Pokémon Pikachu packaging, Model No.: MPG-001, Nintendo of America Inc., 1998, 4 pages. |
Tamagotchi Virtual Pet instructions, 6 pages, Bandai, 1996-1997. |
“Drawings on Napkins, Video Game Animation, and Other Ways to Program Computers”, Ken Khan, Information Access Company and Association for Computing Machinery, vol. 39, No. 8, p. 49, Aug. 1996, (2 pages). |
May, Scott, “We Need to Distinguish Ourselves From Edutainment”, IDG Commucications, inc., InfoWorld, Aug. 13, 1984, 2 pages. |
“C User's Journal”, Apr. 1992, 1 page. |
PC Magazine, Oct. 2, 1984, 2 pages. |
Gavin, Maurice, “The Hally Orrery: A program to show the comet's orbit”, pp 64-66, New Scientist, Spotters-Guide, Halley's Comet, London England, 1985. |
Press Release, “Activision Little Computer People' People Project: Research Update”, Activision, Mountain View, California, Jul. 12, 1985, 2 pages. |
Emery, Jr., C. Eugene, “Who's the little guy in there?” Knickerbocker News, p. 22 Albany, New York, Dec. 16, 1985. |
Advertisement, “We're learning to love the little people who live inside computers”, USA Today, Nov. 11, 1985, 1 page. |
Mulloy, Mike, “David, dog, and others live inside computers”, Maywood Herald, Oak Park, Illinois, Jan. 29, 1986, 1 page. |
Katz, Arnie, “The Little Computer People Project”, pp. 47-49, Ahoy!, 03/86. |
Research Update: Activism, “Little Computer People” Project, p. 9, Computer Entertainer, 8/85. |
Bishop, David, “Little Computer People”, Computer and Video Games, 1985, 6 pages. |
Bartimo, Jim, “Q&A: David Crane”, p84, Info World, Mar. 12, 1984. |
Advertisement, “Who's living in your computer? It's me!”, p. 62, Commodore Computing, 12/85. |
Kristiansen, Rasmus Kirkegard, “The Little Computer People—Hvor Kommer De Fra?”, pp. 4-7, SOFT, Jan.-Feb. 1986 (with translation). |
Advertisement, “Unitsoft Distribution”, Computer and Video Games, 5/86, 1 page. |
Mason Ralph, Little Computer People: Research Project, Win 64 Emulator (copyright), 1995, 3 pages. |
Crane, David and Nelson, Sam, “Little Computer People”, 1986, Activision, 7 pages. |
Activision's Modern Computer People: human-like beings actually found living inside computers, (Activision, Mountain View, CA), pp. 1-12, 1985. |
Advertisement, Little Computer People Discovery Kit, (Activision, Software, Mountain View, CA), 1985, 1986, 2 pages. |
A Computer Owner's Guide to Care of and Communication with Little Computer People, (Activision, Mountain View, CA), 1985, 8 pages. |
Activision Catalog, (Activision, Mountain View, CA), 1985, 4 pages. |
InfoWorld, 1986, 1 page. |
Ryan, Bob, Dr.Floyd's Desktop Toys (MicoProse Entertainmenmt Pack vol. 1), McGraw Hill, Apr. 1993, 2 pages. |
“Turn Up the Heat This Holiday Season With Nine Sizzling Games From Activision”, PR Neswire Association, Dec. 7, 1995, 3 pages. |
Jones, George, “MechWarriors mass for Network attack; new Net-Mech action game from Activision”, Nov. 1995, 3 pages. |
Tamagotchi Instructions, Bandai, 1996-1997, 8 pages. |
Kantrowitz, Barbara and Namuth, Tessa, “A New Pet Rock for the Digital Generation”, Newsweek, Jun. 9, 1997, p. 62. |
Lawson, Carol, “Love it, feed it, mourn it”, New York Times, May 22, 1997, 1 page. |
Asahi National Broadcasting, “Tamapitchi Takes Off”, Jun. 15, 1997, 2 pages, http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/broadcast/click/article-08.htm. |
Scheyen, Peter, “Border Zone”, Overview, Feb. 6, 1996, 2 pages, http://www.csd.uwo.ca/Infocom/borderzone.html. |
Waijers, Boudewijn, “The Roguelike Games Home Page”, May 13, 1996, 10 pages, http://www.win.tue.nl/˜kroisos/roguelike.html. |
Waijers, Boudewijn, “The Roguelike Home Page”, Feb. 28, 1996, 1 pages, http://www.win.tue.nl/games/roguelike/rogue/index.html. |
Doherty, Paul David, “Infocom Fact Sheet”, Sep. 3, 1995, 8 pages, ftp://ftp.hmd.de/if-archive/infocom/infocom/info/info/fact-sheet.txt. |
Master-Type- Rock's Boots, 2 pages http://www.globaldialog.com/˜pliethen/apple2/isaac/edu/2.edu/2.html, date unknown, on Internet prior to May 1997. |
Border Zone: A Game of Intrigue, date unknown. |
“Time and Date in NetHack”, Boudewijn Wayers, ftp://ftp.win.tue.nl/pub/games/nethack/General/Spoilers/NH31/timedate, date unknown. |
The NetHack Home Page, Boudewijn Wayers, Jul. 12, 1996, http://www.win.tue.nl/˜kroisos/nethack/. |