The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps project investigates applications of technologies describing health and wellness data. Researchers conducting clinical trials can use this technology to capture real-world patient data and streamline large-scale late phase trials, accelerating the development of new pharmaceuticals and treatment modalities. Life scientists could use this technology to accelerate basic science discovery and facilitate translation of these findings from the bench to bedside. Human resources personnel could better track, manage, and act on data generated in employee wellness programming toward fewer sick days, more productivity, and higher employee satisfaction. Health program coordinators could potentially facilitate public health interventions and perform research. Care managers and clinicians could deploy and manage remote management services to chronic disease populations, preventing unnecessary hospitalizations, improving health outcomes, and lowering the cost of care management. <br/><br/>This I-Corps project explores the trade space of a data capture and management technology to transform data access, structure, and security. This technology consists of several core components, including (1) A universal wrapper application program interface (API) that scales with existing and future hardware, software, and other data sources; (2) A data normalization algorithm and entity relationship model to structure data and affiliate it with the data source; (3) Security and privacy controls to protect data source privacy and end-user regulatory compliance; (4) Machine learning and predictive analytics using data in different modalities to translate data into actionable insights for a variety of commercial uses.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.