The present invention relates to a training method for a support vector machine.
Computer systems can be configured as learning machines that are able to analyse data and adapt in response to analysis of the data, and also be trained on the basis of a known data set. Support Vector Machines (“SVMs”), for instance, execute a supervised learning method for data classification and regression. Supervised methods refer to tasks in which a machine is presented with historical data with known labels, i.e. good customers vs bad customers, and then the machine is trained to look for patterns in the data. SVMs represent a recent development in “neural network” algorithms and have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Essentially these machines seek to define a decision surface which gives the largest margin or separation between the data classes whilst at the same time minimising the number of errors. This is usually accomplished by solving a specific quadratic optimisation problem.
In the simplest linear version, the output of the SVM is given by the linear function
y=w·x+βb (1)
or its binarised form
y=sgn(w·x+βb) (2)
where the vector w defines the decision surface, x is the input data, y is the classification, β is a constant that acts on a switch between the homogeneous (β=0) and the non-homogeneous (β=1) case, b is a free parameter usually called bias and “sgn” denotes the ordinary signum function, i.e. sgn(ξ)=1 for ξ>0, sgn(ξ)=−1 for ξ<1 and sgn(0)=0. Typically, the first of these two forms is used in regression (more precisely, the so-called ε-insensitive regression), and the other in classification tasks. The problem is in fact more subtle than this because training the machine ordinarily involves searching for a surface in a very high dimensional space, and possibly infinite dimensional space. The search in such a high dimensional space is achieved by replacing the regular dot product in the above expression with a nonlinear version. The nonlinear dot product is referred to as the Mercer kernel and SVMs are sometimes referred to as kernel machines. Both are described in V. Vapnik, Statistical Learning Theory, J. Wiley, 1998, (“Vapnik”); C. Burges, A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2, 1998, (“Burges”); V. Cherkassky and F. Mulier, Learning From Data, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1998; and N. Christinini and J. Shawe-Taylor, 2000, An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and other Kernel-Based Learning Methods, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2000.
Most solutions for the optimisation problem that are required to train the SVMs are complex and computationally inefficient. A number of existing training methods involve moving the optimisation problem to another domain to remove a number of constraints on the problem. This gives rise to a dual problem which can be operated on instead of the primal problem and currently the fastest training methods operate on the dual problem. It is desired however to provide a training method which is more efficient and alleviates difficulties associated with operating on the dual problem, or at least provides a useful alternative.
The present invention relates to a training method for a support vector machine, including executing an iterative process on a training set of data to determine parameters defining said machine, said iterative process being executed on the basis of a differentiable form of a primal optimisation problem for said parameters, said problem being defined on the basis of said parameters and said data set.
Advantageously, the training method can be adapted for generation of a kernel support vector machine and a regularisation networks.
The usage of a differentiable form of the optimisation problem is particularly significant as it virtually removes the explicit checking of constraints associated with an error penalty function.
Preferably, in the case of classification, and for the SVM,
where y is the output, x is the input data, β is 0 or 1, the vector w and bias b defining a decision surface is obtained as the argument by minimising the following differentiable objective function:
where C>0 is a free parameter, xi, i=1, . . . ,n, being the data points, yi=±1, i=1, . . . , n, being the known labels, n being the number of data points and L being a differentiable loss function such that L(ε)=0 for ε≦0. The said iterative process preferably operates on a derivative of the objective function Ψ until the vectors converge to a vector w defining the machine.
Preferably, for ε-insensitive regression, the differentiable form of the optimisation problem is given as minimisation of the functional
where the ε>0 is a free parameter.
The present invention also provides a support vector machine for a classification task having an output y given by
where x∈Rm is a data point to be classified and xi are training data points, k is a Mercer kernel function as described in Vapnik and Burges, and αi are coefficients determined by
where L′(ξ) is the derivative of the loss and the values ηi are determined by iteratively executing
where δ>0 is a free parameter (a learning rate) and/or, in the homogeneous case (β=0) by iteratively executing:
where i, j=1, . . . , n, n being the number of data points, t represents an iteration and L′ is the derivative of the loss function L.
The present invention also provides a support vector machine for ε-regression having output y given by
where x∈Rm is a data point to be evaluated and xi are training data points, k is the Mercer kernel function, β=0 or 1, and βi and bias b are coefficients determined by
where ε is a free parameter and the values ηi, and b are determined by iteratively executing
where δ>0 is a free parameter (learning rate) and/or, in the homogeneous case (β=0) by iteratively executing:
where i, j=1, . . , n, n being the number of data points and t represents an iteration.
Preferred embodiments of the present invention are hereinafter described, by way of example only, with reference to the accompanying drawings, wherein:
A Support Vector Machine (SVM) 2 is implemented by a computer system 2 which executes data analysis using a supervised learning method for the machine. The computer system 2 of the Support Vector Machine includes a processing unit 6 connected to at least one data input device 4, and at least one output device 8, such as a display screen. The input device 4 may include such data input devices as a keyboard, mouse, disk drive etc for inputting data on which the processing unit can operate. The processing unit 6 includes a processor 10 with access to data memory 12, such as RAM and hard disk drives, that can be used to store computer programs or software 14 that control the operations executed by the processor 10. The software 14 is executed by the computer system 2. The processing steps of the SVM are normally executed by the dedicated computer program or software 14 stored on a standard computer system 2, but can be executed by dedicated hardware circuits, such as ASICs. The computer system 2 and its software components may also be distributed over a communications network. The computer system 2 may be a UNIX workstation or a standard personal computer with sufficient processing capacity to execute the data processing step described herein.
The primal problem for an SVM is discussed in Vapnik. In the case of classification the exact form of the problem is as follows.
Given labelled training data (x1,y1), . . . , (xn,yn), xεRm, YεRm, yε{−1,1}, the primal problem is to minimise
Here {tilde over (L)} is a convex loss function; the ξis represent errors and are often referred to as slack variables and C>0 is a free parameter. The typical examples of loss function are of the form {tilde over (L)}(ξ)=ξp, where p≧1.
The first term on the right hand side of equation (3) controls the margin 20 between the data classes 22 and 24, as shown in
Currently the fastest available training methods for the SVM operate on a dual problem for the case of linear loss (p=1), with inherent complexity and efficiency problems.
To alleviate these difficulties, the inventors have developed a training method which solves the primal problem directly. To achieve this it has been determined that the optimisation task (3 and 4) can be rewritten as a minimisation of the objective function
where the (modified loss) L(χ)={tilde over (L)}(max(0, χ)) is obtained after a direct substitution for the slack variable ξi=max(0,1−yiw·wi), for i=1, 2, . . . , n. The modified loss L(χ) is assumed to be 0 for χ≦0. In this form the constraints (4) do not explicitly appear and so as long as equation (5) is differentiable, standard techniques for finding the minimum of an unconstrained function may be applied. This holds if the loss function L is differentiable, in particular for L(χ)=max(0, χ)p for p>1. For non-differentiable cases, such as the linear loss function L(χ)=max(0, χ), a simple smoothing technique can be employed, e.g. a Huber loss function could be used, as discussed in Vapnik. The objection function is also referred to as a regularised risk.
Two methods for minimising equation (5) are given below. They are derived from the explicit expression for the gradient of the function:
The first method executes a gradient descent technique to obtain the vector w iteratively using the following:
where δ controls the steps size and t represents the “time” or iteration step. The value of the parameter δ can be either fixed or can be made to decrease gradually. One robust solution for p=2 is to use δ calculated by the formula:
where ∇wΨ and □bΨ are calculated from (6) simplify
with summation taken over all indices i such that yi(1−yiw·xi−yiβb)>0.
The second method, valid in the homogeneous case of β=0, is a fixed point technique which involves simply setting the gradient of equation (6) to zero, and again solving for the vectors w iteratively. Accordingly, with ∇wΨ=0 this allows the minimum of equation (5) to be found using:
The iterative training process of equation (8) can, in some instances, fail to converge to a set of vectors, but when it does converge it does very rapidly. The training process of equation (7) is not as rapid as that of equation (8), but it will always converge provided δ is sufficiently small. The two processes can be executed in parallel to ensure convergence to a set of vectors for an SVM.
The training processes of equations (7) and (8) involve searching for “separating” hyperplanes in the original input space of actual m-dimensional observations xi, such as the optimal hyperplane 26 shown in
In many situations of practical interest the data vectors xiεRm live in a very high dimensional space, m>>1, or possibly m=∞. However, often they can be parameterised by lower dimensional observation vectors {tilde over (x)}iεR{tilde over (m)}, xi=Φ({tilde over (x)}i), with the property that the dot products can be calculated by an evaluation of a Mercer kernel function k, i.e.:
xi·xj=Φ({tilde over (x)}i)·Φ({tilde over (x)}j)=k({tilde over (x)}i, {tilde over (x)}j). (9)
The Mercer kernel function is discussed in Vapnik and Burges. Vectors {tilde over (x)}i are actual observations, while ‘feature’ vectors xi are conceptual, but not directly observable, in this context. In such a case, the vector w determining the optimal hyperplane in the features space cannot be practically represented explicitly by a computer system. The way around this obstacle is to use the “data expansion” of the optimal solution
where αi≧0 (referred to as Lagrange multipliers). The optimal SVM is uniquely determined by those coefficients, because for any vector {tilde over (x)}iεR{tilde over (m)},
Taking advantage of this property, the above training processes are reformulated as follows. Instead of searching for w directly, the dot products w·xi=w·Φ({tilde over (x)}i) for i=1, 2, . . . , n are searched for and are found by taking the dot product on both sides of equations (7) and (8), respectively. In the case of gradient descent method, this gives rise to:
leading to the “non-linear” version of gradient descent process being
where ηjt=wt·xj and ηjt+1=wt+1·xj and δ>0 is a free parameter.
Similarly, the non-linear version of the fixed-point process (for β=0) is given by:
Having used the iterative process defined by equations (12) and (13) to find the optimal values, ηj(j=1, . . . , n), and bias b, the coefficients αi defined in equation (10) need to be determined. One approach is to solve the system of equations
but this is computationally difficult, as the problem is invariably singular. A better approach is to note from equation (7) that the coefficients are given by
αi=CL′(1−yiηi−βb) (15)
The training processes described above can also be extended for use in establishing an SVM for data regression, more precisely, ε-insensitive regression as discussed in Vapnik. Given labelled training data (x1,y1), . . . , (xn,yn)εRm×R, analogous to equations (3) and (4) the primal problem for regression is to minimise
subject to
|yi−w·xi−βb|≦ε+ξi and ξi≧0 for i=1, . . . ,n, (17)
where C, ε>0 are free parameters and L is the loss function as before. This problem is equivalent to minimisation of the following function
analogous to equation (5) for classification, where as before we define the loss L(χ)={tilde over (L)}(max(0, χ)). Further in a similar manner to equations (7) and (8), for the linear case the gradient descent process for regression takes the form
and the fixed point algorithms for regression becomes:
The above training process can therefore be used to determine a regression function 40, as shown in
The iterative processes (19) and (20) can also be extended to the non-linear (kernel) case to provide a regression function 50, as shown in
and the kernel version of the fixed point algorithm for regression (β=0):
Having derived the optimal values ηj (j=1, . . . , n) and b, i.e. the fixed point (η1, . . . ,ηn), from one of the above iterative processes, the optimal SVM regressor function 50 is defined by
where the coefficients βi (Lagrange multipliers) are derived from the following equation which is analogous to equation (15)
The above techniques are also applicable to another class of learning machines algorithms, referred to as regularisation networks (RNs), as discussed in G. Kimeldorf and G. Wahba, A correspondence between Bayesian estimation of stochastic processes and smoothing by spines, Anm. Math. Statist, 1970, 495-502; F. Girosi, M. Jones and T. Poggio, Regularization Theory and Neural Networks Architectures, Neural Computation. 1995, 219-269; and G. Wahba, Support Vector Machines, Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces and the Randomized GACV2000, in B. Scholkopf, C. J. Burges and A. Smola, eds., Advances in Kernel Aethods−Support Vector Learning, MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, 1998, pp 69-88. The following extends the previous processes to this class of learning machines, given labelled training data (x1,y1), . . . ,(xn,yn)εRm×R. Analogous to equations (3) and (4) RN is defined as the minimiser to an (unconstrained) regularised risk
where λ>0 is a free parameter (regularisation constant) and L is the convex loss function, e.g. L(ξ)=ξp for p≧1. This problem is equivalent to minimisation of the following functional
under assumption λ=C−1. The latest functional has the form of equation (16), and the techniques analogous to those described above can be employed to find its minimum. Analogous to equation (19), in the linear case, the gradient descent algorithm for RN takes the form
and the fixed point algorithms for RN becomes:
Those two algorithms extended to the non-linear (kernel) case yield the kernel version of gradient descent algorithm for RN:
and the kernel version of the fixed point algorithm for RN (β=0):
Having found the optimal values ηj (j=1, . . . ,n), from the above algorithms, the optimal regressor is defined as
where the coefficients (Lagrange multipliers) βi are derived from the following equation analogous to equation (15)
One example of the many possible applications for the SVM, is to use the SVM to effectively filter unwanted email messages or “Spam”. In any given organisation, a large amount of email messages are received and it is particularly advantageous to be able to remove those messages which are unsolicited or the organisation clearly does not Want its personnel to receive. Using the fast training processes described above, which are able to operate on large data sets of multiple dimensions, several to several hundred emails can be processed to establish an SVM which is able to classify emails as either being bad or good.
The training data set includes all of the text of the email messages and each word or phrase in a preselected dictionary can be considered to constitute a dimension of the vectors.
For instance if D={phrase1, . . . , phrasem} is a preselected dictionary of words and phrases to be looked for, with each email E an mn-dimensional vector of frequencies can be associated
x=x(E)=(freq1(E), . . . ,freqm(E))
where freqi (E) gives the number (frequency) of the phrase phrasei appeared in the email E. In the classification phase the likelihood of email E being Spam is estimated as
where the vector w=(w1, . . . , wm) defining the decision surface is obtained using the training process of equation (7) or (8) for the sequence of training email vectors xi=(freq1(E), . . . , freqm(Ei)), each associated with the training label yi=1 for an example of a Spam email and yi=−1 for each allowed email, i=1, . . . , n.
Other applications for the SVM include continuous speech recognition, image classification, particle identification for high energy physics, object detection, combustion engine knock detection, detection of remote protein homologies, 3D object recognition, text categorisation (as discussed above), time series prediction and reconstruction for chaotic systems, hand written digit recognition, breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis based on breast cancer data sets, and decision tree methods for database marketing.
Many modifications will be apparent to those skilled in the art without departing from the scope of the present invention as herein described with reference to the accompanying drawings.
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