The broader impact of this I-Corps project is the development of a fabrication methodology aimed at multi-functional 3D circuits. This approach integrates multiple fabrication techniques to address the challenges of high capital investment, waste generation, and limited material options associated with traditional methods. The potential societal impact lies in its ability to democratize access to advanced electronic manufacturing, thereby fostering innovation and economic growth. Furthermore, the commercialization of this technology holds promise for diverse industries, including healthcare, robotics, and flexible electronics, by offering scalable and cost-effective solutions for complex circuit fabrication.<br/><br/>This I-Corps project utilizes experiential learning coupled with a first-hand investigation of the industry ecosystem to assess the translation potential of the technology. This solution is based on the development of a freeform multi-material assembly process, which integrates freeform laser induction, direct ink writing, and fused deposition modeling. The research focuses on addressing the unmet technological gaps in multi-functional 3D circuit fabrication by enabling versatile and scalable manufacturing of integrated electronic devices in diverse applications.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.