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Yukihiro Osumi et al, "Isolation and Identification of a Porphyran-Decomposing Bacterium," Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 63(4), 709-714 (1997) (with English Abstract). |
Yukihiro Osui et al, "Purification and Structure of Oligosaccharides from Porphyran degraded by Enzymes from Arthrobacter sp. S-22, " Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 64(1), 88-97 (1998) (with English Abstract). |
Yukihiro Osumi et al, "Effect of Oligosaccharides from Porphyan o In Vitro Digestions, Utilizations by Various Intestinal Bacteria, and Levels of Serum Lipid in Mice," Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 64(1), 98-104-(1998) (with English Abstract). |