The present invention relates generally to medical imaging. More specifically, it relates to techniques for patient motion estimation in magnetic resonance imaging.
Spatial (k-space) encoding in the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) acquisitions is slow, making MRI susceptible to patient motion, causing blurring and artifacts to the reconstructed images. Fast navigators, e.g. FID, Guidance lines, and short k-space navigators, provide motion tracking by matching short dedicated k-space measurements to a reference acquisition (scout). Conventional scout acquisitions are intrinsically single contrast, limiting navigator placement to points in the sequence where signal contrast is matched to the scout, thereby limiting the achievable temporal resolution in the tracking of motion.
Disclosed here is a framework for MRI that uses a quantitative scout acquisition (Q-Scout) that is used to predict the signal contrast throughout the whole acquisition sequence. This allows navigator placement anywhere in the sequence, as navigator contrast can be predicted using the sequence timings.
This approach can be used to estimate patient motion in sequences with pseudo-transient signal variations (e.g., inversion recovery sequences) or pure transient sequences (e.g., magnetic resonance fingerprinting).
The technique performs motion and δB0 estimation from navigator data that can be placed at any timepoint within the data acquisition sequence by using data from a Q-Scout pre-scan acquisition. The technique also includes the acquisition and reconstruction of the Q-Scout pre-scan. The invention also includes an approach to quickly acquire a low-resolution pre-scan for use to provide stable motion estimation.
This technique may be used to correct undesirable motion in acquisition where motion occurs that cannot be corrected using current scout-based techniques. Sequences that could benefit from this are for example MPRAGE, MRF, turbo-spin echo where navigators are usually inserted only every imaging cycle, resulting in a slow motion-tracking resolution in multiple seconds timeframe.
A key improvement of the current method is the extension of single-contrast scout data to Q-Scout information that predicts navigator contrast throughout the entire sequence.
The technique may be implemented as part of MRI acquisition and software package of MRI acquisition and reconstruction on an MRI scanner.
In one aspect, the invention provides a method for magnetic resonance imaging with motion estimation, the method comprising: a) performing with a magnetic resonance imaging apparatus a quantitative scout acquisition to produce a data acquisition sequence; b) predicting, based on the data acquisition sequence, navigator data throughout an entirety of the data acquisition sequence; and c) performing joint motion and δB0 estimation from the navigator data.
In some implementations, the quantitative scout acquisition comprises a 4 mm or more isotropic resolution quantitative mapping sequence in the time order of a couple of seconds, resulting in maps to predict signal contrast throughout the data acquisition sequence, In some implementations, the data acquisition sequence comprises acquisition time of at least 2 ms allotted for short navigators. In some implementations, predicting navigator data comprises using a signal model and an imaging acquisitions structure to predict signal variation across the data acquisition sequence. In some implementations, the navigator data comprises time-varying image contrast-matched scout navigator data. In some implementations, performing joint motion and δB0 estimation comprises performing a model-based joint estimation of both rigid patient motion and polarizing magnetic field perturbations. In some implementations, performing joint motion and δB0 estimation comprises estimating motion parameters and δB0 parameters iteratively using a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. In some implementations, the method further comprises reconstructing an MRI image using the estimated motion and δB0.
Disclosed herein is a framework to jointly estimate rigid motion and polarizing magnetic field (B0) perturbations δB0 for brain MRI using a single navigator of a few milliseconds in duration. It additionally allows for navigator acquisition at arbitrary timings within any type of sequence to obtain high-temporal resolution estimates.
Previous methods exist that match navigator data to a low-resolution single-contrast image (scout) to estimate either motion or δB0. In the present work, called Quantitatively-Enhanced parameter Estimation from Navigators (QUEEN), we provide a technique for combined motion and δB0 estimation from a fast, tailored trajectory with arbitrary-contrast navigator data. To this end, the concept of a quantitative scout (Q-Scout) acquisition is described from which contrast-matched scout data is predicted for each navigator. Finally, navigator trajectories, contrast-matched scout and δB0 are integrated into a motion-informed parallel imaging framework.
Simulations and in-vivo experiments show the need to model δB0 to obtain accurate motion parameters estimated in the presence of strong δB0. Simulations confirm that tailored navigator trajectories are needed to robustly estimate both motion and δB0. Furthermore, experiments show that a contrast-matched scout is needed for parameter estimation from multi-contrast navigator data. A retrospective, in-vivo reconstruction experiment shows improved image quality when using the proposed Q-Scout and QUEEN estimation.
The present framework jointly estimates rigid motion parameters and δB0 from navigators. Combing a contrast-matched scout with the proposed trajectory allows for navigator deployment in almost any sequence and/or timing, which allows for higher-temporal resolution motion and δB0 estimates.
Due to long scan times, MRI is susceptible to changes in data acquisition, causing artifacts in the reconstructed images. For brain MRI in particular, patient motion and changes in the polarizing magnetic field (B0) are known to contaminate the MR signal. Although non-rigid motion is known to occur, head motion is usually approximated as rigid. Similarly, B0-perturbations (δB0) are often represented using a set of low-order spatial basis functions (e.g. to model respiratory-induced δB0) although higher-order terms exist (e.g. pose-dependent susceptibility induced δB0). As the higher-order terms are especially relevant at ultra-high field MRI, this work, performed at 3T, focuses on the low-order approximation.
Prospective and retrospective motion and/or δB0 correcting schemes have been proposed which pursue motion and B0 tolerant imaging. For both prospective and retrospective motion and δB0 correction, estimates of these time-varying parameters are needed. One estimation technique involves the use of navigators, which are dedicated encoding blocks added to the acquisition sequence that encode relative changes in motion and/or δB0 that can be retrieved using different strategies. In one strategy, parameters can be retrieved by matching the navigator data to a low-resolution multi-coil reference image (scout) using a model-based approach. Scout data can be acquired quickly. For the remainder of this work, navigators using a scout will be referred to as “scout-based navigators”. This strategy enables motion estimation from Free Induction Decay (FID) signal. FID navigators are short enough so that they can replace or precede image encoding blocks within the repetition time TR of any sequence, which is desirable to provide flexible navigator deployment. Using the idea of a scout acquisition, the SAMER approach was proposed to incorporate the scout data into a data-driven motion estimation to improve accuracy and computation time from more general k-space encodings. Subsequently, a “Guidance-lines” trajectory (4 k-space lines placed across 4 TRs in the sequence) was proposed to improve robustness compared to the FID when estimating motion, whilst minimally impacting the sequence structure.
Although scout-based FID navigators have been proposed for either motion or δB0 estimation, a model-based joint estimation of both motion and δB0 has not previously been proposed in the literature. This work describes a framework to allow joint motion and δB0 estimation from a single (non-cartesian) navigator using a separately acquired scout.
Previous scout-based navigators utilize a single-contrast scout, limiting their usage to certain timings in a sequence where the navigator contrast matches the scout. Improving upon this, the present quantitative scout (Q-Scout) can predict the navigator contrast at time of acquisition and enables navigator placement in almost any sequence and/or timing. A technique described herein called “Quantitatively-Enhanced parameter Estimation from Navigators (QUEEN)” leverages the Q-Scout predicted navigator contrast when estimating motion and/or δB0.
In the present technique, a navigator trajectory is deployed that encodes the spatial information needed to estimate motion akin to “Guidance lines” navigator but is short enough in duration to fit within almost any TR, akin to an FID navigator, to allow flexible usage. Furthermore, as estimating motion and δB0 are not separate problems, a tailored navigator design is desired that allows for joint motion and δB0 estimation.
To summarize, key components of this technique include QUEEN motion and δB0 estimation from navigator data with arbitrary trajectory and contrast, a quantitative scout (Q-Scout) to predict the navigator contrast at the time of navigator acquisition, and a tailored, fast, motion- and δB0-sensitized navigator trajectory.
For volumetric encoding using array receiver coils and Cartesian sampling, the “Scout accelerated motion estimation and reduction (SAMER)” framework achieves fast motion estimation from a group of k-space readouts by turning the alternating motion and image estimation of the aligned SENSE framework into a single motion estimation. The latter is achieved by replacing the otherwise unknown image x in the forward signal model with a separately acquired reference image (scout): x→xs:
where S are the sensitivity profiles of the coil receiver array, F the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), T(z) is the rigid motion operator with 6 rigid motion parameters z, A the sampling mask and y the measured data for all coil elements. As a low-resolution scout xs is often sufficient to estimate rigid motion, it can be acquired quickly (˜3s) and therefore contains minimal motion artefacts. Rigid motion estimation is then formulated as the inverse problem:
Whereas joint motion and image estimation methods require tailored encoding strategies (e.g. grouping 100s of carefully placed readouts per motion estimate in DISORDER), the use of a scout allows for less constrained k-space encodings to estimate motion from. As an example, using only 4 k-space readout lines (“Guidance lines”) still allows reliable motion estimation.
The SAMER framework is suited for estimating motion from a small amount of acquired k-space data which has a matching image contrast to that of the (single-contrast) scout image. Therefore, motion estimation from navigators in non-steady-state sequences, where contrast is changing, will be limited to those navigators which are contrast-matched to the scout. For example, SAMER estimation in MPRAGE sequences will result in a single motion estimate per inversion recovery as within-inversion signal changes are currently not modelled by xs. To overcome this, we propose the concept of a quantitative scout (Q-Scout) that predicts the time-varying navigator signal (
Analogous to the fixed-contrast scout, the Q-Scout can be acquired at a low resolution to provide accurate estimation of rigid brain motion and low-order δB0. As such, fast quantitative imaging sequences such as MRF (31) and EPTI (32) can be deployed to acquire quantitative maps at the required resolution in a 10-20s timeframe. As this work proposes a novel framework with a focus on introducing individual components (e.g. Q-Scout contrast prediction), dedicated Q-Scout acquisitions have not been developed yet and a proof-of-concept alternative was used instead (see Methods).
The baseline B0 is (or can be) known and can be modeled in Qs(t), whereas δB0 cannot. Therefore, this work models δB0 as a separate operator in the forward model. δB0 is represented using a set of solid harmonics (SH) (δB0=Lc with SH basis L and coefficients c) where c is estimated from each navigator acquisition. The effect of δB0 (and similarly other within-navigator signal changes) is modelled using a time-segmented approach for segments n=1:N at time tn and are incorporated in a motion- and δB0-informed signal model:
where An is the segment-dependent sampling mask, Pn the δB0-induced phase e2πδB
A navigator trajectory was designed to quickly sample a k-space subset that is sufficient to estimate motion and δB0. The spiral nonselective (SPINS) trajectory (33), which is a type of 3D spiral-in trajectory originally designed for transmit (B1n:
Whereas the Q-Scout predicts the time-varying navigator signal Qs
Motion and δB0 parameters are iteratively estimated using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm:
As this work contains multiple novel components, simulations and experiments aim to dissect the behavior and contribution of each component independently. Therefore, the method sections are organized in the following way:
First, Simulations 1 & 2 are performed to test:
Hypothesis 1: QUEEN joint motion and 8B, estimation is needed in the presence of B0 perturbations, and an optimized navigator trajectory is desired.
Hypothesis 2: Q-Scout contrast prediction is needed when performing QUEEN on multi-contrast navigator data.
Next, Experiments 1 & 2 test these hypotheses in-vivo.
Finally, Experiments 3 is performed to test Hypothesis 3: image artefacts from motion and δB, can be corrected using QUEEN-estimated parameters.
Simulation 1 (QUEEN) tests Hypothesis 1 by synthesizing navigator data for a range of poses and δB0, for both the SPINS and FID navigator. For all synthesized navigator signals, motion is estimated by either ignoring δB0 (“motion only”) or joint QUEEN estimation (“motion+δB0”). Simulation 2 (Q-Scout) tests Hypothesis 2 by synthesizing SPINS navigator data for a range of poses and signal contrasts. Motion is estimated using either the correct navigator contrast (“Q-Scout”) or a fixed contrast (“Fixed-contrast scout”). Pose parameters for each pose are randomly generated from the uniform distribution ±5 mm/° and δB0 are synthetized to result in a range of −20→20 Hz across the head. Further details and results of the simulation can be found in Supporting Information Section 1.
Experiment 1 (QUEEN) tests Hypothesis 1 in-vivo by modifying a multi-echo GRE sequence. The SPINS navigator trajectory was inserted before every image readout. The modified GRE sequence was acquired on two consented adult healthy volunteer (HV) subjects on a 3T scanner (GE UHP, GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, USA) using a 32-element adult head coil array. Additional sequence parameters: 4.77 ms between RF excitation and SPINS navigator, echo time TE=9.83/10.72/11.63/12.52/13.43 ms, repetition time TR=40 ms, flip angle FA=20°, 2 mm isotropic resolution, FOV=220×220×220 mm3, fat-suppressed excitation using SLfRank pulse design, scan duration TA=4 min 15 s. To obtain the navigator and the fully sampled imaging data at multiple head poses, scans were acquired with the subject holding a different static pose within each acquisition; 5 and 7 poses respectively for the first and second HV. Additionally, from the second acquisition onwards, the forearms were placed on the chest as an additional source of susceptibility-induced δB0 in the head that has a spatial distribution that can be modelled using the SH basis. The validity of this hypothesis was confirmed when fitting the ground truth (GT) δB0 with the SH basis L. Coil sensitivities were estimated using the first echo image of the first pose by using the BART implementation of ESPIRiT.
For each pose acquisition, three processing steps were performed. First, individual echo images were reconstructed using SENSE. Gradient delays were estimated using reversed-polarity reference data. Eddy-currented effects between odd and even echoes were corrected by removing the non-linear temporal phase evolution between odd and even echoes. Secondly, a voxel-wise T2*, PD and B0 fitting was performed on all echo images using a mono-exponential fit on the magnitude images (PD and T2*) and the phase images (B0). Finally, pose parameters with respect to the first (reference) pose were estimated from SPINS data using QUEEN by either ignoring δB0 (“motion only”) or joint QUEEN estimation (“motion+δB0”). To limit computation time, a subset of only 10 SPINS navigators with a 2 s interval were extracted from each pose.
Q-Scout information was generated by down-sampling the quantitative maps from the reference pose to 4 mm isotropic resolution. Estimated motion and δB0 parameters were compared to the GT: GT motion parameters zGT were obtained from registering the reconstructed images and GT SH coefficients cGT were obtained by performing a weighted least-squares (LS) fit on δB0
where W is brain mask and δB0
Experiment 2 (Q-Scout) tests Hypothesis 2 in-vivo and uses a modified MPRAGE sequence with an incoherent spiral-projection encoding (31) that is adopted for later reconstruction (see below). Additional sequence parameters: a 8475 ms TR between inversion times (TRlong), a dummy inversion followed by 47 inversions each containing 500 readouts with a 14.5 ms TR between readout excitations (TRshort), a 15.2 ms dead-time between the inversion pulse and the first readout, a 1209.8 ms recovery time between the last readout and the next inversion pulse, TE=1.56 ms, FA=8°, 1 mm isotropic resolution, FOV=220×220×220 mm3, TA=7 min 18 s. A SPINS navigator was placed every 50th TRshort to obtain navigator data throughout the entire inversion recovery, totaling 10 navigators per inversion at TIi=1+50(i−1))*TRshort where i=1:10. Each SPINS navigator replaces the imaging readout and is not inserted before each image readout (resulting in a small 2% loss in imaging efficiency). This sequence was acquired on two HVs on a 3T scanner (GE Premier) using a 48-element adult head coil array. For both HVs, 5 scans were acquired with the subject holding a different static pose within each scan to get imaging and navigator data in multiple poses. For the first (reference) pose, an additional acquisition at TE=4 ms was acquired to obtain the baseline B0.
To obtain the Q-Scout data in the reference pose, the time varying image contrast Qs was directly reconstructed from the acquired imaging data to ensure synchronized Q-Scout and imaging data. Temporal volumetric Qs is estimated by using a time-resolved subspace signal model Qs≅Φα where Φ are the temporal basis functions and a the corresponding volumetric coefficient maps. Φ is a generated dictionary of signal evolutions for a range of T1/T2/inversion- and B1+ efficiencies using the EPG framework. Φ is SVD-compressed to 5 components. Using the incoherent encoding, α was estimated with the pics (parallel imaging and compressed sensing) implementation in BART:
where S are the sensitivity profiles and the non-uniform Fourier transform for the spiral-projection trajectory. Coil sensitivities were estimated by inverse gridding the acquired data for each coil individually and performing ESPIRiT in BART.
For each pose, two processing steps were performed. First, coefficient maps {circumflex over (α)} were estimated using Eq. 8 only to perform image registration and obtain z GT with respect to the reference pose. To reduce computational load, reconstructions were performed directly at 4 mm isotropic resolution. Registration was performed on the first coefficient map. Secondly, the 10 SPINS acquisitions within the inversion were extracted and used to estimate motion and δB0 parameters (with respect to the reference pose) using either a fixed-contrast scout (arbitrarily taken as TI2: Qs=Φ(:,101)α) or Q-Scout-predicted contrast for each navigator i (Qs
Since each acquisition contains both the Q-Scout imaging data and SPINS navigators, a self-consistency check was performed within each pose by predicting the SPINS navigator signal using the Q-Scout and the QUEEN signal model. A detailed analysis can be found in Supporting Information Section 2 and resulted in ad-hoc corrections to the navigator data before performing Eq. 6: a phase correction was performed for both experiments and the SPINS trajectory was cropped for Experiment 2 due to signal model imperfections.
Experiment 3 (inter-pose image correction) evaluates the ability to use the QUEEN estimates to correct image artifacts caused by motion and δB0. A retrospective experiment is performed by synthesizing a k-space dataset ysynthetic that combined k-space data from 5 poses into a single dataset. Experiment 3.I and 3.II use data acquired in Experiment 1 (GRE) and 2 (MPRAGE), respectively. Image reconstruction is performed on ysynthetic using a motion- and δB0-informed signal model:
where zn and cn are the estimated motion and δB0 parameters for pose n. Eq. 9 was solved using the MATLAB implementation of the preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm.
Experiment 3.I uses the first echo image from the multi-pose GRE data in HV1. Since the GRE data was Cartesian, k-space from each pose is allocated to ysynthetic by binning the first phase encoding into 5 linear segments. Synthesized data was reconstructed at the original 2 mm isotropic resolution in four different ways:
Experiment 3.II uses a subset from the MPRAGE data to achieve contrast between white and grey matter. Therefore, 40 TRshort around TI3 was extracted from each pose in HV 1. Note that a window of 40 was used as a single spiral arm per inversion would not yield enough data to reconstruct an image. Since MPRAGE data was non-Cartesian, k-space from each pose is allocated to ysynthetic by binning all 47*40 spiral arms into 5 segments. Synthesized data was reconstructed at the original 1 mm isotropic resolution in three different ways, each ignoring the δB0 term in Eq. 9:
Reconstructed images x were evaluated by computing the signal to residual ratio (SRR) with respect to the reference image xref in decibels: SRR=10 log10(
All experiments were implemented in MATLAB (MathWorks, Massachusetts, USA). For all in-vivo experiments, 10 outer iterations of Eq. 6 are performed, and non-rigid motion (predominantly in the neck region) was suppressed by focusing the estimation on the superior ˜⅔rd of the inferior-superior FOV (17). This is achieved by extracting the 21 and 31 most superior elements for both coils respectively. The element's localization was based on the centroids of the sensitivity maps. Therefore, mean absolute errors (MAE) of the δB0 estimation in the QUEEN in-vivo experiment is computed for the upper ⅔ of the inferior-superior FOV. Estimations were performed on a 46 Intel® Gold 5320 2.20 GHz CPU, 305 GB RAM where only 10 cores and 10 GB memory were used during job allocation using Slurm (SchedMD). The longest computation time for a single motion+δB0 estimation was ˜7 min.
Simulations show that the FID navigator results in higher MAE compared to the uncorrected case for both translation and rotation (2.67→3.96 mm and 2.60→3.41°) whereas the SPINS trajectory reduces the MAE (2.67→0.79 mm and 2.60→0.42°. The joint motion+δB0 optimization reduces the MAE compared to the motion only estimation for both the FID (3.96→2.21 mm and) 3.41→1.37° and SPINS trajectory (0.79→0.01 mm and) 0.42→0.01°. As for the motion parameters, the SPINS navigator resulted in smaller MAE in δB0 compared to both the FID navigator and the uncorrected case (0.11 Hz versus 6.02 and 5.08 Hz, respectively).
Simulations also show that for both translation and rotation, MAE for the fixed-contrast scout is larger) (>5° than the uncorrected case when the navigator contrast does not match the fixed-contrast scout. Using the Q-Scout results in consistently lower residuals (<0.1 mm and) 0.1°. Finally, the accuracy of the Q-Scout informed estimation has a small dependency on signal contrast, yielding highest accuracy in the case of high signal amplitude of the corresponding contrast.
Results of the in-vivo pose experiments are shown in
For every pose and HV, the proposed motion+δB0 estimation results in improved motion estimates. For HV 1, motion accuracy is <0.4 mm and 0.4° whereas lower motion accuracy is observed in HV 2 (<0.65 mm and 0.9°) which is accompanied by higher absolute pose and δB0 parameters. The spatial map of estimated and GT δB0 is shown in
Results of Experiment 2 (Q-Scout) are shown in
Note that only a single bar for the uncorrected case is shown as all navigators belong to a single static pose, assuming the same pose parameters for every contrast. Temporal evolution of motion estimates across inversions (within a single-pose acquisition from HV 1) are shown for TI1-4 in
The AEs for the fixed contrast scout estimation show strong contrast-dependent performance, with the highest error when the navigator contrast diverts from the fixed-contrast, reaching even higher AEs than for the uncorrected case. When using the Q-Scout, AE have limited contrast dependence, with all navigators achieving lower errors than the uncorrected case. The mean and standard deviation of the AE across all poses and contrasts using the Q-Scout is 0.20±0.14 mm/0.35±0.3° and 0.16±0.17 mm/0.35±0.44° for respectively HV 1 and HV 2.
Image reconstructions for Experiment 3.I (GRE data) are shown in
The uncorrected reconstruction in
Image reconstructions for Experiment 3.II (MPRAGE data) are shown in
The uncorrected reconstruction in
We have presented a method to estimate both rigid brain motion and B0-perturbation δB0 from navigators using pre-acquired reference data. We also propose the use of a quantitative scout (Q-Scout) instead of the conventional fixed-contrast scout. This enables contrast prediction throughout the entire acquisition and allows contrast-matched scout data for parameter estimation from arbitrary-contrast navigators. An optimization framework for Quantitatively Enhanced parameter Estimation from Navigators (QUEEN) was developed to jointly estimate motion and δB0 from navigators with arbitrary k-space trajectory. A dedicated navigator trajectory (SPINS) was deployed that encodes the k-space information needed to robustly estimate motion and δB0, whilst still being short enough (3.5 ms) to be interchangeable with most image readouts during a given TR. Conducted simulations have shown that motion and δB0 can be accurately estimated from SPINS navigator data and that the SPINS trajectory outperforms the FID navigators. Furthermore, the need for a contrast-matched scout during motion estimation was also demonstrated in simulations for navigators placed throughout an inversion recovery. In vivo experiments confirmed the ability to estimate motion and δB0 from SPINS data in a steady-state sequence, with improved performance over the conventional motion only estimation. In-vivo application of SPINS navigators within an inversion-recovery sequence provided consistent performance across all contrasts using the Q-Scout whereas the fixed-contrast scout was limited to navigators with similar contrast.
Simulations confirmed that using the joint motion +δB0 estimation results in improved motion estimation. Although previous work achieves robust motion correction using FID in the absence of strong δB0 (26), this work shows that in the presence of strong δB0, FID cannot provide robust motion estimation and tailored trajectories like SPINS improve the estimation performance. In this first proof of concept study, it was only feasible to test a single navigator trajectory, but there is scope to explore optimized trajectory designs. Additionally, a systematic analysis of model imperfections (e.g. gradient imperfections (40), contribution from fat signal (41), etc.) and their effect on the QUEEN performance would be useful. Simulation 2 (Q-Scout) confirmed that matching scout contrast allows for consistent and accurate motion estimation from arbitrary-contrast navigator data. MAE remain under 0.1 mm and 0.1° for the added noise level and a pose range of ±5 mm/°.
Experiment 1 (QUEEN) in
Experiment 2 (Q-Scout) in
Experiment 3 (inter-pose image correction) in
We have developed a framework that jointly estimates rigid motion parameters and δB0 from navigators. This work builds upon current state-of-the-art methods by adding the joint estimation and contrast-matched scout to previously presented scout-informed estimation methods from navigators. Combing a contrast-matched scout with the proposed trajectory allows for navigator deployment in almost any sequence and/or timing, enabling higher-temporal resolution motion and δB0 estimates.
Appendix: Levenberg-Marquardt updates for the motion and δB0 parameters
The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) optimization in Eq. 6 consists of estimating the motion (z) and δB0 (c) parameters from k-space acquisitions:
where L is the data-consistency loss function. Definitions of the operators can be found in the main body of the text. By defining the gradient of L with respect to both motion (z) and δB0 (c) parameters as ∇zL and ∇cL, the parameter updates are given by:
where λzi and λci are the LM hyper-parameters for both optimization problems that are updated every iteration. Note that the update equation does not include a Jacobian as the Jacobian is identical to the gradient ∇ for scalar functions like L (L(z):6×1→
and L(c):
Elements of ∇zL are computed using
where extracts the real component and
Implementation details of
are known in the art.
Elements of ∇cL are computed using
In the last equation, D(L:,l) is a diagonal matrix with the elements of L:,l on the diagonal and i now represents the imaginary number.
This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Patent Application 63/535,613 filed Aug. 31, 2023, which is incorporated herein by reference.
This invention was made with Government support under contracts EB019437, EB025162, EB030006, EB033206, MH116173, and NS129893 awarded by the National Institutes of Health. The Government has certain rights in the invention.
Number | Date | Country | |
63535613 | Aug 2023 | US |