House number normalization for master street address guide (MSAG) address matching

A technique and apparatus to allow a determination of an MSAG-valid address by use of normalized house numbers included in address entries in an MSAG Address data store, to facilitate the simple match of an input civic/postal address against entries in a MSAG data store based on the use of a normalization of the house numbers. The house number normalization allows for an easy lexicographical determination as to whether or not the input civic/postal house number falls with the range of house numbers in the MSAG data store. The inventive process and apparatus pre-stores normalized house number fields in an MSAG address data store, and then normalizes house numbers in a civic/postal address associated with an emergency call. The normalized numbers in the input civic/postal address associated with the emergency call are then lexicographically matched with normalized entries in an MSAG address data store.

1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates generally to long distance carriers, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and information content delivery services/providers and long distance carriers. More particularly, it relates to emergency call systems (e.g., E9-1-1) including wireless and Internet Protocol (IP) based Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) emergency call systems.

2. Background of Related Art

9-1-1 is a phone number widely recognized in North America as an emergency phone number that is used to contact emergency dispatch personnel. Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) is defined by an emergency call being selectively routed to an appropriate PSAP, and enhanced information (callback number, name and location) is provided to the PSAP. This is accomplished through the use of the ANI. The ANI may be the real phone number of the caller (in landline E911) or a pseudo-ANI called an ESRK (in cellular E911) or ESQK (in VoIP E911). Regardless of the network type, a 9-1-1 service becomes E-9-1-1 when automatic number identification and automatic location information related to the call is provided to the 9-1-1 operator at the PSAP.

This identifier allows the PSAP to retrieve location information such as the Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) valid address of the E9-1-1 caller's Civic/Postal Address. The Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) represents a community provided local address master guide that permits the most accurate dispatch of emergency personnel to a “correct address.” The “correct address” originates as the civic/postal address of an E9-1-1 emergency caller over a wireless and/or Internet Protocol (IP) based Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) emergency call system. The civic/postal address represents the caller's location at the time when the emergency call is placed. This civic/postal address needs to be associated with an appropriate corresponding MSAG address, which in most cases is required by the public safety answering point (PSAP).

A Public Service Answering Point (PSAP) is a dispatch office that receives 9-1-1 calls from the public. A PSAP may be a local, fire or police department, an ambulance service or a regional office covering all services. As used herein, the term “PSAP” refers to either a public safety access point (PSAP), or to an Emergency Call Center (ECC), a VoIP term.

Distributed emergency call systems in telecommunications are in general very complex computing systems. Emergency calls that originate from a VoIP network use well proven routing paradigms already used for cellular 911 calls, or for traditional landline 911 calls. These paradigms usually work well, because VoIP customers can usually be grouped into two categories: a mobile VoIP caller that resembles a cellular user, and a stationary VoIP user resembling landline usage.

Traditional landline systems use pre-provisioned, generally static subscriber addresses, where the landline automatic location identification (ALI) provisioning process insures a match to a master street address guide (MSAG) record, which contains an emergency service number (ESN) used to route emergency calls to a PSAP.

But determination of the location of a mobile device proves much, much more challenging. To determine location of a mobile device, some conventional cellular systems use separate triangulation technologies (or any of a number of other techniques) to find a latitude & longitude of an emergency caller. These systems then use a geographic information system (GIS) system to query for a pre-defined region (e.g., a PSAP polygon) that contains this location.

Of course, errors may occur in conventional systems when determining the location of a mobile user. But even though it's very possible that these queried PSAP polygons can lead to a different (i.e., wrong) neighboring PSAP than an equivalent address provisioned in a landline ALI, this discrepancy is conventionally accepted by PSAPs because the location itself is likely to be imprecise due to measurement errors—sometimes the location is off by hundreds of feet.

Conventional VoIP systems use proprietary technologies, usually based on GIS polygons, or based on pre-provisioning of the caller in the traditional landline ALI long before the need for an emergency call.

Thus, traditional landline paradigms provide the most accurate location for its static users, but require the caller's address to be pre-provisioned into a landline automatic location identifier (ALI). This pre-provisioning (often referred to as service order interface (SOI) loading) usually takes a few days between the caller notifying their service provider of their address change, and this change being reflected in the landline ALI. But during this window a 911 call might be made, and if so it would be routed using the “old” data still in the landline ALI. Even the fastest possible conventional landline ALI provisioning takes at least several hours.

Existing solutions include the NENA VoIP architecture for enhanced 9-1-1 services standard NENA 08-001. However, such conventional technologies are too complicated and not always practical. Moreover, conventional systems are disadvantageous because they are unable to handle the embedded geographic location to precisely route the caller to the correct PSAP using the “just-in-time” paradigm.

A “simple match” to find an MSAG-valid address refers to a simple lexicographic comparison of an input civic/postal address against the entries in an MSAG address store to find a positive match. The present inventors have appreciated that house numbers prove to be particularly hard to compare as in many cases house numbers contain digits and alpha-numeric characters in any random order. Given this fact, two house numbers that are not character-for-character identical may refer to the same house number as determined by a human observer.

Compounding this issue is the fact that otherwise conventional MSAG data stored in an otherwise conventional MSAG address data store is always given as range data including a low and high house number, e.g., “100-2000 Elm Street.” So with this, a simple match must successfully determine if a given input civic/postal house number falls within a stored MSAG address house number range.

The MSAG-valid address is required by most PSAPs, as it represents a community provided local address that allows accurate dispatch of emergency personnel to the correct address. But a challenge remains to provide a MSAG-valid address, particularly with respect to a real-time Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) emergency call.


In accordance with the principles of the present invention, a master street address guide (MSAG) address data store comprises a plurality of address entries, each entry comprising an address, a normalized low house number field, and a normalized high house number field.

In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a method of matching a civic/postal address associated with an emergency call with a master street address guide (MSAG) address table comprises normalizing the house number of an input civic/postal address associated with an emergency call to comprise an alphanumeric string having a fixed number of characters. The normalized house number is provided for matching against normalized entries in the master street address guide (MSAG). A MSAG address is selected from the MSAG address table in which the normalized house number falls lexicographically between the normalized low house number and the normalized high house number of the MSAG address.

In yet other aspects of the invention, a process of normalizing a house number portion of a civic/postal address and MSAG address range for use with an address database. Normalizing consists of converting each non-alphanumeric character in the house number portion to a space character. Consecutive space characters in the house number portion are replaced with a single space character. Leading and trailing spaces in the house number portion are removed. Each group of consecutive digits are located and padded with leading characters such that each digits group is of a fixed common length.

Normalization of the house number does not convert a house number to a valid house number, rather it converts house numbers to a standardized form for the purpose of lexicographical comparison.


Features and advantages of the present invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art from the following description with reference to the drawings, in which:

FIG. 1 shows an exemplary MSAG data store including an MSAG address table including a plurality of entries, in accordance with the principles of the present invention.

FIG. 2 shows an exemplary process of normalizing house numbers from a civic/postal address and from MSAG addresses for use with respect to an MSAG Address data store, in accordance with the principles of the present invention.

FIG. 3 shows normalizing an input house number, then determined if the input house number is “normalized-between” a given entry's low house number and a high house number, in accordance with the principles of the present invention.

FIG. 4 shows sample house number normalizations, in accordance with the principles of the present invention.

FIG. 5 shows sample normalized house numbers inserted into respective entries of an exemplary MSAG address table in an MSAG Address data store, in accordance with the principles of the present invention.


The present invention provides a technique and apparatus to allow a determination of an MSAG-valid address by use of normalized house numbers included in address entries in an MSAG Address data store. In particular, it provides a unique method to facilitate the simple match of an input civic/postal address against entries in a MSAG data store based on the use of a normalization of the house numbers. The house number normalization allows for a simple lexicographic determination as to whether or not the input civic/postal house number falls with the range of house numbers in the MSAG data store.

The present invention provides a very high matching rate of a master street address guide (MSAG) address using unique house number normalization on both: (1) an input civic/postal address; and (2) the MSAG addresses stored in an MSAG address data store. The inventive process and apparatus normalizes house number fields in an MSAG address data store in advance of matching, and then normalizes input house numbers from a civic/postal address associated with an emergency call. The normalized numbers in the input civic/postal address associated with the emergency call are then lexicographically matched with normalized entries in an MSAG address data store to successfully perform simple MSAG matching on an input civic/postal address.

An otherwise conventional MSAG address data store contains address ranges. According to the invention, the low and high MSAG house numbers are normalized and stored based on house number normalization rules established by the present invention. The normalized house numbers stored in the MSAG address data store may be normalized before first being stored in the MSAG address data store, or may be converted and restored in a new format accommodating the normalized form of the house numbers.

According to the invention, an input civic/postal address house number associated with an emergency call is converted using the same house number normalization as that used on the entries already stored in the MSAG address data store, and then lexicographically matched against the address range in the MSAG address data store. The conversion may be accomplished in a module associated with presenting a match inquiry to the MSAG address data store, or within the mobile device making the relevant emergency call, or anywhere there between. In this way, because of the normalization of the input house number, the input civic/postal address has a high probability to successfully match against the MSAG address data store, in accordance with the principles of the present invention.

With this invention, normalized house numbers are used on both the input civic/postal house number, as well as on the MSAG address low and high house numbers in the MSAG data store. The normalized civic/postal input house number is then lexicographically compared against the normalized MSAG address low and high house numbers in the data store.

While the disclosed embodiments utilize an MSAG address matching technique referred to as a Simple Match for which an MSAG Address table suffices, in practice the MSAG data store may contain more than just the MSAG address table suitable to support the relevant match technique used.

FIG. 1 shows an exemplary MSAG data store 100 including an MSAG address table 101 including a plurality of entries, in accordance with the principles of the present invention.

In particular, as shown in FIG. 1, a suitable database, referred to herein as an MSAG data store 100, includes an MSAG Address table 101. The MSAG Address table 101 includes multiple entries, each of which includes an associated data field for each of an MSAGAddress_ID 102, an MSAG Address 104, an MSAG_LOW_HOUSE_NUM_NORM 106, and an MSAG_HIGH_HOUSE_NUM_NORM 108.

Thus, each entry in the MSAG Address table 101 is uniquely identified by the MSAGAdress_ID 102 data.

Though the MSAG Address 104 field is shown in the disclosed embodiments as one field for reasons of simplicity, the MSAG Address 104 field in general preferably comprises several fields capable of documenting a street address.

According to the invention, each entry in the MSAG Address table 101 also comprises a NORMALIZED low house number MSAG_LOW_HOUSE_NUM_NORM 106, and a NORMALIZED high house number MSAG_HIGH_HOUSE_NUM_NORM 108.

FIG. 2 shows an exemplary process of normalizing house numbers extracted from a civic/postal address, and for use of normalizing MSAG Address data store house numbers, in accordance with the principles of the present invention.

In particular, FIG. 2 shows exemplary rules 400 to normalize a house number.

In step 420, a house number is input.

In step 401, the input house number is converted to a common case, e.g., all to upper case. Of course, normalization might instead normalize all house numbers to lower case within the scope of the present invention.

In step 402, each non-alphanumeric character (e.g. punctuation) is converted to a space character.

In step 403, consecutive space characters are replaced with a single space character.

In step 404, leading spaces and trailing spaces are removed.

In step 405, every group of consecutive digits (not whitespace, not alphanumeric) are located.

In step 406, each located group of digits is padded with leading zeros such that each digits group is exactly a common length, e.g., a preferred 10 digits in the disclosed embodiments.

FIG. 3 shows normalizing an input civic/postal house number, then determined if the input house number is “normalized-between” a given entry's low house number and a high house number, in accordance with the principles of the present invention.

In particular, as shown in FIG. 3, in step 501 an input civic/postal address house number is normalized using the rules shown in FIG. 2.

In step 502, the input civic/postal address including the now-normalized house number is compared to entries in the relevant MSAG Address data store to search for MSAG addresses where the input house number is “normalized-between” those MSAG address records. If the normalized input house number is lexicographically between the normalized low and normalized high house numbers of an MSAG address record, then the input house number is referred to as “normalized-between” the low and high house numbers of that MSAG record. Even though the original non-normalized input civic/postal house number might not be lexicographically between the original non-normalized high and low house number on that MSAG record, this ‘normalized-between’ step finds legitimate MSAG records that match the input civic/postal house number.

FIG. 4 and FIG. 5 illustrate the normalization process and determining whether or not a house number is “normalized-between” a low and high house number. First, FIG. 4 showing sample house number normalizations 200 will be described in accordance with the principles of the present invention.

In particular, as shown in FIG. 4, the input low and high house numbers are normalized preferably before being stored in the MSAG Address table. The first example 202 in FIG. 4 shows how house numbers consisting only of digits are normalized using the rules enumerated above. In this example, the civic/postal low and high (i.e., range) house numbers “1100” and “2200” are normalized into “0000001100” and “0000002200”, respectively.

Similarly, the second example 204 shows house numbers starting with an alpha-numeric character (e.g., “N”). In the second example 204, the civic/postal low and high house numbers “N0340” and “N0900” are normalized into “N0000000340” and “N0000000900”, respectively.

The third example 206 depicts an example of normalization of house numbers with a trailing alpha-numeric character. In this example, original civic/postal low and high house numbers “10G” and “40G” are normalized into “0000000010G” and “0000000040G”, respectively.

More complex examples would work in the same fashion following the enumerated rules above, in accordance with the principles of the present invention.

FIG. 5 shows sample normalized house numbers inserted into respective entries of an exemplary MSAG address table 300 in an MSAG Address data store, in accordance with the principles of the present invention.

In particular, as shown in FIG. 5, the MSAG address table 300 includes sample civic/postal addresses and house number ranges (i.e., as defined by both low and high house numbers), as shown in the examples 202, 204 and 206 in FIG. 4.

It is important to point out that the “MSAG Address” parameter shown in FIG. 5 still contains the original UN-normalized house number, whereas the parameters or fields described as “MSAG_LOW_HOUSE_NUMBER_NORM” and “MSAG_HIGH_HOUSE_NUMBER_NORM” contain the corresponding normalized values. With that, the normalized house numbers for the “MSAG Address” field in the first civic/postal address entry 302 is “1100-2200 27th AVE NE Seattle Wash. 98115”, with the address range defined by the normalized values of “0000001100” and “0000002200”, respectively.

Similarly, the “MSAG Address” field in the second civic/postal address entry 304 contains the original civic/postal address: “N0340-N0900 NE 65th St Seattle Wash. 98115”, from which the normalized address is determined and stored as a low and high house number, e.g., “N0000000340” and “N0000000900”.

Finally, in the third and last example civic/postal address entry 306, the “MSAG Address” field contains the original the original civic/postal address: “10G-40G NE Park Rd Seattle Wash. 98115”, from which the normalized address is determined and stored as a low and high house number, e.g., “0000000010G” and “0000000040G”.

Therefore, taking the very last example, for the sample civic/postal input address of “0035G NE Park Rd Seattle Wash. 98115” a simple match would be found with civic/postal address 306, in accordance with the principles of the present invention, since the normalized form of “0035G” is “0000000035G”, which lexicographically falls between the normalized range of “0000000010G” and “0000000040G” of that civic/postal address entry 306.

Accordingly, using modules put in place to normalize not only the house number range in all entries put into an MSAG Address table, but also a suitable normalization module to perform the same normalization on an input civic/postal address to be matched to the entries in the MSAG Address table, the present invention guarantees that a given civic/postal address with a non-trivial house number can be simply matched against an MSAG address in a MSAG Address data store.

The present invention has particular applicability with location based server vendors.

While the invention has been described with reference to the exemplary embodiments thereof, those skilled in the art will be able to make various modifications to the described embodiments of the invention without departing from the true spirit and scope of the invention.

  • 1. A master street address guide (MSAG) address data store, comprising: a plurality of civic address entries, each entry comprising an address, a normalized low house number field, and a normalized high house number field.
  • 2. The master street address guide (MSAG) address data store according to claim 1, wherein said normalized house number field comprises: respective normalized MSAG house numbers normalized with non-alphanumeric characters represented with a space character, with consecutive space characters represented with a single space character, with leading and trailing spaces removed, and with each group of consecutive digits padding with leading characters such that each digits group is of a fixed common length.
  • 3. A method of matching a civic/postal address associated with an emergency call with a master street address guide (MSAG) address table, comprising: normalizing a house number of an input civic/postal address associated with an emergency call to comprise an alphanumeric string having a fixed number of characters;providing said normalized house number for matching against entries in said master street address guide (MSAG); andselecting a MSAG address from said MSAG address table in which said normalized house number falls lexicographically between a normalized low house number and a normalized high house number.
  • 4. Apparatus for matching a civic/postal address associated with an emergency call with a master street address guide (MSAG) address table, comprising: means for normalizing a house number of an input civic/postal address associated with an emergency call to comprise an alphanumeric string having a fixed number of characters;means for providing said normalized house number for matching against entries in said master street address guide (MSAG); andmeans for selecting a MSAG address from said MSAG address table in which said normalized house number falls lexicographically between a normalized low house number and a normalized high house number.
  • 5. A process of normalizing a house number portion of a civic/postal address and MSAG address range for use with an address database, comprising: converting each non-alphanumeric character in said house number portion to a space character;replacing consecutive space characters in said house number portion with a single space character;removing leading and trailing spaces in said house number portion; andlocating each group of consecutive digits, and padding each said group of consecutive digits with leading characters such that each digits group is of a fixed common length.
  • 6. The process of normalizing a house number portion of a civic/postal address for use with an address database according to claim 5, wherein: said fixed common length is 10 digits.
  • 7. The process of normalizing a house number portion of a civic/postal address for use with an address database according to claim 5, wherein said leading characters comprise: zeros.
  • 8. The process of normalizing a house number portion of a civic/postal address for use with an address database according to claim 5, further comprising: converting said house number to upper case.
  • 9. The process of normalizing a house number portion of a civic/postal address for use with an address database according to claim 5, wherein: said non-alphanumeric character is punctuation.
Parent Case Info

This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/960,459, entitled “MSAG Simple Matching a Civic/Postal Address Using Unique Normalized House Number Fields”, to Geldenbott, Hines and Martin, filed Oct. 1, 2007; and also from U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/960,148, entitled “Optimal Selection of MSAG Address for Valid Civic/Postal Address”, to Geldenbott, filed Sep. 18, 2007, the entirety of both of which are expressly incorporated herein by reference.

Provisional Applications (2)
Number Date Country
60960459 Oct 2007 US
60960148 Sep 2007 US