In the field of Electrical power conversion, there are a number of integrated circuit devices that sense a desired output voltage or current that becomes a feedback signal that controls the flow of electrical energy from an input to an output. By constantly monitoring the output and controlling the transfer of electrical energy, a regulated output may be maintained under different input line and output load conditions. Often, the control of the electrical energy requires switching of power semiconductor devices at high speed. The need to rapidly switch power devices leads to specialized products specifically designed to rapidly turn on and turn off Power devices. These specialized products are often called Drivers. Drivers often have high voltage and high temperature requirements that lend them to being manufactured by different processes and packaged in different packages than the lower power control electronics. This invention is a Driver that operates between the power control device and power semiconductors. Its position in a typical application is shown in
A problem with existing drivers is they are designed to control power semiconductors that are switched on or off by a single polarity with respect to the devices' control terminal. In the example of Power MOSFETS, the devices are switched by a voltage applied to their control element (Gate) with respect to the MOSFETS source element. This control voltage may be positive (for N Channel FETS) or negative (for P channel FETS) but never both. In addition, the devices maybe enhancement mode (turned on by a positive voltage Gate to Source) or depletion mode (turned off by a voltage Gate to Source). In all cases the control voltage is either positive or negative with respect to the Source. A large number of gate drivers of different voltages and current producing ability exist which provide fast switching of various power semiconductors. However, prior art does not cover any drivers that can provide a control voltage that is both positive and negative with respect to a Source terminal. The only way existing drivers can deliver both positive and negative drive signals is to bias the whole driver at a negative voltage. This tactic is expensive and requires a separate negative power supply with attendant cost and complexity. With both positive and negative voltages that this invention provides a driver may be build that provides turnoff current that is more effective than a conventional driver that can only provide a ground referenced turn off transistor. For example, a conventional driver turnoff transistor may have an on state resistance to ground of 1 ohm. When the Gate voltage of the power device is at 0.5 Volts, the turnoff current will be 0.5 Amps. Since the current invention provides negative voltages, a current source arrangement such as shown in
The on state resistance of U16 may be 2 ohms, and the current source can easily provide one ampere of current. The result of this is that when the gate of the power transistor U17 is at 0.5 volts, the turn off current will be 1 ampere or two times better than the conventional case and since the on state resistance of the FET delivering this current (U16) is two ohms the physical size of U16 will be 2 times smaller and therefore less expensive than in the conventional case. This simplified example is intended to illustrate how the invention improves the state of art of drivers. In an actual implementation, the currents will themselves be switched and the actual Rdson's of the devices differ from those in this example.
A further difficulty with generating dual polarity voltages within a conventional junction isolated integrated circuit is the parasitic devices that arise from having negative voltages with respect to substrate ground. These parasitic can cause device failure and greatly limit the ability of a conventional Integrated Circuit to provide dual voltages with respect to substrate ground. Finally, because junction current leakage doubles roughly every 10 degrees of temperature rise, conventional integrated circuits Drivers manufactured with junction isolation are limited to a maximum operating temperature around 150 Degrees C. In many power applications, it is desirable to be able to have drivers capable of higher operating temperatures.
The proposed invention advances current Driver art by using a unique means of generating voltages above and below the source voltages of the switching devices. The result is a driver that can more effectively switch power devices. Furthermore, the invention sidesteps the limitations of junction based integrated circuits by using dielectric isolation (D10) where a film of Silicon Dioxide (Glass) separates elements within the integrated circuit. The use of Dielectric Isolation provides over 400 volts of isolation breakdown voltage and furthermore can sustain that voltage at 200 degrees C. Finally, because the elements within the circuit are dielectrically isolated from one another, negative voltages can be produced without causing parasitic interaction with other elements within the circuit.
With reference to
This embodiment of the invention is intended to cover all modifications and alternatives falling within the scope of the invention defined by the claims below.