i6 Membership for Southwest Sciences, Inc <br/>Phase II proposal #0646479 <br/>i6 Proposal #: 1119658 <br/><br/>Southwest Sciences, Inc has requested support for a one year membership to the New Mexico Technology Ventures Corporation that was recently selected as the recipient of the Economic Development Administration's Region 5 i6 award. <br/><br/>The goal of the proposed project is to improve the marketability of the diode laser hygrometer developed in this SBIR project. Funding of this project will permit Southwest Sciences to participate as a partner company in the i6 Challenge Grant awarded to Technology Ventures Corporation (TVC) of Albuquerque, NM (EDA Austin Region award). During the supplemental project, the prototype Phase II instrumentation will be refined and improved so that it can be marketed for direct sales to customers in the atmospheric research community.