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K. Ebcioglu and T. Nakatani, "A New Compiliation Technique for Parallelizing Loops with Unpredictable Branches on a VLIW Architecture," Proc. Workshop on Languages and Compliers for Parallell Computing, Urbana, IL, MIT Press Research Monograph In Parallel and Distributed Computing, D. Gelernter et al, editors, Aug. 1989, pp. 213-229. |
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K. Ekanadham and R. Rechtschaffen, "Speculation in Parallel Systems", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 36, No. 09A, Sep. 1993, pp. 371-376. |
T. Nakatani and K. Ebcioglu, "Using a Lookahead Window in a Compaction Based Parallelizing Complier," Proc. 23rd Workshop on Microprogramming and Microarchitecture, IEEE Computer Society Press, Nov. 1990, pp. 57-68. |
K. Ebcioglu and R. Groves, "Some Global Complier Optimizations and Architectural Features for Improving Performance of Superscalars," Research Report RC 16145 IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Feb. 1990. |
K. Ekanadham and R. Rechtschaffen, "Metaparallelism-Communication via Placeholders", IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 36, No. 09B, Sep. 1993, pp. 285-288. |
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