"A Database Model for User Interface Management Systems" Proceed of the 1990 Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 200-201, Anderson et al., 6 Apr. 1990. |
"Extending a Relational DBMS to Support Complex Objects" 2nd Intl. Conf on Data and Knowledge Sys. for Manuf. and Eng, pp. 131-171, Gardarin et al, 18 Oct. 1989. |
"Adding Methods to Rel DB Constructs", Proceed of the 15th Ann. Intl. Conf., Tanaka et al., pp. 42-49, 13 Sep. 91. |
"Extending SQL with General Transitive Closure and Extreme Value Selections" IEEE Transactions on Know. and Data Eng, pp. 381-390, Eder, J., Dec. 1990. |
"A Visual Query Lang. for an ER Data Model", IEEE Computer Society Press, 1989 IEEE Workshop on Visual Lang. pp. 165-170, Czejdo et al. 6 Oct. 89. |
"A Multimedia Knowledge-Baed System", IEEE Computer Soc. Press, Proceed of the 15th Annual Int Comp. Software & Appl. Conf. Sakaguchi et al, 13 Sep. 1991. pp. 118-123. |
"Implementation of an OBJ-Orien Front-End to A Rel. Database Sys", IEEE TenCon '90, Kisword et al., pp. 811-815, vol. 2, 27 Sep. 1990. |
"ESQL: a Query Lang. for the Relation Model Supporting Image Domains", Proceed 7th Intl. Conf. on Data Engineering , Ahad et al., pp. 550-559, 12 Apr. 1991. |
"Toward a Multilevel Relational Data Language", IEEE Fourth Aerospace Computer Security Applications Conference, Lunt et al., pp. 72-79, Dec. 16, 1988. |
Research Disclosure Mar. 1990, p. 211, Icons in the Headings of Columnar Lists. |
Research Disclosure Nov. 1989, p. 837, Iconic Fields. |