Macintosh Manual .COPYRGT.1983 Apple Computer, Inc., p. 148-MacWrite Application Program Icon. |
"The Star User Interface: an Overview" David C. Smith et al., Proceedings of National Computer Conference (Houston, Tx.; Jun. 7-10, 1982, pp. 515-528, second printing, 1984, pp. 1-28, Xerox Office Systems Technology, pub. Xerox Corporation. |
"Designing the Star User Interface", David C. Smith et al. BYTE Magazine, vol. 7(4), pp. 242-282, Apr., 1982, second printing, 1984, pp. 1-28, Xerox Office Systems Technology, pub. Xerox Corporation. |
"Human Factors Testing in the Design of Xerox's 8010 `Star` Office Workstation," William L. Bewley et al., ACM CHI '83 Conference Proceedings, pp. 72-77, Boston, Mass. Dec. 12-15, 1983. |
Symbols or Icons Used on Xerox 8010 Professional Workstation announced for sale, 5/81, (6 pages). |