Author: T.C. Tow; "The Effect Of Multiple Pulse Injection, Injection Rate And Injection Pressure On Particulate And NOx Emissioin From A D.I. Diesel Engine", one hundred forty-seven pages; published in 1993 in the United States. |
Authors: T.C. Tow, D.A. Pierpont, R.D. Reitz; "Reducing Particulate and NOx Emissions By Using Multiple Injections In A Heavy Duty D.I. Diesel Engine"; seventeen pages; published Feb. 28, 1994 in the United States. |
Authors: N. John Beck, Robert L. Barkhimer, Michael A. Calkins, William P. Johnson, William E. Weseloh; "Direct Digital Control Of Electronic Unit Injectors"; twelve pages; published Feb. 27, 1984 in the United States. |
Authors: N. John Beck, S.K. Chen; "Injection Rate Shaping And High Speed Combustion Analysis-New Tools For Diesel Engine Combustion Development"; twenty pages; published Feb. 26, 1990 in the United States. |
Authors: R. Racine, M. Miettaux, Y. Drutel, J. Heidt; "Application Of A High Flexible Electronic Injection System To A Heavy Duty Diesel Engine"; fourteen pages; published Feb. 25, 1991 in the United States. |
Authors: M. Miyaki, H. Fujisawa, A. Masuda, Y. Yamamoto; "Development Of New Electronically Controlled Fuel Injection System ECE-U2 For Diesel Engines"; seventeen pages; believed to have been published in 1991. |
Author; BKM, Inc.; "Servo Jet Electronic Fuel Injection HSV High Speed Solenoid Valves"; four pages; published 1985 in the United States. |
Authors: K. Egger, P. Reisenbichler, R. Leonhard; "Common Rail Injection System For Diesel Engines--Analysis, Potential, Future"; twenty-eight pages, which includes original German publication with FIGS.; published Apr. 28, 1994 in Germany. |
Author: A. Dolenc; "The Injection Equipment Of Future High-Speed D.I. Diesel Engines With Respect To Power And Pollution Requirements"; ten pages; published Feb. 7, 1990 in Great Britain. |
Authors: R. Cihocki, P. Herzog, F. Schweinzer; "Latest Findings In Development Of High-Speed Direct Injection �HSDI! Diesel Engines In Passenger Vehicles"; thirty pages, which includes original German publication with FIGS.; published Apr. 28, 1994 in Germany. |
Authors: K. Prescher, W. Bauer, W. Schaffitz; "Common Rail Injection Systems With Characteristics Independent Of Engine Speed And With High Injection Pressure--Diesel Engine Potential For The Future"; thirty-nine pages, which includes original German publication with Figs.; published Apr. 28, 1994 in Germany. |