The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps project is the development of an innovative training program designed to heighten self-awareness of potential biases in workforce decision making. This product has applications to a host of industries where employees may be subject to biases that can influence decision making outcomes. Practitioners and training facilitators in fields such as health and human services, child and adult welfare agencies, educational institutions, and licensing and accreditation organizations largely recognize the need to better engage with clients from increasingly diverse backgrounds and interests. In response, agencies and educational entities are actively seeking ways to address issues of decision-making bias among professionals. Traditional training (i.e., seminars, written case studies, use of live actors), is typically done in physical spaces, may not be easily accessible, and can therefore be costly. The proposed product can be accessed remotely which lifts many logistical barriers to consumers. By providing evidence to support the efficacy and viability of the product, expected outcomes may include improved practitioner knowledge, skills, and competencies. This will likely enhance service delivery, reduce work related stressors, and decrease workforce challenges with the goal of increasing effectiveness of service delivery and quality of life for the client/customer/employee.<br/><br/>This I-Corps project is based on the development of an evidence-based simulation program to prepare current and future point-of-care/contact professionals (such as welfare workers, health providers, law enforcement officers, public service/first responders, educators, etc.) to become more aware of and responsive to their unconscious bias. This product allows participants to examine potential unconscious biases using real-time simulated virtual experiences. In many industries, clients often engage in systems with professionals who have inadequate training in recognizing unconscious bias in their practice. This lack of awareness, and thus decreased likelihood for responsiveness, increases the risk of negative impacts on decision making. In addition to targeting increased awareness of unconscious bias, this innovative training may also help to reduce workforce turnover, and therefore, the repeated expense of hiring and onboarding new professionals. Given that the impact of unconscious bias in decision making often results in financial cost to organizations, negative service outcomes, and challenges with recruitment/retention, the product offers a potential cost-effective and accessible means to help address numerous pain points.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.