HCV peptide antigens and methods for the determination of HCV

Novel HCV peptide antigens are described representing partial sequences of the C-100-3 and env/core with C-regions. These peptide antigens are suitable for the determination of HCV antibodies as immunogens for the production of antibodies against HCV and as vaccines for the production of vaccines against HCV.

[0001] The invention concerns new HCV peptide antigens, a process for the production of these peptide antigens as well as a method for the determination of HCV using the peptide antigens.

[0002] The occurrence of viral hepatitis in the absence of serologic markers of previously known hepatotropic agents (e.g. hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis Δ virus, cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus) is termed non-A, non-B hepatitis (NANB hepatitis). NANB hepatitis is in turn subdivided into parenterally and sporadically transmitted non-a, non-B hepatitis and non-A, non-B hepatitis transmitted by the intestinal route. The causative agent for the parenterally and sporadically transmitted NANB hepatitis, the hepatitis C virus (HCV), has recently been isolated (Choo Q. -L. et al., Science 244 (1989) 359-362 and Kuo, G. et al., Science 244 (1989) 362-364).

[0003] HCV is worldwide an important cause of NANB hepatitis and is transmitted by contaminated blood or blood products, by blood transfusions or close personal contact.

[0004] The amino acid sequence of the HCV viral proteins is known from EP-A 0 318 216, EP-A 0 363 025, EPA 388 232 and EP-A 0 396 748. The genome of the HCV has a length of 10862 nucleotides. The proteins arising from translation have a total length of ca. 3000 amino acids. The proteins can be divided into structural proteins (envelope and core proteins) and non-structural proteins (NS1-NS5).

[0005] It is expedient to carry out the determination of HCV by detecting antibodies against HCV in body fluids using immunological tests. Therefore binding partners for anti-HCV antibodies are necessary for such immunological tests.

[0006] Thus it is known that for example the non-structural C 100-3-HCV protein can be used as a binding partner in immunological tests (tests from ABBOTT LABORATORIES, USA and ORTHO DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS INC., USA; Science 244 (1989) 359-364; Van der Poel C. L. et al. Lancet 337 (1991) 317; Alter H. J. J. Gastroent. Hepatol. (suppl.) 1990, 78).

[0007] A disadvantage of these tests is that a recombinant protein is used as antigen. Proteins are difficult to handle in diagnostic tests because of their susceptibility to denaturation and consequent reduced solubility and function. As a result of the low epitope density on a protein the magnitude of the measurement signal is also less than in a test in which a short-chained peptide antigen is used as the binding partner of the antibody. In addition, when proteins or long-chained peptides are used as antigens in an immunological test there can be an increase in cross-reactivities and unspecific bindings of antibodies. Moreover, reactions with proteins are often diffusion controlled which is an impediment to achieving the desired short times for immunological tests. In addition the production of protein which can be used for diagnostics in sufficient quantity and quality is time-consuming and expensive. Peptides are easily accessible by synthesis and are defined molecules.

[0008] Accordingly it is advantageous in an immunological test for anti-HCV antibodies to use peptide antigens which are as short-chained as possible and only represent sections of the total proteins. Such an immunological method is described by Okamoto (Japan J. Exp. Met. 60 (1990) 223-234). However, it has been shown that the short-chained peptide antigen (sequence 9) described in this publication which is derived from the core region is not sufficiently sensitive to HCV.

[0009] The object of the present invention is therefore to provide peptide antigens which are specific for anti-HCV antibodies and are suitable for immunological tests for anti-HCV antibodies.

[0010] This object is achieved by the peptide antigens of the sequences
1 1:SerGlyLysProAlaIleIleProAspArgGluValLeuTyrArg-GluPheAsp 2:GluCysSerGlnHisLeuProTyrIleGluGlnGlyMetMetLeu-AlaGluGlnPheLysGlnLysAlaLeuGlyLeuLeuGlnThrAla-SerArgGln 3:AlaValGlnThrAsnTrpGlnLysLeuGluThrPheTrpAlaLys-HisMetTrpAsn 4:AsnProLysProGlnLysLysAsnLysArgAsThrAsnArgArg 5:AsnProLysProGlnArgLysThrLysArgAsnThrAsnArgArg 6:ProGlnAspValLysPheProGlyGlyGlyGlnIleValGlyGly-Val 7:ProArgGlySerArgProSerTrpGlyProThrAspProArgArg 8:GlnLeuPheThrPheSerProArgArgHisTrpThrThrGlnGly-CysAsnCysSerIleTyrProGlyHisIleThrGlyHisArgMet-AlaTrpAspMetMetMetAsnTrpSerProThrThrAlaLeuVal-MetAla10:GlnLysLysAlaAlaArgAsnThrAsnArgArg11:HisTrpThrThrGlnGlySerAsnSerSerIleTyrProGlyHis12:SerSerIleTyrProGlyHisIleThrGlyHisArgMetAlsTrp-ThrMetMet13:ProGluGlyArgThrTrpAlaGlnlProGlyTyrProTrpProLeu-Tyr

[0011] or peptide antigens which represent partial sequences of these peptide antigens with a length of at least four, preferably of at least seven amino acids.

[0012] Suitable partial sequences are shown in the sequence protocols and are indicated by letters/number combinations (e.g. 6 a, 2 b).

[0013] Particularly preferred partial sequences are:
2from sequence 2:GluCysSerGlnHisLeuProTyrIleGluGlnGly-(sequence 2a)MetMetLeuMetMetLeuAlaGluGlnPheLysGlnLysAlaLeu-(sequence 2b)GlyLeuLeuGlnThrAlaMetMetLeuAlaGluGlnPheLysGlnLysAlaLeu-(sequence 2c)GlyLeuLeuGlnThrAlaSerArgGlnHisLeuProTyrIleGlu(sequence 2d)Ser Gln His Leu Pro Tyr Ile Glu Gln(sequence 2e)Lys Ala Leu Gly Leu Leu Gln(sequence 2f)Gln Lys Ala Leu Gly Leu Leu Gln Thr(sequence 2q)from sequence 4:Lys Asn Lys Arg Asn Thr Asn Arg Arg(sequence 4a)from sequence 6:ProGlnAspValLysPheProGlyGlyGlyGlnIle(sequence 6a)Lys Phe Pro Gly Gly Gly Gln Ile Phe(sequence 6b)Lys Phe Pro Gly Gly Gly Gln Ile Val(sequence 6d)Gln Asp Val Lys Phe Pro Gly Gly Gly(sequence 6e)d

[0014] Partial sequences are particularly preferred which have a maximum length of 9 amino acids. These are in particular the sequences 6b, 6d, 6e, 2e, 2f, 2d, 2g, 4a.

[0015] The peptide antigens with the sequences 1-3 are contained in the C 100-3 region of the HCV proteins and the peptide antigens with the sequences 4-8, 10-13 are contained in the env/core region of the HCV proteins. The peptide antigens with the sequences 1-8, 10-13 according to the present invention and the peptide antigen 9 of sequence (ArgGlyProArgLeuGlyValArgAlaThrArgLysThrSerGluArgSerGlnProArgGlyArgArgGlnProIleProLysAlaArgArgProGluGlyArgThrTrpAlaGlnProGlyTyrProTrpPro, Okamoto loc. cit) are specified in the sequence protocols SEQ ID NO: 1-32.

[0016] An anti-HCV antibody test is carried out according to methods known to one skilled in the art. The invention therefore also concerns a method for the determination of HCV antibodies which is characterized in that the sample is incubated with a combination of at least two peptide antigens from the group of sequences 1-13 or peptide antigens which represent partial sequences of these peptide antigens which have a length of at least 4, preferably of at least 7 amino acids and the amount of anti-HCV antibodies bound to the peptide antigen is determined under conditions which allow the formation of an antibody-antigen complex.

[0017] According to the present invention a combination of at least two of the peptide antigens or partial sequences thereof according to the present invention are used. It is particularly preferred that the peptide antigens of sequences 1-3 or partial sequences thereof be combined with at least one peptide antigen from the group of the sequences 4-13 or partial sequences thereof. Suitable partial sequences of sequence 9 are:
3(sequence 9a)ArgGlyProArgLeuGlyValArgAlaThrArgLysThrSerGlnArg-SerGlnProArgGly

[0018] SerGlnProArgGlyArgArgGlnProIleProLysAlaArgArgproGluGly ArgThr (sequence 9b).

[0019] Lys Ala Arg Arg Pro Glu Gly Arg Thr Trp Ala Gln Pro Gly Tyr (sequence 9c)

[0020] The combination of the antigens can for example be carried out by using several individual peptide antigens or in that peptide antigens are covalently bound to one another, appropriately by means of an amino acid bridge which differs from the amino acid sequences that naturally occur in HCV proteins or by means of a peptide linker.

[0021] The following combinations of antigens are particularly preferred:

[0022] Sequence 2b, 4 and 6

[0023] Sequence 2b, 2c, 4 and 6

[0024] Sequence 2a, 2b, 2c, 4 and 6

[0025] Sequence 2a, 2b, 2c, 4, 6, 9a and 9b

[0026] Sequence 2a, 2b, 4, 6, 9a and 3

[0027] Sequence 2a, 2b, 4, 6 and 9a

[0028] Sequence 2e, 2g, 4a, 6d, 6e

[0029] Sequence 2d, 2f, 4a, 6c, 9c

[0030] Sequence 11, 12, 8a

[0031] The antigens in the combinations are preferably used in approximately equimolar amounts.

[0032] The combination of the antigens of sequences 11, 12, 8a is particularly suitable for detecting patient sera in which a HCV infection has been cured (convalescent sera).

[0033] The antigens are preferably used separately without being covalently bound to one another or bound together using a peptide linker.

[0034] Since a high sensitivity is necessary for the infection parameter HCV, heterogeneous immunoassays are preferably used for the detection. These heterogeneous tests allow washing steps which considerably reduce the background measurement signal resulting in an increase in sensitivity.

[0035] The determination can for example be carried out by means of a radioimmunoassay, enzyme immunoassay or by immunofluorescence. For this the peptide antigen is usually immobilized. The sample which is to be examined for anti-HCV antibodies is added and the antibodies bound to the antigen are determined by means of a labelled anti-human immunoglobulin antibody. The immobilization of the peptide antigen according to the present invention can be carried out adsorptively, covalently or by means of a biological binding pair such as biotin/streptavidin, antibody/antigen or sugar/lectin. In this process the peptide antigen is covalently bound to this partner.

[0036] The peptide antigens according to the present invention can preferably be immobilized according to methods familiar to one skilled in the art such as on beads, plastic tubes or microtitre plates (preferably polystyrene or copolymers of polystyrene). This is preferably carried out by adsorbing the peptide antigens unspecifically onto the surface or covalently binding the peptide antigen to functionalized or activated surfaces. The unspecific adsorption can be improved by linking the peptide antigen to a protein to form a conjugate and using this conjugate for the adsorption (cf. e.g. EP-A 0 269 092). The binding can also be carried out via an immobilized antibody. For this the peptide antigen should be modified in such a way that the epitope is not blocked by the antibody binding e.g. by formation of a peptide-protein conjugate.

[0037] The conjugation of the peptide antigen to the binding partner is preferably carried out via a spacer. This spacer appropriately contains 10-50, preferably 10-30 atoms and is also preferably an essentially linear molecule. Examples for this are spacers made of alkyl chains, polyether chains or polyamide chains. In a particularly preferred embodiment a peptide antigen with a length of 4-9 amino acids is bound to the carrier via a linear spacer of 10-30 atoms. If a spacer made of amino acids is to be used, it is appropriate that it consists of amino acids which do not correspond to the sequence in the direct vicinity of the peptide antigen in the HCV gene.

[0038] In a preferred embodiment the peptide antigen according to the present invention is covalently bound to biotin whereby the immobilization is carried out by means of an avidin/streptavidin solid phase.

[0039] Methods of determination are also suitable in which the detection is not via a labelled antibody but via a labelled additional peptide antigen sequences 1-13 or partial sequences thereof.

[0040] The peptide antigens according to the present invention can be produced according to methods for peptide synthesis familiar to one skilled in the art. The invention therefore also concerns a process for the production of the peptide antigen according to the present invention which comprises binding the amino acid forming the C-terminal end to a carrier, assembling stepwise the peptide antigen starting at the C-terminal end and subsequently cleaving it from the carrier.

[0041] The details of this process are that an amino acid is linked, for example via its carboxyl group, to an insoluble polymer which can be easily filtered and then the peptide chain is assembled stepwise starting at the C-terminal end. For this purpose a N-protected amino acid is reacted with a reactive group of the artificial resin. The Na-protective group is removed from the amino acid which is covalently anchored to the carrier particle and the resulting amino acyl polymer is reacted with the next N-protected amino acid. The Na-protective group is removed from the dipeptide covalently bound to the carrier resin and the resulting amino acyl polymer is reacted with the next N-protected amino acid. All excess reagents and by-products are removed by simple filtration. As soon as the desired peptide sequence has been prepared in this way, the covalent binding between the C-terminal amino acid and the anchor group of the polymeric carrier is cleaved. The insoluble carrier is removed from the peptide which is now in solution by simple filtration. The peptide is purified by chromatographic methods.

[0042] The peptide antigens according to the present invention can for example be prepared according to Merrifield, JACS 85 (1964) 2146. If a biotinylation is necessary this can for example be carried out according to PNAS USA 80 (1983) 4045. A preferred biotinylation agent for this is biotinyl-aminocaproic acid-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester.

[0043] A preferred process for the production of biotinylated peptide antigens is to introduce the biotin residue at the N-terminus during a solid phase synthesis of the peptide antigen. This process is preferably used in cases in which the peptide antigen contains several ε-lysine amino groups which are not intended to be biotinylated. This is for example the case when N-α-Fmoc-N-ε-biotinyl-aminocaproyllysine, N-α-Fmoc-N-ε-biotinyllysine is used or when for the biotinylation of the N-terminal amino acids biotin, biotinyl-aminocaproic acid or dimethoxytritylbiotin is used with an activating reagent, such as for example dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, or as an active ester.

[0044] In a further preferred embodiment a detection antibody which is for example directed against the Fc part of human IgG is immobilized. A monoclonal antibody is preferably used for this. The peptide antigen is then present in solution. The antibody (analyte) to be detected and also all other antibodies in the sample liquid are then bound by the immobilized antibody. The bound antibody can then bind the analyte which can be detected with a suitable detection system e.g. competitively with a peptide antigen-enzyme conjugate.

[0045] It is also possible using the peptide antigens according to the present invention to obtain antibodies by immunization methods familiar to one skilled in the art with which the virus itself can be detected in an immunological test.

[0046] The invention therefore also concerns a process for the production of antibodies which is characterized in that a mammal is immunized with a peptide according to the present invention which, if desired, is bound to a carrier and the antibodies are obtained, for example from the serum or the spleen, according to known methods.

[0047] In a preferred embodiment B lymphocytes of the immunized animals are fused with a suitable cell line in the presence of transforming agents, the cell line which produces the desired antibodies is cloned and cultured and the monoclonal antibodies are isolated from the cells or from the culture supernatant.

[0048] Using this antibody it is possible to directly determined HCV viruses. The invention therefore also concerns a process for the determination of HCV viruses which is characterized in that the sample is incubated with an antibody according to the present invention under conditions which allow the formation of an antigen-antibody complex and the amount of antibody-antigen complex formed is determined.

[0049] The invention in addition concerns a process for the production of vaccines using the peptide antigens according to the present invention and a vaccine for treating HCV infections containing a peptide antigen of the sequences 1-8, 10-13 which is carrier-bound if desired or partial sequences thereof or at least two peptide antigens of the sequences 1-13 or partial sequences thereof as an immunogen in a pharmacologically effective dose and in a pharmaceutically acceptible formulation.

[0050] The production of these vaccines can be carried out according to known methods. However, the peptide antigens are preferably first lyophilized and subsequently suspended, if desired with addition of auxiliary substances.

[0051] Vaccination with these vaccines or combinations of vaccines according to the present invention can be carried out according to methods familiar to one skilled in the art for example intradermally, intramuscularly, intraperitoneally, intravenously, subcutaneously or intranasally.

[0052] For the intramuscular or subcutaneous administration, the vaccine can for example be suspended in physiological saline. For an intranasal or intraoccular application, the vaccine can for example be used in the form of a spray or an aqueous solution. For a local, for example an oral administration, it is often necessary to temporarily protect the immunogens against inactivation, for example against proteolytic enzymes in the cavity of the mouth or in the stomach. Such a temporary protection can for example be achieved by encapsulating the immunogens. This encapsulation can for example be carried out by coating with a protective agent (microencapsulation) or by embedding a multitude of immunogens according to the present invention in a protective carrier (macroencapsulation).

[0053] The encapsulation material can be semipermeable or become semipermeable when introduced into the human or animal body. A biological degradable substance is usually used as a carrier for the encapsulation.

[0054] The invention is further elucidated by the following examples and sequence protocols.

[0055] The sequence protocols denote the following:
4SequenceSEQ ID NO11222 a32 b42 c52 d62 e72 f82 g92 h103114124 a134 b145156166 a176 b186 c196 d206 e217228238 a249259 a269 b279 c281029113012311332


[0056] Synthesis of H-ProArgGlySerArgProSerTrpGlyProThrAspProArgArg-OH

[0057] The peptide was produced by means of Fmoc(fluorenyloxycarbonyl) solid-phase synthesis. The reactions were carried out on a Labortec (Switzerland) SP 640 peptide synthesizer. The coupling reactions with regard to the Fmoc amino acid derivative were carried out with 2.4 equivalents of dicyclohecylcarbodiimide and 2.2 equivalents of N-hydroxybenzotriazole for 90 minutes. Dimethylformamide was used as the reaction medium. The Fmoc group was cleaved by means of 20% piperidine in DMF in 10 and 20 minutes. 2.0 equivalents of the following amino acid derivatives were used: Pro, Arg(with PMC(pentamethylchroman) protective group), Gly, Ser(with tert.-butyl protective group), Trp, Thr(with tert.-butyl protective group), Asp(with tert.-butyl ester protective group). The coupling reactions were repeated with half the reagents. The coupling result was checked by means of the Kaiser test (Anal. Biochemistry 34 (1970) 595), the loading of the resin was determined by means of the UV absorbance of the released fulvene group after each piperidine cleavage. The peptide was synthesized on 5 g Wang resin (polystyrene/1% divinylbenzol) loaded with 0.50 mMol/g (JACS, 95 (1973) 1328). After the synthesis the degree of loading was still 0.39 mMol/g.

[0058] The peptide was released with 200 ml trifluoroacetic acid, 200 ml dichloromethane, 10 ml ethanedithiol, 10 ml m-cresol, 5 ml ethylmethylsulfide and 5 ml water in 30 minutes at room temperature. The cleavage solution was evaporated several times with toluol and then the peptide was precipitated with diethyl ether.

[0059] In order to remove the scavenger and other small molecules, the crude material was purified on a Sephadex G10 column. After lyophilization, 3.2 g material was obtained with a purity of 42% (RP-HPLC). In order to bring the material to a final purity of >95%, 400 mg peptide was purified on a preparative RP-HPLC column (400 mm×250 mm) filled with C18 material (5 micrometre, 300 Angström) and employing a water/trifluoroacetic acid, acetonitrile/trifluoroacetic acid gradient. After lyophilization 118 mg 96.5% (HPLC) white material was obtained. The identity of the material was checked by means of FAB-MS.


[0060] In order to biotinylate the peptide antigen from Example 1, a mole equivalent was dissolved as concentrated as possible (the solubility depends on the amino acid sequence) in an argon-saturated potassium phosphate buffer (0.1 mol/, pH 8.0) and 3 equivalents D-biotinyl-c-aminocaproic acid-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester dissolved in argon-saturated dimethylformamide (solution of 1 μmol reagent in 5 μl DMF) is added.

[0061] The reaction mixture was stirred for 2 hours at room temperature under argon while continuously monitoring by means of analytical RP-HPLC. When <5% educt was present the reaction preparation was applied directly to a preparative RP-HPLC column and the product material was purified by means of a 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid/water to 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid/acetonitrile gradient (gradient: 0% to 100% in 90 minutes). The product material was obtained by evaporating and lyophilizing the product fractions. The yields were between 40% and 90%. The purity was analysed by means of HPLC, HPCE and TLC, the identity was determined with FAB-MS (mole peak) and TLC with specific staining reagents (p-dimethyl-aminocinnamic aldehyde on biotin) and the amount was assayed by microanalysis (nitrogen).


[0062] HCV antibodies are determined in a 2-step sandwich immunoassay. Reagents with the following composition are used for the test:

[0063] Reagent 1:

[0064] 0.10 μg/ml (peptide antigens 1, 3, 4, 5, 6) or

[0065] 0.25 μg/ml (peptide antigens 2, 4, 7) biotinylated peptide antigen or a 1:1 mixture of such peptide antigens.

[0066] 40 mmol/l phosphate buffer pH 7.0

[0067] 0.9% by weight NaCl

[0068] 10% by volume bovine serum

[0069] Reagent 2:

[0070] 20 mU/ml of a conjugate of polyclonal antibody against human immunoglobulin (sheep) and peroxidase

[0071] 40 mmol/l phosphate buffer pH 7.0


.05% by weight Tween® 20

[0073] 0.2% bovine serum albumin

[0074] 0.2% bovine IgG

[0075] 1 ml reagent 1 and 10 μl sample are incubated for one hour at room temperature in a streptavidin-coated polystyrene tube (produced according to Example 1 of EP-A 0 344 578). Subsequently it is washed three times with tap water and incubated for one hour at room temperature with 1 ml reagent 2. It is subsequently washed three times with tap water. 1 ml ABTS® (2,2′-azino-di[3-ethyl-benzthiazoline sulfate(6)]diammonium salt, 1.9 mmol/l, in 100 mmol/l phosphate-citrate buffer pH 4.4 containing 3.2 mmol/l sodium perborate) is added for the detection reaction. The absorbance at 420 nm is measured photometrically after 60 minutes. The results are shown in Table 1.
5TABLE 1Peptide antigens (sequence No)Serum9123456781 + 43 + 61+++++++++2+++++3++++4+++++++++5+++++6+++++++++7+++++++++Explanatory notes for Table 1: −/+: negative/positive (The cut-off for a positive signal in the ELISA is defined as the mean absorbance at 420 nm plus 3 standard deviations for a group of 10 negative control sera. The samples were measured at a sample dilution of 1:250).

[0076] Serum 1 was negative in the test in the Ortho-HCV antibody ELISA test system of ORTHO DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS INC. but positive on the basis of the clinical findings.

[0077] The sera 2-5 were identified as positive by the test of Ortho Laboratories, the sera 6 and 7 were identified as positive with the ABBOTT HCV EIA, catalogue No. 3 A53-24, ABBOTT LABORATORIES INC.

[0078] The peptide antigens 1-6 were biotinylated with dimethoxytrityl-biotin on a solid phase at the e-amino group of an additional lysine introduced at the N-terminus.

[0079] The peptide antigen mixtures 1+4 and 3+6 were used at a molar mixing ratio of 1:1.


[0080] Further sera were checked with peptides and peptide mixtures in a two-step sandwich immunoassay on microtitre plates coated with streptavidin.

[0081] The determination was largely carried out in an analogous way to Example 3. The following reagents were used for this:

[0082] Reagent 1:

[0083] 50 ng peptide (or the amounts stated in the explanatory notes for the table) in 100 μl incubation buffer (40 mmol/l phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, 0.9% by weight NaCl, 10% by volume bovine serum).

[0084] Reagent 2:

[0085] Conjugate of polyclonal antibody against human immunoglobulin (sheep) and peroxidase (peroxidase activity 20 mU/ml), 40 mmol/1 phosphate buffer pH 7.0, 0.05% by weight Tween® 20, 0.2% bovine serum albumin, 0.2% bovine IgG.

[0086] Washing Solution

[0087] 40 mmol/l phosphate buffer pH 7.0, 0.9% by weight sodium chloride, 0.05% by weight Tween® 20.

[0088] Colour Reagent

[0089] 10 mg ABTS®, 80 μl 0.4% H2O2 in 10 ml citrate phosphate buffer (pH 4.4, 100 mmol/l).

[0090] Serum (diluted 1:10 in 50 μl incubation buffer) and 100 μl reagent 1 are added to each well of a microtitre plate coated with streptavidin. It is incubated for one hour at room temperature and subsequently washed five times with 200 μl washing solution each time. 150 μl reagent 2 is added, incubated for one hour at room temperature and washed three times with 200 μl washing solution each time. 150 μl colour reagent is added, incubated for one hour at room temperature and the absorbance is measured photometrically at 420 nm.

[0091] The results are shown in Tables II, III, IV, V, VI and VII.

[0092] The denotation in the tables is as follows:
6TABLE IIOrtho:relative size of the measurement signal in theOrtho test (cf. Example 3).blank space:measured value is smaller than twice theblank value or is identical to the blankvalue (determined with biotinylatedpeptide which is not reactive with HCVantibodies (nonsense sequence)).filled circle:measured value is three times the blankvalue or more with 50 ng peptide perwell.empty circle:measured value is twice the blank valueat 50 ng peptide per wellfilled square:measured value is three times the blankvalue or more at 250 ng peptide perwellempty square:measured value is twice the blank valueor more at 250 ng peptide per well.*:negative controls




blank space:
as in Table II

filled circle:
measured value is four times the blank

value or more at 50 ng peptide per well

empty circle:
measured value is three times the blank

value or more at 50 ng peptide per well

measurement was not carried out

2a, 2b, 3, 4,
Instead of a single peptide antigen,

a mixture of 10 ng each of the stated

peptides was used in reagent 1.

negative controls




The meaning of the symbols corresponds to the details

for Table II.

The peptide mixtures each contained 50 ng of the

individual peptides.





The results of immunoassays analogous to Example 3

whereby the following peptide concentrations were used

in reagent 1:

When several antigens were used in a combination the

amounts used were reduced according to the number of

different antigens.

Sequence 2a
 50 μg/ml

Sequence 2b
 50 μg/ml

Sequence 2d
100 μg/ml

Sequence 2f
100 μg/ml

Sequence 2h
100 μg/ml

Sequence 4
400 μg/ml

Sequence 4a
350 μg/ml

Sequence 4b
250 μg/ml

Sequence 4c
300 μg/ml

Sequence 6
350 μg/ml

Sequence 6a
350 μg/ml

Sequence 6b
350 μg/ml

Sequence 6c
250 μg/ml

Sequence 6d
300 μg/ml

Sequence 8a
900 μg/ml

Sequence 9a
350 μg/ml

Sequence 9c
350 μg/ml

Sequence 11
300 μg/ml

Sequence 12
550 μg/ml

+/−: pos./neg. (The cut-off for a positive signal in the immunoassay as in Example 3 is defined as the mean absorbance at 420 nm plus 2 standard deviations for a group of 6 negative control sera. The samples are diluted with incubation buffer 1:100)





C100-3 Region
core env-Region










S4 (*)






S7 (*)




























S19 (*)



































RS (*)

HO (*)

AB (*)

(*) Negative sera




Peptide antigens

2a, 2b,

3, 4, 6






































































Peptide antigens

2a, 2b, 2c,
2a, 2b, 2c, 4, 6,

2b, 4, 6
2b, 2c, 4, 6
4, 6
9a, 9b,




S4 (*)



S7 (*)












S19 (*)







(*) Negative sera





2a, 2b,
2d, 2f,

4, 6,
4a, 6c,
8a, 11











































6c, 6d































  • 1. HCV peptide antigens with the amino acid sequences SEQ ID NO: 1, 2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29-32 or with partial sequences thereof having a length of at least 4 amino acids.
  • 2. HCV peptide antigens as claimed in claim 1 with partial sequences having a maximum lenth of 9 amino acids.
  • 3. HCV peptide antigens as claimed in claim 2 with the partial sequences.
  • 4. HCV peptide antigens as claimed in claim 1 with the partial sequences SEQ ID NO: 3, 4, 5, 10, 14, 17, 19, 24.
  • 5. Combination of HCV peptide antigens composed of SEQ ID NO: 4, 12, 16 SEQ ID NO: 4, 5, 12 and 16 SEQ ID NO: 3, 4, 5, 12 and 16 SEQ ID NO: 3, 4, 5, 12, 16, 26 and 27 SEQ ID NO: 3, 4, 11, 12, 16 and 26 SEQ ID NO: 3, 4, 12, 16 and 26 SEQ ID NO: 7, 9, 13, 20, 21 SEQ ID NO: 6, 8, 13, 19, 28 or SEQ ID NO: 25, 30, 31
  • 6. Process for the production of peptide antigens as claimed in claims 1 to 4, wherein the amino acid forming the C-terminal end is bound to a carrier, the peptide antigen is synthesized stepwise starting from the C-terminal end and is subsequently cleaved from the carrier.
  • 7. Method for the determination of HCV antibodies, wherein the sample is incubated with a combination of at least two peptide antigens from the group SEQ ID NO: 1, 2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 25, 29-32 or peptide antigens representing partial sequences of these peptide antigens having a length of at least 4 amino acids and the amount of the HCV antibodies bound to the peptide antigen is determined under conditions which enable the formation of an antibody-antigen complex.
  • 8. Method as claimed in claim 7, wherein the combination contains at least one peptide antigen with a length of 4-9 amino acids which represents a partial sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1, 2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 25, 29-32.
  • 9. Method as claimed in claim 7, wherein a combination of at least two HCV antigens from the group SEQ ID NO: 1-32 is used.
  • 10. Method as claimed in claim 9, wherein SEQ ID NO: 4, 12, 16 SEQ ID NO: 4, 5, 12 and 16 SEQ ID NO: 3, 4, 5, 12 and 16 SEQ ID NO: 3, 4, 5, 12, 16, 26 and 27 SEQ ID NO: 3, 4, 11, 12, 16 and 26 SEQ ID NO: 3, 4, 12, 16 and 26 SEQ ID NO: 7, 9, 13, 20, 21 SEQ ID NO: 6, 8, 13, 19, 28 or SEQ ID NO: 24, 30, 31 are used as combinations.
  • 11. Process for the production of antibodies against HCV antigens, wherein a mammal is immunized with a peptide antigen SEQ ID NO: 1, 2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29-32 or a partial sequence thereof which is carrier-bound if desired, polyclonal antibodies are obtained or cells of these animals which produce antibodies are immortalized to form cell lines and monoclonal antibodies are isolated from these cell lines.
  • 12. Process as claimed in claim 11, wherein SEQ ID NO: 1-32 are used as peptide antigens which represent partial sequences.
  • 13. Method for the determination of HCV viruses, wherein the sample is incubated with an antibody as claimed in claim 11 or 12 under conditions which enable the formation of an antigen-antibody complex and the amount of the antibody-antigen complex formed is determined.
  • 14. Vaccine for the treatment of HCV infections containing a peptide antigen SEQ ID NO: 1, 2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29-32 which is carrier-bound if desired or at least two peptide antigens SEQ ID NO: 1-32 or peptide antigens which represent partial sequences of these peptide antigens having a length of at least 4 amino acids as the immunogen, in a pharmacologically effective dose and in a pharmaceutically acceptable formulation.
  • 15. Vaccine as claimed in claim 14, wherein the partial sequences SEQ ID NO: 4, 12, 16 SEQ ID NO: 4, 5, 12 and 16 SEQ ID NO: 3, 4, 5, 12 and 16 SEQ ID NO: 3, 4, 5, 12, 16, 26 and 27 SEQ ID NO: 3, 4, 11, 12, 16 and 26 SEQ ID NO: 3, 4, 12, 16 and 26 SEQ ID NO: 7, 9, 13, 20, 21 SEQ ID NO: 6, 8, 13, 19, 28 or SEQ ID NO: 24, 30, 31 are used as the peptide antigens.
  • 16. Process for the production of vaccines using the peptide antigens SEQ ID NO: 1, 2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29-32 or at least two peptide antigens SEQ ID NO: 1-32 or peptide antigens representing partial sequences of these peptide antigens having a length of at least 4 amino acids as immunogens.
Priority Claims (4)
Number Date Country Kind
P 41 22 160.5 Jul 1991 DE
P 41 41 304.0 Dec 1991 DE
P 42 09 215.9 Mar 1992 DE
PCT/EP92/01468 Jun 1992 WO
Divisions (2)
Number Date Country
Parent 09689678 Oct 2000 US
Child 10371540 Feb 2003 US
Parent 08604365 Feb 1996 US
Child 09689678 Oct 2000 US
Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 07977398 Mar 1993 US
Child 08604365 Feb 1996 US