Search of "Betavoltaic" For Edward Burke of Spire Corporation dated Nov. 30, 1990. |
C. J. Keavney, V. E. Haven, S. M. Vernon "Emitter Structures in MOCVDINP Solar Cells" 21st IEEE PVSC May, 1990. |
"Neutron Damage in Indium Phosphide" May 4, 1990 Edward A. Burke. |
Y. Suzuki, Y. Fukada, Y. Nagashima "An Indium Phosphide Solid State Detector A Possible Low energy gamma and Neutrino Detector" Nucl. Inst. and Meth. In Phys. Res. A275 (1989) 142-148. |
Masafumi Yamaguchi and Koushi Ando "Mechanism for Radiation Resistance of InP Solar Cells" J. Appl. Phys. 63(11) Jun. 1, 1988, pp. 5555-5562. |
I. Weinberg, C. K. Swartz and R. E. Hart, Jr. "Progress In Indium Phosphide Solar Cell Research" Ninth Space Photovoltaic Research and Technology Conference Apr. 19-21, 1988 pp. 17-26. |
Pearsall, Goodbody, Oparaku, Dollery and Hill "Effect of Isotropic Proton Irradiation on the Performance of ITO/InP Solar Cells" 20th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference vol. II, pp. 898-902. |
Coutts and Yamaguchi, "Indium Phosphide-Based Solar Cells: A Critical Review of their Fabrication, Performance and Operation" Current Topics In Photovoltaics vol. 3. |
Yamaguchi, Hayashi, Ushirokawa, Takahashi, Koubata, Hashimoto, Okazaki, Takamoto, Ura, Ohmori; Ikegami, Arai, Orii "First Space Flight of InP Solar Cells" 21st IEEE PVSC pp. 1198-1202. |
Chandra Goradia and James V. Geier, Weinberg "Modelling and Design of High Efficiency Radiation Tolerant Indium Phosphide Space Solar IEEE Cells" 1987 pp. 937-943. |
Yamaguchi, Itoh, Ando, Yamamoto "Room-Temperature Annealing Effects on Radiation-Induced Defects in InP Crystals and Solar Cells" Jap. Journal of App. Phys. vol. 25, No. 11, Nov. 1986 pp. 1650-1656. |
Weinberg, Swartz, Hart, Jr., Yamaguchi "Radiation Damage in Protein Irradiated Indium Phosphide Solar Cells" NASA Technical Memorandum 88835 pp. 1-10 1986. |
Weinberg, Swartz, Hart, Jr. "Potential For Use of InP Solar Cells in the Space Radiation Environment" 18th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference Oct. 21, 1985-Oct. 25, 1985 pp. 1722-1724. |
Yamaguchi, Yoshio Itoh, Ando "Room-Temperature Annealing of Radiation-Induced Defects In InP Solar Cells" App. Phys. Lett. 45(11) Dec. 1, 1984 pp. 1206-1208. |
Yamaguchi, Uemura, Yamamoto "Radiation Damage in InP Single Crystals and Solar Cells" J. App. Phys. 55(6) Mar. 15, 1984 pp. 1424-1436. |
Yamaguchi, Ando, Yamamoto, Uemura "Minority-Carrier Injection Annealing of Electron Irradiation-Induced Defects In InP Solar Cells" App. Phys. Lett. (44) (4) Feb. 15, 1984 pp. 432-434. |
Manasse, Pinajian, Tse "Schottky Barrier Betavoltaic Battery" IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science vol. NS-23 No. 1, Feb. 1976 pp. 860-870. |
Wei "Parametric Studies and Optimization of the Betavoltaic Cell-II Open-Circuit Voltage and Power Efficiencies" Solid State Electronics 1975 vol. 18 pp. 71-77. |
Gasper and Fester "Cardiac Pacemaker Power Sources" Proc. Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference 1975 pp. 1205-1213. |
Wei "Parametric Studies and Optimization of the Beta-Voltaic Cell-I, Short-Circuit Current." Solid State Electronics 1974 vol. 17, pp. 1091-1098. |
Wei "Optimization of the Beta-Voltaic Cell" 9th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Proceedings 1974 pp. 719-725. |
Olsen "Advanced Betavoltaic Power Sources" 9th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Proceedings 1974 pp. 754-762. |
Olsen, "Beta Irradiation of Silicon Junction Devices: Effects on Diffusion Length", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. MS-19 Dec. 1972, pp. 375-381. |
Hilsum and Rose-Innes Semiconducting III-V Compounds 1961 pp. 1-4, 68-88, 196-220. |