"Excess Noise in Quartz Crystal Resonators", pp. 218-225, IIIE, 1983; J. J.agnepain and M. Oliver, Laboratoire de Physique et Metrologie des Oscillateurs du CNRS, France and F. L. Walls, Nat'l Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Col. |
"Stress Compensated Orientations for Thickness-Shear Quartz Resonators", pp. 213-221; Bikash K. Sinha; Proc. 35th Ann. Freo. Control Symposium, USAERADCOM, Ft. Monmouth, N.J. 07703, May 1981. |
"Lateral-Field Excitation of Quartz Plates", pp. 512-515, by Elizabeth R. Hatch and Arthur Ballato, reprinted from Proceedings of the Ultrasonice Symposium. |