Combination of three completely different chemicals, and after properly blending, as per specified percentages, into one product, forming a liquid high heat retention fluid, here-in-after known as Fluid M-925.
The present invention relates to a mixture of three different chemicals, forming a liquid product which becomes a high heat retention fluid. Each of the initial chemicals has some high heat retention capabilities. This fluid mixture, when used in a closed looped system has the capability to heat a given area at a very economical price to the end user, plus uses a very small amount of electricity to attain the necessary and or desired temperature, and it is a long lasting product in that there is no deterioration of either of the chemicals, thus reducing the need to constantly replenish the fluid. This makes it a very cost effective heating fluid, plus it relieves the need to be dependent upon other natural resources, and relieves the dependency upon foreign countries for heating fuel thereby saving millions of gallons of crude oil. And most importantly there is no emission of any carbon into the atmosphere.
The fluid is comprised of the following fluid chemicals:
All three of the fore mentioned liquids are mixed at specified percentages, which are proprietary to the inventor. Final product is then packaged for final usage. This final packaged fluid is known as, Fluid M-925.
This mixture is heated to a desired temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit, and circulated, and re-circulated continuously, via designed piping layout, thereby heating the desired area. As the temperature declines, to approximately 150 degrees Fahrenheit, which is a long time evolution of several hours, until the temperature drops from 180 degrees down to the 150 degree temperature. And when the temperature drops to the 150 degree mark, the heat source re-activates and re-heats the fluid to the desired 180 degrees. And the re-heating is easily attained in a matter of minutes. The heating cycles will be constantly re-circulating and re-heating the fluid.
The final fluid is designed to be used for heating of residential, commercial, industrial, manufactured housing buildings initially, however the list is ever growing in final usage.
The problem with current heating fuels, coal, wood, electricity, heating fuel oil, kerosene, natural gas, propane, are all used and totally consumed at time of usage. Thereby causing the need to replenish at an extremely costly price, and at very frequent intervals, plus extra hidden cost—such as, furnace cleanings, chimney cleanings, duct work cleaning, And each and every one of these current fuels emit carbon footprints into the atmosphere, causing “green house gases”.