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This invention is a new design of an already existing commercially available product. The main impetus for the Googly Goggles is to add window graphics to the eye shaped apparatus on commercially available goggles and masks. Any graphic, any color, any style is covered under this patent application. The idea of putting a sticker or graphic or window pert onto goggles and masks in within scope of this application. The main spirit of this idea is for kids and adults to put on goggles that have funny shapes, eyes, colors or any different visual appearance such as trees that are adhered or printed to the eye apparatus of the goggles or mask.
Stephanie Ann Green is a full time working mother of 3 small kids with an MBA. Her house is comprised of a family of 5 and she is always going to Great Wolfe Lodge with her kids. This past weekend she was there in the wave pool and hundreds of kids were wearing swim goggles and swim masks. She had a funny idea that if these kids had funny eye balls or designs to them, the kids would love to wear them and they would look really cool. Hence the invention of the Googly Goggles.
As mentioned above, kids love this idea and wearing them. This is a very simple invention that includes commercially available goggles and then installing or printing graphics, window perf, decals and stickers on the eye apparatus area of existing goggles or mask. There are many different installation methods and graphic types that work on the goggles such as direct print or adhesive installation.
Please refer to the drawing which is located on a separate page. Each element is properly labeled.
There is no other invention like this one the market. The process is simple with existing materials on the market. All materials are on the market currently so it's a matter of assembling existing materials that are commercially available. The invention requires commercially available goggles or water masks.
Then commercially available graphics, window perf, decals and/or stickers are applied or printed to the eye apparatus of the googles or mask. There are many different types of graphics, stickers, window perf and decals that work for this intended purpose. All designs and styles are in scope. The main element that is to be patented is the idea and design of adhering or printing a graphic, sticker, decal or window perf onto the eye components of goggles and swim masks.