Hospital Operating Room Re-Design

An improved operating room design is disclosed. Interfering connection devices, such as wires, cables, and hoses, are eliminated from the working area by use of disappearing floor pods mounted between a sub-floor and a finished floor. The floor pods recess flush with said finished floor, thereby allowing floor cleaning by a robotic device that incorporates disposable, sterile cleaning cartridges. Movable carts, such as an anesthesiology cart, are adapted for docking with said pods on the upper surface of said pods with connectors presented underneath said carts. Said pods provide numerous utility connections such as gas, vacuum, and electric. Gas and vacuum lines are preferably supplied from a universal adaptor. A surgical table is mounted on the sub-flooring of the operating room. AU utilities are fed to the table from underneath the floor. The surgery operating room has a wall with an array of built-in compartments for carrying medical supplies that allows access to personnel both in and outside the operating room. The operating room preferably also includes a ceiling with focusing, “shadow-less” lights and/or a mounted imaging C-arm. Flat panel monitors are also embedded in one or more walls for real-time displays of information. In addition, the operating room walls provide a calming, ambient light by way of surfacing with translucent materials which are backlit.

The present invention relates to more efficient operating room configurations and controls. In particular, the present invention relates to an operating room configuration that among other things: increases and maximizes operating room space, provides a more sterile operating room, allows more efficient cleaning, eliminates apparatus wires, hoses, and cables, and provides data integration and a sense of calm for patients and staff.


The operating room and the preoperative process are at the core of hospital care. The operating room is a high-cost and high-risk environment. It must accommodate multiple surgical specialties with attendant specialized technologies and provide care for an inordinate number of differing, unique cases. As a result, the operating room is the most difficult environment to manage in healthcare. While surgical techniques, clinical devices, and the development of technological advances have pushed operative medicine into the future, operating room informatics have lagged behind. Surgeons are surrounded by sophisticated clinical equipment to help them operate on or monitor their patient, but often cannot get basic information about their cases. Operating room environments frequently lead to inefficiency, poorly coordinated scheduling, long room-turnover times, poor communication amongst team members, medical errors, and user dissatisfaction. The current operating room environment is simply not conducive to the universal hospital goals of decreasing costs, increasing quality and incremental volume, and market share. Attempts have been made to address particular problems. For example, an attempt to manage the overcrowding of operating room floors has been made by the design decision to place utility connections on the ceiling. Yet solutions such as this, without an eye to the holistic design of the operating room, create as many problems as they attempt to fix. As in the former example, while wires and cabling are removed from the floor, they now dangle from the ceiling again creating a hazard.

Of the many unresolved problems associated with operating room environments, some of the most critical can be summarized as follows:

1) Lack of Focus: The operating room is structured without any specific area of focus, and is therefore, by design, more complicated than simple. This is a result of principles followed from the time of World War II when operating rooms were designed to accommodate multiple operations in a single room. There is duplication of infrastructure throughout the room that is no longer necessary as only one patient undergoes an operation at one time in the modern non-military operating room.

2) Operating Table Lacks Safety: The operating table is not fixed in place and under certain circumstances can become unstable or may move accidentally during surgery. Operating tables have little or no parallel functionality other than to position a patient. A general operating room requires between two to three operating tables per room to support different surgical specialties, resulting in crowding and increased overhead cost.

3) Cluttered/Lack of Safety & Sterility: Clutter is one of the main challenges to patient safety in the operating room environment, as individual technological developments have resulted in a dramatic increase in the number and complexity of operating room equipment and supplies. Heavy equipment, some of which is permanently installed and some of which is moved in and out of the operating room during an operation, creates obstacles to movement of staff and equipment. The floor is covered with electrical wiring, vacuum tubes, gas hoses, rolling and fixed garbage receptacles. These represent serious safety hazards to nurses, technicians, physicians and patients. Intra-operative complications due to staff injury and equipment dislocation have caused dramatic clinical consequences for patients and liability for both physicians and hospitals.

4) Inefficient Use of Walls/Lack of Sterility: Operating room walls are not multifunctional and are used only to mount X-ray viewing boxes and wall outlets. The operating room walls are made of painted plasterboard that limits sterility. The wall material has a high dielectric constant and therefore gathers and holds onto dust and aerosols, infected or otherwise, for long periods of time. The walls cannot be scrubbed down, as most paint materials do not tolerate high friction when surfaced on plasterboard. Some hospitals have tile walls that can be scrubbed; however, the grouting materials do not release grime and pyrogens. Current practice is that operating room walls are rarely scrubbed down, and are, therefore, not sterile. Operating room cabinets are too small and have limited capacity for par stocking of supplies. Insufficient par stocking results in prolonged turnover time.

5) Inefficient Lighting/Lack of Sterility & Safety: Ceiling-mounted surgical lights are cumbersome and arcane. They also represent a safety hazard to the surgical staff. They poorly illuminate the surgical field, are difficult to maneuver, and compete for precious space needed for other intra-operative technology. They are difficult to keep clean and sterilize and are a source of breaks in sterile technique and of falling microbe-laden dust.

6) Contained Floors/Lack of Sterility: Floors are typically washed down between cases with a bucket and re-used mops (or with disposable swipes). These materials are used from room to room, and from case to case. Unfortunately, the floors are not sterile, and infection can be transmitted from room to room. To date, no reliable and simplified mechanism for sterilizing an operating room floor is available.

7) Inefficient Re-stocking/Lack of Safety: The current practice of re-stocking the operating room with required supplies and equipment during surgery relies on the availability of a circulating nurse. The process is not only inefficient, but it is also dangerous, as the surgeon must wait for the required supplies when needed. If a complication occurs or worsens while the circulating nurse is out of the room searching for needed supplies, the surgeon and staff are left with no one to obtain necessary items in an urgent situation.

8) Lack of Space: In general, the modern operating room is too small (typically 300 to 550 square feet), and not capable of handling the proliferation of advanced technology that has been introduced over the past decade.

9) Lack of Real-Time Information: The lack of real-time information accession has resulted in an environment that is inefficient, leading to lost time and hospital errors when critical data is missing. Information sharing of patient information, radiology studies, test results, and pathology reports is limited. Despite the technological digital revolution that has taken place in our offices and our homes, operating room information technology has progressed little since the 1970's.

10) Lengthy Turnover Time: In addition to the inefficient re-stocking, the room design contributes little or nothing to a reduction in turnover time, resulting in cost overruns both in terms of personnel and overtime costs.

11) Lack of Sense of Calm and Comfort: For the patient, the operating room is not a place that inspires a sense of calm, confidence, and trust. Patient satisfaction is impacted by the garish environment. The most common fearful experience that surgical patients relate when queried is that of their entry into the operating room. The ergonomic character of the room is extremely limited, resulting in limited comfort, line-of-sight, and sense of calm for the surgeon and operating room staff. Further, patient fear contributes to increased time needed to sedate the patient with a further concomitant increase in turn-over time.

It is an object of the present invention to provide an efficiently configured and controlled surgical operating room/health care treatment room/suite that resolves one or more of the above limitations of the current design. In addition, additional objects will become apparent after consideration of the following descriptions and claims.


In keeping with these objects and others that may become apparent, the present invention comprises a number of design changes and incorporates improved operating room apparatuses.

Floor Pods

A number of centrally located “floor pods” containing utility connections are provided A utility comprises electrical, gas, vacuum, water, data-line, and other support connections. Each “floor pod” is retracted back into the floor when not in use and is adapted to provide a UL electrical, fire, and water rated flooring. The floor provides “below-floor” connections for the pods and other utilities.

Each “floor pod” can be connected directly to a surgical cart, such as an anesthesia cart, an endoscopy cart, or a laparoscopy cart, providing alternative available locations to meet the space requirements of the specific procedure. Carts are designed to present connecting outlets for utilities mounted on a newly designed receiving grid located on the bottom of the cart, providing more space for patient monitoring needs such as by an anesthesiologist, endoscopist, or laparoscopist.

Existing power/gas columns/pods are removed from the ceiling and replaced by floor pods in the floor. Pods are raised when needed and are retractable into the floor when not in use. This relocation both frees up ceiling space (for relocated imaging) and eliminates cords and connecting wires hanging down and intruding into critical surgical space.

Wireless Integration

The operating room features wireless transmission of data to the extent possible, with remaining necessary cable connections located underneath the floor. This removes cables and hoses from the floor for a safer, easier to clean environment. Most current-generation electronic equipment comes equipped with wireless capabilities or can be made wireless.

Further, wireless universal serial bus (USB) to radio frequency (RF) to universal serial bus (USB) paired input and output devices wirelessly connect “in-room” equipment, e.g., microscopes, diagnostic imaging equipment, anesthesia monitoring, navigational devices, endoscopes, etc., to wall-mounted high-definition display monitors.

Data management will be integrated into a software system known as “GCQ,” currently in use at UCLA. This data management system manages data from the hospital information system, laboratory data system, radiology (“PACS”), and local input by the nursing staff during the life of an operation. The system includes input from wireless USB data ports from such technology introduced into the operating room as the operating microscope, ultrasound, laparoscopy tower, navigational computer system, anesthesia machine, C-arm radiology, etc.

For instance, in one embodiment, a surgical microscope is brought into the room and is being used by the surgeon. The microscope has a USB video output slot. A USB transmitter is inserted into that slot, and a paired USB receiver is inserted into an available display USB slot. The GCQ software discovers a new device and displays the appropriate icon on the screen. Once the icon is activated (as by a laser touch screen, discussed below), the video image is presented on the display panel within one of the GCQ windows.

High-Definition Displays

In a preferred embodiment, at least three large-screen high-definition monitors are mounted on surrounding walls, thereby providing imaging and patient information in real time and overall informatic integration. Further, the monitors provide excellent viewability by anyone from anywhere in the room as opposed to current displays which are integrated onto individual operating room apparatuses. These displays may allow access to information via laser touch controls. Each monitor has “smart-panel” design capabilities allowing the physician to display information on any monitor within the suite. For example, dynamic data management within the room and with ancillary services (radiology IPACS, pathology, PACU, anesthesia, and hospital HIS) are displayed in real time in partitioned areas of the surrounding visual displays.

Improved Surgical Tables

The patient tables are modified with a fixed-base design thereby allowing for heavier patients, greater tilting and cantilevering capabilities, greater table top extension (i.e. providing head to toe coverage), and overall stability. The operating room re-design includes incorporation of a “pod” concept into the architecture of the table, so that utilities, such as wiring, vacuum, and gas hoses, arise from the table itself, rather than tracking over the operating room floor. The source of all utilities to the table (as opposed to those emanating from the table) may come from an underground connection to a below floor source.

Post Office Style Wall

A typical operating room can be enlarged by removal of operating room sinks and benchtops, thereby resulting in an increase in size. Items typically placed on or near the circulating hallway or even on the operating room floor can be relocated to storage cabinets in the operating room, thereby resulting in further clearance of hallways and reclamation of space.

The supplied storage cabinets are built into one or more walls of the operating room and are sufficient in size to allow stocking with all supplies and equipment required for the day's cases. This reduces the necessity of operating room staff having to leave the operating room to get additional supplies or equipment during cases. A “Post Office” style compartmentalization wall is used for easy access to stocked surgical supplies.

For example, in one embodiment, one wall in the suite includes floor to ceiling “Post Office” style compartments. The interior and exterior wall is adapted to provide glass doors on both sides. As such, an outside circulating nurse may open an exterior wall door, place any required supplies, and close the exterior wall door. A surgeon may then readily locate the supply because of the transparent nature of glass doors. After location, he or she may open the door, retrieve the needed supplies, and close the door. At any point in this process, there is no open area to both the operating room and the outside room at the same time, which, thereby aids in maintaining sterility.

All supplies can be stocked from the outside of the operating room. All supplies can be coded (e.g., bar coded or radio frequency identification tagged) for easy on-site inventory control. All supplies removed from the shelves from the inside of the suite are easily coded for billing and inventory control. Surgical packs can be prepared the night before the procedure and identified for the physician/case. The “Post Office” style thereby eliminates the need for the circulating nurse to leave the suite during the case to retrieve supplies.

Additionally, the radio-frequency identification tagged (“RFID”) devices can be particularly adapted for use in the operating room. It is contemplated that all items to be stocked on a shelf, such as (and preferably) a shelf in the post-office style wall, will be tagged. An antenna/locator/detector device on the shelf will determine which tagged items have been placed on the shelf and communicate with a central computer and database. The communication will log stocking and removal of items for inventory control. Further, items in which sterility affects usability can be tagged with a breakable RFID marker, such that when the item is opened, the RFID tag no longer communicates with the antenna/locator device. As such, the item is automatically removed from the inventory, again for inventory control.

Imaging Devices

The traditional large, cumbersome radiology equipment, including a floor-mounted C-arm, image intensifier and supporting electronics is replaced by a new design with increased capabilities. A ceiling-mounted, miniaturized (thus lightened) C-arm with flat panel image intensifier and single-slice CT capability is provided. This is required to visualize and locate all implanted devices immediately after implantation before the patient is removed from the operating room. Imaging is one aspect of the redesign; in addition to producing improved imaging capabilities over the current system, it frees up considerable floor space, improves access to the operating table, and eliminates cabling on the floor.

In a typical embodiment, the imaging device comprises robotic technology utilizing air-gears and an ultra-light, fully computerized, digitized, and motorized imaging arm (C-arm). The arm uses a high-frequency generator and high-resolution imaging receptors. Finally, the arm is installed to a single-point in the ceiling, the point mounting eliminating the mounting tracks currently used in most facilities. The imaging device can also easily be tilted away when not in use.

A new C-arm unit can be made from improvements to existing imaging equipment, such as those manufactured by Siemens Medical Systems.

Operating Room Ambient Lighting

The walls of the operating room can be fashioned out of a material that allows them to be backlit, thus allowing the room to be lit from all sides in varying intensities. Since the color of the back lighting can be changed, it produces a mood-enhancing environment that can lessen the anxiety level of a patient and provide a comfortable working environment for surgeons and staff. Further, the backlit material is preferably non-porous and of a low dielectric constant. Such a material is more sterile and is capable of being cleaned. Such backlit wall lighting is commercially available. For example, Avonite® wall covering may be used. Avonite® is a translucent material that attaches to the wall-supports much in the same way that drywall is attached. The customer selects the color combination of their choice. Avonite® can have backlighting creating a safe and warm atmosphere. Avonite® is practically indestructible, never needs painting, is nonporous and seamless, is easily cleaned, and is built off-site to exact dimensions.

Overhead Surgical Lighting

The traditional overhead operating room light fixtures are removed and replaced with state-of-the-art directional stage-type lighting to both improve the lighting capability in the operating field and free up ceiling space for additional equipment. Such general “stage-type” lighting technology is available from Skytron Corporation. In an alternative embodiment, the lighting is as above but recessed into the ceiling. Further, the typical embodiment uses cool high-intensity halogen lights that are strategically located around a focal point, such as the operating table. The lights are computer controlled and coordinated such that an RF location device directs the lighting to either of several focal spots on the patient. Shadow canceling technology allows for maximum lighting even when the operative field is crowded with personnel.

Floor Design

The floor is reconfigured to enclose all wiring, cables, electrical equipment and so on. This results in the new floor being essentially flat and completely clear of all obstructions apart from the essential equipment such as the operating room table, anesthesia machine, and tables for instruments and essential supplies. This opens up space for both clear and accident-free circulation around the patient, as well as facilitating floor and room cleaning to decrease room turnover time. Further, corners, including those formed by the walls and floor, are rounded to aid in cleaning.

Ultraviolet Sterilization

Each suite is equipped with ultraviolet light and ozone room sterilization. This ensures that all floors, walls, and surfaces are clean. The sterilization devices will be incorporated into the ceiling. In one embodiment, the sterilizer can be automated to sterilize after a computer or CPU has determined the room is empty. This process can also be done at the end of each shift. The operating room incorporates airtight doors and fixtures to allow fumigation with ozone without exposure to personnel outside the operating room.

In addition, the operating room will include sink-trap sterilizers for any sinks that might be incorporated therein. The sterilizers will irradiate pooled-water and surfaces in sinks thereby eliminating highly resistant pathogens and preventing their release into the surgical environment.

Floor Cleaning

With the floor clear of substantial equipment and obstructions, an automated robotic cleaner may be used thereby speeding up room cleaning and turnover time. Robotic floor cleaners (e.g., Floor Genie™) are redesigned to work in a surgical environment where sterility, rather than mere cleanliness is the goal. The robotic-floor cleaner and sterilization system cleans floors between cases. The system has disposable cleaning cassettes ensuring a sterile environment. The Floor Genie™ robotic floor cleaner reduces the “turnover time” required between cases, as it operates simultaneously while the staff prepares the room for the next case. The rounded corners, as described above, may be adapted to facilitate the robot device's cleaning, as by appropriately rounded corners sufficient to allow access to the robot device.

Waste Disposal

Trash receptacles are strategically placed throughout the room. For example, two sets of three receptacles are located conveniently throughout the room. Each receptacle is designated for sharp objects, biologics, and garbage respectively. The receptacles are made of lightweight, disposable materials and are insertable into O-rings in the walls. The receptacles can also receive waste bags or, as for sharps, specialized cartridges. Typically, only the bags need be replaced when the receptacle is full. If there is accidental breakage of a bag, the receptacles can be removed and a new set inserted. The receptacles or O-ring snaps (used to hold the waste bags into place by snapping over said bags and onto the cartridges) may also be color-coded for quick identification of the type of waste to be inserted. In an alternative embodiment, the receptacles may be on the wall mounted while still using a replaceable cartridge and bag design, such as for when structural limitations prevent in-wall mounting.

Holistic Effect

This operating room uses a series of new, innovative technologies that cumulatively and synergistically overcome many current problems and issues. It creates an attractive alternative to existing operating room environments for the specific purpose of attracting new surgeons, thereby providing incremental surgical volume. It also creates a new, state-of-the-art environment for surgical and specialized diagnostic testing facilities, not just a modification of the current obsolete design.

The features of the operating room can be implemented for different applications, including surgery, cardiac catheterization laboratories, ambulatory surgical facilities, and diagnostic special procedures suites. The remodeling of the operating room is applicable to many surgical specialties and reflects the requirements of many different surgeons and health care professionals; it is not limited as solely a surgical suite. Finally, the operating room design provides hospital staff with safety, simplicity, integration, and a sense of calm; for the patient, it provides safety, a sense of calm, and a new degree of confidence.


So that the manner in which the above-recited features of the present invention can be understood in detail, a more particular description of the invention, briefly summarized above, may be had by reference to embodiments, some of which are illustrated in the appended drawings. It is to be noted, however, that the appended drawings illustrate only typical embodiments of this invention and are therefore not to be considered limiting of its scope, for the invention may admit to other equally effective embodiments.

FIG. 1 is a top plan view showing a floor plan of a hospital operating room in accordance with the invention;

FIG. 2 is a perspective view of an interior wall of the operating room comprising “post-office” style compartments with doors in accordance with the invention;

FIG. 3 is a side elevation of an interior wall of the operating room comprising waste-receptacles and a monitor in accordance with the invention;

FIG. 4 is a perspective view of two interlocking floor support columns;

FIG. 5 is a top plan view of an underfloor layout of the operating room in accordance with the invention;

FIG. 6 is a side cross-sectional view of a pod in the raised position incorporated into standard flooring;

FIG. 7 is a side cross-sectional view of the pod depicted in FIG. 6 in a lowered position incorporated into standard flooring;

FIG. 8 is a perspective view of one embodiment of the pod in its retracted state.

FIG. 9 is a side-view of the pod and a surgical cart, said cart docking with said pod.

FIG. 10 is a side cross-sectional view of a pod in the raised position incorporated into raised flooring;

FIG. 11 is a side cross-sectional view of the pod depicted in FIG. 10 in a lowered position incorporated into raised flooring;

FIG. 12 is a side view detail of docking operation between the pod top surface and bottom of an anesthesiology cart;

FIG. 13 is a perspective view of the pod showing a docking compartment and a convenience outlet on the side;

FIG. 14 is a side elevation view of a patient table in accordance with the invention;

FIG. 15 is a side elevation view of a C-arm imaging device in accordance with the invention;

FIG. 16 is a side elevation view of the imaging device (retracted) depicted in FIG. 15;

FIG. 17 is a side elevation view in partial cutaway of a robotic floor cleaner in accordance with the invention;

FIG. 18 is a top plan view of the disposable portion of the robotic floor cleaner depicted in FIG. 17;

FIG. 19 is another embodiment of the surgical table shown in a side elevation view.


As shown in the drawing FIGS. 1-19, a surgery operating room in a medical facility having no wires, high-tension cables, or hoses exposed to the working environment within the operating room is presented. The operating room includes one or more of the following in its various embodiments:

1. walls with rounded corners and a ceiling, at least one of said walls comprising built-in compartments for supplies, said compartments adapted to be accessible from inside and outside said room, and at least one of said walls having in-wall receptacles for disposing of biologics, sharps, and trash;

2. a sub-floor and a finished floor optionally supported by interlocking floor support columns with each column dovetailed with adjacent columns; the finished floor may optionally be raised to provide a sub-flooring supported by concrete or other materials.

3. at least one pod with utility connections, in which said utility connections are for supplying utilities and data, said pod or pods mounted between said sub-floor and said finished floor, and movable between a lowered position in which an upper surface of said pod is flush with said finished floor and an upper position in which said pod is raised above said finished floor;

4. a surgical table mounted on the sub-flooring of said operating room, said surgical table being powered to raise, lower, and/or orient said surgical table as required;

5. a robotic floor cleaner with sterile, disposable cleaning cartridges;

6. translucent backlit panels disposed on the interior walls;

7. a ceiling-mounted imaging C-arm movable between a parked position against said ceiling and positions oriented to obtain imaging of a patient;

8. flat-panel monitors disposed in or on one or more of said walls for real-time displays;

9. a ceiling-mounted surgical light or array thereof adapted to provide shadow cancellation and automatic focus following of and by placement of a wireless RF focus locator;

10. wireless controls for control over apparatuses in said operating room;

11. at least one ceiling-mounted UV and ozone room sterilization device;

12. at least one UV sink-trap sterilization device for any sinks optionally comprised in the present invention;

13. a multiple frequency USB to radio frequency (RF) to USB paired input and output communication system wirelessly connecting surgical equipment, diagnostic imaging equipment, anesthesia monitoring, navigational devices and surgical instruments to at least one wall-mounted high definition display monitor for imaging and patient information visualization in real time;

14. other design changes, methods, and devices as described below.


The surgery operating room has walls with rounded corners and a ceiling, wherein one of the walls optionally has an array of built-in compartments for carrying medical supplies. These compartments are accessed from inside the operating room to retrieve supplies as needed and are accessed from outside of the room for refilling and re-stocking the compartments with medical and surgical supplies. The operating room is configured to provide no sharp corners, which are difficult to clean. All walls intersect in rounded corners having a radius sufficient to allow cleaning by human or specially adapted robot or other device.

The surgery operating room optionally also includes a ceiling mounted imaging C-arm movable between a parked position against the ceiling and lowered positions oriented to obtain imaging of a surgical patient.

Additionally, the surgery operating room also preferably has flat-panel monitors embedded in or on one or more walls of the operating room for real-time displays of patient and utility supply information.

Optionally, a cabinet extends along a wall of the operating room for housing compartments containing receptacles for disposing of wastes, such as biologics, sharps and trash. Alternatively and preferably, receptacles are placed in-wall for receiving of said wastes.

The surgery operating room may have ceiling mounted theater-type lights with (preferably) or without shadow cancellation technology and the ability to focus and follow a point by placement of a wireless RF focus locator. Wireless controls control, among other things, movement of the table, C-arm, pods, and docking a cart to a pod.

Robotic cleaning of the finished floor of the operating room is optionally provided by a battery operated robotic floor cleaner with sterile disposable elements. The cleaner and disposable elements are adapted for rapid cleaning and sterilizing of the finished floor after an operation or other medical procedure to make the operating room ready for a subsequent operation.

The finished floor may be supported by interlocking floor support columns with each column dovetailed with adjacent columns, thereby providing an extremely rigid floor with outstanding weight-bearing ability. Alternatively, the existing or standard operating room floor may be used. Either floor type is adapted to provide a watertight seal that complies with hospital operating room requirements. For example, the pods are sealed about their perimeter with water-resilient O-rings that would withstand dousing with water for an extended period, such as 20 minutes.

The operating room of this invention also preferably has no wires, tubes, high-tension cables, or hoses exposed to the working environment. All wall coverings in the operating room are adapted to be washed down repeatedly without deterioration. Also, ultraviolet light and ozone room sterilization will be installed so that all surfaces can be sterilized at the end of each shift. Further, ultraviolet sterilization will be utilized to sanitize sink-traps in any sinks disposed within the operation room. Sterilization is facilitated by the presence of doors that seal airtight, thereby allowing fumigation. The walls, ceiling, and floor are also designed to be resistant to gas leakage.

FIGS. 1-17.

The floor layout of FIG. 1 shows the perimeter 1 with entrances 2 and airtight doors 3 (fewer or more doors and entrances are contemplated). A wall of post-office style storage cabinets 10 is shown. The perimeter is adapted to provide rounded corners 1′ with a radius sufficient to allow easy cleaning by human, robot, or cleaning device. A typical radius is between 3 to 5 inches. The doors are adapted to be airtight such as with pneumatic or compression-gasket sealing technologies. The cabinets 10 are in communication with the hallway for remote inventory control, although any geographic location communicating with a hallway is applicable. Any device that communicates with areas outside the operating room is adapted with pneumatic, compression-gasket sealing, or other technologies to provide a room substantially airtight. In a preferred embodiment, the room would be sealable to allow fumigation as required in a Biosafety Level 4 Laboratory (BSL 4).

FIG. 2 shows a perspective view of the “post-office” wall 10 with individual compartments, such as 20, of different sizes. Interior walls 19 are covered with translucent backlit panels of acrylic or polyester resins such as the commercially available Avonite™. Also shown are doors 10′, glass in one embodiment, which close to provide an airtight seal, and door handles 10″.

Continuing with FIG. 1, a surgical table 4 is centrally located on a fixed base. It is accessible to a preferably ceiling mounted C-arm imaging device 8 and surrounded by ceiling mounted theater type lights 5 that have shadow cancellation computer control and automatic focus following by placement of a wireless RF focus locator. Any number of lights maybe disposed about the table 4; in a preferred embodiment, 8 lights are disposed about the table, equidistant from each other and in a circle. Some of the high-definition monitors 9 are shown on the walls. Laser pointers can be used to interact with the displayed information. Cabinets and counter-tops are not shown and in a preferred embodiment are not found in the OR to help save space. Groups of receptacles 11 (usually three per group) for refuse are shown disposed in the walls; one receptacle per group is used for biologics, sharps, or trash. Four floor pods 6 (other numbers of pods are contemplated) are shown around surgical table 4. Each can interface and dock with anesthesiology cart 7 or any other cart. Pods 6 recede flush with the floor when not in use. Besides providing gasses, vacuum and electrical lines to cart 7, one or more can be raised and used as a powered base for other medical equipment such as a microscope. A robotic floor cleaner such as a Floor Genie™ 13 is also shown. The optional ultraviolet light and ozone room sanitizer may be placed at any appropriate point along the ceiling, although in a preferred embodiment it is centrally located to allow maximal dispersion of ultraviolet light rays.

FIG. 3 shows a wall with one embodiment of the receptacles 24, 25 and 26 forming arrays 11 for biologics, sharps, and trash respectively. In this embodiment, the receptacles are arrayed vertically. High-definition monitor 9 is also shown.

A close-up view of two support columns 37, which are used in one embodiment of the invention (particularly for use with a raised floor) is shown in FIG. 4, where each column 37 has a dovetail feature in the center of each flat wall. Alternate sides have either protruding features 42 or recessed features 43 that can interlock as shown at 45 by sliding one column into an adjacent one. The top surfaces are shown solid and co-planar when supported by a flat concrete subfloor. However, top surfaces are not required since a structural panel layer can be laid on top of short (approximately 10″ high) columns 37. In an alternative embodiment, if columns 37 do not have top surfaces, they can be manufactured by extrusion (in addition to molding). This may be more economical. A fiber-reinforced resin can also be used. After columns 37 are installed in all the spaces adjacent to pod housings 32 and 33 and conduit paths 34, sheet flooring is laid down. Then a top floor surface is poured on top for a seamless, easy to clean surface.

FIG. 5 shows an embodiment of the operating room having a specially designed floor using support columns 37. This floor is preferably used when a raised finished floor is incorporated into the operating room. In one preferred embodiment, the operating room floor is not raised. Therefore, it does not incorporate interlocking support columns 37. The pod housing conduits, housings, and the like underfloor assemblies may nonetheless be disposed of as described in FIG. 5 in the standard operating room floor. Pod housings 32 such as for a surgical cart or an anesthesia cart 7 (not shown) and pod housings 33 for surgical table 4 (not shown) are shown. The pods need not be docked with a cart but may also be used as normal utility sources by direct connection with a device. While pod housings 32 are shown in FIG. 5 as being circular in shape, they may have any other suitable geometric shape, such as square, ovoid, rectangular, triangular and other polygon shapes. Electrical/gas conduit paths 34 to these pods are also shown emerging past one wall of the operating room.

The interlocking hexagonal floor support columns 37 can optionally define a conduit path on their corners 39 or along flat sides 38. These hexagonal floor support columns 37 are shown throughout the floor of the operating room. Although other shapes, such as a square, or other geometric shapes can be used, the hexagonal honeycomb structure is preferred because it is extremely rigid and has outstanding weight-bearing capability.

The flooring shown in FIG. 5, which incorporates the dovetail interlocking support columns 37, are used when a raised finished floor is desired. As stated, in an alternative and preferred embodiment, the floor pod housings 32 are laid out as shown in FIG. 5 but do not incorporate columns 37. Instead, the floor pods are inserted into the concrete sub-floor already existing, by, for example, wet cutting the floor slab and anchoring the bottom of the floor-pod below the concrete slab. FIGS. 6, 7, 10, and 11 more clearly indicate the two, of other, possible floor arrangements.

Pods 6 are shown in cross-section in housings 32 in FIG. 6 (in a raised position) and FIG. 7 (in a lowered position). The pods are placed into cavities formed by, for example, wet-cutting areas for the pods and are anchored below the floor material 30′ at 30″ by floor pod anchor 6′ (as opposed to the alternative arrangement shown in FIGS. 10 and 11 in which the pods are placed inside a raised floor). A piston 57 within cylinder 54 and support block 58 are used for raising or lowering pod 6 via lifting forces, such as by fluid or other means from either an electro-pneumatic, electro-hydraulic, or (preferably) electromechanical generator 53. Pods 6 have side housings 55 that are attached. Any side of pod 6 such as side housing 55 or the top surface 52 may be adapted to provide connections to utilities or means for docking with devices such as a specially designed surgical cart, thereby providing utilities to these or other devices. The top surface 52 of the finished floor will be flush with top of pod 6 when lowered as seen in FIG. 7. All wires 50′, cables 50′, and hoses 50′ may be run through a channel in the subfloor 30′ or beneath the subfloor 30″.

FIG. 8 shows a view of the pod described in FIG. 9 undocked and unconnected. Receptacles 61′ and 61″ are shown as well as floor 52. The top edge of pod 6 also seals against the floor 52, thereby preventing water drainage down the sides of the device.

FIG. 9 shows a pod docked with a surgical cart. The relationship between the first set of male connectors 60′ on the side docking plate of cart 7′ and the female receptacles 61′ within the side of pod 6 during docking is shown. Receptors 61′ are specially designed for connection with a surgical cart adapted for docking. The relationship between the second set of female connectors 61″ and an outside connection 60″, such as to a device requiring electricity, is shown. The receptacles 61″ are designed to be adapted to a variety of utilities. The connections may be reversed in an alternative embodiment in which, for example, male connectors 60′ are female receptacles and female receptacles 61′ are male connectors. Under floor 52, female receptacles 61′ and 61″ are connected to various utilities. In this embodiment, it is preferred that the male and female receptacles providing gases are of a universal type, i.e. a single adaptor will be used for all gas, scavenging, aspirating, and vacuum connections.

Pods 6 (in an alternative embodiment) are shown in cross-section in housings 32 in FIG. 10 (in a raised position) and FIG. 11 (in a lowered position). Concrete subfloor 30 is shown below a raised floor 52 (optionally supported by support columns 37 (not shown)). A piston 57 within cylinder 54 and support block 58 are used for raising or lowering pod 6 via lifting forces, such as by fluid or other means from either an electro-pneumatic, electro-hydraulic, or (preferably) electromechanical generator 53. Pods 6 have side housings 55 that are attached. Any side of pod 6 such as side housing 55 or the top surface 56 may be adapted to provide connections to utilities or means for docking with devices such as a specially designed surgical cart, thereby providing utilities to these or other devices. The top surface 52 of the finished floor will be flush with top of pod 6 when lowered as seen in FIG. 8. All wires 50′, cables 50′, and hoses 50′ may be run through a channel in the subfloor 30 or beneath the raised floor and the optional support columns 37 (not shown).

FIG. 12 shows another possible embodiment of the pod. The relationship between the male connectors 60 on the bottom docking plate of cart 7 and the female receptacles 61 within the top end of pod 6 during docking is shown. The connections may be reversed in an alternative embodiment in which male connectors 60 are female receptacles and female receptacles 61 are male connectors. Under floor 52, female receptacles 61 are connected via hoses to oxygen, vacuum, nitrous oxide, and via cable to provide electrical power. In an alternate embodiment, the male and female receptacles for gasses may be of a universal type, i.e. a single adaptor will be used for all gas, scavenging, aspirating, and vacuum connections.

FIG. 13 shows a close-up of the top surface of one example of pod 6, showing a sealable compartment where female receptacles 61 are exposed by sliding of automatic door 65. When door 65 is closed, it seals watertight so that the top surface can be washed down. The top edge of pod 6 also seals against the floor 52, thereby preventing water drainage down the sides of the device. Hospital-grade convenience outlet 66 is also provided for equipment that may be placed on raised pod 6 (besides anesthesiology cart 7).

FIG. 14 is a side view of one embodiment of the surgical table 4 in raised position 70 or in lowered position 71 above floor 52 of the operating room. Pod housing 33 is provided for surgical table 4. Surgical bed 4 is solidly attached to a strong sub-base, such as, for example, steel plate 73, which is bolted or otherwise attached into the concrete sub floor 30. Powered braces 77 and 78 are used to raise and lower top frame 83 with pads 85 via arms 75 and 76 riding in pivots 72, 79, and 80. Robustly built to support heavy patients, such as, for example, a 550-pound patient, table 4 has upper support rib 82; and the tabletop of table 4 can cantilever, rotate, and slide. All utilities, such as power, vacuum, electrical, and gas, are fed through pod housing 33 or other below floor space if a pod housing is not provided. As illustrated by lines 74 (which comprise wires, cables, and hoses) said lines run beneath the floor. These lines are carried to outlet/inlet 86 at either head or toe ends. If necessary, utility outlet/inlets 86 have utility connections 88 and 89 and are accessible at either end of table 4. FIG. 14 also shows that surgical table 4 can be rotated 360 degrees about rotation base 87 within pod housing 33.

The ceiling mounted imaging member, such as C-arm 8, is illustrated in its lowered operating position in FIG. 15 and in its raised “parked” position at the ceiling 90 in FIG. 16. Through recent advances in technology relating to the use of photomultipliers 91 which require very low intensity X-rays via head 98, these devices have been miniaturized and lightened to a great extent. This is what makes ceiling attachment 92 a practical option. C-arm 97 may be titanium alloy or carbon fiber. Arms 94, riding in joints 93, 95 and 96, such as ball joints or air bearings, form a true six degree-of-freedom robot with very smooth operation at reasonably low cost. While imaging C-arm 8 is shown adjacent to ceiling 90, it can also retract optionally into a recess (not shown) within ceiling 90, so that it is flush with, or recessed within, an optional ceiling recess 99 of ceiling 90, wherein the bottom of ceiling recess 99 is indicated by dashed line “R-R” in FIG. 16.

FIGS. 17 and 18 shows a modified robotic floor cleaner, such as a modified Floor Genie™. The floor cleaner incorporates sterile disposable elements. FIG. 14 shows Floor Genie™ 13 with cover 100 shown in a cutaway view to reveal its interior, and to show the placement of some of the major components. Reference numeral 101 is the chassis of the reusable portion of Floor Genie™ 13. Portion 102 below is a disposable unit that is re-supplied in a sterile pack, with connections to reusable chassis portion 101. An optional bumper 130 may be provided around Floor Genie™ 13. Disposable portion 102 of Floor Genie™ 13 has wet scrubbing brushes 118 at the front and brushes 119 at the rear. These are connected to, and driven by, motor 115 within the non-disposable, reusable portion 101. Cleaning fluid in reservoir 116 is sprayed through nozzles 120, which have back-flow preventers to prevent reverse contamination of fluid supply reservoir 116. Vacuum cleaner 110 is also provided with motor/impeller 111 and receptacle 112 has vacuum inlets 121 at front and back of disposable portion 102.

The entire Floor Genie™ cleaner 13 is powered by rechargeable battery pack 104 and is controlled by computer 106. Flashing light 107 indicates operation. On/Off switch 108 is preferably provided at the top of reusable portion 101. The drive configuration is similar to that of a zero turning radius riding lawnmower. Here, the two fixed drive wheels 124 are driven by two independent motors 114 near the front. Two passive swiveling casters 122 are near the rear. Side handles 103 with latch bar control coupling and de-coupling from disposable platform 102 that carries both drive wheels 124, brushes 118 and 119 as well as casters 122.

FIG. 18 is a top plan view of disposable platform 102 of Floor Genie 13 showing alignment and latching slots 126 that engage with the top reusable portion 101. Vacuum connections 127 and water connections 133 are illustrated as well as drive motor shaft sockets 129 and brush motor drive socket 131. Although autonomous and very maneuverable, the accuracy and/or simplicity of the guidance system can be enhanced with waypoint emitters embedded in the floor surface that are detectable by computer 106 via appropriate sensors.

FIG. 19 shows an alternative embodiment of the surgical table 4 shown in FIG. 14. In this conception of table 4, patient table support means 150 is hinged at point 152, thereby allowing tilting of the table. Utility box 154 (which can be disposed alone or with other boxes anywhere on table 150) provides receptacles/connections 156. All utility lines, connections, wires, cables 170 are fed to the box 154 from within support means 150, support columns 158 and 160, and underneath floor 168. The table is vertically displaceable by movement of column 160 past 158 by an actuator/piston combination 162. The support column rests on, by support from 162, bushing/turntable 164 mounted within block 166 thereby allowing rotation. The entire table and column combination is stably anchored by anchor 172, which is affixed to materials beneath floor 168. Patient table support means 150 may be removed at the hinge point or additionally at other points of joining to the support column, thereby allowing like patient table support means to be reattached, which are specially configured for particular surgical procedures. The patient table support means share the feature of having utility boxes 154 with internal sourcing of utilities.

In the foregoing description, certain terms and visual depictions are used to illustrate the preferred embodiment. However, no unnecessary limitations are to be construed by the terms used or illustrations depicted, beyond what is shown in the prior art, since the terms and illustrations are exemplary only, and are not meant to limit the scope of the present invention. Designations of a wall geographically are for ease of reference only and do not limit the disposition of a wall and its elements to a particular compass direction.

It is further known that other modifications may be made to the present invention, without departing the scope of the invention, as noted in the appended claims.

  • 1. An operating room comprising: walls and a ceiling;a sub-floor and a finished floor; at least one pod with utility connections,at least one of any said pod: mounted between said sub-floor and said finished floor, andmovable between a lowered position in which an upper surface of said pod is flush with said finished floor andan upper position in which said pod is raised above said finished floor.
  • 2. The operating room of claim 1 in which said utility connections are for supplying gasses, vacuum, and electricity.
  • 3. The operating room of claim 1 in which said utility connections are for supplying gasses, vacuum, electricity, and water.
  • 4. The operating room of claim 2 or 3 in which said utility connections further supply data transfer ports.
  • 5. The operating room of claim 4 in which said gas and vacuum connections are provided using a uniform adaptor type.
  • 6. The operating room of claim 1 further comprising a surgical table mounted on the sub-flooring of said operating room.
  • 7. The operating room of claim 6 in which said surgical table is capable of being powered to raise, lower, and orient said surgical table.
  • 8. The operating room of claim 6 or 7 in which said surgical table presents receptacles capable of connection to any one of said pods under or in proximity to said surgical table.
  • 9. The operating room of claim 8 in which said surgical table further presents receptacles capable of connection to surgical apparatuses.
  • 10. The operating room of claim 1 in which at least one of said walls comprises built-in compartments for supplies, said compartments adapted to be accessible from the inside and outside of said room.
  • 11. The operating room of claim 10 in which said compartments are adapted to provide mounted doors on either side of said compartments.
  • 12. The operating room of claim 11 in which said mounted doors are comprised of see-through glass.
  • 13. The operating room of claim 1 further comprising a ceiling-mounted imaging C-arm movable between a parked position against said ceiling and positions oriented to obtain imaging of a patient.
  • 14. The operating room of claim 1 further comprising at least one flat-panel monitor disposed on one or more of said walls.
  • 15. The operating room of claim 14 in which at least one said monitor is embedded into one or more of said walls.
  • 16. The operating room of claim 1 further comprising in-wall or on-wall receptacles for disposing of biologics, sharps, and trash.
  • 17. The operating room of claim 16 in which said in-wall or on-wall receptacles are disposable cartridges insertable into the wall.
  • 18. The operating room of claim 17 in which said in-wall or on-wall receptacles are adapted with disposable inner bags.
  • 19. The operating room of claim 16 in which said in-wall or on-wall receptacles are adapted with disposable inner bags.
  • 20. The operating room of any one of claims 18 or 19 in which said in-wall or on-wall receptacles are color-coded.
  • 21. The operating room of claim 1 further comprising at least one surgical light.
  • 22. The operating room of claim 21 in which said surgical lights are adapted to provide shadow cancellation and automatic focus on a target area by placement of a focus locator.
  • 23. The operating room of claim 22 in which said surgical lights are ceiling-mounted.
  • 24. The operating room of claim 22 in which said surgical lights are mounted in a recessed cavity in the ceiling.
  • 25. The operating room of either claim 23 or 24 in which at least two surgical lights are arrayed about a surgical table.
  • 26. The operating room of claim 1 in which said pods are adapted for docking with carts or other apparatuses within said operating room.
  • 27. The operating room of claim 26 further comprising a mobile cart adapted to dock with any of said pods by placement over a lowered pod that is raised until joined with connections under said mobile dock.
  • 28. The operating room of claim 27 in which said mobile cart is adapted for anesthesiology purposes.
  • 29. The operating room of claim 26 further comprising a mobile cart adapted to dock with any of said pods by joining with receptacles or connectors on the side of said pods.
  • 30. The operating room of claim 29 in which said mobile cart is adapted for anesthesiology purposes.
  • 31. The operating room of claim 1 further comprising a robotic cleaner.
  • 32. The operating room of claim 31 in which said robotic cleaner is battery operated.
  • 33. The operating room of claim 31 or 32 in which said robotic cleaner has a sterile, disposable cleaning cartridge and which said robotic cleaner and said cartridge are adapted to provide cleaning and sterilizing of said finished floor.
  • 34. The operating room of claim 1 wherein said finished floor is raised and said finished floor is supported by interlocking floor support columns with each column dovetailed with adjacent columns.
  • 35. The operating room of claim 1 wherein at least one wall comprises translucent backlit panels attached thereto.
  • 36. The operating room of claim 35 in which said translucent backlit panels are made of low dielectric constant materials, non-porous materials, or low dielectric constant and non-porous materials.
  • 37. The operating room of claim 1 further comprising a communication system adapted to wirelessly connect operating room apparatuses to at least one flat-panel monitors.
  • 38. The operating room of claim 1 adapted to meet hospital operating room water, electrical, and fire ratings such as those by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
  • 39. The operating room of claim 1 further comprising at least one ceiling-mounted UV, ozone, or UV and ozone sterilization device.
  • 40. The operating room of claim 39 in which said ceiling-mounted UV sterilization device or devices are automated to clean when operating room personnel have left said operating room.
  • 41. The operating room of claim 1 further comprising sink-trap UV sterilizers.
  • 42. The operating room of claim 1 in which at least one corner defined by the intersection of any of said walls, of said finished floor and any of said walls, or of said ceiling and any of said walls are rounded.
  • 43. The operating room of claim 1 in which the operating room is capable of being fumigated.
  • 44. The operating room of claim 1 in which the operating room further comprises airtight doors.
  • 45. The operating room of claim 1 in which said pod is anchored below said sub-floor.
  • 46. An operating room comprising: walls and a ceiling;a sub-floor and a finished floor;at least one surgical light adapted to provide shadow cancellation and automatic focus on a target area by placement of a focus locator;a surgical table mounted on the sub-flooring of said operating room, capable of being powered to raise, lower, and orient said surgical table.
  • 47. The operating room of claim 46 further comprising at least one pod with utility connections, at least one of any said pod: mounted between said sub-floor and said finished floor, and movable between a lowered position in which an upper surface of said pod is flush with said finished floor and an upper position in which said pod is raised above said finished floor.
  • 48. The operating room of claim 47 in which said pods are adapted for docking with carts or other apparatuses within said operating room.
  • 49. The operating room of claim 48 further comprising a mobile cart adapted to dock with any of said pods.
  • 50. The operating room of claim 49 in which said mobile cart is adapted for anesthesiology purposes.
  • 51. The operating room of claim 47 in which said pod is anchored below said sub-floor.
  • 52. The operating room of either claim 46 in which at least two surgical lights are arrayed about said surgical table.
  • 53. The operating room of claim 46 in which said gas and vacuum connections are provided using a uniform adaptor type.
  • 54. The operating room of claim 46 in which said surgical table presents receptacles capable of connection to any one of said pods under or in proximity to said surgical table.
  • 55. The operating room of claim 54 in which said surgical table further presents receptacles capable of connection to surgical apparatuses.
  • 56. The operating room of claim 46 in which at least one of said walls comprises built-in compartments for supplies, said compartments adapted to be accessible from the inside and outside of said room.
  • 57. The operating room of claim 56 in which said compartments are adapted to provide mounted doors on either side of said compartments.
  • 58. The operating room of claim 57 in which said mounted doors are comprised of see-through glass.
  • 59. The operating room of claim 46 further comprising a ceiling-mounted imaging C-arm movable between a parked position against said ceiling and positions oriented to obtain imaging of a patient.
  • 60. The operating room of claim 46 further comprising at least one flat-panel monitor disposed on one or more of said walls.
  • 61. The operating room of claim 60 in which at least one said monitor is embedded into one or more of said walls.
  • 62. The operating room of claim 46 further comprising in-wall or on-wall receptacles for disposing of biologics, sharps, and trash.
  • 63. The operating room of claim 62 in which said in-wall or on-wall receptacles are disposable cartridges insertable into the wall.
  • 64. The operating room of claim 63 in which said in-wall or on-wall receptacles are adapted with disposable inner bags.
  • 65. The operating room of claim 63 in which said in-wall receptacles are adapted with disposable inner bags.
  • 66. The operating room of any one of claims 64 or 65 in which said in-wall receptacles are color-coded.
  • 67. The operating room of claim 46 in which said surgical lights are ceiling-mounted.
  • 68. The operating room of claim 46 in which said surgical lights are mounted in a recessed cavity in the ceiling.
  • 69. The operating room of claim 46 further comprising a robotic cleaner.
  • 70. The operating room of claim 69 in which said robotic cleaner is battery operated.
  • 71. The operating room of claim 69 in which said robotic cleaner is adapted for floor cleaning.
  • 72. The operating room of claim 70 or 71 in which said robotic cleaner has a sterile, disposable cleaning cartridge and which said robotic cleaner and said cartridge are adapted to provide cleaning and sterilizing of said finished floor.
  • 73. The operating room of claim 46 wherein said finished floor is raised and said finished floor is supported by interlocking floor support columns with each column dovetailed with adjacent columns.
  • 74. The operating room of claim 46 wherein at least one wall comprises translucent backlit panels attached thereto.
  • 75. The operating room of claim 74 in which said translucent backlit panels are made of low dielectric constant materials, non-porous materials, or low dielectric constant and non-porous materials.
  • 76. The operating room of claim 46 further comprising a communication system adapted to wirelessly connect operating room apparatuses to at least one flat-panel monitors.
  • 77. The operating room of claim 46 adapted to meet hospital operating room water, electrical, and fire ratings such as those by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
  • 78. The operating room of claim 46 further comprising at least one ceiling-mounted UV, ozone, or UV and ozone sterilization device.
  • 79. The operating room of claim 78 in which said ceiling-mounted UV sterilization device or devices are automated to clean when operating room personnel have left said operating room.
  • 80. The operating room of claim 46 further comprising sink-trap UV sterilizers.
  • 81. The operating room of claim 46 in which at least one corner defined by the intersection of any of said walls, of said finished floor and any of said walls, or of said ceiling and any of said walls are rounded.
  • 82. The operating room of claim 46 in which the operating room is capable of being fumigated.
  • 83. The operating room of claim 46 in which the operating room further comprises air-tight doors.
  • 84. A method of using an operating room comprising: providing an operating room comprising: walls and a ceiling;a sub-floor and a finished floor;at least one pod with utility connections, at least one of any said pod: mounted between said sub-floor and said finished floor, and movable between a lowered position in which an upper surface of said pod is flush with said finished floor and an upper position in which said pod is raised above said finished floor.
  • 85. The method of claim 84 further comprising utilizing wireless controls on apparatuses in said operating room to control said apparatuses.
  • 86. The method of claim 84 further comprising utilizing passive-RF tagging of inventory to control inventory.
  • 87. The method of claim 84 further comprising providing an automatic robotic cleaner adapted to clean and sterilize said operating room floor and utilizing said robotic cleaner to clean and sterilize said operating room floor.
  • 88. The method of claim 84 further comprising utilizing at least one of any said pod to minimize cabling, wiring, and other obstructions in said operating room.
  • 89. The method of claim 84 further comprising utilizing monitors disposed on a wall to display information in real-time.
  • 90. The method of claim 84 further comprising utilizing surgical tables adapted to be fixed into the sub-flooring to provide a stable surgical working table.
  • 91. The method of claim 90 further comprising using said surgical table, further adapted to be capable of powered movement including tilting, rotating, and movement up and down, to allow improved access to a patient on said surgical table.
  • 92. The method of claim 84 further comprising utilizing a post-office wall adapted to allow access from the interior and exterior of the room.
  • 93. The method of claim 84 further comprising utilizing imaging devices adapted for ceiling-mounting to provide ready imaging of a patient.
  • 94. The method of claim 84 further comprising providing translucent backlit panels disposed on at least one interior wall.
  • 95. The method of claim 94 further comprising using said translucent backlit panels to provide an ambient, colored light.
  • 96. The method of claim 84 further comprising utilizing overhead surgical lights adapted to focus on and follow a placed RF-tag to provide enhanced surgical lighting.
  • 97. The method of claim 84 further comprising utilizing ultraviolet room sterilization to provide a sanitary operating room environment.
  • 98. The method of claim 84 further comprising utilizing in-wall waste disposal receptacles to provide convenient, off-the-floor waste disposal.
  • 99. A method of using an operating room comprising: providing an operating room with rounded corners comprising walls, a ceiling, and a finished floor; andproviding an automatic robotic cleaner adapted to clean and sterilize said operating room floor; andutilizing said robotic cleaner to clean and sterilize said operating room floor.
  • 100. The method of claim 99 in which said robotic cleaner is adapted with a disposable cartridge that can be replaced after cleaning with a new sterile disposable cartridge.
  • 101. A method of controlling inventory in an operating room comprising tagging items with radio-frequency identification tags,placing said items on a shelf in an operating room, said shelf having a radio-frequency identification tag detector, andhaving said detector communicate with a computer database of an inventory of said items that said item has been placed on said shelf, said database then indicating to a user said item has been placed on said shelf.
  • 102. The method of claim 101 in which said tag detector communicates to said database that any said item has been removed from said shelf and said database indicates to said user said item has been removed from said shelf if any said item has been removed from said shelf.
  • 103. The method of claim 101 in which some of said items are packaged in sterile packaging and radio-frequency identification tags are broken when said sterile packaging around said items is broken, opened, or removed.
  • 104. The method of claim 103 in which said tag detector communicates to said database that any said item has been removed from said shelf and said database indicates to said user said item has been removed from said shelf if any said item has been removed from said shelf.
  • 105. The method of claim 103 or 104 in which said database indicates to said user said item is no longer in said inventory if said item's identification tag has been broken.

This application claims the benefit of provisional patent application U.S. Ser. No. 60/701,106, filed Jul. 20, 2005 by the present inventor. The contents of U.S. Ser No. 60/701,106 are expressly incorporated herein by reference thereto. The following references are hereby explicitly incorporated by reference thereto: U.S. Pat. No. 4,915,435U.S. Pat. No. 4,571,900U.S. Ser No. 60/758,638Applications filed along with present application by current inventor on this date entitled: IN-CEILING FOCUS LOCATED SURGICAL LIGHTINGRE-DESIGN OF OPERATING ROOM TABLESAMBIENT LIGHTING IN HOSPITAL SURGICAL ENVIRONMENTSUSE OF ULTRAVIOLET GERMICIDAL IRRADIATION IN HEALTH CARE ENVIRONMENTSIN-WALL WASTE RECEPTACLES FOR HOSPITAL AND LABORATORY ENVIRONMENTSMULTIFUNCTIONAL FLOOR PODSROBOTIC FLOOR CLEANING WITH STERILE, DISPOSABLE CARTRIDGES

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Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind 371c Date
PCT/US06/28226 7/20/2006 WO 00 6/20/2008
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60701106 Jul 2005 US