Yearout, J., "Oregon grower does haylage in square bales", Western Hay Magazine, pp. 3-7 Oct. 1993. |
Les machineries Verville, brochure, Mar. 15, 1994. |
Yearout, John, "Oregon grower does haylage in square bales," Western Hay Magazine (Sep./Oct. 1993), pp. 3-7 and cover page. |
Tilton, Lynn, "Lakin Milling: Pioneering in Horse Pellets," Western Hay Magizine (Jan./Feb. 1994), pp. 10-14. |
Schwebach, Peggy, "Navajo Hay for Mexian Dairies," Western Hay Magazine (Jan./Feb. 1994), pages 5,6, 15-16. |
"Haylage Frames & Bags, " advertisement, Alberta Ag-Industries, Ltd., Manufacturer's Representative, Christmas Valley, Oregon 97641, Western Hay Magazine, Jan./Feb. 1994. |
"Stinger Bale Transport," advertisement, Matlack Brothers Mfg. Haven, Kansas 67543, Western Hay Magizine, Jan./Feb. 1994. |
Supreme International, Westaskiwin, Alberta, Canada, advertisement for supreme cutter mixer feeder with vertical mixing screw. |
Gunderson, Scott, "Wisconsin dairymen `up` the corn silage," Hoard's Dairyman, Nov. 1993, p. 800. |
Nein, Robert, "TMR the easy way: They just but it," Hoard's Dairyman, Nov. 1993, p. 815. |
Western Hay Magazine, Mar./Apr. 1994, pp. 1-20. |
Fersen, Paul C., "Super hay silage makes the difference," (circa 1992). |
Watkins, Mike (Dr.), "More Miles of Milk Per Gallon of Feed," California Agribusiness Dairyman, Aug. 1992, pp. 18-19. |
Xerofern Laboratories, Inc. brochure. |
"Bagging Eliminates a Lot of Problems," flyer, undated, p. 5. |
Chaffhaye product brochure (undated). |
D.C. Church, Livestock Feeds and Feeding, 3rd edition, (1991) pp. 80-99). |