GPS patch antenna attitude reference system

A pair of patch antennas are used to form a null slit antenna pattern for receiving GPS signals from at least three GPS satellites functioning as pseudo stars for spin rate and spin axis attitude determination for a spinning space vehicle in an earth orbit below the GPS satellites.


The invention relates to the field of attitude determination of space vehicle. More particularly, the invention relates to the use of a patch antenna for attitude determination of a spinning space vehicle.


The spin axis attitude determination of a spinning space vehicle has been traditionally accomplished by using a combination of sun and earth horizon sensors. A sun sensor measures the sun illumination spike and the elevation angle with respect to the spin axis of the space vehicle. Sun position and elevation information establishes a geometric sun position cone with a half cone angle equal to the elevation angle on which the spin axis lies. A similar earth elevation cone can be constructed based on the earth sensor measurements. The intersection of the sun position cone and earth elevation cone provide the inertial attitude information for determining the spin axis of the rotating vehicle. The cost of such a system can be appreciable. It is desirable to find cost effective alternatives to the use of expensive sun and horizon sensors.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,414,550 issued Nov. 8, 1983 discloses one-quarter wave plate patch antennas. U.S. Pat. No. 5,450,090 discloses an elongated microstrip antenna. These patch and strip antennas are inexpensive to manufacture. A one-quarter wave plate patch antennas can be used for receiving transmitted RF signals. U.S. Pat. No. 4,962,383 issued Oct. 9, 1990 discloses an array antenna system using a plurality of ¼ wave plate that couples a phase response from one patch antenna to another patch antenna as a pair for use as an element in an array antenna. The two patch antennas can radiate microwave signals in a forward and reverse direction with beam control. The antenna patterns of the two patch antenna are combined to form a single antenna beam. These patch antennas provide hemispherical antenna patterns that are used to receive incoming signals over a wide angular range. These patch antennas do not provide an ability for attitude determination of a spinning spacecraft.

Attitude determination of a space vehicle using GPS signals can be based on an interferrometry of a spatially separated multiple patch antenna configuration. Using the relative phase differential between two selected patches, an angular error with respect to an axis perpendicular to the line joining the two patches can be determined. However, the angular error is with respect to a stationary axis unsuitable for attitude determination of a rotating system. While patch antennas have been used for attitude determination of a stationary spin axis space vehicle, such patch antenna have not been used for attitude control in a rotating space vehicle. These and other disadvantages are solved or reduced using the invention.


An object of the invention is to provide a system and method for attitude determination in a rotating space vehicle.

Another object of the invention is to provide system and method for attitude determination of a rotating space vehicle using an antenna pattern having a null slit.

Yet another object of the invention is to provide system and method for attitude determination of a rotating space vehicle using a pair of patch antennas for forming an antenna pattern having a null slit.

Still another object of the invention is to provide system and method for spin axis attitude determination of a rotating space vehicle using a pair of patch antenna for forming an antenna pattern having a null slit for time referencing received GPS signals from GPS satellites.

Still another object of the invention is to provide system and method for determining the spin axis attitude of a rotating space vehicle using a pair of patch antenna for forming an antenna pattern having a null slit for receiving GPS signals from GPS satellites functioning as pseudo star references.

The invention is directed to the creation and use of an electronic nulling slit antenna pattern for determining the spin axis attitude of a spinning space vehicle. A preferred sensor system includes a GPS receiver, a conventional sum and difference hybrid, and two juxtaposed ¼ wave patch antennas. The two ¼ wave patch antennas are placed side by side, separated by an optimum distance, on a lateral surface of a rotating space vehicle. The side by side placement causes an overlapping of the two antenna patterns each of which having a hemispherical pattern having a peak gain at nearly the center position. A conventional hybrid is used to create sum and difference signals from the two patch antennas. The difference signal is created by the hybrid introducing a 180 degree phase shift between the two patches signal creating an electronic null slit, that is, a null in the difference antenna pattern along the plane of symmetry between the patch antennas. This plane of symmetry is referred to as the center plane position. The sum signal provides a peak gain at the center plane position between the antennas. The sum signal is used for conventional GPS signal detection and reception and for computing a navigation solution of the spinning space vehicle. The difference signal is used as a time reference among a plurality of received GPS signals for determining the spin rate of the spinning space vehicle. The time reference is then also used to determine azimuth angles for the GPS satellites for computing the spin axis attitude of the spinning vehicle.

The system and method use visible GPS satellites as pseudo stars. The sum and difference GPS signals are recorded when the signal to noise ratio exceeds a predetermined threshold indicating the presence of a GPS signal and hence the presence of a GPS satellite in the field of view of the patch antennas. The null slit pattern of the GPS difference signals is used for time correlation of all of the received GPS signals. The null slit is used to reference the received GPS signals to precise times when the GPS signals enter a narrow field of view of the null slit of the patch antenna difference pattern. The split dual patch antenna serves to track the GPS signals from all of the visible GPS satellites. Each of GPS sum and difference signals are recorded with time stamps for time cross-referencing and time correlation among all of the GPS sum and difference signals. The system and method are then used to determine the spin rate and spin axis attitude of the rotating vehicle from the recorded time correlated sum and difference GPS signals. These and other advantages will become more apparent from the following detailed description of the preferred embodiment.


FIG. 1

is a plot of a dual patch antenna difference pattern.

FIG. 2

is a block diagram of a sensor system.

FIG. 3

is a diagram of a spin axis geometry.

FIG. 4

is flow chart of a spin axis determination process.


An embodiment of the invention is described with reference to the figures using reference designations as shown in the figures. Referring to

FIGS. 1 and 2

, a pair of patch antennas






in a sensor system are used to form dual patch antenna sum and difference patterns using a conventional sum and difference antenna hybrid


communicating a sum signal



and a difference signal



to a receiver


. The pair of patch antennas






each create a hemispherical antenna pattern. With the two patch antennas placed nearly side by side, the two hemispherical antenna patterns are combined using the hybrid


. A null slit pattern is created by placing two antenna elements side by side with the hemispherical patterns overlapping so that when subtracted from each other using the hybrid


, the hemispherical pattern of one patch antenna is shifted out of phase and then added to the other hemispherical pattern of the other patch antenna producing a narrow null slit at the center plane position of the difference pattern. The azimuth angle of the difference pattern is aligned to a peak of a sum pattern and both patterns are orthogonally aligned to and extend from the patch antennas






. The null slit is created in the difference pattern to provide a time reference to the sum GPS signals. The sum beam pattern is created from the sum of the two hemispherical patterns of the two patch antennas. The sum pattern is used to detect the presence of GPS satellites transmitting GPS radio frequencies (RF) signals as the difference null slit pattern is used as a time reference. The beamwidth of the sum and difference patterns depend on the placement and pattern shape of the two patch antennas. Both of the sum and the null slit difference antenna patterns created by the hybrid


and patch antennas






are used to receive GPS signals at RF.

At GPS RF frequencies, a practical choice of patch antenna is the quarter wave patch antenna. The patch antenna could be preferably made of a four square inch conductive plate disposed over a dielectric disposed over a ground plate for providing reception of GPS signals having a wavelength of about eight inches. The size of the conducting plate and the dielectric constant are chosen to form the ¼ wave patch antenna. The ¼ wave patch antenna has a hemispherical antenna pattern for acquisition of the GPS RF signals. The two ¼ wave patch antennas then provide signals to the hybrid for generating the sum and difference patterns. The difference pattern provides the null slit for time correlation to the sum signals. Those skilled in the art can use simulation programs for predicting the patch antenna sum and difference patterns on a conductive cylindrical surface of a spinning vehicle. A first-order simulation program can be based on modeling each circularly polarized patch antenna by four slots on an infinite cylinder. The fields radiated by the slots are expanded in cylindrical modes and spatially combined to form an arrayed antenna pattern. The ideal slit null pattern has a rectangular notch shape across all elevation angles. While larger spacing between the antennas is better for producing a slit null and negating mutual coupling, smaller spacing is needed to eliminate grating lobes. A very small radius of curvature of the spinning satellite, such as a microsatellite, produces an exaggerated slit null. On a very large radius of large spinning satellites, such as those associated with a large launch vehicle, the curvature is modeled as an approximately flat surface. Those skilled in the art are capable of designing antenna sum and difference patterns respectively having a suitable sum beam and difference null slit.

Referring to

FIGS. 1 through 3

, and more particularly to

FIG. 3

, spin axis geometry of a rotating cylindrical vehicle


is relative to a three dimensional space defined by the X body axis


, a Z body axis


and a Y body axis


. The spin axis of the vehicle


is the X body axis extending longitudinally through the center of the cylindrical vehicle


. A first GPS satellite GPS1 has a first line of sight


to a center point


at an approximate position of the antennae






. A second GPS satellite GPS2 has a second line of sight


to the center point


. A third GPS satellite GPS3 has a third line of sight


to the center point


. A fourth GPS satellite GPS4 has a fourth line of sight


to the center point


. The first line of sight


defines a first plane in the spin axis geometry extending from center point


to the first satellite GPS1 along the first line of sight


. The first plane intersects with the yz-body plane to define a first yz-projection line


extending from the center point


. The second line of sight


defines a second plane in the spin axis geometry extending from center point


to the second satellite GPS2 along the second line of sight


. The second plane intersects with the yz-body plane to form a second yz-projection line


extending from the center point


. The third line of sight


defines a third plane in the spin axis geometry extending from center point


to the third satellite GPS3 along the third line of sight


. The third plane intersects with the yz-body plane to form the third yz-projection line


extending from the center point


. The fourth line of sight


defines a fourth plane in the spin axis geometry extending from center point


to the fourth satellite GPS4 along the fourth line of sight


. The fourth plane intersects with the yz-body plane to form the fourth yz-projection line


extending from the center point


. The first line of sight


has a first delta azimuth angle ωdt



about the spin axis


to the second line of sight


between the first projection line


and the second projection line


. The second line of sight


has a second delta azimuth angle ωdt



about the spin axis


to the third line of sight


between the second projection line


and the third projection line


. The third line of sight


has a third delta azimuth angle ωdt



about the spin axis


to the fourth line of sight


between the third projection line


and the fourth projection line


. The fourth line of sight


has a fourth delta azimuth angle ωdt



about the spin axis


to the first line of sight


between the fourth projection line


and the first projection line


. The spin axis geometry is described for four GPS satellites, but only three GPS satellites need be used for spin axis attitude determination. GPS signals from the fourth GPS satellite are preferably used for ambiguity resolution.

Referring to all of the Figures, and more particularly to

FIG. 4

, as the rotating space vehicle


rotates about the spin axis


, each of the lines of sight








sweep across the field of view of the sum and slit null difference antenna patterns of the dual patch antenna






. The GPS RF signals are received by the two patch antennas






. The hybrid


receives GPS signals and forms the sum and difference signals respectively received by the sum and null slit difference antenna patterns. The receiver


includes embedded software for processing the sum and difference GPS signals for spin axis attitude determination. The GPS sum signals are received


from the hybrid


. The receiver




a navigation solution from the GPS sum signals using conventional processes. The receiver


requires sufficient computing power to track three, four, or more GPS satellites. The computational process of the navigation solution is well known. A navigation solution is a position and velocity determination at a point in space at a point in time. The navigation solution is computed


from the GPS sum signals from four or preferably more received GPS sum signals from respective GPS satellites GPS1, GPS2, GPS3, and GPS4 within the field of view of the patch antenna






The receiver


contains computer programs with embedded algorithms for GPS signal detection, navigation solution computations, spin rate determinations and spin axis attitude determinations. The GPS receiver


may include an RF processor and a correlator and tracking loops, all not shown, but well-known conventional receiver components. The RF processor performs down conversion of the GPS signals for baseband processing. The resultant downconverted signal is then correlated by the correlator with an internally generated replica of the GPS satellite chipping code of the received signal. The receiver


controls the signal tracking loops for correlating the received GPS signals. The downconverted and correlated signals are then used to compute the navigation solution


. The difference GPS signals are also received


by the receiver


from the hybrid


. The difference GPS signals are used to compute for spin rate determinations and spin axis attitude determinations.

The receiver


performs data processing upon the received sum and difference GPS signals for respectively determining useful data segments and for determining time references. The sum and difference signals are recorded and time stamped


for further time correlation processing. The patch antennas






can receive the GPS signals when the spinning vehicle


is at a lower altitude than that of the GPS satellites. Lower altitude space vehicles usually have eight or more GPS satellites in view. The sum GPS signals


and difference GPS signals


are time stamped and recorded


with sequential data values that are cross-referenced to sequential time values. The time stamping of the received and recorded GPS signals is used for time cross-referencing for time correlation among of the recorded sum and difference GPS signals. The difference signals have slit nulls providing nulls in the GPS signals at the center plane position and hence provide a time reference within the recorded GPS signal data files. The receiver


includes a local time reference, not shown, that is used for time stamping. The time stamping


identifies the time for data in each of the data segments of the GPS signals. After time stamping the recorded GPS signals, anomaly screening, and curve fitting-processing


is performed on the recorded GPS signals. Anomaly screening process identifies and removes signal anomalies from the recorded GPS time stamped files. The data anomaly detection indicates false data and noise signal that are removed from time stamped recorded data GPS files. The curve fitting process is used to locate null signal at the center plane positions and hence locate the center plane positions relative to the time stamping. The carrier to noise from each visible GPS satellite is tracked as the GPS signal sweeps around with respect to the rotating vehicle. A drop off point at the center plane angle locates in time the line of sight planes from the spinning vehicle to the GPS satellites.

The null position is the center plane locations of slit nulls that is referenced in time to the recorded time stamp files. A centroid estimation process


is used to determine the time position of the center plane locations in the recorded GPS signals relative to each other. The nulling centroid locations are time referenced


to local time in the time stamped data files for time correlation. The vehicular spin rate is then determined


from the time referenced centroid locations. Each revolution of the vehicle


provides a null in the difference signals for each GPS satellite in the field of view. The time difference between two time reference centroid locations of a GPS signal provides the time of each revolution of the spinning vehicle


for estimating


the spin rate of the spinning vehicle. The spin rate estimation


preferably combines measurements from all of the GPS satellites in the field of view. The average spin rate for the spinning vehicle


may be based on recurring computations


of the spin rate using GPS signals from the plurality of GPS satellites. The GPS satellites are moving in predetermined orbits producing relative motion to the spinning vehicle injecting slight errors in the spin rate computation


. A deviation of the spin rate of any one of the satellites above a threshold value may be rejected and not used during the vehicular spin rate determination


that can be recomputed for spin rate error minimization.

When the spin rate is accurately determined


, the receiver




the relative azimuth angles for each pair of GPS satellites. In the preferred form, four GPS satellites are used instead of only three GPS satellites. First, second, third, and fourth delta azimuth angles






, and


between each pair of GPS satellites, GPS1 and GPS2, GPS2 and GPS3, GPS3 and GPS4, and GPS4 and GPS1, are angles on the YZ plane between respective line of sight planes defined by the line of sights






, and


, and respective first, second, third, and fourth YZ axis plane points






, and


. The respective time between two observed GPS satellites then providing respective timed centroid locations, define the projected azimuth angles






, and


about the spin axis


on the YZ plane. The navigation solution and azimuth angles of the GPS satellite are used to compute


the spin axis attitude. The spin axis attitude could be computed


using GPS signals from only three GPS satellites, but potentially creating a up or down directional ambiguity along the spin axis. This up or down directional ambiguity in the solution of the spin axis attitude can be resolved using the fourth observable satellite GPS4.

The invention is directed to the formation and utilization of an electronic null slit antenna pattern for time referencing recorded GPS signals. The null slit antenna pattern and a sum antenna pattern can be created by placing two ¼ wave suitably sized antenna patches next to each other on the lateral surface of the spinning space vehicle and then attaching the antenna patches to a conventional sum and difference hybrid providing the sum and difference signals. The use of the patch antennas provides cost savings and rapid computational advantages. The conventional antenna hybrid provides both sum and difference signals of the two patch antennas with the sum and difference signals being correlated in time. The sum signal is from the sum antenna pattern for recording GPS signals. The difference signal is from the null slit difference pattern for centroid time determination. The center plane position of the null slit pattern is effectively used as a time reference for recorded GPS signals. The GPS signals are time stamped and recorded for time correlation between the GPS signals and the null slit centroid time reference. The time correlation between the null slit centroids and the recorded GPS signals enable spin rate and azimuth angle computations for the GPS satellites in the field of view. The time stamped files are used to determine azimuth angles of the observable satellites. A navigation solution and the computed azimuth angles are then used for spin axis attitude determination of the spinning space vehicle. The system and method can be used on rotational space vehicles having a constant rotational motion at an altitude below the GPS orbit with three or more GPS satellites within the field of view of the patch antennas. Those skilled in the art can make enhancements, improvements, and modifications to the invention, and these enhancements, improvements, and modifications may nonetheless fall within the spirit and scope of the following claims.

  • 1. An antenna system for providing time stamping of a sum signal having a center peak and a difference signal having a center null, the center null and center peak are located at a center plane position, the antenna system comprising,a first patch antenna having a first gain pattern for providing a first antenna signal, a second patch antenna having a second gain pattern for providing a second antenna signal, the first and second patch antenna are placed juxtaposed each other so that the first and second gain patterns overlap each other in space, a hybrid for summing the first and second signals for providing the sum signal, and for subtracting the first and second signals for providing the difference signal, and a receiver for time referencing the sum and difference signals to time being referenced to the center peak and center null for recording the time stamped sum and difference signals.
  • 2. The antenna system of claim 1 wherein that first and second patch antennas are one quarter wave patch antennas.
  • 3. The antenna system of claim 1 wherein the first and second gain patterns are hemispherical gain patterns.
  • 4. The antenna system of claim 3 wherein, the first and second gain quarter wave patch antennas are identical and the hemispherical gain patterns are identical.
  • 5. The antenna system of claim 4 whereinthe first and second patch antenna receive transmitted signals from a transmitter, the sum signal has a center peak when a center plane position of the sum pattern is aligned with a line of sight to the transmitter, and the difference signal has a center null when the center plane position of the difference pattern is aligned with the line of the sight to the transmitter, and the center plane position of the sum and difference patterns are aligned to each other.
  • 6. A receiver sensor system for recording time stamped GPS signals from a GPS satellite, the system comprising,a first patch antenna having a first hemispherical gain pattern for providing a first antenna signal, a second patch antenna having a second hemispherical gain pattern for providing a second antenna signal, the first and second patch antenna are placed juxtaposed each other so that the first and second hemispherical gain patterns overlap each other in space, a hybrid for summing the first and second signals for providing a sum signal having a center peak, and for subtracting the first and second signals for providing a difference signal having a center null, and a receiver for time referencing the sum and difference signals to time being referenced to the center peak and center null for respectively recording the time stamped GPS signals.
  • 7. The receiver sensor system of claim 6 wherein the first and second patch antennas are one quarter wave patch antennas.
  • 8. A receiver system on a rotating spacecraft for computing the spin axis attitude of the rotating spacecraft from GPS signals from three or more GPS satellites, the receiver system further for recording time stamped GPS signals, the system comprising,a first patch antenna having a first hemispherical gain pattern for providing a first antenna signal for each of the GPS satellites, a second patch antenna having a second hemispherical gain pattern for providing a second antenna signal for each of the GPS satellites, the first and second patch antenna are placed juxtaposed each other so that the first and second hemispherical gain patterns overlap each other in space, a hybrid for summing the first and second signals for providing a sum signal having a center peak for each of the GPS satellites, and for subtracting the first and second signals for providing a difference signal having a center null for each of the GPS satellites, and a receiver for time referencing the sum signals and the difference signals to time being referenced to the center peak and the center null for respectively recording the time stamped GPS signals for each of the GPS satellites, and for computing a spin axis attitude of the rotating spacecraft from the time stamped GPS signals.
  • 9. The receiver sensor system of claim 8 wherein the first and second patch antennas are one quarter wave patch antennas.

The present application is related to applicant's copending application entitled GPS Patch Antenna Attitude Reference Method Ser. No. 09/866,044, filed May 24, 2001, by the same inventors.


The invention was made with Government support under contract No. F04701-93-C-0094 by the Department of the Air Force. The Government has certain rights in the invention.

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