The invention relates generally to group decoders for multiple antenna multiuser communication channels.
Multiple access techniques such as code division multiple access (CDMA) allow multiple users to efficiently share limited communication resources. The performance of such multiple access techniques can potentially be further improved by using multiuser detection, in which user signals are jointly detected rather than considered as interfering noise to each other. Unfortunately, optimal multiuser decoding techniques have high decoding complexity which are often infeasible for practical systems. It has been proposed to divide users into groups, where each group is jointly detected based on a decision statistic obtained via zero-forcing operation with or without decision feedback. See M. K. Varanasi, “Group Detection for Synchronous Gaussian Code-Division Multiple-Access Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 41, No. 4 (July 1995). Group detection can potentially relieve the tension between good performance and low detection complexity. More recently, it has been proposed, in the context of sequential group detectors used in an uncoded Gaussian CDMA channel with BPSK modulation, to maximize the asymptotic symmetric energy over all partitions satisfying a maximum group size constraint. See J. Luo et al., “Optimal Grouping Algorithm for a Group Detection Feedback Detector in Synchronous CDMA Communications,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 51, pp. 341-46 (March 2003). Unfortunately, this metric is not applicable to a fading multiple access channel with random channel fluctuations where users possibly employ outer codes of different rates and different modulation schemes.
The problem of determining the optimal grouping strategy, accordingly, still represents a challenge, in particular as attention shifts to wireless fading multiple access channels where the receiver employ multiple antennas.
A group detection arrangement for a multiple antenna receiver structure usable with a multiuser multiple access communication channel with fading is herein disclosed. The group detection arrangement uses an optimized channel dependent group partitioning technique which can be implemented with either sequential or parallel group decoders. The decoder can be tailored to the fading channel using the partitioning rules and stochastic gradient-based power optimization. The disclosed partitioning technique can provide improved performance at the same power level or reduced power at the same performance level.
These and other advantages of the invention will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art by reference to the following detailed description and the accompanying drawings.
The receiver structure 110 has N≧1 receive antennas, depicted in
Rather than resorting to a brute-force search over all partitions, the partitioning arrangement 150 advantageously determines the optimal partition for each channel realization via the following greedy strategy.
μ*=min{k:k≦u and Uopt({tilde over (H)},k)=Uopt({tilde over (H)},u)} (1)
In either of the two adaptive techniques discussed below, a valid ordered partition having at least one group of size μ* in (1) is chosen.
In the first adaptive strategy set forth in
The second adaptive greedy grouping strategy which also retains outage optimality of the one above is set forth in
An appropriate metric for the above partitioning techniques can be provided by the following outage probability formulation.
The communication channel 100 can be modeled as a slow fading narrowband multiple access channel where the channel output is described as
Y=HW1/2X+V={tilde over (H)}X+V, (2)
where Y is the N×J received matrix and the fading is described by the N×K matrix H having independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.), zero-mean, unit variance, complex normal (CN(0, 1)) elements. The random matrix H is assumed to stay constant for J symbol periods (the coherence interval) after which it jumps to an independent value. It is assumed herein that H is known perfectly to the receiver but is unknown to the transmitters. The N×J matrix V represents the additive noise at the receiver and has i.i.d., CN(0, 1) elements. W=diag{w1, . . . , wK} is a diagonal matrix of average transmit powers and
represents the total average transmit power (per channel use). Note that due to our normalization
also represents the average SNR at each receive antenna per channel use. Also, for convenience we absorb W into H and consider {tilde over (H)} to be the effective fading matrix. The K×J matrix X, henceforth referred to as the frame, can be partitioned as X=[x1T, . . . , xKT]T where the 1×J vector xk represents the output of the kth user and is transmitted over J consecutive symbol intervals. In particular, the kth, 1≦k≦K user employs a code Xk with
codewords of length J. Further we assume that each one of these Mk hypotheses is equally likely and that the code
satisfies the average power constraint
Also, a collection of K independent codes, consisting of Mk, 1≦k≦K length J codewords, which satisfy the power constraints will be called as a permissible code. For simplicity, we assume that N≧K although some of the following results do not require this assumption. Then it can be noted that the rank of H is K with probability one.
Group Decoders with Feedback. First, consider the group decorrelating decision feedback decoder (GD-DFD) which subsumes the decorrelating decision feedback decoder (D-DFD) and the optimum decoder as its special cases. To describe this decoder we will need the following notation. For a given channel realization {tilde over (H)} and a partition {G1, . . . , Gp} of {1, . . . , K}, let {tilde over (H)}G
{tilde over (H)}G
{tilde over (P)}G
and let {tilde over (P)}G
{tilde over (P)}G
where the N×N−|G
The users in G1 are decoded by the optimum decoder which operates on the decision statistic in (5). Once the decisions for users in G1 are obtained they are re-encoded and fed back before decoding the subsequent groups. In particular the decision statistic for the kth group Gk is given by,
where {circumflex over (X)}G
Next, in order to describe the GM-DFD we first define the following matrices.
Similar to the GD-DFD, the decision statistic for the kth group Gk is given by,
The users in Gk are decoded using the optimum decoder on (8) after assuming perfect feedback and the effective noise (i.e. noise plus MAI) to be white.
Next, we obtain the outage probability of the multiple access channel employing the D-DFD for specified rates R=[R1, . . . , RK]T, powers w=[w1, . . . , wK]T, in a fixed order of decoding. We then connect the obtained outage probability to the FEP. The FEP, denoted by Pr(ε), is the probability that not all codewords transmitted in a frame are decoded correctly. This error probability is averaged over the fading, the noise realizations and the choice of the transmitted codewords. Without loss of generality we assume that Gk=k, 1≦k≦K. Next, we invoke the fact that the true FEP (conditional FEP) is identical to the FEP (conditional FEP) of a genie aided D-DFD which enjoys perfect feedback. See M. K. Varanasi, “Decision Feedback Multiuser Detection: A Systematic Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 219-40 (January 1999). Thus, we focus on the genie aided counterpart. Note that now
where {Lk,k}k=1K are the (positive) diagonal elements of the K×K lower triangular matrix L obtained via the Cholesky decomposition {tilde over (H)}†{tilde over (H)}=L†L. Thus we can write the decision statistics for the genie-aided decoder as
{tilde over (Z)}k,tg=Lk,kxk,t+{tilde over (V)}k,t, 1≦t≦J,1≦k≦K. (10)
For any realization of Lk,k since the channel in (10) is Gaussian and memoryless we have that under the specified power constraint, the instantaneous mutual information (in bits per channel use) denoted by Ikg(Lk,k) is maximized by taking {xk,t}t=1J to be independent identically distributed (i.i.d) CN(0, 1) so that we set Ikg(Lk,k)=log(1+Lk,k2). We now define the outage event O as
Note that the complement Oc is given by
Then the outage probability is given by,
It can then be shown that {Lk,k2}k=1K are independent and that Lk,k2 has chi-square density with
degrees of freedom so that we have,
The following result can be proved using random coding arguments: For any ε>0, there exists Jo(ε)>0 such that for each J>Jo(ε), there exists a permissible code whose FEP yielded by the D-DFD satisfies Pr(ε)≦ε+Pr(O). This result shows that the outage probability is indeed achievable.
In order to obtain the optimal power tuple which minimizes the outage probability for a given sum power W and a rate-tuple R>0, we minimize (13) over the powers under the constraints wk>( ) and
Fortunately, the following equivalent maximization problem is a convex optimization problem:
The objective function in (14) can be shown to be a concave function of powers in the positive orthant while the constraint sets are readily seen to be convex. Hence a global optimum can be determined through numerical optimization.
Consider the outage probability obtained using the optimum decoder. For a given rate and power tuple R, w, and a channel realization {tilde over (H)}=HW1/2 an outage occurs if the rate tuple lies outside the instantaneous capacity region. Thus the outage event is defined to be
where the matrix {tilde over (H)}J is formed by columns of {tilde over (H)} with indices in the non-empty subset J.
Next, consider a power optimization problem for the fading multiple access channel which can be solved using the gradient based stochastic approximation (SA) method. Suppose we are given a rate-tuple R>0 and a sum power W>0. The objective is to determine the optimal power tuple which minimizes the joint outage probability subject to the sum power constraint. In particular, we wish to solve
Note that a closed form expression for Pr(O) is in general not available but as shown subsequently the gradient can be estimated which makes (16) well suited for gradient-based SA methods. Moreover we will also show that a good initial point can be determined via a deterministic convex optimization problem.
We first note that since Pr(O) is monotonic in each wk, the optimal solution must lie on the boundary. Also we can restrict the search to the region {wk≧ε}k−1K,
This does not result in any loss of optimality if ε>0 is sufficiently small since R>0 and will be useful in ensuring regularity. Substituting
we obtain the optimization problem to be
where X(.) denotes the indicator function. Using (17) the partial derivatives of the objective function can be computed as
The exchange of the derivative and the integral can be rigorously verified. Note that due to the form of the derivative in (17), an unbiased estimate of it can be obtained via the score function method. Moreover the constraint set is compact and convex so the projection onto the set is well defined. Accordingly, this can be solved using a gradient-based stochastic approximation technique, as discussed in co-pending commonly-assigned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/898,917, entitled “Optimized Rate Space-Time Codes for Wireless Communication,” filed on Jul. 26, 2004, the contents of which are incorporated by reference herein.
A good initial point can be obtained as follows. We first lower bound the outage probability by retaining only single user outage events. Then using the fact that the columns of {tilde over (H)}, {∥{tilde over (h)}k∥2}k−1K are independent chi-square variables with 2N degrees of freedom each, we have
The lower bound in (18) can be minimized to obtain a good initial point for our problem in (17). Moreover the minimization of the lower bound is equivalent to the following concave maximization problem.
Next in order to obtain Pr(O) yielded by the GD-DFD, proceeding as before we invoke the fact that the FEP yielded by the GD-DFD and its genie-aided counterpart are identical. We consider the genie-aided decoder and define OG
The resulting outage probability is given by,
Moreover, for a fixed partition, using the fact that the matrices {({tilde over (H)}G
Deriving the outage probability of the GM-DFD is a challenging problem due to the presence of MAI. However, a useful upper bound can be obtained by assuming that the all elements of X in (2) are i.i.d CN(0, 1). Invoking the fact that the FEP yielded by the GM-DFD and its genie-aided counterpart are identical, we consider the genie-aided decoder and define OG
and (21) yields the corresponding outage probability. The achievability of Pr(O) for both GD-DFD and GM-DFD can be proved via random coding arguments.
First, consider the GD-DFD where the partition is allowed to now depend on the channel realization. Then we define the group metric for Gk to be
where {tilde over (H)}G
Let P denote the set of all partitions of {1, . . . , K} into disjoint non-empty groups (subsets) each of size no greater than |G|max. After some work, the cardinality of P, denoted by |P| can be determined as
we can also upper bound |P| as
where {mK} denotes the Stirling number of the second kind and is given by the formula
From (24) it is evident that the grouping rule which for each channel realization returns the partition,
also minimizes the outage probability. Remarkably a brute-force search over P can be avoided and the optimal partition for each realization can be determined via the greedy strategy depicted in
For the GM-DFD, assuming independent complex normal inputs, we can define the group metric as,
and the outage event can now be written as in (24). Moreover, the greedy strategy outlined above (albeit now using the metric in (29) is evidently optimal. Note that the complexity of the greedy strategy is O(K|G|
Power optimization problems for both the GD-DFD and the GM-DFD with or without optimal grouping can be solved via the gradient-based SA method. The only change we have to make is the replace X(.) with the indicator functions of the corresponding outage events.
Group Decoders without Feedback. Consider the group decorrelating (GD) and group MMSE (GM) decoders which do not involve feedback. We first describe the GM decoder and provide an optimal grouping strategy for it (the GD decoder along with its optimal grouping follows after minor changes). For a given partition {G1, . . . , Gp} of {1, . . . , K} let {tilde over (H)}G
the soft statistics for Gk are given by
The users in Gk are decoded using the optimum decoder on (31). Note that as opposed to the GM-DFD, all groups are decoded in parallel which makes this decoder more suitable for systems with stringent delay constraints.
We next describe an optimal grouping strategy under a maximum group size constraint. With group size equal to one, the GM decoder reduces to the well-studied linear MMSE decoder. Clearly since all groups are decoded in parallel, the ordering issue does not arise. However, with group size greater than one there is room to optimize over group compositions. First, assuming i.i.d. complex normal inputs we can define the group metric for Gk to be,
so that the outage event is given by (24). Note that since there is no ordering (i.e. MG
Clearly the strategy
is sufficient to minimize the outage probability. Unfortunately it is not known if a greedy algorithm is optimal so we consider another grouping strategy which is optimal w.r.t the outage probability but does not have the additional max-min optimality of (34). Specifically, we suggest the rule
where {circumflex over (P)} ⊂ {hacek over (P)} is a reduced set of partitions formed by retaining only those partitions from {hacek over (P)} in which groups (or subsets) cannot be combined without violating the group size constraint. It is proved in the Appendix that the rules of (34) and (35) yield the same outage probability.
While exemplary drawings and specific embodiments of the present invention have been described and illustrated, it is to be understood that that the scope of the present invention is not to be limited to the particular embodiments discussed. Thus, the embodiments shall be regarded as illustrative rather than restrictive, and it should be understood that variations may be made in those embodiments by workers skilled in the arts without departing from the scope of the present invention as set forth in the claims that follow and their structural and functional equivalents.
This application claims the benefit of and is a nonprovisional of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/696,377, entitled “GROUP DECODER DESIGN FOR MULTIPLE ANTENNA MULTIUSER CHANNEL,” filed Jul. 1, 2005, the contents of which are incorporated by reference herein.
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Number | Date | Country | |
20070004366 A1 | Jan 2007 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
60696377 | Jul 2005 | US |