6 points

36 degrees - 7 points

39 degrees - 8 points

42 degrees - 9 points

45 degrees - 10 points

The knees component 230-7c is determined by measuring the degree of bend in left knee joint at finish.

Table XXIII-3 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the knees component 230-7c and is best measured using the front view camera 510a.


40 degrees - 0 points

37 degrees - 1 point

34 degrees - 2 points

31 degree - 3 points

28 degrees - 4 points

25 degrees - 5 points

22 degrees - 6 points

19 degrees - 7 points

16 degrees - 8 points

13 degrees - 9 points

10 degrees - 10 points

The feet component 230-8 is comprised of a number of different measurements, described hereinafter, and which include which includes right foot 230-8a and left foot 230-8b, which individual subcomponent scores are obtained, then averaged by simple addition and division, the final number grade being rounded up/down to the nearest whole value number, in a preferred embodiment.

The right foot component 230-8a is determined by measuring the angle of a line drawn straight through the sole of the shoe (heel to toe) relative to a vertical line, as shown in FIG. 26.

Table XIV-1 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the right foot component 230-8a and is best measured using the side view camera 510b.


Vertical - 10 points

5 degrees +ve/−ve of vertical - 9 points

10 degrees +ve/−ve of vertical - 8 points

15 degrees +ve/−ve of vertical - 7 points

20 degrees +ve/−ve of vertical 6 points

25 degrees +ve/−ve of vertical - 5 points

30 degrees +ve/−ve of vertical - 4 points

35 degrees +ve/−ve of vertical - 3 points

40 degrees +ve/−ve of vertical 2 points

45 degrees +ve/−ve of vertical - 1 point

50 degrees +ve/−ve of vertical - 0 points

The left foot component 230-8b is determined by the angle of rotation ‘out’ relative to a ground line that lies tangential to the target, as shown in FIG. 13.

Table XIV-1 provided below describes the measurement and corresponding point score for the right foot component 230-8a and is best measured using the front view camera 510a.


78 degrees+ 0 - points

72 degrees - 1 point

66 degrees - 2 points

60 degrees - 3 points

54 degrees - 4 points

48 degrees - 5 points

54 degrees - 6 points

48 degrees - 7 points

42 degrees - 8 points

36 degrees - 9 points

30 degrees - 10 points

These above component descriptions, while described specifically with respect to the camera embodiment, are equally applicable to the sensor embodiment described hereinafter, and the measurements made can be readily determined using the different sensors described hereinafter.

Further, it should be understood that a combination of a camera embodiment and a sensor embodiment can also be used.


FIG. 7 illustrates one embodiment of a system that provides for a software system that automatically grades a golf swing, by grading components of a golf swing, relative to a perfect swing, based upon the use of sensors. As an overview, this system 700 records an “image” or “images” of the golfer at each of the start position 200, the top of swing position 300, and the finish position 400, as in the camera embodiment described previously. This “image” is essentially an overall pattern showing the location of different sensors, which location is relative to one another or a predetermined reference at a determined point in time. Then using these images, specific component values are determined and summed to obtain an overall swing score, with a scoring system that has, preferably, a highest score being a perfect swing, though of course other scoring systems can be obtained based upon the discussions provided herein.

The system devices that work together in the embodiment described include sensors 710 and detectors 720 wirelessly coupled thereto, which together allow for a determination of the three dimensional location of each sensor 710 relative to each detector 720, preferably at a rate which equals a detection rate similar to that obtained in the number of images used when obtaining a video from a video camera. As in the camera embodiment, the positions of the sensors 710 relative to the detectors 720 are continuously obtained throughout the swing, and start position, top of swing position and finish position measurements are determined, as described herein, to select the specific best time sensor measurements for use, as further described herein, is preferable. Sensor types can include, for example, infrared, GPS or other location sensing technologies. Connected to the detectors 720 is a computer 730, which includes an input output (I/O) port(s) 732(a-c) for connection to the detectors 720, as well as a display 740 and an input device 750, such as a keyboard. Other types of computer devices can be used as well.

FIG. 8 illustrates a flowchart used in the embodiment of FIG. 7. In enter user data step 810, the input device 750 is used to input user data, particularly the height of the golfer, as that is most relevant to correlating actual and predetermined golfer data, as discussed further hereinafter, although other user data can also be included, such as the length of the arms and legs of the golfer.

In configure for the user step 820, correlations are obtained so that subsequent component data obtained with respect to the particular user can be more easily correlated to the predetermined ideal golfer component data stored on the computer, based upon the input user data—though techniques may also exist that eliminate the need for this step, as described previously with respect to step 620 in the camera embodiment

Thereafter, once the system 700 has been configured for the specific golfer, steps 830, 840 and 550 occur, start position sensor data, top of swing position sensor data, and finish position sensor data are obtained, respectively. The “images” obtained due to the different location of each of the different sensors relative to one another (and specifically for those relationships needed to determine the components described above) are preferably time correlated, such that different sensor data (measurements between each sensor 710 and each detector 720) are synchronized as to time for the start, top of swing, finish position data sets.

As to which time-stamp sensor data to use in the sequence of sensor data, the start position data are each obtained from that time that just precedes detectable backswing movement, though in light of the large number of sequential time-stamped data sets obtained by the different detectors 720, any number of prior, or even a few time slots immediately after swing start, could be used. The sensor data can be analyzed using conventional motion detection techniques, based on three-dimensional sensors, which are applied to the received sensor data as described herein. Motion detecting sensing (which is used to determine which “image” or time for the location of the different sensors to use), as well as then the location sensing in order to determine the relationships between necessary sensors, are conventional. One example, however, is described at U.S. Application 2010/0152623, entitled “Systems, Devices and Methods for Interpreting Movement,” the contents of which are expressly incorporated by reference herein.

Regarding the corresponding ideal golfer sensor data or corresponding ideal golfer component data associated with the start position, that position and data can be obtained similar to the camera embodiment previously described, though based upon sensor data rather than image data.

Each top-of-backswing position image is obtained from that time that amounts to the rest position at the top of the backswing, immediately at the end of the backswing, and right before the beginning of the downswing, with room for slight variation as discussed above. The continued sensor data received in sequence can be analyzed for the top-of-backswing position using conventional motion detection techniques.

Regarding the corresponding ideal golfer sensor data set or corresponding ideal golfer component data associated with that top-of-backswing position, the top-of-backswing position will differ significantly from golfer to golfer, as the amount of backswing varies considerably from golfer to golfer. To accommodate for this, this embodiment preferably first automatically obtains the top-of-backswing position sensor data for the actual golfer being analyzed. Based on the relative degree of backswing, a corresponding position for that amount of backswing is automatically retrieved from a stored database of images/component values for the ideal golfer top-of-backswing position, as described with respect to the camera embodiment.

Each finish position sensor data set is obtained from that time that amounts to the end of the downswing, similar to the end of the downswing as described previously with respect to the camera embodiment. The continued sensor data stream can be analyzed for the finish position images using the same conventional motion detection technique as previously used and described.

Regarding the corresponding ideal golfer sensor data or corresponding ideal golfer component data associated with the finish position, that position and data can be obtained similar to the camera embodiment previously described, though based upon sensor data rather than image data.

Once the sensor data has been obtained that will be used to determine the corresponding component data and the corresponding image/component data for the ideal golfer, the system in step 860 will calculate the component score, based upon automatically derived associated component data and corresponding ideal component data, as discussed hereinafter. The component data automatically derived from a particular set of sensor data for a particular component is essentially the same as that described previously with respect to the camera embodiment, with difference in the implementation being slightly different due to the component data being obtained from the sensors rather than the image will have slight differences due to the form, but, as well be apparent, provide the same relative distance measures.

After the scores for each component are derived in step 860, they are automatically summed by the system 700 in step 870 to obtain a swing total, which is then preferably displayed on the screen 740 in step 880.

Regarding the sensors that are used, as mentioned, each sensor 710 is able to provide the relative three dimensional position of that sensor 710; as described here relative to each of the detectors 720.

Regarding specific sensors, the grip position 210 is determined from the wearing of a right hand grip wrist sensor 716a (preferably worn like a watch) that allows the external detectors 720 to measure precise degrees of wrist rotation and from these degree references the grip can be graded.

Left hand grip position 220 is determined from the wearing of a left hand grip wrist sensor (preferably worn like a watch) with reflective surface that the external detectors 720 to measure precise degrees of wrist rotation, and from these degree references the exact knuckle score can be calculated and the score graded.

It should be noted that for components where a particular golfer obtains a low score, the system can provide a visual comparison of the position of the particular golfer's component to the ideal, thereby allowing for greater understanding of the error by the golfer.

FIG. 28 illustrates a score card usable to assist in grading the start position, top of swing position, and finish position components according to the embodiments described, for instances where a golf professional is teaching, and instead of using a camera, instead views the positions, and components therein, of the golfer. While the score card is illustrated with places to include both a raw component score and an overall score for each component, a modification of the score card would include only the column for the overall score, and not the raw component score column. The score card can also exist on a sheet that exists in paper and/or electronic form of a writable display screen, whereby the scores can be added into the appropriate cell locations on the card.

It is also understood that a number of different swings can be used, either with respect to the system 500 described above or with respect to a golf pro using his eyes and knowledge. For the latter, the score card as illustrated can greatly assist ensuring that all the component positions are accounted for.

It is also understood that one could modify the embodiments described above by adding more components or not using all of the swing components as identified herein. On possible combination of different components would include: for the start position, components related to ball position, posture, grip left hand, grip right hand, and feet; for top of swing position body turn, body angle, left arm plane, left arm form, writs and head set; for the finish position, body twist/wrap, body lean, arms, wrist and hips. Of course other combinations could be derived as well.

FIG. 29 illustrates an ensemble of clothing 1610 having sensors that are pre-inserted into the different clothing pieces and objects, which can be sold as a set with or separately from other equipment 1650 described herein, including the driver 1652 with sensors (such as club sensors 722 previously described in FIG. 7), ball 1654 with sensor (such as ball sensor 724 previously described in FIG. 7), alignment sensors 1656 (such as sensors 726 previously described in FIG. 7) and associated software and/or computer 1658, as shown. In particular is illustrated a cap 1612 that has includes head sensors 710(a-c) as previously described with reference to FIG. 7. Also illustrated is a sweater 1614 that includes shoulder sensors 712(a-b) and hip sensors 513(a-c) as previously described with reference to FIG. 7. Further illustrated is a pair of wrist bands 1616 that each has a wrist sensor 716(a-b) as previously described with reference to FIG. 7. Also illustrated is a pair of above-the-knee band 1618 that each has a knee sensor 718(a-b) as previously described with reference to FIG. 7 (alternatively, not shown, the knee sensor 718(a-b) could be sewn into a pair of pants). And included is a pair of leather overhang pieces 1620 that can each be tied to a shoe and each contains one of the sensors such as foot sensors 720(a-b) previously described with reference to FIG. 7.

Teaching aids can also be provided. For example, the system can provide a graphic representation pictorially illustrating why a particular component score was low relative to an ideal component score.

Software Game

In another embodiment is a software game, based on the grading system described above, and which can use the software described above, modified for the game as described herein, and particularly with reference to the patent applications incorporated by reference above that reference gaming. The game is played by a gamer who stands in front of a TV which has a camera mounted on top that faces the gamer, just as the cameras and digital display described hereinabove, albeit a simplified version that may have only a single camera, and may or may not have an additional sensor or sensors. The gamer makes a golf swing, not necessarily with a real golf club, but preferably a short golf ‘stick’, approximately 20 inches long, and preferably sensored to aid realism for the swing being made. The camera captures the three important positions that the gamer hits during their swing, as described above. The images are then interpreted through the software application according to pre-determined parameters put in place specifically for the playing of the game, preferably those as described above, and in line with embodiments described herein. Positions are then graded accordingly and the gamer is given a readout for each of their three positions, plus a read out for their important overall total, up to a maximum possible 250 using the grading system described above. It is the overall total that other garners have to try to beat.

The game is competitive, fun, and educational, in that the pre-determined parameters put in place for the game are representative of good technique. The gamer improves their real life golf swing by playing the game, and by striving for higher and higher game scores.

A ‘new’ or ‘non-golfer’ can learn the best part of a golf swing by playing this game. There are also different modes of operation whereby a single player could use the game facility as a source of instructional feedback.

Although the embodiments have been described above, it should be readily apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art that various changes, modifications and substitutes are intended within the form and details thereof, without departing from their spirit and scope. Accordingly, it will be appreciated that in numerous instances some features will be employed without a corresponding use of other features. Further, those skilled in the art will understand that variations can be made in the number and arrangement of components illustrated in the above figures. It is intended that the scope of the appended claims include such changes and modifications.

  • 1. A system for providing a measure of a golf swing of a golfer relative to predetermined ideal golf swing comprising: a plurality of swing capture devices that provide data of relative positions of the head, shoulders, arms, hips, knees and feet in relation to a predetermined reference at each of a start position, top of swing position and finish position, the start position providing an initial stance view of the golfer prior to the golfer initiating a swing, the top of swing position providing a top of backswing view of the golfer after a backswing movement and the finish position providing a finish view of the golfer after a ball strike movement; anda computer that receives the data and operates using an application program to automatically assess a plurality of components associated with each of the start position, the top of swing position and the finish position to obtain a score for each of the plurality of components and an overall swing score indicative of the golfer's golf swing relative to the predetermined ideal golf swing.
  • 2. The system according to claim 1 wherein the plurality components include: for the start position, a ball position component, a posture component, a grip left hand component, a grip right hand component, and a feet component;for top of swing position, a body turn component, a body angle component, a left arm plane component, a left arm form component, a wrist component and a head set component; andfor the finish position, a body twist/wrap component, a body lean component, an arms component, a wrist component and a hips component; andwherein the application program uses the data to determine the score for each of the plurality of components.
  • 3. The system according to claim 2 wherein the swing capture devices are a plurality of digital video cameras.
  • 4. The system according to claim 3 wherein a first camera is positioned in front of the golfer, a second camera is positioned behind the golfer, and a third camera is positioned above and in front of the golfer.
  • 5. The system according to claim 3 wherein the computer using the application program determines which one image in a sequence video images from each of the digital video cameras to use for each of the start position, the top of swing position and the finish position, based upon at least some of the data obtained from the plurality of digital video cameras, to obtain start position images, top of swing position images, and finish position images.
  • 6. The system according to claim 3 wherein the application program further compares the start position images, the top of swing position images, and the finish position images with predetermined start position images, predetermined top of swing position images, and predetermined finish position images, respectively, in order to obtain correlations therebetween usable to determine a component score for each of the components.
  • 7. The system according to claim 3 further including a head location marker, a shoulder location marker, a left wrist location marker, a right wrist location marker, a belt location marker, a left knee location marker, a right knee location marker, a left foot location marker and a right foot location marker, each of which are adapted to be worn by the golfer, and further including a ball location marker attached to a golf ball and a plurality of golf club markers attached to the golf club.
  • 8. The system according to claim 2 wherein the swing capture devices are a plurality of location sensors and at least one detector associated therewith.
  • 9. The system according to claim 8 wherein the plurality of location sensors include a head location sensor, a shoulder location sensor, a left wrist location sensor, a right wrist location sensor, a belt location sensor, a left knee location sensor, a right knee location sensor, a left foot location sensor and a right foot location sensor, each of which are adapted to be worn by the golfer, and further including a ball location sensor and a plurality of golf club sensors attached to a golf club.
  • 10. The system according to claim 8 wherein the computer using the application program determines which data to use from a sequence of sensor data for each of the plurality of sensors for each of the start position, the top of swing position and the finish position, to obtain start position images, top of swing position images, and finish position images.
  • 11. The system according to claim 10 wherein the application program further compares the start position images, the top of swing position images, and the finish position images with predetermined start position images, predetermined top of swing position images, and predetermined finish position images, respectively, in order to obtain correlations therebetween usable to determine a component score for each of the components.
  • 12. The system according to claim 1 wherein the software application further provides a graphic representation pictorially illustrating why a particular component score was low relative to an ideal component score.
  • 13. A method of providing a measure of a golf swing of a golfer relative to predetermined ideal golf swing using a computer comprising: loading onto the computer a predetermined ideal swing data set that includes ideal start position data, ideal top of swing position data and ideal finish position data;receiving data onto the computer from a plurality of swing capture devices, the data including start position data, top of swing position data and finish position data; andautomatically assessing, using the computer, a plurality of components associated with each of the start position, the top of swing position and the finish position to obtain a score for each of the plurality of components and an overall swing score indicative of the golfer's golf swing relative to the predetermined ideal golf swing, the automatically assessing including the step of comparing the ideal start position data, the ideal top of swing position data and the ideal finish position data to the start position data, the top of swing position data and the finish position data, respectively.
  • 14. The method according to claim 13 wherein the plurality components include: for the start position, a ball position component, a posture component, a grip left hand component, a grip right hand component, and a feet component;for top of swing position, a body turn component, a body angle component, a left arm plane component, a left arm form component, a wrist component and a head set component; andfor the finish position, a body twist/wrap component, a body lean component, an arms component, a wrist component and a hips component; andwherein the application program uses the data to determine the score for each of the plurality of components.
  • 15. The method according to claim 14, wherein, with respect to the start position: the ball position component is a measure of a location of the ball position relative to the golfer's feet;the posture component is a measure of body angle, knee position, head position and hip tilt;the grip left hand component is a measure of an angle of a left wrist relative to a target line;the grip right hand component is a measure of an angle of a right wrist relative to the target line; andthe feet component is a measure of angle of each of the right and left foot relative to the target line.
  • 16. The method according to claim 14, wherein, with respect to the top of swing position: the body turn component is a measure of a relative shoulder turn;the body angle component is a measure of an angle of the golfer's back relative to a vertical line;the left arm plane component is a measure of an angle of a plane created by the left arm wrist, shoulder and elbow relative to a vertical plane;the left are form component is a relative amount of straightness of the left arm;the wrist component is a combined measurement that includes (1) an angle between a left forearm and a golf club shaft, and (2) an angle of golf club shaft position relative to a target line; andthe head set component is a measure of (1) an angle of a golfer's face front relative to a vertical line, and (2) and angle taken from a line projecting perpendicularly to the golfer's face front and the target line.
  • 17. The method according to claim 14 wherein, with respect to the finish position: the body twist/wrap component is a measure of an angle formed by a line derived from the shoulders of the golfer and a target line;the body lean component is a measure of an angle formed by a line derived from the hip left edge to the neck left edge and a vertical reference line;the arms component is a measure of a hands position relative to head-centered vertical line;the wrist component is a measure of an angle between the club shaft and the right forearm; andthe hips component is a measure of a hip position relative to a left heel position.
  • 18. An apparatus for scoring a golf swing, the apparatus comprising: a sheet, the sheet including:a first column identifying a plurality of components, the plurality of components each being identified in a row, wherein the plurality of components include:include: for the start position, a ball position component, a posture component, a grip left hand component, a grip right hand component, and a feet component;for top of swing position, a body turn component, a body angle component, a left arm plane component, a left arm form component, a wrist component and a head set component; andfor the finish position, a body twist/wrap component, a body lean component, an arms component, a wrist component and a hips componenta second column adjacent to the first column, wherein the second column includes a plurality of cells into which a score can be written, each of the open cells in the second column being adjacent to one of the plurality of components identified in the first column.
  • 19. The apparatus according to claim 18 wherein the sheet is paper.
  • 20. The apparatus according to claim 18 wherein the sheet is a writable display screen.