This invention relates generally to the field of apparatus for a container designed to be fastened under a lower shelf in the closet. The shelf being fifteen (15) inches wide and the tray being nine (9) inches wide and one and one half (1½)deep and installed to the rear of the shelf so tray cannot be seen by someone looking for jewelry, cash or keys.
The tray slides in a grove on each side of the tray. Tray can be locked for added protection. Moreover it pertains specifically to such apparatus for hiding valuables.
This invention relates to a hidden drawer installed under your bottom shelf in the closet where people put shoes. The tray is out of sight for someone intending to steal your valuables. Tray can be locked for added protection.
In view of the limitations now present in the prior art, the present invention provides a new and useful means hiding jewelry, cash, keys and other valuable item out of sight from anyone seeking items to steal, which is simpler in construction, more universally usable and more versatile in operation then known apparatus of this kind.
The purpose of the present invention is to provide a new means of hiding valuables out of sight. A device that has many novel features not offered by the prior art apparatus. A device which is not apparent, obvious, or suggested, either directly or indirectly by any of the prior art apparatus.
The present invention generally comprises of a container approximately fifteen (15) inches long, nine (9) inches wide and one and one half (1½) inches deep which has a grove on each side of the tray to slide in.
The foregoing has outlined, in general, the physical aspects of the invention and is to serve as an aid to better understanding the more complete detailed description which is to follow. In reference to such, there is to be a clear understand that the present invention is not limited to the method or detail of construction, fabrication, material, or application of use described and illustrated herein. Any other variation embodiment of the present invention.
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