This invention is an astray that can be hung up anywhere inside a structure or on the outside of any structure for the safe disposal of the remaining cigarette butt. This astray was designed to eliminate the litter of cigarette butts mainly outside since new smoking laws prohibit smokers to smoke inside commercial, industrial and business establishments.
The specially designed pockets in which the cigarette is inserted is designed to encourage smokers to use them as the pocket is designed to instantaneously extinguish the cigarette so as the remainder of the cigarette can be saved so that the smoker can finish smoking the remainder of the cigarette at a later time and to promote the safe disposal of the unwanted cigarette end.
It is an object of the present invention to provide safe disposal of the remaining end of a cigarette in as many outdoor areas as to help eliminate the litter of cigarette butts in our natural environments. In accordance with an aspect of the present invention a hang it up anywhere ashtray that can be affixed to any wall or flat, circular or triangular surface means that it can be hung at or near the entrance of any building. It can be hung on posts, garbage containers, railings on patios, table and chair edges etc. The flexible heat-resistant material defined by its shape and cigarette inserting holder pockets with the back flap that closes to keep the inside contents from spilling out when porting makes this invention easy to dispose its contents and the holder pockets feature of extinguishing the cigarette instantaneously a much desirable convenience for smokers to save a half smoked cigarette for later as the cost of tobacco products keep rising and to encourage smokers to stop littering outside.
This invention relates to a flexible, durable, portable, safer ashtray. Most conventional ashtrays up to date are made of glass or metals, and most have some sort of ridge with an indent to hold the cigarette unsafely in which the cigarette continues to burn, and emit smoke. In these types of ashtrays once the cigarette burns to a specific length the cigarette often falls out of the ashtray causing a lot of cigarette burns and in some cases start fires. The cigarette holder pockets (
The Hang-it-up ashtray is made of a flexible material sewn together in the shape of a rectangular box or a round cylinder cup shape with the protruding rounded back flap (
The back flap of the Hang-it-up ashtray can be folded over to the front and secured to an other strip of opposite mate Velcro that is on the front panel of the box or cylinder shaped ashtray (
The most important feature of the Hang-It-Up Astray is the strip that is socially designed to hold the cigarette securely and safely in place (
These holder pockets have a circular shape at the top a little bigger than that of the diameter of the cigarette (
Thus, this is the safest ashtray up to date because it virtually eliminates the possibility of starting a fire and safer because it is made of a none breakable material. This ashtray is less likely to be accidentally knocked of any surface as it is securely fastened preventing injuries due to broken glass.
The special feature of the cigarette being instantaneously extinguished will hopefully encourage smokers to use this ashtray for the purpose of saving a half smoked cigarette as the cost of tobacco products keep rising and the fact that smell of a burning ashtray is revolting and undesirable by almost all smokers.
The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows: An ashtray consisting in a device made with materials sole of combined, suitable for this purpose, such as ceramic, wood, metal, plastic etc, etc, and also made in a plurality of designs round, oval, square etc, etc, and sizes is not the subject of my claim. The terms used in this written description should always be construed in their most ample and unlimited meanings.