The document, Siddiqi, Umair & Sait, Sadiq (2017), A New Heuristic for the Data Clustering Problem, IEEE Access, PP. 6801-6812, 10.1109/ACCESS 2017 2691412, is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety.
The present disclosure relates generally to data clustering, and in particular a clustering heuristic having a greedy algorithm as a first part and a heuristic for optimal clustering.
Clustering refers to the partitioning of a set of data-points into groups in such a way that each data-point is maximally similar to the data-points within its cluster. See Britannica Academic, accessed on Jul. 8, 2017. [Online]. Available:; and C. C. Aggarwal and C. K. Reddy, Data Clustering. Boca Raton, Fla., USA: Chapman & Hall, 2016, each incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. Clustering is an important problem in data-mining and machine learning. Some popular applications of clustering are as follows: (i) clustering is used to summarize data in many data-mining problems such as outlier analysis and classification; (ii) clustering is used to group like-minded users and similar customers in collaborative filtering and customer segmentation; (iii) clustering is used to create compact data representations; (iv) clustering is used to detect key trends and events in the streaming data of social networking applications; and (v) clustering is used to group similar genes in gene-expression data analysis. See D. Jiang, C. Tang, and A. Zhang, “Cluster analysis for gene expression data: A survey,” IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 1370-1386, November 2004, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The clustering problem is NP hard when both or at-least one of the following two terms in not a fixed constant: (i) number of clusters; and (ii) and number of dimensions. See M. Mahajan and P. Nimbhorkar and K. Varadarajan, “The planar k-means problem is NP-hard,” Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 442, no. Supplement C, pp. 13-21, 2012, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. In computer science, NP relates to time complexity and means Non-deterministic Polynomial. NP-hard may refer to a class of problems that cannot be solved in polynomial time. Subsequently, problems that are considered as NP-hard problems are typically solved using heuristics.
Clustering algorithms are usually classified into two types: (a) Partitional clustering, and (b) Hierarchical clustering. Partitional clustering algorithms iteratively split data into clusters. A data-item can belong to only one partition. The total numbers of clusters (K) should be known in advance, unless, additional methods are employed to determine the number of clusters. In hierarchical clustering, a dendrogram (or clustering tree) is generated. The first step is to build a similarity matrix between all data-points and selects a pair of data-items that are maximally similar to each other. In the second step, the similarity matrix is updated and the data-items that were selected in the previous step are replaced by a single entry for the pair. The remaining steps repeat the same procedure to complete tree construction. See M. Greenacre and R. Primicerio, Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data. Bilbao, Spain: Fundacin BBVA, 2013, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Hierarchical clustering automatically determines the number of clusters.
The quality of clustering is measured in terms of its compactness and separation. A cluster is said to be compact when its data-points are similar to each other. A cluster has good separation when its data-points are maximally dissimilar with the data-points of the other clusters. The similarity between two data-items can be determined in terms of several measures such as: Minkowski Distance, Cosine distance, Correlation coefficients (e.g. Pearson, Spearman). Minkowski Distance is the most popular method and has a parameter p. When p=1, it yields Manhattan distance, and when p=2, it returns Euclidean distance. The choice of similarity measure usually depends on the application area where clustering is applied. Euclidean distance is most commonly used similarity measure and produces good results in majority of applications. See P. A. Jaskowiak, R. J. G. B. Campello, and I. G. Costa, “Proximity measures for clustering gene expression microarray data: A validation methodology and a comparative analysis,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinf., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 845-857, July 2013, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The quality of a clustering solution is determined using a validity index. The validity indices compute both compactness and separation between clusters. Some popular quality measures are as follows: (a) Davies Bouldin Index (DBI); (ii) Calinski Harabasz Index (CHI); (iii) Dunn Index (DI); (iv) Silhouette Index (SI); and (v) SD Validity Index (SDI). See D. L. Davies and D. W. Bouldin, “A cluster separation measure,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intelli., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 224-227, April 1979; T. Califiski and J. Harabasz, “A dendrite method for cluster analysis,” Commun. Statist., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-27, January 1974; J. C. Bezdek and N. R. Pal, “Cluster validation with generalized Dunn's indices,” in Proc. 2ndNew Zealand Int. Two-Stream Conf. Artif Neural Netw. Expert Syst., Dunedin, New Zealand, November 1995, pp. 190-193; J. C. Dunn, “Well-separated clusters and optimal fuzzy partitions,” J. Cybern., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 95-104, January 1974; P. J. Rousseeuw, “Silhouettes: A graphical aid to the interpretation and validation of cluster analysis,” J Comput. Appl. Math., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 53-65, 1987; and M. Halkidi, M. Vazirgiannis, and Y. Batistakis, Quality Scheme Assessment in the Clustering Process. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2000, pp. 265-276. [Online]. Available:, each incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
In optimization perspective, clustering problem is considered as an NP-hard grouping problem. See M. Nicholson, “Genetic algorithms and grouping problems,” Softw., Pract. Exper., vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 11371138, August 1998. [Online]. Available:;2-4/abstract; and E. R. Hruschka, R. J. G. B. Campello, A. A. Freitas, and A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho, “A survey of evolutionary algorithms for clustering,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. C, Appl. Rev., vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 133-155, March 2009, each incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. Heuristics such as Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are popular in solving NP-hard problems. See S. M. Sait and H. Youssef, Iterative Computer Algorithms With Applications in Engineering. Los Alamitos, Calif., USA: IEEE Computer Soc. Press, 1999; and S. M. Sait and H. Youssef, VLSI Physical Design Automation Theory and Practice. Singapore: World Scientific, 1999, each incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. Recently, several evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been proposed to perform clustering. The EAs can perform clustering using either a fixed or variable K value and find clustering that is optimal w.r.t. to a validity index. The EAs with a fixed K value are useful in the following two cases: (i) Some information about the classes in data is known, or (ii) The value of K can be obtained using other methods such as the method proposed by Sugar and James. See C. A. Suger and G. M. James, “Finding the number of clusters in a dataset: An information-theoretic approach,” J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., vol. 98, no. 463, pp. 750-763, September 2003. [Online]. Available:, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The EAs are compared with each other in terms of two criterion: (i) their best objective function value; and (ii) the number of evaluations of the objective function they need to converge to their best result (known as evaluation count or number of evaluations). The objective function is usually computationally intensive and the EAs that have a large evaluation count are considered to be slower than the EAs that have a smaller evaluation count. See S. Das, A. Abraham, and A. Konar, “Automatic clustering using an improved differential evolution algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. A, Syst. Humans, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 218-237, January 2008; E. Cuevas, E. Santuario, D. Zaldivar, and M. Perez-Cisneros, “An improved evolutionary algorithm for reducing the number of function evaluations,” Intell. Autom. Soft Comput., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 177-192, April 2016; W. Zhu, Y. Tang, J.-A. Fang, and W. Zhang, “Adaptive population tuning scheme for differential evolution,” Inf Sci., vol. 223, pp. 164-191, February 2013. [Online]. Available:; and M. S. Gibbs, H. R. Maier, and G. C. Dandy, “Using characteristics of the optimisation problem to determine the genetic algorithm population size when the number of evaluations is limited,” Environ. Model. Softw., vol. 69, pp. 226-239, July 2015. [Online]. Available:, each incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. The EAs can either use a population of solutions or use only one solution. The single-solution-based EAs have smaller evaluation count but their solution quality is usually not as good as population-based EAs.
EAs used to solve the clustering problem include those of Selim and Alsultan who proposed an application of a Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm to the clustering problem. See S. Z. Selim and K. Alsultan, “A simulated annealing algorithm for the clustering problem,” Pattern Recognit., vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 1003-1008, January 1991. [Online]. Available:, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The solution is represented in terms of an assignment vector of length equal to the number of data-points. For each data-point, the vector holds the index of the cluster to which it is currently assigned. The perturb operation consists of changing the assignment of a randomly selected data-point. The solution obtained from the perturb operation is always accepted if it is better than the existing one, otherwise, it is accepted with a very small probability.
Maulik and Bandyopadhyay proposed a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for the clustering problem. See U. Maulik and S. Bandyopadhyay, “Genetic algorithm-based clustering technique,” Pattern Recognit., vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 1455-1465, September 2000. [Online]. Available:, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The chromosome is represented by a vector that contains centroids of all clusters. The objective function is equal to the sum of the Euclidean distances of the data-points from the centroids of their clusters. The fitness of a centroid (or cluster) is computed in two steps. In the first step, the centroid is updated to the current mean of the data-points that are assigned to it. The second step is to compute the mean of the Euclidean distances of all data-points from the centroids of their clusters. The selection function uses fitness values to select the best chromosomes from the population. It uses one-point crossover and mutation operations and fixed cross-over and mutation probabilities. In the mutation operation, an attribute is randomly selected and a random number between 0-1 is added or subtracted to it. The experimental results showed that the GA-based clustering method has produced much better results as compared to the K-means method.
Das et al. [have proposed a Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm for the clustering problem that also automatically determines the number of clusters. See S. Das, A. Abraham, and A. Konar, “Automatic clustering using an improved differential evolution algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Syst. Man, Cybern. A. Syst. Humans, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 218-237, January 2008, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The chromosome consists of two portions. The first portion stores the activation thresholds of clusters and the second portion stores the centroids of clusters. A cluster is considered active if its activation threshold is greater than a pre-defined value (e.g. 0.5). The fitness of a chromosome is equal to the reciprocal of a cluster validity metric such as Davies Bouldin index (DBI). In each iteration, the data-points are assigned to their nearest active clusters. The DE algorithm creates a new generation of chromosomes by updating the centroids or activation thresholds of the clusters. Changes in the centroids and/or active thresholds values of a chromosome could lead to a new clustering solution. The algorithm ensures that in any chromosome, at least two clusters should remain active. The experimental results showed that it can perform better than some existing algorithms such as GA-based clustering and standard DE algorithm.
Kang et al. have proposed a clustering algorithm based on K-means and Mussels wandering optimization (MWO). See Q. Kang, S. Liu, M. Zhou, and S. Li, “A weight-incorporated similarity-based clustering ensemble method based on swarm intelligence,” Knowl.-Based Syst., vol. 104, pp. 156-164, 2016. [Online]. Available:, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The MWO basically overcomes the shortcomings of the K-means method. In MWO a solution is called a mussel and contains the centroids of all clusters. The sum of squared errors (SSE) metric is used as the fitness function of a mussels. Each iteration of the MWO algorithm consists of the following three steps: (i) A small pre-defined number of mussels which have best fitness values are determined and their center is calculated; (ii) The position of the mussels are updated following the procedure used in the MWO and with the help of the center calculated in the previous step; and (iii) At the end of each iteration, the top mussels are redetermined and a new center is calculated for the next iteration. The experiments indicate that the algorithm performed better than K-means and a hybrid of K-means with particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm.
Preliminary concepts and definitions that are relevant to clustering include those described herein. Consider a data set D that contains N data points and is represented by D={d0, d1, . . . , dN−1}. Each data-point di∈D consists of m attributes and represented by di={x0, x1, . . . , xm−1}, where xi∈R. A partitional clustering algorithm tends to find a set of K clusters represented by {C0, C1, . . . , CK−1}. A cluster Cj is represented by two terms (i) its centroid (Cjc={c0, c1 . . . , cm−1}), and (ii) the data-points which are assigned to it (Cjp={p0, . . . , pnj−1}), where nj represents the number of data-points that are assigned to Cj. Any attribute of p, is represented by pi[xj], where j∈{0, 1, . . . , m−1} and indicates the index of the attribute. Any two clusters cannot have a same centroid (i.e., Cjc≠Ckc, for j≠k). The assignment of data-points to any cluster Cj should meet the following condition: C0pC1p . . . CK−1p=D. The center of all data-points in D is represented as C. The centroid of a cluster is equal to the means of all data-points that are assigned to it (assuming that the similarity measure is Euclidean distance). Many clustering algorithms including this work try to find optimal centroids of the clusters rather than finding optimal assignment of data-points. Given a set of centroids, the data-points are assigned to the cluster whose centroid is nearest to it or maximally similar to it using a similarity measure. Euclidean distance is the most commonly used similarity measure and is used in this work. The Euclidean distance between two data-points di and dj is represented by ∥di−dj∥.
Many cluster validity indices have been developed to measure the quality of clustering. The present disclosure uses two well-established validity indices for objective functions. The two validity indices are as follows: (a) Calinski Harabasz index (CHI), and (b) Dunn index (DI). Both indices compute the ratio of the separation of clusters to their compactness. CHI is defined in (1). The term in numerator computes the average of the squared distance between the centroids of different clusters (Ckc) and the global center of the data-points (C). The term in denominator computes the averaged squared distance of the data-points from the centroids of their clusters. The maximum value is desirable and refers to well-separated and compact clustering.
The DI is the ratio of the minimum distance between any two data-points that belong to different clusters to the maximum distance between any two-points that lie in a same cluster. The DI is defined in (2), (3), and (4). The function ‘δ(u, v)’ is the smallest distance (or Euclidean distance) between any two data-points that belongs to two different clusters u and v. The function ‘Δ(w)’ is the largest distance between any two data-points that belongs to a same cluster i.e., Cw (where Cwp is the set of all data-points which are assigned to Cw). DI is determined as the ratio of the smallest value of δ(u, v) over all possible values of u and v (provided u≠v) to the largest value of Δ(w). A bigger value of DI means better clustering.
Therefore, one object of the present disclosure is to provide a single-solution-based heuristic that has superior solution quality and takes a fewer number of evaluations to reach optimal value than other conventional heuristics. Another object of the present disclosure is to provide a single-solution-based heuristic that uses memory more efficiently as compared with population-based heuristics.
A more complete appreciation of the invention and many of the attendant advantages thereof will be readily obtained as the same becomes better understood by reference to the following detailed description when considered in connection with the accompanying drawings, wherein:
Evolutionary-type methods mimic the biological process of evolution to solve complex problems. Examples of evolutionary-type methods include Simulated Evolution, Differential Evolution, and Genetic Algorithm. A solution in an evolutionary-type method is composed of many genes. In the context of the clustering problem, the solution consists of the attributes of the centroids of the clusters and hence, a gene is an attribute of a centroid of a cluster. When the number of clusters=K and number of attributes=m, then a solution comprises K×m genes. The evolutionary-type methods can be classified into two types as follows: (i) Population-based evolutionary-type methods, and (ii) Single-solution-based evolutionary-type methods. The single-solution-based evolutionary-type methods keep only one solution during their computation, whereas, the population-based evolutionary-type methods keep a population of solutions during their computation. The population-based evolutionary-type methods use a substantial amount of memory, whereas, the single-solution-based evolutionary-type methods use less memory. The requirement to use a large amount of memory is especially a problem where a computer system's main memory (see 702 in
The heuristic method may undergo one or more iterations in order to find optimal clusters by determining optimal values of all genes with respect to a cluster validity index. In each iteration, the fitness of all genes is determined, and the genes of lesser fitness values may go through a mutation operation. A mutation operation may involve a random change in a value of a gene that resembles mutations that occur in nature. The selection of genes for mutation may resemble the creation of a selection set for the allocation operation in the SimE algorithm. The solution before the application of the mutation is referred as parent and the new solution which is obtained from the mutation operation is referred as mutant. The mutant is then used to update the parent solution. In an exemplary aspect, the parent solution is updated for the next generation as follows: the genes of the mutant that either improve the objective function value or keep the objective function value unchanged of the parent solution always replace the genes in the parent, whereas, the remaining genes of the mutants only replace the genes of the parent with small but variable probability. The iterations continue until the stopping criterion (maximum runtime or maximum iterations) is reached. The heuristic method avoids getting trapped in local optima and determines globally optimal solution.
Example implementations have been conducted to compare the heuristic method with two standard EAs: (i) Simulation Annealing (Gen-SA); and (ii) Differential Evolution (DE) and a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for the clustering problem. See Y. Xiang, S. Gubian, B. Suomela, and J. Hoeng, “Generalized simulated annealing for global optimization: The gensa package,” R J., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 13-29, June 2013. [Online]. Available:; K. Mullen, D. Ardia, D. Gil, D. Windover, and J. Cline, “DEoptim: An R package for global optimization by differential evolution,” J. Statist. Softw., vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 1-26, April 2011. [Online]. Available:; and U. Maulik and S. Bandyopadhyay, “Genetic algorithm-based clustering technique,” Pattern Recognit., vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 1455-1465, September 2000. [Online]. Available:, each incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. The real-life data-sets of the UCI repository have been used in the experiments. See UCI Repository of Machine Learning Database, (1998), accessed on Feb. 24, 2017. [Online]. Available:˜mlearn/MLrepository.html; and Software Environment for the Advancement of Scholarly Research (SEASR), (2008), accessed on Feb. 24, 2017. [Online]. Available:, each incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. The analysis of the experimental results show that the disclosed heuristic is better than the other heuristics in terms of its solution quality and number of evaluations from one generation to the next to reach optimal value.
Algorithm for Finding Optimal Centroids as Data-Points
The parameters α and β are related to the stopping criterion of the algorithm, where α represents the maximum number of iterations and β represents the number of iterations without changes. Being a greedy algorithm, the first main operation determines reasonable cluster centers that maximize separation between clusters in a manner that is more time-efficient than conventional evolutionary algorithms. Iterations in the method will be stopped when the value of α is reached or when β iterations have occurred without changes. In S301 of
Heuristic for the Clustering Problem
In step S403, the fitness of all genes is computed. In step S405, a selection set is prepared that contains the genes that have low fitness values. Some genes of high fitness values could also be selected with a small probability. In step S407, the current solution is referred as parent. A mutation operation is applied to the selected genes of the parent and a mutant is obtained. In step S409, the genes of the mutant replace the value of the same gene in the parent if they do not worsen the objective function value of the parent. However, the values of genes in the mutant that can worsen the objective function value of the parent may also be accepted with a very small probability. The end of step S409, some genes in the parent are updated and mutant is deleted as it is no longer required. The iterations proceed until the stopping criterion is reached S411. The different steps are described below in detail.
1) Step S401: Initialization
In step S401, the centroids determined by the greedy algorithm are set as the initial solution. The centroids are represented as {C0c, C1l, . . . , CK−1c} and the attributes of a centroid Cjc are represented by {c0, c1, . . . , cm−1}.
2) Step S403: Fitness Computation
In step S403, the fitness of the attributes of all centroids is determined. In one embodiment, the fitness computation may be based on the principle of K-means method, i.e., in each iteration, the centroids of clusters are assigned equal to the mean of the data-points that are assigned to them. In the example embodiment of the heuristic, the fitness of an attribute is inversely proportional to two quantities: (a) the difference of that attribute from the same attribute of the mean of the data-points, and (ii) the number of times that attribute has been mutated in previous iterations.
Equations (5), (6), (7) and (8) show an exemplary aspect of the computation of fitness values of all attributes (i.e., m attributes) of centroid Cjc (which is the centroid of the jth cluster). In (5), the mean of the data-points that are assigned to the jth cluster is computed and represented by Cjm (Cjm has m attributes). The term Σi=0n
3) Step S405: Selection
In step S405, in one embodiment the heuristic uses the selection function of the SimE algorithm and uses the fitness value in place of the algorithm's goodness value. The selection function uses a parameter B which is the Bias factor and its value may lie between [−0.2, +0.2]. The selection function is described in (9). The function applies the selection function on the jth attribute of centroid Cic and the result could be 1 or 0. The term ‘Random’ indicates a random number between [0,1]. The attributes whose result from the selection function is one should go through the mutation operation.
4) Step S407: Mutation
In step S407, in one embodiment the mutation operation may be applied to an attribute (or gene) at a time and it may make a small change in its value. The mutation operation considers the current solution as a parent and creates a mutant solution from it. The mutant is created by changing values of all genes which are present in the selection set. The procedure to change the value of one gene is mentioned below and the same procedure should be repeated for all genes in the selection set. The steps to change the value of the jth attribute of Cic (which is a gene) are as described below. The existing value of the jth attribute is represented by cj and the value after the mutation operation is represented by c′j.
1) The lower (lj) and upper (uj) bounds for the jth attribute may be determined according to (10) and (11). The lower and upper bounds are equal to the minimum and maximum values of the jth attributes of all points in the data-set D.
2) Two intermediate terms: tl and tu are computed, where
3) The new value of the jth attribute (i.e., c′j) may be a randomly selected value from a uniform distribution between cj−tl and cj+tu.
All genes in the selection obtain new values using the above steps and new solution is called mutant.
5) Step S409: Solution Update
In step S409, the parent is updated with the help of the mutant to form a new solution for the next generation. In step S409, the value of an attribute (or a gene) in the mutant always replaces the existing value of that attribute (gene) in the parent if it does not worsen the objective function value of the parent. Otherwise, it is accepted only with a very small probability. The procedure to accept the genes of mutant is described below. The existing value of the attribute (i.e., value in the parent) is represented by cj and the value of that attribute in mutant is represented by c′j.
is computed.
Both parameters δ and pm are real numbers between [0, 1]. The acceptance of worse solutions tends to increase the diversity in the search process. However, in an exemplary aspect the values of δ and pm are kept very small in-order to avoid random walk like behavior. It should be understood that random walk behavior is generally an inefficient behavior due to use of random variables and getting trapped in sub-optimal local solutions. The trapping of the search into local optima can also be avoided with the help of acceptance of some mutations that worsen the objective function. Thus, very small values of δ and pm are values in the range of greater than zero but less than or equal to 0.1. In step S413, when a stopping criteria (maximum runtime or maximum iterations) is reached (YES in S411), a single solution is reached.
The above method can be applied to a number of problems where data is numeric and similarity between any two data-points is measured. In one embodiment, similarity between data points may be measured as the Euclidean distance between them (with any number of attributes and any number of clusters). The above method can be applied in all applications in which the data-set is numeric and the data-points (or samples) that have small Euclidean distance between them are considered similar (for the purpose of clustering) to each other.
One application of clustering according to the method of the present disclosure is image compression. In one embodiment, an original image having 256 levels can be compressed into 4, 8 or 16 levels using the above method. The number of clusters (K) of the invention correspond to the levels present in the compressed image. The memory requirement of an uncompressed image is 8-bits per pixel (for grey-level image) and 8×3 bits per pixel (for color image).
An input image consists of pixels and each pixel may have three attributes R, G, and B. The R attribute stores the value of red level, G stores the value of green attribute, and B stores the value of blue color. The value of each attribute of the pixel can lie between 0-255. The number of attributes (which is represented by m) is 3 where each pixel is composed of three colors.
In an un-compressed image, each attribute needs log2(256)=8−bits for storage. The memory required to store one pixel is equal to 24-bits. The total memory required to store an image is equal to w×h×log2 (256)-bits, where w and h are the width and height of the image respectively. In compression, the number of levels may be reduced from 256 to a smaller value such as 4, 8, 16, etc. The number of levels corresponds to the number of clusters (K).
The values of centroids of clusters should remain unchanged in the above mentioned assignment. In the compressed image, in S513, each pixel stores the cluster number to which it is assigned. Each pixel needs only log2 K-bits. When K=8, each pixel needs only 3-bits. The storage of the centers of clusters needs m×log2 256-bits of memory. A comparison of the memory requirement of the compressed and uncompressed image is as follows.
In the example, a compressed image may be reproduced for display by replacing each pixel with the value of the centroid of the cluster to which it has been assigned. For example, the pixel on the upper left corner is assigned to cluster 0. The center of the first cluster is {128, 10, 13}, therefore, the upper left most pixel would be replaced by the RGB values of {128, 10, 13}.
The method of the present disclosure has been incorporated in the computer system as an example implementation. The parameter values used in the example implementation include: α=300, β=10, δ=0.01, pm=0.01, and B=−0.2. The parameter values have been determined based on ‘iris’ through trial and error using some possible values. The dataset of real-life problems from the UC Irvine machine learning repository have also been used in example implementations. Benchmarks have only numeric attributes and have been previously used in the evaluation of the clustering algorithms such as Swarm intelligence and Differential evolution based clustering methods. Table 1 shows characteristics of the benchmarks. The number of data-points range from 150-10992, number of attributes are between 4-60 and number of classes in the data are between 2-10. The example implementations consist of two parts. The first part considers the CHI validity index as the objective function and the second part uses DI validity index as the objective index.
The performance of the heuristic method has been compared with three existing algorithms which are as follows: (a) standard Simulated Annealing (Gen-SA); (b) standard Differential Evolution (DE); and (c) Genetic Algorithm for clustering (GA). The Gen-SA and DE algorithms may be packages in the R programming language. In the examples, the GA algorithm has been implemented in R according to its description. The Gen-SA and DE algorithms have been executed with standard parameter values. The GA algorithm has been executed with the same parameter values as used by its authors, i.e., mutation probability=0.001, cross-over probability=0.80, and population-size=100.
The non-deterministic nature of the algorithms has been considered by conducting up-to 50 trials on each problem. The termination condition of the Gen-SA, DE and GA was set as equal to twice of the maximum number of evaluations of the heuristic in any trial to solve the same problem. For example, if the maximum number of evaluations of the heuristic in the fifty trials of ‘iris’ is 100, then the other algorithms have been executed for up-to 200 number of evaluations on the ‘iris’ problem. The results of different algorithms are compared using the average value of their trials and with the help of t-tests. See L. Pace, Beginning R: An Introduction to Statistical Programming. New York, N.Y., USA: Apress, 2012, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. T-tests are commonly used to compare two or more EAs. See A. Alajmi and J. Wright, “Selecting the most efficient genetic algorithm sets in solving unconstrained building optimization problem,” Int. J. Sustain. Built Environ., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 18-26, June 2014. [Online]. Available:, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
Table 2 shows the solution quality results when objective function is to maximize CHI. The results of each algorithm are presented under its label and consists of two columns. The first column (‘Mean’) contains the mean value of the fifty trials and the second column (‘SD’) contains the standard deviation of the fifty trials. The results indicate that the mean CHI values of the heuristic are better than the other algorithms in most of the problems. Table 3 shows the number of evaluations when objective function is to maximize CHI. The results of each algorithm consist of two columns. The first column contains the mean and the second column contains the standard deviation. The results show that the heuristic requires very small number of evaluations to reach its best results as compared to the other algorithms.
Tables 4 and 5 show the results of the two-sided t-tests to determine if the solution quality (CHI) and number of evaluations of the heuristic method are better than the other algorithms. Table 4 shows a comparison the CHI results of the heuristic with others using t-tests. The t-tests have been performed with significance level equal to 0.05. A t-test compares results of two algorithms at a time and returns a p-value. When the p-value is equal to or greater than the significance level (0.05) then the results of both algorithms are considered equal to each other. However, when the p-value is smaller than the significance level then the results of the two algorithms are not equal and the algorithm that has a better mean is considered better. Tables 4 and 5 also contains a column ‘remarks’, that indicates if the result of the heuristic method is equal, better or worse than the other algorithm.
A comparison of the heuristic method with Gen-SA using the results in Table 4 indicates the following: (i) the heuristic method produced better results in five problems; (ii) the results are equal in eight problems; and (iii) the results of Gen-SA are better than that of the heuristic method in two problems. Table 4 also shows that the results of the heuristic method are better than that of DE in thirteen problems and equal to DE in two problems. The last two columns in Table 4 show that the results of the heuristic method are better than that of GA in thirteen problems, equal to GA in one problem and worse then GA in only one problem. Table 4 does not include the problem ‘iris’ because the results of iris are same in all trials (standard deviation is equal to zero for three algorithms) as shown in Table 2 and does not require further evaluation using t-tests. In ‘iris’ problem, all algorithms returned same results.
Table 5 shows the result of t-tests that compare the number of evaluations of the heuristic method with others using t-tests when objective function is CHI. the results of the t-tests that compare of the number of evaluations of the algorithms. The results convey the following information: (i) The number of evaluations of the heuristic is better than that of Gen-SA and DE in all problems and better than that of GA in eleven problems.
Table 6 shows a summary of the results of t-tests to compare both solution quality when objective function is CHI and number of evaluations (Eval. count). The results are expressed in terms of three symbols ‘+, =, −’, which indicate that the heuristic method is better (+), equal (=) or worse (−) than the other algorithm. The results indicate that none of the other algorithms is better than the heuristic method in both solution quality and number of evaluations. When compared to Gen-SA, the heuristic method has same quality but better number of evaluations in majority of the problems. When compared to DE and GA, the heuristic method has better quality as well as number of evaluations in most of the problems.
In the second part of examples, the objective function can also be set to maximize cluster validity index DI. The results are presented in the same format as presented for CHI. Tables 7 and 8 present the solution quality (DI) and number of evaluations of the method and other algorithms. Table 7 shows solution quality results when objective function is to maximize DI. Table 8 shows a number of evaluations when objective function is to maximize DI. Tables 9 and 10 show the results of analysis using t-tests. Table 9 shows a comparison of the DI results of the heuristic with others using t-tests. The results in Table 9 convey the following information about the solution quality of the heuristic method: (i) It has better solution quality (DI) than Gen-SA in seven problems; (ii) It has a solution quality (DI) equal to Gen-SA in four problems; (iii) It is better than DE in solution quality (DI) in ten problems; (iv) It is equal to DE in three problems; (v) It is better than GA in ten problems; and (vi) It is equal to GA in two problems.
Table 10 shows a comparison the number of evaluations of the heuristic method with others using t-tests when objective function is DI. The results in Table 10 indicate that the number of evaluations of the heuristic method are better or equal to that of the other algorithms (Gen-SA, DE and GA) in most of the problems.
Table 11 shows a summary of the comparisons using t-tests when objective function is DI. The summary reveals the following information about the comparison of the heuristic method with Gen-SA: (i) In five problems, the heuristic method is better in terms of solution quality (DI) and has number of evaluations equal or smaller than that of Gen-SA; (ii) In four problems, the heuristic method is equal to Gen-SA in solution quality (DI) but has better evaluation count; (iii) In two problems, the heuristic method has better solution quality but more number of evaluations; and (iii) In two problems, the Gen-SA has better solution quality and equal or smaller number of evaluations; and (iii) in three problems, the Gen-SA has better solution quality (DI) but has a worse number of evaluations (since Gen-SA was allowed to execute for two-times more number of evaluations than the heuristic). Table 11 also shows that the heuristic method is better than DE and GA in terms of both solution quality (DI) and number of evaluations in most of the problems.