The broader impact of this I-Corps project is the development of a sensing technology for sports helmets that is designed to identify concussions. Currently, undetected concussions pose a significant risk, delaying treatment for athletes and exposing them to further neurological damage. This technology may reduce the recognition time for concussions and minimize additional brain injuries. The data collected will help identify trends, establish impact thresholds, and enhance accuracy and delivery interfaces. This information holds promise for neurological research and improvement of headgear technologies, facilitating progress in understanding concussion etiology. Creating a safer athletic environment promotes increased participation and better injury prevention, protecting brain health.<br/><br/>This I-Corps project utilizes experiential learning coupled with a first-hand investigation of the industry ecosystem to assess the translation potential of the technology. The solution is based on the development of a 125-micrometer blunt impact sensor technology designed as an add-on device for sports helmets. This sub-millimeter sensor leverages Fabry Perot interference principles. Upon collision or impact, alterations in the reflected light from the sensor induce changes in the interference pattern. Optical power fluctuations resulting from interference shifts caused by blunt force on the helmet are monitored through Q-point tracking using an algorithm. By providing real-time, quantifiable data, medical professionals and trainers are enabled to make data-driven decisions regarding the athlete's health, setting a new standard for accurately and promptly diagnosing concussions and other head injuries. This technology may provide a way for traumatic brain injuries, such as concussions, to be quickly monitored and treated.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.