The present invention relates to electrostatic inkjet print technologies and, more particularly, to printheads and printers of the type such as described in WO 93/11866 and related patent specifications.
Electrostatic printers of this type eject charged solid particles dispersed in a chemically inert, insulating carrier fluid by using an applied electric field to first concentrate and then eject the solid particles. Concentration occurs because the applied electric field causes electrophoresis and the charged particles move in the electric field towards the substrate until they encounter the surface of the ink. Ejection occurs when the applied electric field creates an electrophoretic force that is large enough to overcome the surface tension. The electric field is generated by creating a potential difference between the ejection location and the substrate; this is achieved by applying voltages to electrodes at and/or surrounding the ejection location.
The location from which ejection occurs is determined by the printhead geometry and the location and shape of the electrodes that create the electric field. Typically, a printhead consists of one or more protrusions from the body of the printhead and these protrusions (also known as ejection upstands) have electrodes on their surface. The polarity of the bias applied to the electrodes is the same as the polarity of the charged particle so that the direction of the electrophoretic force is towards the substrate. Further, the overall geometry of the printhead structure and the position of the electrodes are designed such that concentration and then ejection occurs at a highly localised region around the tip of the protrusions.
To operate reliably, the ink must flow past the ejection location continuously in order to replenish the particles that have been ejected. To enable this flow the ink must be of a low viscosity, typically a few centipoises. The material that is ejected is highly viscous because of the high concentration of particles; as a result, the technology can be used to print onto non-absorbing substrates because the material will not spread upon impact.
Various printhead designs have been described in the prior art, such as those in WO 93/11866, WO 97/27058, WO 97/27056, WO 98/32609, WO 98/42515, WO 01/30576 and WO 03/101741.
WO 98/42515, proposes a system for controlling the application of first voltage pulses to a respective ejection electrode associated with an ejection location and second voltage pulses to a respective secondary electrode associated with the ejection location, such that, when a voltage pulse is applied to the ejection electrode, a voltage pulse, inverted with respect to the pulse applied to the ejection electrode, is applied to the secondary electrode. This technique is used to overcome problems with capacitive coupling between proximate ejection locations which otherwise can adversely effect ejection. As cross-talk can be reduced if lower voltages are used, and it is therefore desirable to use the smallest possible voltages to cause ejection and inverting the voltage applied to the secondary electrode maintains the differential at a desirable level. The provision of voltages on secondary electrodes of this type also serves to preserve a symmetrical electrical field shape which avoids or reduces the deflection (side-to-side) resulting otherwise from asymmetrical fields resulting from cross-talk arising from the voltages applied to adjacent ejection locations.
The solid arrow 11 shows the ejection direction and again points in the direction of the substrate. In
In operation, it is usual to hold the substrate at ground (0 V), and apply a voltage. VIE, between the intermediate electrode 10 and the substrate. A further potential difference of VB is applied between the intermediate electrode 10 and the electrodes 7 on the ejection upstand 2 and the cheeks 3, such that the potential of these electrodes is VIE+VB. The magnitude of VB is chosen such that an electric field is generated at the ejection location 6 that concentrates the particles, but does not eject the particles. Ejection spontaneously occurs at applied biases of VB above a certain threshold voltage. VS, corresponding to the electric field strength at which the electrophoretic force on the particles exactly balances the surface tension of the ink. It is therefore always the case that VB is selected to be less than VS. Upon application of VB, the ink meniscus moves forwards to cover more of the ejection upstand 2. To eject the concentrated particles, a further voltage pulse of amplitude VP is applied to the ejection upstand 2, such that the potential difference between the ejection upstand 2 and the intermediate electrode 10 is VB+VP. Ejection will continue for the duration of the voltage pulse. Typical values for these biases are VIE=500 volts, VB=1000 V and VP=300 volts.
The voltages actually applied in use may be derived from the bit values of the individual pixels of a bit-mapped image to be printed. The bit-mapped image is created or processed using conventional design graphics software such as Adobe Photoshop and saved to memory from where the data can be output by a number of methods (parallel port, USB port, purpose-made data transfer hardware) to the print head drive electronics, where the voltage pulses which are applied to the ejection electrodes of the printhead are generated.
One of the advantages of electrostatic printers of this type is that greyscale printing can be achieved by modulating either the duration or the amplitude of the voltage pulse. The voltage pulses may be generated such that the amplitude of individual pulses are derived from the bitmap data, or such that the pulse duration is derived from the bitmap data, or using a combination of both techniques.
Electrostatic printers of the type described here eject viscous jets of particulate material from a non-viscous carrier fluid. This offers many advantages over conventional digital printers based on piezoelectric or thermal technology including:
Printheads comprising any number of ejectors can be constructed by fabricating numerous cells 5 of the type shown in
Problems can arise when two neighbouring cells 5 are printing and a third adjacent cell is not printing. This generates an asymmetric electric field at the ejection location of the central ejector that will deflect the ejected material from an ideal trajectory that is straight towards the substrate. This effect is called electrostatic crosstalk (or crosstalk for short).
This physical reason for crosstalk is illustrated in
A cell's immediate neighbours have the most influence on the direction of the ink ejected, with second and third neighbours creating a similar, but decreasing effect.
According to the present invention there is provided a method of preparing a two-dimensional bit-mapped image having n pixels per row for printing using one or more printheads each having a row of ejection locations, each ejection location having associated ejection electrodes to which a voltage is applied in use sufficient to cause particulate agglomerations to be formed from within a body of printing fluid, and wherein, in order to cause charged particulate agglomerations to be ejected as printed droplets from selected ejection locations, voltage pulses of predetermined amplitude and duration, as determined by the respective bit values Pi, where 1≦i≦n, of the individual pixels of rows of the image, are applied to the electrodes of the selected ejection locations, wherein Pi is determined by the expression:
The equations above show how, for each iteration of the logic loop, the value of Pi+j used for printing becomes αj·Pi+j of the original image. Note that the use of the logic operator “:=” has its usual meaning of ‘is defined to be’ or ‘becomes’. Another way of writing this would be to write [Pi+j]PRINT=αj·[Pi+j]IMAGE.
The above method may additionally be augmented wherein the values of Pi+1 or Pi−1 are additionally adjusted in a preliminary step in accordance with the following algorithm (algorithm 2):
This additional compensation is useful where there are no printed areas immediately adjacent the area of print under consideration and acts to remove the first pixel of a group being printed. For example, when there are smaller areas of ‘negative’ printing (i.e. unprinted areas within a larger background of printed pixels), this helps to achieve more ‘open’ or better defined characters. The technique is also useful if there is a tendency for ink to ‘spread’ on the substrate before drying.
The bit values may be adjusted such that the voltage and/or duration of the ejection pulse applied to the electrodes of at least one of two adjacent ejection locations (or ‘ejectors’) which are printing is reduced or increased to change the deflection of each of the droplets ejected from said adjacent ejection locations.
When the bit-mapped image is such that two adjacent ejection locations/ejectors are arranged to cause ejection simultaneously, the bit values can be adjusted such that the voltage and/or duration of the ejection pulse applied to the electrodes of said two adjacent ejection locations is reduced to adjust the deflection of each of the ejected droplets from the adjacent ejection locations.
The invention includes a method of printing a bit-mapped image using a printhead having a row of ejection locations, each ejection location having associated ejection electrodes to which a voltage is applied in use sufficient to cause particulate agglomerations to be formed from within a body of printing fluid, and wherein, in order to cause charged particulate agglomerations to be ejected as printed droplets from selected ejection locations, voltage pulses of predetermined amplitude and duration, as determined by the bit values of the individual pixels of the image, are applied to the electrodes of the selected ejection locations, wherein the bit-mapped image has printed pixels such as to require simultaneous ejection from two adjacent ejection locations of a printhead, on one side of which ejection locations there is no simultaneously printing ejection location, the method including preparing the bit-mapped image according to claim 1.
The printhead(s) may be arranged to print more than two adjacent pixels from the same ejection location on sequential multiple passes.
Similar issues arise and the same solution can be used when the printhead(s) carry out printing in a single pass, printing all required pixels of each row either at the same time (if the printhead resolution is high) or else printing the required pixels from multiple (interleaved) printheads closely spaced one behind another.
The printhead may be indexed multiple times.
The reason why there can be no simultaneously selected ejection locations at which ejection occurs is because either the pattern being printed has ‘white space’, ie unprinted areas, or else because the adjacent ejection locations are at the end of the row of ejection locations and thus there are no further ejection locations from which droplets could be ejected.
Examples of methods and apparatus according to the present invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:
a & 10b show simulated crosstalk patterns for 4-point negative “u” (a) with no compensation and (b) with compensation as described in this invention;
The crosstalk generated by any given image may be modelled by Equation 1, below.
Δxe=(Ve−1−Ve+1)X1+(Ve−2−Ve+2)X2+(Ve−3−Ve+3)X3 (1)
The magnitude of crosstalk generated by lines 6-9 of
The consequence of this behaviour on the edge of a solid-fill region (i.e. all cells ejecting over a given region of the substrate) is shown in
By modifying the ejection strength (ejection voltage pulse amplitude or duration) of some of the ejectors, it is possible to reduce the width of the widest white line situated between pixels four and five. Since pixel four is deflected primarily by the ejection for pixel eight, decreasing the ejection strength of pixel eight will reduce this deflection. Similarly, decreasing the strength of pixel one increases the deflection of pixel five, deflecting it to the left to further reduce the width of the white line.
This method can be applied to more complex images, as shown in
The correction to the ejection strengths may be described by a compensation coefficient for each of the chosen pixels, which acts as a linear multiplier to the bit value of those pixels. In the example above the compensation coefficient applied to the pixels of columns 1 and 8 is, therefore, 0.43. More generally, compensation schemes exist within the scope of the invention that can increase or decrease the values of chosen pixels by assigning coefficients that are correspondingly greater than one, or less than one, respectively.
The method by which the ejection strength for individual pixels is modified involves the application of a purpose-written software filter to the bitmap image data. This filter, which can be incorporated into the design graphics software, e.g. Adobe Photoshop™, the raster image processing software, or used as a stand-alone application, identifies the pixels to be modified and adjusts their bit values according to the scheme described above. The voltage pulse produced by the print head drive electronics in response to these modified pixel values is correspondingly modified in amplitude or duration, depending on the type of drive electronics employed, as illustrated in
Of these alternative techniques, in practice it is simpler to modulate the duration of the pulse, but either technique may be appropriate in given circumstances and both may be used together.
This technique can be simply modified to reduce the effects of crosstalk in any image, regardless of the desired resolution of the image to be printed and the native resolution of the printhead. This technique can also be applied to ejectors at the end of an array printhead, where the absence of any further ejectors can also create crosstalk effects.
Use of the technique of the invention can be illustrated by taking
A horizontal line of this image has the following pixel values:
The image is printed using a print head that consists of a linear array of ejectors spaced on a 168 micron pitch. The print head is controlled to traverse the substrate to be printed four times in a direction perpendicular to the array, and during each pass the printhead is controlled to print a pattern of dots corresponding to every fourth pixel of the image along the direction of the array. Between each pass the printhead is indexed 42 microns along the axis of the array such that, over the four interleaved passes, the complete image is printed. The interleaving parameter, k, therefore takes the value 4. The size of each printed dot is controlled according to the corresponding pixel value, where zero corresponds to no dot and 1 corresponds to the maximum dot diameter of approximately 60 microns.
In accordance with the technique of the present invention, the errors created in the printed image may be compensated by decreasing the value of selected pixels, increasing the values of other selected pixels, or by a combination of the two. For the purposes of this example we will demonstrate compensation by reducing the values of the first printed pixel (P5) and the eighth (P12) from 1 to the value a as illustrated in
Using the experimentally determined values for the printhead of X1=34 μm, X2=7 μm and X3=3 μm in Equation 1 gives an expression for the deviation from its ideal position in x of dots printed from ejector e of the printhead:
Δxe=34(Ve−1−Ve+1)+7(Ve−2−Ve+2)+3(Ve−3−Ve+3) Equation 2
In terms of pixel number i and interleaving parameter k:
Δxi=34(Vi−k−Vi+k)+7(Vi−2k−Vi+2k)+3(Vi−3k−Vi+3k) Equation 3
The pitch error between adjacent pixels i and (i+1) is (Δxi+1−Δxi).
With reference to
Table A below enumerates the effect of crosstalk, and the effect of compensation, from which the optimum value of the coefficient α is derived for this example.
In Table A, the uncompensated pitch errors are shown in column 5 and the expressions for the compensated pitch errors in terms of the coefficient α as derived from Equation 3 are shown in column 7. Columns 8 to 11 show the resulting values of pitch error for values of α=0.5, 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8, showing that α=0.7 provides the lowest maximum pitch error of these values. In fact the maximum pitch error is minimised in this example when 34(2α−1)=34(1−a)+3α, giving α=0.687 or, in terms of the coefficients X1, X2, X3: α=2X1/(3X1−X3), but in practice it is sufficient to round a to one decimal place.
The optimum value of α in this example can be seen from line 4 in
Compensation is applied to the image data according to the algorithm of the invention, which examines the bitmap image for transitions from light (Pi≦PL) to dark (Pi≧PH) in the direction across the printhead, the width of the dark area that is searched for being at least (k+1) pixels. Hence, for this example (having k=4), the algorithm searches for one or more contiguous light pixels adjacent five or more contiguous dark pixels, then multiplies the edge pixel by the coefficient α1 and the eighth (2kth) pixel from the edge by α8.
Table B shows the step-by-step process defined by the algorithm of the invention for this example.
Hence, in the pattern of
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
10165661.9 | Jun 2010 | EP | regional |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/EP2011/059244 | 6/6/2011 | WO | 00 | 12/3/2012 |