Image drawing system and method with real-time occlusion culling


  • Patent Grant
  • 6259452
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Friday, March 20, 1998
    26 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, July 10, 2001
    23 years ago
To avoid needless processing of non-visible portions of a 3D scene, an occlusion culling method which dynamically identifies large occluders as the viewpoint moves is applied to discard non-visible polygons early in the graphics pipeline, i.e., in object space. The method is conservative, i.e., it overestimates the set of visible polygons; it exploits spatial coherence by using a hierarchical data structure; and it exploits temporal coherence by reusing visibility information such as supporting and separating computed for previous viewpoints. Objects are called from a three-dimensional object database if they are fully occluded from sight of the viewpoint due to either occluders near the viewpoint or occluders near the objects themselves. Objects which have not been called are drawn. Supporting planes tangential to an occluder and object set are used to determine occlusion.


Computer modeling of a 3-dimensional space usually begins by defining a collection of “objects” existing within the space and maintaining this collection within a data base. The “definition” of an object includes enough information to allow a computer to draw, or render, the object from any perspective. Each object's location in “object space” coordinates is specified as well.

These objects are usually described in terms of vertices which define polygons in 3-dimensional object space. These polygons are then projected into a 2-dimensional image space, and drawn into a frame buffer which is used to display the polygons on a computer display.

Typically, a z-buffer is used to hide more distant objects behind objects nearer to the point of view. The z-buffer has an entry corresponding to each pixel in a frame buffer. While the frame buffer contains pixel color/intensity information, the z-buffer maintains a relative depth of each pixel. Before a pixel is overwritten in either buffer, a new pixel's depth is compared with the old (z-buffer) pixel's depth value. If the new pixel is closer, the frame buffer and z-buffer pixels are overwritten. Otherwise, the new pixel is discarded. In this manner, closer objects are displayed while objects obscured from view are not. While the actual z-buffer algorithm is usually implemented in hardware, all objects must first be processed, e.g. projected into 2-dimensional space and colored/textured, in order to be passed to the z-buffer, even though many of these objects are ultimately hidden. This is a very time-consuming and wasteful task.

Greene (U.S. Pat. No. 5,600,763), among others, attempts to improve on this by culling objects in image space. Greene does so by progressively subdividing the object space into smaller and smaller cubic spaces until either a size limit is reached or a cube is found to be the smallest cube that fully encloses a particular object. Greene tests for visibility of the cubes in image space, starting with the largest cube, and if that cube is visible, testing the sub-cubes therein, and so forth. Cubes that are not visible are culled before their associated objects are rendered. This would require significant modification to existing current graphics workstations.

Previous work by one of the present inventors, “Visibility Preprocessing For Interactive Walkthroughs”, Teller and Séquin, Computer Graphics, Vol. 25, No. 4, July 1991, pp. 61-69, incorporated herein by reference, describes a process in which the “world” is divided early in the process into cells which have viewing portals into other cells. At start-up, it is determined for each cell which other cells are visible from the given cell. This information is maintained statically and allows culling of all cells (and objects therein) which are not visible from the cell holding the current viewpoint. As a refinement, a “view cone” is calculated to further dynamically cull cells that are not actually visible from the viewpoint as the viewpoint moves around. While this algorithm works well for architectural walk-throughs, it is not efficient for models with less apparent cell/portal structures such as outdoor city models.


Identifying visible polygons or eliminating hidden polygons is an important component of efficient scene rendering algorithms. Despite the availability of high performance z-buffer hardware, a significant fraction of graphics machines have lesser or no hardware z-buffering capabilities. Software z-buffering (e.g., on personal computers) can be a rendering bottleneck. Moreover, on many computer architectures, the z-test occurs after other graphics processing (e.g., shading, texture mapping), wasting computation on invisible portions of the model.

One way to address this problem is to develop occlusion culling algorithms that efficiently identify, then render, only the visible portions of the model or a tightly-bounded superset thereof. The present invention exploits the presence of large occluders in typical architectural or urban models to design a real-time occlusion culling algorithm.

In accordance with the present invention, an image constructed, relative to a viewpoint and a field of view, from a three-dimensional object data base is drawn. Individual occluders within the field of view are dynamically identified in object space. Any objects in the object data base which are within the field of view, but which are fully occluded from sight of the viewpoint by the identified occluders, are culled from the list of objects to be drawn. Objects which have not been culled from the object data base are drawn.

In a preferred embodiment, the object space is partitioned into octree nodes, or cells, and objects are culled by determining whether cells which contain the objects are fully occluded from sight.

Furthermore, information about viewing regions of object space from which objects are occluded may be dynamically determined. This information may be retained for reuse by subsequent culling operations.

In the preferred embodiment, a viewing region of object space, from which the object is occluded from sight, is defined. When the point of view is within the defined region, the object is culled. Such a region is defined by supporting planes which are tangential to an occluder and an object set. The object set may be, for example, a cell partitioned from the object space, or alternatively, the object set may be a single object.

Significant occluders are large objects which are near the viewpoint, thus potentially occluding a large volume of space relative to the viewpoint, or which are near other objects and therefore have the potential to occlude the other objects relative to the viewpoint.

In the preferred embodiment, significant occluders are identified by statically identifying potential occluders based on the apparent size of the objects and dynamically selecting significant occluders based on a current viewing direction. Such a determination of apparent size may be based on an estimate of the solid angle subtended by the potential occluder relative to the viewpoint, or alternatively, relative to the center of the object set.

Once the significant occluders are selected for a given viewpoint, it is determined which objects are completely occluded by the significant occluders, and these occluded objects are culled from the list of objects so as not to be rendered. Information pertaining to regions of object space from which each object is occluded is retained for reuse by subsequent culling operations. The set of regions thus identified due to large occluders near the viewpoint is dynamically maintained as the viewpoint moves around in object space.

The preferred embodiment uses a simple and fast visibility test that determines whether some region of the model is completely or partially occluded by a set of occluders. Second, a preprocessing step identifies nearby large occluders for all viewpoints. Finally, a hierarchical visibility algorithm repeatedly applies the visibility test to determine the status of octree nodes in a spatial hierarchy.

Culling occurs very early, in object space, before any other graphics transformations or operations are performed. It is therefore a very efficient process in that, once an object is culled from the list of objects, no further graphics processing or rendering need be done on that object.

The above and other features of the invention including various novel details of construction and combinations of parts, and other advantages, will now be more particularly described with reference to the accompanying drawings and pointed out in the claims. It will be understood that the particular method and device embodying the invention are shown by way of illustration and not as a limitation of the invention. The principles and features of this invention may be employed in various and numerous embodiments without departing from the scope of the invention.


The foregoing and other objects, features and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the following more particular description of preferred embodiments and the drawings in which like reference characters refer to the same parts throughout the different views. The drawings are not necessarily to scale, emphasis instead being placed upon illustrating the principles of the invention.

FIG. 1

is a block diagram of a typical graphics workstation.

FIG. 2

is a drawing showing occluder polygons and occludee objects for an instantaneous viewpoint.

FIG. 3

is a drawing showing the geometric structure which forms the basis of an octree data structure.

FIG. 4

is a tree diagram showing an octree structure corresponding to the object space of FIG.



FIG. 5

is a basic flowchart of the invention.

FIG. 6

is a drawing demonstrating occlusion in two dimensions (a planar cross section of 3D). Separating and supporting planes of an occluder A and an occluder T are shown, as is a synthetic viewpoint.

FIG. 7

is a drawing demonstrating occlusion by connected occluders A and B.

FIG. 8

is a drawing demonstrating that supporting planes through shared silhouette edges cannot be ignored.


show occlusion in 3D as seen from the viewpoint.


shows occlusion caused by connected occluders whose silhouette is convex in the image.


shows occlusion by connected occluders having a non-convex silhouette.


shows occlusion by a set of disconnected occluders.

FIG. 10

is a drawing showing tangent planes through a polygon edge.

FIGS. 11A and 11B

are a drawing and table demonstrating how silhouette vertices are determined.

FIG. 12

is a drawing showing the projection of a box with respect to the origin, shown in 2D.

FIG. 13

is a drawing and table demonstrating the mapping from sextuples to pairs of tangent vertices.

FIG. 14

is a drawing showing the parameters used in the calculation of the area-angle metric.

FIG. 15

is a drawing showing the discretization of viewing directions for a given octree node.

FIGS. 16A and 16B

are a flowchart of the occluder preprocessing procedure.

FIG. 17

is a drawing showing detail objects and occluders used to determine their visibility.

FIG. 18

is a drawing showing the discretization of viewing directions for a given detail object.

FIG. 19

is a flowchart of the object/occluder preprocessing procedure.

FIG. 20

is a drawing showing octree nodes classified with respect to a single occluder and two consecutive viewpoints. Subdivision is assumed to occur at the center of each octree node.

FIG. 21

is a flowchart of the viewpoint change preprocessing procedure.

FIGS. 22A-22C

are a flowchart of the updateVisible algorithm.


As shown in

FIG. 1

, a typical graphics system comprises a desktop or tower computer


, internal or external mass storage devices


, and a monitor


. The computer itself has a CPU


, internal memory


and other circuits and functions. Typically, some scene


is to be drawn, or rendered, on the monitor


. The scene may be composed of hundreds, thousands or even more objects such as streets, trees, buildings and so on. In order to be able to render these objects from a sequence of dynamically changing viewpoints, it is beneficial to represent each visual or virtual object as a data object, and to maintain in a database


a list of all objects in the virtual world. Such an object database is generally maintained on one or more mass storage devices


. As a user “walks” through the virtual world defined by the object database, the objects are redrawn. This is typically done rapidly enough that the observer appears to be traveling smoothly through the virtual world. Of course, the more objects and the more detail, the more computing must be done between viewpoints and the more difficult it is to maintain smooth motion.

The present invention improves on existing techniques by culling certain objects before they are rendered, thus saving costly time the computer would otherwise have to use to render objects that will not be visible. Information related to pairs of objects, used in deciding whether to cull one of the objects, is maintained in a cache


in memory to further save execution time.

A small set of occluders is dynamically chosen to be used for culling. This strategy is motivated by the observation that, in many interesting models, from any instantaneous viewpoint most of the occlusion is caused by a few polygons. Polygons typically act as occluders for nearby viewpoints, so are therefore chosen dynamically as the viewpoint changes. The same polygons may be occludees as well (culled objects) for remote or oblique viewpoints.

FIG. 2

, for example, shows a polygon


near the viewpoint


acting as an occluder for more distant (from viewpoint


) polygons


. Usually, the occludee is not just a single polygon, but a convex region of space containing many polygons


, e.g., a hierarchical bounding box



The present invention uses an efficient occlusion culling method that exploits the presence of large occluders in 3D object space, and culls a significant fraction of objects before rendering a scene.

Applying a visibility test to every possible visual interaction (which could consume O(n


) resources, for n polygons) is expensive. Instead, three techniques reduce the number of visibility tests performed. First, spatial coherence is exploited by organizing the polygons in an octree as described below. Second, a small, dynamically maintained set of occluders near the viewpoint is used to determine occlusion. Third, a small set of occluders near each octree node is also used to determine occlusion.

FIG. 3

demonstrates the division of a three-dimensional space


into octants and sub-octants. First, the space


is bisected by three orthogonal planes






, forming eight octants, here numbered






is not visible). For demonstration purposes, octant


is further divided into sub-octants, here labeled
















are not visible). In practice, all sub-octants are further divided a predetermined number of times.

FIG. 4

shows an octree data structure corresponding to the three-dimensional space of FIG.


. The root node


corresponds to the entire space



FIG. 3

, and contains eight subnodes


, each corresponding to an octant of FIG.


. Each subnode in turn contains eight subnodes


corresponding to the next subdivision of the octants of FIG.


. For demonstration purposes, only subnodes








, corresponding to sub-octants









FIG. 3

, are shown. At some point, division of the space ceases, and the smallest sub-octants of the space


correspond to the lowest level in the octree structure, called leaves


. Information can thus be easily associated with particular nodes, including leaves.

Temporal coherence in the motion of the observer is exploited by caching large occluders and occlusion relations between sequential viewpoints.

FIG. 5

is a basic flowchart of the invention. Preprocessing operations


include occluder preprocessing


, object preprocessing


, silhouette lookup table generation


and tangent-vertex lookup table generation


. Two lists of objects are provided: a list of potential occluders


and a list of detail objects


. Although not necessary, in the preferred embodiment these lists are mutually exclusive. The list of potential occluders


serves as input to the occluder preprocessing


. For each octree node, occluder preprocessing generates associations between each of eight discrete viewing directions and potential occluders. The list of detail objects


serves as input to the object preprocessing


. Object preprocessing generates associations between potential occludees or detail objects, and potential occluders. Both occluder and object preprocessing limit the number of potential occluders that must be examined during a walk-through for any particular viewpoint and viewing direction.

Silhouette lookup table generation


and tangent-vertex lookup table generation


generate information used to reduce the amount of calculations. Each of the preprocessing operations


is discussed below.

After preprocessing


, initialization


occurs, after which the dynamic walkthrough is performed. For each viewpoint or viewing direction change


a subset of occludees is determined using a conservative visibility test and culled from the list of objects to be rendered for the current viewpoint and viewing angle. Finally, after culling, objects not culled from the list are rendered


according to traditional techniques.

Conservative Visibility Testing

A conservative visibility test determines whether, given a viewpoint, a set of convex occluders and a convex occludee, the occludee is visible, i.e., whether there exists a line segment from the viewpoint to some point on the occludee that meets no occluder. The test uses the concept of supporting and separating planes, demonstrated in

FIG. 6. A

separating plane


of two convex polyhedral objects A,T is a plane formed by an edge E of one object A, and a vertex V


, for example, of the other object T such that the objects A,T lie on opposite sides of the plane


. Supporting planes


are analogous, except that both objects A,T lie on the same side of the plane



FIG. 6

further demonstrates the interaction between a single occluder A and an occludee T (typically a bounding box). This can be completely described in terms of the plane


of occluder A and the supporting planes


and separating planes


of A and T. First, A can occlude T only if the viewpoint


lies in that half-space


of A which does not contain T. This region


can be divided into three qualitatively distinct regions. In region


, T is not occluded by A; in region


, T is partially occluded by A; and in region


, T is completely occluded by A.

The supporting planes


and separating planes


of A and T can be used to detect in which of these regions the viewpoint


lies. First, the planes are oriented toward occluder A to form half-spaces. We say that a viewpoint satisfies a plane if and only if it is inside the plane's positive half-space, i.e., the same side of the plane as the occluder. This relation can be checked by performing an inner product of the viewpoint vector with the plane normal vector. Full occlusion occurs when all of the supporting planes


are satisfied, that is, when the viewpoint


is in the intersection of the supporting half-spaces (region


). Partial occlusion occurs when all the oriented separating planes


are satisfied, but some supporting plane is not (region


). Otherwise, there is no occlusion (region



Occlusion may also be caused by more than a single cccluder.

FIG. 7

shows occlusion caused by two connected occluders A,B, i.e., two occluders that share an edge E. If the viewpoint


is in the shaded region


, object T is occluded by the combined effect of A and B, even though neither occludes it alone. This case is handled by ignoring the supporting planes


through the non-silhouette shared edge E, if both polygons A, B adjacent to E partially occlude T.

FIG. 8

demonstrates that occlusion by two connected occluders A,B occurs only when the occluders lie on opposite sides of their common edge E, as seen from the viewpoint


. Intuitively, common edge E is relevant only when it is a silhouette edge of the occluder


as seen from the viewpoint



FIG. 8

shows a case in which ignoring the supporting plane (dashed)


through common edge E would cause T to be classified, incorrectly, as not fully occluded.

In general, a set of occluders A


, . . . , A


jointly occludes T if:

1. A


, . . . , A


partially occlude T, and none fully occludes T;

2. If two occluders A


and A


share an edge E, they lie on opposite sides of edge E as seen from the viewpoint; and

3. The signed distances of the viewpoint from all planes, other than those supporting common edges, are positive.


, which depict three different occlusion cases, show why the test described above is conservative. In


, supporting planes (not shown) through the “internal” edges C




are ignored. The occludee T lies entirely within the convex silhouette of occluder


and the test detects occlusion. On the other hand, the test may not detect occlusion if the silhouette edges form a non-convex polygon. For example, in


the test fails as the occludee T appears to “cross” the line


supporting edge E in the image of occluder


. Finally, as


demonstrates, the test does not detect occlusion caused by a set of disconnected occluders






. In practice, this is a reasonable tradeoff for architectural, urban and other models, where most occlusion is due to large occluders acting alone or as part of a connected set. This visibility test is thus conservative in that while it may classify an occluded entity as visible, as shown in

FIGS. 9B and 9C

, it never misclassifies a visible entity as occluded.

The above process is simple to implement given the supporting and separating planes corresponding to a single occluder and occludee. An efficient way to compute these planes is described now.

Computing Supporting and Separating Planes

In principle, it is possible to precompute all planes formed by occluder/occludee pairs. However, this would be wasteful, as only a small fraction of such planes would ever be used. Instead, the present invention uses a hybrid method that combines preprocessing and run-time table lookups to compute supporting and separating planes formed by an (arbitrary) occluder and an axial bounding box (an occludee).

The supporting and separating planes of an occluder/occludee pair are restricted to the set of tangent planes formed by occluder edges and occludee vertices. Those planes formed by occluder vertices and occludee edges are ignored. Assembling only these planes provides an exact test for full occlusion, and a conservative test for partial occlusion.

FIG. 10

shows two tangent planes




formed from occluder edge


and tangent vertices




. Note that tangent plane


is a supporting plane while tangent plane


is a separating plane.

Tangent vertices (and consequently, tangent planes) for each occluder edge are computed using the following steps. This method speeds up computation of supporting and separating planes, a key component of the visibility test, by an order of magnitude over the naive method of computing and checking planes through each vertex of the bounding box.

First, the occludee bounding box and occluder are translated so that the origin is one vertex of the occluder edge



Next, the silhouette of the bounding box, as seen from the origin, is determined using a table lookup based on the position of the box's vertices with respect to the origin. This table is created during pre-processing and translates 3-bit codes representing regions of space to lists of vertices.

FIGS. 11A and 11B

show a table demonstrating a sampling of mappings of triplets of values (x,y,z) to sets of silhouette vertices depending on the position of the origin with respect to a particular cube (or cell). Each of x, y, z takes a value of either −1, 0 or +1 based on the following comparison algorithm.

Given a bounding box B with minimum and maximum x values of MIN_X and MAX_X, respectively, if MIN_X>0 (i.e., the origin, being one vertex of the occluder, is to the “left” of both faces of B), then x=−1. If the origin is between the two faces of B (MIN_X≦0<MAX_X), then x=0. Otherwise, the origin is to the “right” of both faces of B and x=+1. Values for y and z are computed similarly.

For example,

FIG. 11A

shows a bounding box B with vertices numbered




. The bounding box B is offset from the origin


. The column labeled “Triplet” has an entry for several of the twenty-seven possible combinations of (x,y,z). Of course, the actual table for the present invention contains all twenty-seven possibilities. The second column “Silhouette vertices”, maps a given triplet to the set of vertices which form the silhouette of box B as seen from the origin. The third column provides comments. In particular, the entry for the triplet <−1,0,0> shows this combination indicates that the origin is to the left of box B as shown, and therefore that the silhouette vertices are vertices








as indicated in the “Silhouette Vertices” column.

Finally, in a 2D projection with respect to the origin (along a direction toward the box B), the occluder edge projects to a single point P as shown in FIG.


. The tangents


from this point to the box's silhouette are determined. As the property of tangency is retained by projection, the tangent vertices determined in 2D are the tangent vertices in 3D.

Computing tangent vertices in 2D is a table lookup based on the location of the edge projection with respect to the silhouette edges. Due to the special properties of the silhouette edges (i.e., projection of axial edges with respect to the origin), this computation can be easily performed. This table is created during pre-processing. A line equation for each silhouette edge is oriented such that the silhouette lies on the positive side of the line. Regions induced by extended silhouette edges are numbered using 4- or 6-bit codes, for 4- and 6-vertex silhouettes respectively. The codes consist of 0s and 1s, indicating respectively that a region is on the negative or positive side of the line. Tangent vertices are determined by the region with which the occluder edge's projection lies.

FIG. 13

shows a portion of the 6-bit tangent-vertex table. The extension


of the silhouette edge connecting points




, is oriented such that the silhouette


lies on the positive side, or inside, of line


, as indicated by the plus sign (+)


. Points B and C, on the other hand, lie on the negative side of line


, indicated by a negative sign (−)



Note that a 4-bit table is used when there are four silhouette edges (i.e., seeing only one face), as determined from the lookup table described in

FIGS. 12A and 12B

. The 6-bit table,

FIG. 13

, is used when there are six silhouette vertices (i.e., looking at a corner).

The 4-bit table (not shown) maps quadruples of bits to pairs of vertices that are the tangent vertices. The 6-bit table of

FIG. 13

similarly maps sextuples of bits to pairs of vertices that are the tangent vertices. Each element of the sextuplet is computed as follows. Let (x,y) be the position of the projected occluder edge endpoint. If (x,y) is on the positive side, then the respective element is 1, otherwise it is 0. For example, point A inside the silhouette has code (111111). Point B has code (111110) which maps to {5,4}, signifying that vertices




comprise the tangent vertices of the silhouette of box B, as seen from the origin, for which planes need to be computed. Several other points are demonstrated in the figure.

Occluder Preprocessing and Dynamic Viewpoint-based Occluder Selection

The preferred embodiment maintains the state of each octree node with respect to a set of occluders. As the viewpoint moves, it is crucial to update this occluder set to contain those polygons that are “large” in the image, and therefore likely to occlude substantial portions of the model. Likewise, polygons that become small in apparent size should be ejected from the set.

A simple metric for the occlusion potential of a polygon from a given position is the solid angle it subtends at that position. A reasonable estimate of solid-angle is the “area angle”, given by












FIG. 14

shows the parameters in relation to the occluder and viewpoint. A represents the area of the occluder


, {right arrow over (N)} represents its normal


, {right arrow over (V)} represents the viewing direction


, and {right arrow over (D)} represents the vector


from the viewpoint


to the center of the occluder


. This area-angle metric captures several properties of the subtended solid angle of occluder


, making it a useful approximation. First, larger polygons have larger area-angle. Second, the area-angle falls as the square of the distance from the viewpoint, as does the subtended angle. Third, maximum area-angle occurs when the viewing direction {right arrow over (D)} is “head-on” with the occluder, and falls with the dot product as the occluder is viewed obliquely. While this metric differs from the solid-angle in that it does not consider the actual shape of the occluder, it is much simpler to compute, and serves as a useful heuristic to identify large occluders near the viewpoint.

Given a discretization of all possible viewing directions, the occluder preprocessing algorithm uses the area-angle metric to associate each octree leaf and viewing direction with those M


occluders likely to be most effective from viewpoints in that leaf. The number of occluders M


is a parameter supplied to the preprocessing stage.

When interactive model viewing begins, an octree leaf containing the initial viewpoint is chosen. A set of M


occluders associated with the octree leaf and discrete viewing direction closest to the current viewing direction is selected. When the viewpoint moves outside the octree cell or the viewing direction changes substantially, the set of occluders is modified to correspond to the new viewing position and direction. Note that if the observer is moving smoothly, the set of occluders effective from one viewpoint is likely to be similar to the set of occluders effective from the next viewpoint, and little or no changes need be made to the occluder set.

FIG. 15

demonstrates how occluders are associated with a given cell


which may be a leaf or a node. From the center


of the cell, a number (eight in the preferred embodiment) of viewing zones




H are established. For each viewing zone, a list of potential occluders is created, based on the “closeness” of an object to the cell, and the apparent size of the object, relative to the cell. For example, object


may be a potential occluder for both viewing regions


B and


C. In the preferred embodiment, the M


largest objects greater than some threshold are selected as potential occluders for some M



During a walkthrough, the viewpoint will most likely not be found at the center of a node. Rather it may be at some arbitrary point


within the node. In addition, the viewing angle


need not be, and usually will not be, the same angle as any of the viewing regions




H. Some viewing region is selected which most closely corresponds with the actual viewing direction of the viewpoint, and significant occluders are selected from the list of potential occluders associated with that viewing region. In

FIG. 15

viewing region


B corresponds most closely with the actual viewing direction


. Thus, the significant occluders for this viewpoint


will be determined from the list of potential occluders associated with viewing region


B, which includes object



FIGS. 16A and 16B

are a flowchart of the occluder preprocessing procedure


. A predetermined list of potential occluders


is provided and used as input into the procedure. First, in step


, an octree is built, as described earlier, with the size of the leaves determined by some parameter. Next, loop




is executed for each occluder O in the list.

After an occluder O is selected in step


, a “conservative” box B is computed in step


such that box B completely encloses O, and additionally, so that relative to any point within box B, the area angle of O exceeds some threshold area angle. In step


, occluder O is associated with each octree leaf that intersects with box B. This concept is depicted by reference


. A box B has been calculated which encloses occluder O


. From any point within box B, the area angle of O


with respect to that point exceeds a predetermined threshold area angle. Boxes L


and L


represent two different leafs of the octree. L


intersects with box B and is therefore associated with occluder O


in a table


. L


does not intersect with box B and is therefore not associated with occluder O


in this table


. After the loop




has completed, table


holds all associations of leaves and occluders.

The next step is to create a table


which associates up to M


occluders with each of eight viewing angles for each octree leaf. Outer loop




is executed for each leaf L in the octree. Within the outer loop, a mid-level loop




is executed for each of the eight viewing angles K. In the inner-most loop




, an occluder O which has been associated with leaf L from table


is selected (step


). In step


, the area angle of occluder O is calculated with respect to the center of leaf L and the viewing direction K. After completion of this inner loop




, in step


the occluders associated with leaf L are sorted in order of decreasing area-angle. Finally, in step


, the top M


occluders are associated with leaf L and viewing angle K, as shown in table


. This process is repeated for each of the viewing angles for each leaf in the octree.

Object Preprocessing and Dynamic Object-based Occluder Selection

Much of the polygon complexity in urban and architectural models arises due to the presence of small “detail” objects (e.g., furniture in a building, foliage in a city). As they are also part of the octree hierarchy, these objects may be culled by the hierarchical culling algorithm. Objects that are not culled are subjected to additional tests. Each such object is tested against occluders that are “near” the object. These tests can cull objects even if there are no large occluders near the viewpoint.

FIG. 17

demonstrates this principle. Detail objects D


, D


, D


exist at a distance from the viewpoint


. Occluders O


, O


, O


that are near detail objects D


, D


, D


respectively can be determined as follows. First, as detail objects are usually limited in spatial extent, they can be usefully approximated as a single point (e.g., the center of the object). Second, the problem of determining whether the detail object is visible from the viewpoint is identical to the problem of determining whether the viewpoint is visible from the detail object (i.e., visibility between two points is reflexive). Thus, occluders that are large when viewed from the center of the detail object (in a viewing direction toward the viewpoint) are good candidates to test. These are identified and stored for each object using the octree data structure previously computed. Of course, once these occluders are determined, it is necessary to perform the visibility test on the entire detail object using separating and supporting planes, instead of just on its midpoint.

FIG. 18

is similar to

FIG. 15

, but demonstrates how occludees or detail objects are associated with a given cell


, which may be a leaf or a node. From the center


of the cell, a number (eight in the preferred embodiment) of viewing zones




H are established. For each viewing zone, a list of nearby potential occluders is created, based on the “closeness” of an object to the cell, and the apparent size of the object, relative to the cell. For example, object


may be a potential occluder for both viewing directions


D and


E. In the preferred embodiment, the M


largest objects greater than some threshold are selected as potential occluders for some M



During a walkthrough, the synthetic viewpoint will be at some arbitrary point


in space. A viewing angle is selected which most closely corresponds with the line of site


from the viewpoint the center


of the cell, and significant occluders are selected from the list of potential occluders associated with that viewing region for that cell. In

FIG. 18

, viewing region


D corresponds most closely with the actual line of site


. Thus, the significant occluders for this cell


and viewpoint


will be determined from the list of potential occluders associated with viewing region


D, which includes object



FIG. 19

is a flowchart of the object preprocessing procedure


. As with the occluders, a predetermined list of detail objects


is provided as input. Outer loop




is executed for each detail object O.

After an object O is selected in step


, a bounding box B is computed in step


such that box B completely encloses O. In step


, object O is associated with the lowest (smallest) octree node N which encloses box B. This concept is depicted by reference


, in which a box B has been calculated which encloses object O. Node N is the smallest node which encloses box B.

In step


, the octree leaf L containing the center C of box B is determined. Now inner loop




is executed for each of the eight viewing directions K. After a viewing direction K is selected in step


, in step


occluders associated with leaf L and viewing angle K (from lookup table



FIG. 17B

) are sorted according to their area-angles with respect to the center C and the viewing angle K. In step


, the top M


occluders are associated with the object O and the viewing angle. This process is repeated for each viewing direction K for each object.



depicts the resulting table which holds associations of occludee objects, viewing angles, and occluders, after the loop




has completed.

Viewpoint Change Calculations

Given an octree as in

FIG. 3

, the present invention finds those polygons in the octree that are not occluded by the specified occluders. The visibility status of some octree node T with respect to occluders in the set S when viewed from P is determined. If it is determined that T is visible, all polygons contained in T are collected into the set OS.

The visibility algorithm recursively applies the conservative visibility test to determine the visibility status of each octree node. First, the conservative visibility test is applied to determine whether a current node is fully occluded. If so, the test returns without performing any further work—the entire subtree rooted at the current node is occluded. If the current node is visible, the polygons within the node are “gathered” into the set OS. Otherwise the current node must be partially occluded, and the procedure recurses with those occluders that partially occlude the octree node, since only these occluders can occlude any descendant octree node.

The complexity of this algorithm is O(kv), where v is the number of octree nodes visited and k is the number of occluders. In the worst-case, this complexity could be O(kn) if the algorithm tests all octree nodes against all n occluders. In practice, the complexity is lower, as only a fraction of the octree nodes are tested against each occluder.

FIG. 20

shows octree nodes visited during visibility classification of a hierarchy with respect to a single occluder O and two consecutive viewpoints




. Note that using the hierarchy exploits spatial coherence by avoiding further testing within nodes that are completely occluded (e.g., node


) or that are completely visible (e.g., node



For a moving observer, the algorithm caches the occlusion relations—a list of supporting and separating planes—at each visited octree node. When the viewpoint changes, the algorithm need only check existing occlusion relations, and update those octree nodes whose visibility status has changed. For example, in

FIG. 20

, nodes in the dark region (e.g., node


) are checked against the occluder in both traversals. For such nodes, the separating and supporting planes that are needed to determine their visibility status are computed only at the first viewpoint


and reused later. The cache entries corresponding to a node are maintained until the node is no longer involved in the visibility calculation (i.e., until an ancestor node becomes fully occluded or fully visible).

FIG. 21

is a flowchart depicting the processing which occurs when the viewpoint moves. Note that a list of current occluders (CurrentOccluders), not shown, is maintained from viewpoint to viewpoint. A set of supporting planes and separating planes for the current occluders and objects they occlude is also maintained in a “plane cache” (



FIG. 1


The procedure


takes as input a viewpoint P and a viewing direction D. Steps




function as an occluder identifier. First, in step


, the octree leaf L containing the viewpoint P is determined. In step


, the viewing angle K which is closest to D is selected. In step


, a list of “new” occluders, NewOccluders is set to the list of occluders associated with leaf L and viewing angle K in table


. Step


(shown in detail in FIGS.




B), the updateVisible procedure, is the object culler. This procedure, which is described in detail below, takes as input the list of new occluders AS=NewOccluders established in the previous step


to be added to the list of current occluders, and a list of occluders DS to be deleted from the list of current occluders. This list DS is simply a list of occluders which are in the list of current occluders but are not in the list of new occluders AS. Other inputs to the updateVisible procedure are current node T, the viewpoint P and a set of collected objects OS. Finally the list of current occluders CurrentOccluders is simply set equal to the list of new occluders, step



FIGS. 22A-22C

are a flowchart of the updateVisible procedure


, which recursively calls itself. Inputs AS, DS, T, P, OS are described above. First, for each occluder O in the set of objects to be deleted DS, all supporting and separating plane information associated with occluder O and node/leaf T is removed from the plane cache (step







is then executed for each occluder O in AS. If separating and supporting planes of O and T are already in the cache, execution jumps from




. Otherwise the planes must be computed (step


) using lookup tables (described above) and cached in the plane cache (step


). In step


, the occlusion status of O and T is computed using supporting and separating planes as described earlier.

After completion of loop




, one of four branches is taken depending on the status of the occlusion of node/leaf T. If T is completely unoccluded, branch


is followed. The plane cache is cleared of all of T's descendants (step


), and all objects within T are “gathered” into OS, the list of objects to be rendered (step



If, on the other hand, T is completely occluded, branch


is taken. Again, the plane cache is cleared of all of T's descendants (because only planes of T need be saved) in step


. Note, however, that the objects within T are not gathered since they are not visible.

If T is partly occluded and T is a leaf, branch


is taken and T's objects are gathered into OS.

Finally, if T is partly occluded and T is not a leaf, branch


is followed. UpdateVisible recursively calls itself for T's subnodes. In step


, two additional sets are defined: AS′ set to an empty set; and DS′, set to DS. Loop




is executed for each occluder O in AS to determine whether it should be included in AS′. In step


it is determined whether O partially occludes T. If so, O is added to the set AS′. If not, O is added to the set DS′. As a result, AS′ will ultimately include only those occluders which partially occlude T. Now updateVisible is recursively executed (loop




) for each subnode T′ of T until some descendant of T is either completely occluded, completely unoccluded, or is a partially occluded leaf.

Up to this point, objects have been culled based on their occlusion by objects close to the viewpoint. Remaining (unculled) detail objects are now culled based on their occlusion by nearby objects, as shown in FIG.



For each object R remaining in OS, loop




is repeated. First, as object R is selected in step


and one of eight viewing directions K closest to the actual viewing direction from object R to the viewpoint is selected in step


. Then, inner loop




is executed for each of the M


occluders in Table



FIG. 19

) which have been associated with object R and viewing direction K.

Each occluder O is checked at step


to see if it occludes object R. If O does occlude R, R is culled from set OS (step


) and will therefore not be rendered. The inner loop is exited, either when it is determined that R is occluded, or when there are no occluders from Table


left to test.

Referring back to

FIG. 5

, Step


, the drawer, renders the gathered objects, i.e., those objects not culled.

In a preferred embodiment, view frustum culling is incorporated by first checking whether the octree node is inside the viewing frustum before invoking the visibility algorithm. However, any supporting and separating planes computed for nodes outside the viewing frustum are still retained in the cache so that they can be reused later.

While this invention has been particularly shown and described with references to preferred embodiments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and detail may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.

  • 1. A method of drawing an image constructed, relative to a viewpoint and a field of view, from a three-dimensional object data base comprising:in object space, dynamically identifying individual occluders within the field of view; in object space, determining and culling objects from the object data base which are within the field of view, but fully occluded from sight of the viewpoint by the identified occluders; and drawing objects which have not been culled from the object data base relative to the point of view.
  • 2. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the object data base is partitioned into cells and objects are culled by determining whether cells which contain the objects are fully occluded from sight.
  • 3. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein an object is culled by defining a viewing region of object space from which the object is occluded from sight, and culling the object when the point of view is within the defined region.
  • 4. A method as claimed in claim 3 further comprising:dynamically determining information about viewing regions of object space from which objects are occluded and retaining this information for reuse by subsequent culling operations corresponding to a changed viewpoint.
  • 5. A method as claimed in claim 4 wherein a region is defined by supporting planes which are tangential to an occluder and an object set.
  • 6. A method as claimed in claim 5 wherein the object set is a cell partitioned from the object space.
  • 7. A method as claimed in claim 5 wherein the object set is a single object.
  • 8. A method as claimed in claim 1, further comprising identifying significant occluders by statically identifying potential occluders based on apparent size and dynamically selecting significant occluders based on current viewing direction.
  • 9. A method as claimed in claim 8 wherein a determination of apparent size of an occluder is based on an estimate of the solid angle the potential occluder subtends relative to the viewpoint.
  • 10. A method as claimed in claim 8 wherein a determination of apparent size of an occluder is based on an estimate of the solid angle the potential occluder subtends relative to a center of an object set.
  • 11. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the step of culling comprises:identifying a potential occluder relative to an object set from the object database; defining a region of space from which the object set is occluded from sight by the potential occluder; and culling the object set when the point of view is within the defined region.
  • 12. A method of drawing an image constructed relative to a viewpoint and a field of view, from a three-dimensional object data base comprising:in object space, culling objects from the object data base through tests including: determining and culling objects which are fully occluded from sight of the viewpoint due to occluders near to the point of view, and determining and culling objects which are fully occluded from sight of the viewpoint due to occluders near to the objects; and drawing objects which have not been culled from the object data base relative to the point of view.
  • 13. A method as claimed in claim 12 wherein a region is defined by supporting planes which are tangential to an occluder and an object set.
  • 14. A method as claimed in claim 13 wherein the object set is a cell partitioned from the object space.
  • 15. A method as claimed in claim 13 wherein the object set is a single object.
  • 16. A method as claimed in claim 12 further comprising:retaining information about regions of object space from which each object is occluded for reuse by subsequent culling operations corresponding to a changed viewpoint.
  • 17. A system for drawing an image constructed, relative to a viewpoint and a field of view, from a three-dimensional object data base comprising:an occluder identifier which in object space, dynamically identifies individual occluders within the field of view; a culler which in object space, determines and culls objects from the object data base which are within the field of view, but fully occluded from sight of the viewpoint by the identified occluders; and a drawer which draws objects which have not been culled from the object data base relative to the point of view.
  • 18. The system of claim 17 wherein the object data base is partitioned into cells and culled objects are selected from the object data base by determining whether cells which contain the objects are fully occluded from sight.
  • 19. The system of claim 17 wherein an object from the object data base is identified as a culled object when the point of view is within a viewing region of object space from which the object is occluded from sight.
  • 20. The system of claim 19 wherein information about viewing regions of object space from which objects are occluded is dynamically determined and retained for reuse by subsequent identification of culled objects for a changed viewpoint.
  • 21. The system of claim 20 wherein a region is defined by supporting planes which are tangential to an occluder and an object set.
  • 22. The system of claim 21 wherein the object set is a cell partitioned from the object space.
  • 23. The system of claim 21 wherein the object set is a single object.
  • 24. The system of claim 17 wherein occluders are dynamically identified by first statically identifying potential occluders based on apparent size, and then selecting significant occluders from among the potential occluders based on current viewing direction.
  • 25. An article of manufacture, comprising:a computer-readable medium; on the computer-readable medium, a computer-implemented program for drawing an image constructed, relative to a viewpoint and a field of view, from a three-dimensional object data base, the program comprising: an occluder identifier which in object space, dynamically identifies individual occluders within the field of view; a culler which in object space, determines and culls objects from the object data base which are within the field of view, but fully occluded from sight of the viewpoint by the identified occluders; and a drawer which draws objects which have not been culled from the object data base relative to the point of view.
  • 26. The article of claim 25 wherein the object data base is partitioned into cells and objects are culled by determining whether cells which contain the objects are fully occluded from sight.
  • 27. The article of claim 25 wherein an object is culled by defining a viewing region of object space from which the object is occluded from sight, and culling the object when the point of view is within the defined region.
  • 28. The article of claim 27 further comprising dynamically determining information about viewing regions of object space from which objects are occluded and retaining this information for reuse by subsequent culling operations corresponding to a changed viewpoint.
  • 29. The article of claim 28 wherein a region is defined by supporting planes which are tangential to an occluder and an object set.
  • 30. The article of claim 29 wherein the object set is a cell partitioned from the object space.
  • 31. The article of claim 29 wherein the object set is a single object.
  • 32. The article of claim 25 wherein the occluder identifier dynamically identifies significant occluders by first statically identifying potential occluders based on apparent size and then dynamically selecting significant occluders based on current viewing direction.
  • 33. The article of claim 32 wherein a determination of apparent size of an occluder is based on an estimate of the solid angle the potential occluder subtends relative to the viewpoint.
  • 34. The article of claim 32 wherein a determination of apparent size of an occluder is based on an estimate of the solid angle the potential occluder subtends relative to a center of an object set.
  • 35. The article of claim 25 wherein the culler culls objects dynamically by:identifying a potential occluder relative to an object set from the object database, defining a region of space from which the object set is occluded from sight by the potential occluder, and culling the object set when the point of view is within the defined region.
  • 36. An article of manufacture, comprising:a computer-readable medium; in the computer-readable medium, a computer-implemented method for drawing an image constructed, relative to a viewpoint and a field of view, from a three-dimensional object data base, the method comprising the steps of: culling, in object space, objects from the object data base through tests including: determining and culling objects which are fully occluded from sight of the viewpoint due to occluders near to the point of view, and determining and culling objects which are fully occluded from sight of the viewpoint due to occluders near to the objects; and drawing objects which have not been culled from the object data base relative to the point of view.

This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/043,682, filed on Apr. 14, 1997, the content of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

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