The home and garden cart has simple manufacturing features and can be used in many ways, in todays world it seems that every thing is complicated, the cart as I will call it, is simple to use and store and easy and safe even for a small child to move about, the added features make it a must for every home and business.
The gearless transmission is a system that has very few moving parts, and there fore requires less material to produce And in doing so, much energy such as coal or natural gas is saved, these are precious natural resources, also the Weight of the transmission, whether it is automatic or manual is reduced, and there for reduces need for heavy Front end suspension and also reduces wear on the front tires, a smaller motor is used and this also reduces the total Weight,
The process of making the said cart is known in the field of manufacturing and each is prior art, however some of the features are of a new design usage, and all material is available in the market place.