It had been some time in my younger years that I started to realize there was something that could not be deprived from our lives. That was energy. I grew up in a farm with various kinds of livestock. I have engaged in all farm activities especially, machinery and transportation. So I gained mechanical experiences by helping my father whenever he had to engage in mechanical problems. My father was so keen with machinery. Spending my younger years with him gave me a good head start leading me to this invention. At one time he wanted to set up the water turbine on the near by stream. In order to reduce electric bills. I engaged in fully on the set up and so elated when we first generated a considerate amount of electricity from our own invention. Unfortunately, our invention had its own limited capacity. The water current would dwindle when dry season approached. The gadget would be incapacitated for 4-6 months before it could get back to generate electricity again. So it became the only back up system.
This kind of experience in my life becomes a seed being embedded in the soil ready to break off and grow. It is just a matter of right timing. The more I learn about how do we obtain electricity for our energy the more I disagree, even despise. We are living our lives with no plans for the future, no certainty for our new generations to come. In the future when these resources run out or become so scarce, what are we going to do? No body can answer that question. This means no plans into the future which we all invest our new generations in it.
It has long been known that humans have striven for clean and reliable energy to replace the way we are obtaining our energy. Because some of us may have realized of the peril that we are facing not to mention about pollution being created in the process. But with all time and efforts that they have put in, all methods are unreliable just like the one that my father and I have built. The source of energy must be clean, reliable, economical and command able. So I have come up with the system that meets all these requirements.
Introducing HYDRO-ELECTRENERGY. The apparatus that can generate ample supply of electricity by itself around the clock any where on this planet at no running costs. There are no pros and cons to discuss about in this system. This is why the patent should be granted to protect this idea. It is so prominent and unprecedented amongst those methods that people have tried to circumvent the conventional way. It is the only one system that can harness the kinetic energy of the airflow created by interactions between air and water in our natural surroundings. This kinetic energy can generate electricity perpetually. This system should be renowned for innovation of alternative energy that people have striven to obtain for decades.
With the description of the drawings: