James Bennett et al., "SACON: A Knowledge-Based Consultant for Structured Analysis," Stanford University Rep. STAN-CS-78-688 (Sep. 1978). |
Bennett & Engelmore, "SACON: A Knowledge-Based Consultant for Structured Analysis," Proc. of the Sixth Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo (Aug. 20-23, 1979) pp. 47-49. |
John McDermott, "R1: A Rule-Based Configurer of Computer Systems," Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Rep. CMU-CS-80-119 (Apr. 1980). |
W. van Melle et al., The Emycin Manual, Stanford University, Rep. STAN-CS-81-855 (Oct. 1981). |
Barr & Feigenbaum (eds.), The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, William Kaufmann, Inc. (1982) vol. II, pp. 79-86, 150-154, vol. III, pp. 515-530, 541-556. |