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Zetsch, Dieter. "The Automobile: Clean and Customized". Scientific America. pp. 102-105, Sep. 1995. (Describes German VITA tests which have logged 5000 km at 150/km/hr (90mph) successfully. Describes navigation computers. Mercedes vehicle had 18 video cameras). |
Kundar, Sridhar. "Vision Based Fuzzy Controllers for Navigation Tasks". Robotics Center & Department of Electrical Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL. 33431. |
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Chadwick, D.J. "A New, Robust, High Data Rate Digital FM Subcarrier System for Mobile ITS Applications". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 19-23, 1995. |
Jochem, Todd. "Vision Guided Lane Transition". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep.26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 30-35, 1995. |
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Kenue, Surender. "Embedding Fuzzy Knowledge into Neural Networks for Control Applications". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 72-77, 1995. |
Broggi, Alberto. "A Massively Parallel Approach to Real-Time Vision-Based Road Markings Detection". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 84-89, 1995. |
Sullivan, Michael. "Pedestrian Tracking from a Stationary Camera Using Archive Deformable Models". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electroncis Society. pp. 90-95, 1995. |
Selsis, Muriel. "Automatic Tracking and 3D Localization of Moving Objects by Active Contour Models". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 96-100, 1995. |
Noll, Detler. "Real-Time Vehicle Tracking and Classification". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 101-106, 1995. |
Wan, Yue. "A New Edge Detector for Obstacle Detection with a Linear Stereo Vision System". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 130-135, 1995. |
Werner, Martin. "A Nonlinear Approach to Vehicle Guidance". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 136-140, 1995. |
Choi, Doo-Hyun. "Fitness-Based Modular Visual steering Architecture for Super Cruise Control of Automobiles". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 170-175, 1995. |
Singer, Gross. "A Fault-tolerant Sensory Diagnostic System for Intelligent Vehicle Application". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 176-182, 1995. |
Kim, Kwang. "Collision Avoidance Using Artificial Retina Sensor in ALV". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 183-187, 1995. |
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Yoda, Shigeru. "Road Surface Recognition Sensor Using an Optical Spatial Filter". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 253-257, 1995. |
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Priese, Lutz. "Ideogram Identification in a Realtime Traffic Sign Recognition". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 310-314, 1995. |
Ninomiya, Yoshiki. "A Real-Time Vision for Intelligent Vehicles". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 315-320, 1995. |
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Fernandez-Maloigne, Christine. "Texture and Neural Network for Road Segmentation". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 334-349, 1995. |
Reed, John. "Side Zone Automotive Radar Criteria for Target Classification". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 361-363, 1995. |
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Yu, Gening. "Road-Following with Continuous Learning". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 412-417, 1995. |
Baten, Stefan. "Recursive Surface Structure Recognition for Safe Navigation". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 424-429, 1995. |
Hatipoglu, Cem. "On Optimal Design of a Lane Change Controller". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 436-441, 1995. |
Kehtarnavaz, N. "Traffic Sign Recognition in Noisy Outdoor Scenes". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, De/troit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 460-465, 1995. |
DeMicheli, E.De. "Color Cues for Traffic Scene Analysis". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 466-471, 1995. |
Wasielewski, S. "Calibration of a Multi-Sensor System Laser Rangefinder/Camera". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, De/troit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 472-477, 1995. |
Guinand, Yves. "Low Cost Sensors for Collision Avoidance Applications". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, De/troit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 478-42, 1995. |
Gillner, Walter. "Motion Based Vehicle Detection on Motorways". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, De/troit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 483-487, 1995. |
Kluge, Karl. "Statistical Characterization of the Visual Characteristics of Painted Lane Markings". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, De/troit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 488-495, 1995. |
Reichart, D. "A Real-Time Approach to Traffic Situations Representation from Image Processing Data". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, De/troit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 500-505, 1995. |
Pomerleau, Dean. "RALPH: Rapidly Adapting Lateral Position Handler". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 507-511, 1995. |
Gengenbach, V. "Model-Based Recognition of Intersections and Lane Structures". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 512-517, 1995. |
David, William. "Retroreflective Data/Voice Communication Sensor for Cooperative Automatic Vehicle Control". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 518-523, 1995. |
Ruichek, Yassine. "Real-Time Neural Vision for Obstacle Detection Using Linear Cameras". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 524-529, 1995. |
Weber, J. "New Results in Stereo-Based Automatic Vehicle Guidance". Proceedings of the Intelligent Vehicles '95 Symposium Sep. 25-Sep. 26, 1995, Detroit, USA Sponsored by IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. pp. 530-535, 1995. |
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