The invention provides an immunogenic composition comprising one or more GBS conjugates and one or more antigens selected from: a) cellular or acellular pertussis antigen, b) a tetanus toxoid, c) a diphtheria toxoid and d) an inactivated polio virus antigen, wherein each GBS conjugate is a group B streptococcus capsular saccharide conjugated to a carrier protein. The invention also provides a method for raising an immune response in a patient, comprising the step of administering to the patient a composition of the invention.

This invention is in the field of combination vaccines, that is vaccines containing a mixture text missing or illegible when filed immunogens from more than one pathogen, such that administration of the vaccine ctext missing or illegible when filed simultaneously immunize a subject against more than one pathogen. In particular, the inventitext missing or illegible when filed relates to combination vaccines containing conjugates of Streptococcus agalactiae capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharides and carrier proteins.


Vaccines containing antigens from more than one pathogenic organism within a single dose atext missing or illegible when filed known as “multivalent” or “combination” vaccines. Various combination vaccines have betext missing or illegible when filed approved for human use in the EU and the USA, including trivalent vaccines for protecting againtext missing or illegible when filed diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (“DTP” vaccines) and trivalent vaccines for protecting againtext missing or illegible when filed measles, mumps and rubella (“MMR” vaccines). Combination vaccines offer patients the advantatext missing or illegible when filed of receiving a reduced number of injections, which can lead to the clinical advantage of increastext missing or illegible when filed compliance (e.g. see chapter 29 of reference 1).

Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B streptococcus, GBS) is a haemolytic, encapsulated Gram posititext missing or illegible when filed microorganism that colonizes the anogenital tract of 25-30% healthy women. GBS causes neonatext missing or illegible when filed infections in infants born to mothers carrying the bacteria and is a major cause of neonatal sepsis atext missing or illegible when filed meningitis. The pathogen is also increasingly recognized as an important cause of disease in adultext missing or illegible when filed particularly those with underlying disease, and in the elderly.

Conjugate vaccines against Streptococcus agalactiae have been described in documents such text missing or illegible when filed references 2 to 10. Conjugate vaccines for each of GBS serotypes Ia, Ib, II, III, and V have betext missing or illegible when filed shown to be safe and immunogenic in humans [11]. Reference 12 also discloses various Gtext missing or illegible when filed conjugate-containing vaccines.

It is an object of the invention to provide further and improved combination vaccines for protectitext missing or illegible when filed against Streptococcus agalactiae and one or more of Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Clostriditext missing or illegible when filed tetani, Bordetella pertussis and Poliovirus.


The invention is based on studies of combination vaccines that comprise GBS conjugates and one text missing or illegible when filed more antigens selected from: a) cellular or acellular pertussis antigen, b) a tetanus toxoid, c) text missing or illegible when filed diphtheria toxoid and d) an inactivated polio virus antigen. The inventors have found that the text missing or illegible when filed combination vaccines elicit specific antibody titers to the corresponding antigens with little or text missing or illegible when filed immunological interference between the various antigens.

Thus, the invention provides an immunogenic composition comprising one or more GBS conjugatext missing or illegible when filed and one or more antigens selected from: a) cellular or acellular pertussis antigen, b) a tetanus toxotext missing or illegible when filed c) a diphtheria toxoid and d) an inactivated polio virus antigen, wherein each GBS conjugate itext missing or illegible when filed group B streptococcus capsular saccharide conjugated to a carrier protein.

The invention also provides a method for raising an immune response in a patient, comprising ttext missing or illegible when filed step of administering to the patient an immunogenic composition according to the invention.

The invention also provides a process for preparing the immunogenic composition according to ttext missing or illegible when filed invention, comprising mixing a first component comprising one or more GBS conjugates and text missing or illegible when filed second component comprising one or more antigens selected from: a) cellular or acellular pertustext missing or illegible when filed antigen, b) a tetanus toxoid, c) a diphtheria toxoid and d) an inactivated polio virus antigen.

The invention also provides a kit for preparing the immunogenic composition of the inventitext missing or illegible when filed comprising a first component comprising one or more GBS conjugates; and a second compontext missing or illegible when filed comprising one or more antigens selected from: a) cellular or acellular pertussis antigen, b) a tetantext missing or illegible when filed toxoid, c) a diphtheria toxoid and d) an inactivated polio virus antigen; wherein the two componetext missing or illegible when filed are in separate containers.

GBS Conjugate

Capsular Saccharide

The invention is based on the capsular saccharide of Streptococcus agalactiae. The capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharide is covalently linked to the peptidoglycan backbone of GBS, and is distinct from the grotext missing or illegible when filed B antigen, which is another saccharide that is attached to the peptidoglycan backbone.

The GBS capsular saccharides are chemically related, but are antigenically very different. All Gtext missing or illegible when filed capsular saccharides share the following trisaccharide core:

    • β-D-GlcpNAc(1→3)β-D-Galp(1→4)β-D-Glcp

The various GBS serotypes differ by the way in which this core is modified. The difference betwetext missing or illegible when filed serotypes Ia and III, for instance, arises from the use of either the GlcNAc (Ia) or the Gal (III) in ttext missing or illegible when filed core for linking consecutive trisaccharide cores. Serotypes Ia and Ib both have text missing or illegible when filed [α-D-NeupNAc(2→3)β-D-Galp-(1→] disaccharide linked to the GlcNAc in the core, but the linkatext missing or illegible when filed is either 1→4 (Ia) or 1→3 (Ib).

GBS-related disease arises primarily from serotypes Ia, Ib, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII, with otext missing or illegible when filed 85% being caused by five serotypes: Ia, Ib, III & V. The invention typically uses a saccharide frotext missing or illegible when filed one or more of these four serotypes, particularly from one or more of serotypes: Ia, Ib & III. Ttext missing or illegible when filed capsular saccharides of each of these four serotypes include: (a) a terminal N-acetyl-neuraminic atext missing or illegible when filed (NeuNAc) residue (commonly referred to as sialic acid), which in all cases is linked 2→3 to text missing or illegible when filed galactose residue; and (b) a N-acetyl-glucosamine residue (GlcNAc) within the trisaccharide cotext missing or illegible when filed All four saccharides include galactose residues within the trisaccharide core, but serotypes Ia, Ib, text missing or illegible when filed & III also contain additional galactose residues in each repeating unit.

In one embodiment, the immunogenic composition of the invention comprises one GBS conjugatext missing or illegible when filed For example, the GBS conjugate may be a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotytext missing or illegible when filed Ia conjugated to a carrier protein. The GBS conjugate may be a conjugate that is a capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated to a carrier protein. The GBS conjugate may be text missing or illegible when filed conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein. Ttext missing or illegible when filed GBS conjugate may be a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype V conjugated text missing or illegible when filed a carrier protein. The GBS conjugate may be a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype II conjugated to a carrier protein.

The immunogenic compositions may comprise more than one GBS conjugate. Embodiments of ttext missing or illegible when filed invention comprising two, three, four or five GBS conjugates are described below. In otext missing or illegible when filed embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein. In a second embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate text missing or illegible when filed a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein. In a third embodimetext missing or illegible when filed the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype V conjugattext missing or illegible when filed to a carrier protein. In a fourth embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide frotext missing or illegible when filed GBS serotype Ib conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein. In a fifth embodiment, the fitext missing or illegible when filed GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated to a carrier protein, whtext missing or illegible when filed the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype V conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein. In a sixth embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotytext missing or illegible when filed III conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide frotext missing or illegible when filed GBS serotype V conjugated to a carrier protein. In a further embodiment, the first GBS conjugate itext missing or illegible when filed capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second Gtext missing or illegible when filed conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype II conjugated to a carrier protein. In a furttext missing or illegible when filed embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein. In a further embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate text missing or illegible when filed a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype II conjugated to a carrier protein. In a further embodimetext missing or illegible when filed the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype II conjugated to a carrier protetext missing or illegible when filed while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype V conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein.

Typically, the immunogenic composition of the invention comprises three GBS conjugattext missing or illegible when filed Typically, the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein and the third GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein. In an alternative embodiment, the first GBS conjugate text missing or illegible when filed a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second Gtext missing or illegible when filed conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated to a carrier protein and the thtext missing or illegible when filed GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype V conjugated to a carrier protein. Itext missing or illegible when filed further embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein and the third GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide frtext missing or illegible when filed GBS serotype V conjugated to a carrier protein. In another embodiment, the first GBS conjugate itext missing or illegible when filed capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second Gtext missing or illegible when filed conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein and the thtext missing or illegible when filed GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype V conjugated to a carrier protein. Itext missing or illegible when filed further embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype Ib conjugated to a carrier protein and the third GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide frtext missing or illegible when filed GBS serotype II conjugated to a carrier protein. In a further embodiment, the first GBS conjugate text missing or illegible when filed a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second Gtext missing or illegible when filed conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype II conjugated to a carrier protein and the thtext missing or illegible when filed GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein. text missing or illegible when filed another embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype II conjugated to a carrier protein and the third GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide frtext missing or illegible when filed GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein. In another embodiment, the first GBS conjugate itext missing or illegible when filed capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second Gtext missing or illegible when filed conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype II conjugated to a carrier protein and the thtext missing or illegible when filed GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype V conjugated to a carrier protein. text missing or illegible when filed another embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype II conjugated to a carrier protein and the third GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide frtext missing or illegible when filed GBS serotype V conjugated to a carrier protein. In another embodiment, the first GBS conjugate itext missing or illegible when filed capsular saccharide from GBS serotype II conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second Gtext missing or illegible when filed conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein and the thtext missing or illegible when filed GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype V conjugated to a carrier protein.

In the same way, the immunogenic compositions may comprise four GBS conjugates. In otext missing or illegible when filed embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, the third GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotytext missing or illegible when filed III conjugated to a carrier protein and the fourth GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype V conjugated to a carrier protein. In one embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate text missing or illegible when filed a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated to a carrier protein, the third GBS conjugtext missing or illegible when filed is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype II conjugated to a carrier protein and the fourth Gtext missing or illegible when filed conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein. In otext missing or illegible when filed embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, the third GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotytext missing or illegible when filed II conjugated to a carrier protein and the fourth GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype V conjugated to a carrier protein. In one embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate text missing or illegible when filed a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype II conjugated to a carrier protein, the third GBS conjugtext missing or illegible when filed is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein and the fourth Gtext missing or illegible when filed conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype V conjugated to a carrier protein. In ctext missing or illegible when filed embodiment, the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, the third GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotytext missing or illegible when filed III conjugated to a carrier protein and the fourth GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype V conjugated to a carrier protein.

In the same way, the immunogenic compositions may comprise five GBS conjugates. For examptext missing or illegible when filed the first GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein, while the second GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugatext missing or illegible when filed to a carrier protein, the third GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, the fourth GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotytext missing or illegible when filed V conjugated to a carrier protein and the fifth GBS conjugate is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype II conjugated to a carrier protein.

Typically, the immunogenic compositions described above will not comprise any GBS conjugatext missing or illegible when filed other than those specifically mentioned, particularly GBS conjugates comprising capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharides from GBS serotypes other than those specifically mentioned. However, in sotext missing or illegible when filed embodiments, the compositions may comprise other GBS conjugates, including GBS conjugatext missing or illegible when filed comprising capsular saccharides from other GBS serotypes. For example, the compositions mtext missing or illegible when filed comprise a GBS conjugate capsular saccharide from GBS serotype VI conjugated to a carrier protetext missing or illegible when filed In another possibility, the compositions may comprise a GBS conjugate that is a capsular saccharitext missing or illegible when filed from GBS serotype VIII conjugated to a carrier protein.

Saccharides useful for the invention may be in their native form, or may have been modified. Ftext missing or illegible when filed example, the saccharide may be shorter than the native capsular saccharide, or may be chemicatext missing or illegible when filed modified. In particular, the serotype V capsular saccharide used in the invention may be modified text missing or illegible when filed described in refs. 13 and 14. For example, a serotype V capsular saccharide that has betext missing or illegible when filed substantially desialylated as described in refs. 13 and 14 is specifically envisaged for use in ttext missing or illegible when filed present invention. Desialylated GBS serotype V capsular saccharide may be prepared by treatitext missing or illegible when filed purified GBS serotype V capsular saccharide under mildly acidic conditions (e.g. 0.1M sulphutext missing or illegible when filed acid at 80° C. for 60 minutes) or by treatment with neuraminidase, as described in reference 13. text missing or illegible when filed preferred method for preparing desialylated GBS serotype V capsular saccharide is by treating ttext missing or illegible when filed purified saccharide with 1M acetic acid at 81° C.+/−3 C.° for 2 h. Thus the saccharide used according text missing or illegible when filed the invention may be a substantially full-length capsular polysaccharide, as found in nature, or it mtext missing or illegible when filed be shorter than the natural length. Full-length polysaccharides may be depolymerised to give shortext missing or illegible when filed fragments for use with the invention e.g. by hydrolysis in mild acid, by heating, by sizitext missing or illegible when filed chromatography, etc. Chain length has been reported to affect immunogenicity of GBS saccharitext missing or illegible when filed in rabbits [5]. In particular, the serotype II and/or III capsular saccharides used in the invention mtext missing or illegible when filed be depolymerised as described in refs. 15 and 16. These documents describe the part text missing or illegible when filed depolymerization of type II and type III capsular saccharides by mild deaminative cleavage text missing or illegible when filed antigenic fragments with reducing-terminal 2,5-anhydro-D-mannose residues. Briefly, the capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharide is dissolved in 0.5 N NaOH and heated at 70° C. for between about 1-4 h. The length of ttext missing or illegible when filed incubation controls the degree of depolymerisation, which may be determined by standard methotext missing or illegible when filed (e.g. by HPLC as described in reference 15). The sample is chilled in an ice-water bath before glactext missing or illegible when filed acetic acid is added to bring the pH to 4. The partially N-deacylated product is then deaminated text missing or illegible when filed the addition of 5% (wt/vol) NaNO2 with stirring at 4° C. for 2 h. The free aldehydes of the netext missing or illegible when filed formed 2,5-anhydro-D-mannose residues may be used for conjugation to a carrier protein, text missing or illegible when filed described in reference [12].

Depolymerisation of the serotype III capsular saccharide by endo-β-galactosidase has been reporttext missing or illegible when filed [refs. 2 & 5-7], including using the depolymerised material to form conjugates with a tetanus toxtext missing or illegible when filed carrier. Ozonolysis of capsular polysaccharides from GBS serotypes III and VIII has also been ustext missing or illegible when filed for depolymerisation [17]. It is preferred to use saccharides with MW>30 kDa, and substantially ftext missing or illegible when filed length capsular polysaccharides can be used. For serotype Ia, it is preferred to use polysaccharitext missing or illegible when filed with a MW in the range of 150-400 kDa, particularly 300-350 kDa. Typically, a serotype Ia saccharitext missing or illegible when filed with MW about 330 kDa is used. For serotype Ib, it is preferred to use polysaccharides with a MW text missing or illegible when filed the range of 150-400 kDa, particularly 250-300 kDa. Typically, a serotype Ib saccharide with Mtext missing or illegible when filed about 280 kDa is used. For serotype III, it is preferred to use polysaccharides with a MW in the rantext missing or illegible when filed of 50-200 kDa, particularly 100-150 kDa. Typically, a serotype III saccharide with MW abtext missing or illegible when filed 140 kDa is used. For serotype V, it is also preferred to use polysaccharides with a MW in the rantext missing or illegible when filed 50-200 kDa, particularly 150-200 kDa. Typically, a serotype V saccharide with MW about 180 kDa text missing or illegible when filed used. These molecular masses can be measured by gel filtration relative to dextran standards, such text missing or illegible when filed those available from Polymer Standard Service [18].

The saccharide may be chemically modified relative to the capsular saccharide as found in natutext missing or illegible when filed For example, the saccharide may be de-O-acetylated (partially or fully), de-N-acetylated (partially text missing or illegible when filed fully), N-propionated (partially or fully), etc. De-acetylation may occur before, during or aftext missing or illegible when filed conjugation, but preferably occurs before conjugation. Depending on the particular saccharitext missing or illegible when filed de-acetylation may or may not affect immunogenicity. The relevance of O-acetylation on Gtext missing or illegible when filed saccharides in various serotypes is discussed in reference 19, and in some embodimetext missing or illegible when filed O-acetylation of sialic acid residues at positions 7, 8 and/or 9 is retained before, during and aftext missing or illegible when filed conjugation e.g. by protection/de-protection, by re-acetylation, etc. However, typically the Gtext missing or illegible when filed saccharide used in the present invention has substantially no O-acetylation of sialic acid residues text missing or illegible when filed positions 7, 8 and/or 9. In particular, when the GBS saccharide has been purified by base extractitext missing or illegible when filed as described in reference [12], then O-acetylation is typically lost (ref. 19). The effect text missing or illegible when filed de-acetylation etc. can be assessed by routine assays.

Capsular saccharides can be purified by known techniques, as described in the references herein sutext missing or illegible when filed as refs. 3 and 20. A typical process involves base extraction, centrifugation, filtration, RNase/DNtext missing or illegible when filed treatment, protease treatment, concentration, size exclusion chromatography, ultrafiltration, anitext missing or illegible when filed exchange chromatography, and further ultrafiltration. Treatment of GBS cells with the enzytext missing or illegible when filed mutanolysin, which cleaves the bacterial cell wall to free the cell wall components, is also useful.

As an alternative, the purification process described in reference 21 can be used. This involves btext missing or illegible when filed extraction, ethanol/CaCl2 treatment, CTAB precipitation, and re-solubilisation. A further alternatitext missing or illegible when filed process is described in reference 22.

The invention is not limited to saccharides purified from natural sources, however, and ttext missing or illegible when filed saccharides may be obtained by other methods, such as total or partial synthesis.

The immunogenic compositions described above may comprise any suitable amount of the capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharide(s) per unit dose. Within each dose, the quantity of an individual saccharide antigen wtext missing or illegible when filed generally be between 0.1-50 μg (measured as mass of saccharide), particularly between 1-50 μg text missing or illegible when filed 0.5-25 μg, more particularly 2.5-7.5 μg, e.g. about 1 μg, about 2.5 μg, about 5 μg, about 10 μg, abtext missing or illegible when filed 15 μg, about 20 μg or about 25 μg. Within each dose, the total quantity of GBS capsular saccharitext missing or illegible when filed will generally be ≦70 μg (measured as mass of saccharide), e.g. ≦60 μg. In particular, the totext missing or illegible when filed quantity may be ≦40 μg (e.g. ≦30 μg) or ≦20 μg (e.g. ≦15 μg). These total quantities atext missing or illegible when filed particularly effective when the immunogenic composition comprises: i) a conjugate that is a capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrier protein; ii) a conjugate that is a capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated to a carrier protein; and iii) a conjugate that is text missing or illegible when filed capsular saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein. It may be advantageous text missing or illegible when filed minimise the total quantity of capsular saccharide(s) per unit dose in order to reduce potenttext missing or illegible when filed toxicity. Accordingly, the invention typically uses a total quantity of ≦20 μg, e.g. ≦15 μg, ≦7.5 text missing or illegible when filed or ≦1.5 μg.

It may be possible to further minimise the amount of capsular saccharide(s) per unit dose. text missing or illegible when filed particular, suitable amounts of the capsular saccharide(s) may be from 0.1 to 5 μg per unit dotext missing or illegible when filed Typically, each GBS capsular saccharide may therefore be present at an amount from 0.1 to 5 text missing or illegible when filed e.g. 0.5, 2.5 or 5 μg, per unit dose. For example, each GBS capsular saccharide may be present at text missing or illegible when filed amount from 0.5 to 5 μg, 1 to 4 μg, 2 to 3 μg, or about 2.5 μg per unit dose. These amounts atext missing or illegible when filed particularly effective when the immunogenic composition comprises i) a conjugate that is a capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrier protein; ii) a conjugate that is a capsutext missing or illegible when filed saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated to a carrier protein; and iii) a conjugate that is text missing or illegible when filed capsular saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein.

In the embodiments described above wherein the immunogenic composition comprises more thtext missing or illegible when filed one GBS conjugate, the ratio of the mass of a given capsular saccharide to the mass of the ottext missing or illegible when filed capsular saccharide(s) may vary. For example, where the immunogenic composition comprises Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype Ia, Ib and III capsular saccharides, the ratio of the masses of the GBS serotype Ia, Ib and text missing or illegible when filed capsular saccharides is 1:1:1.


The invention uses GBS conjugates that are capsular saccharides from GBS serotypes Ia, Ib, II, III text missing or illegible when filed V conjugated to a carrier protein. As used herein, the term “conjugate” refers to a compound form text missing or illegible when filed by covalent binding of two parts to form a single structure, wherein the first part is an antigtext missing or illegible when filed particularly a polysaccharide, and the second part is an immunogenic carrier such as a carrier protetext missing or illegible when filed The binding can be made by a covalent chemical bond between the molecules or by use of a linkitext missing or illegible when filed group, nonexclusively including diaminoalkanes and one or more amino acids, one of whitext missing or illegible when filed provides a free sulfhydryl, carboxyl, amino or other group for conjugation to the carrier. For ttext missing or illegible when filed purposes of the invention, generally the term ‘conjugate’ is refers to a bacterial antigen, particularltext missing or illegible when filed bacterial saccharide or polysaccharide, linked covalently to a carrier protein. In general, covaltext missing or illegible when filed conjugation of saccharides to carriers enhances the immunogenicity of saccharides as it convetext missing or illegible when filed them from T-independent antigens to T-dependent antigens, thus allowing priming text missing or illegible when filed immunological memory. Conjugation is particularly useful for paediatric vaccines [e.g. ref. 23] atext missing or illegible when filed is a well known technique [e.g. reviewed in refs. 24 to 32]. Thus the processes of the invention mtext missing or illegible when filed include the further step of conjugating the purified saccharide to a carrier molecule.

Conjugation of GBS saccharides has been widely reported e.g. see references 2 to 103567. Ttext missing or illegible when filed ical prior art process for GBS saccharide conjugation typically involves reductive amination otext missing or illegible when filed purified saccharide to a carrier protein such as tetanus toxoid (TT) or CRM197 [3]. The reductitext missing or illegible when filed amination involves an amine group on the side chain of an amino acid in the carrier and an aldehytext missing or illegible when filed group in the saccharide. As GBS capsular saccharides do not include an aldehyde group in thtext missing or illegible when filed natural form then this is typically generated before conjugation by oxidation (e.g. periodtext missing or illegible when filed oxidation) of a portion (e.g. between 5 and 40%, particularly between 10 and 30%, preferably abtext missing or illegible when filed 20%) of the saccharide's sialic acid residues [3,33]. Conjugate vaccines prepared in this manner hatext missing or illegible when filed been shown to be safe and immunogenic in humans for each of GBS serotypes Ia, Ib, II, III, and text missing or illegible when filed [11]. Typically, all of the conjugates in the immunogenic compositions of the present invention hatext missing or illegible when filed been prepared in this manner. However, when the invention uses a serotype V capsular saccharitext missing or illegible when filed that is desialylated, then an aldehyde group may be generated in this saccharide before conjugatitext missing or illegible when filed by oxidation (e.g. periodate oxidation) of a portion (e.g. between 5 and 40%, particularly between text missing or illegible when filed and 30%, preferably about 20%) of the saccharide's galactose residues [2,33]. An alternatitext missing or illegible when filed conjugation process involves the use of —NH2 groups in the saccharide (either from de-N-acetylatitext missing or illegible when filed or after introduction of amines) in conjunction with bifunctional linkers, as described in ref. 34. text missing or illegible when filed some embodiments, one or more of the conjugates in the immunogenic compositions of the prestext missing or illegible when filed invention have been prepared in this manner. A further alternative process is described in refs. 15 atext missing or illegible when filed 16. In this process, the free aldehydes groups of terminal 2,5-anhydro-D-mannose residues frtext missing or illegible when filed depolymerization of type II or type III capsular saccharides by mild deaminative cleavage are ustext missing or illegible when filed for conjugation by reductive amination. In some embodiments, one or more of the conjugates in ttext missing or illegible when filed immunogenic compositions of the present invention have been prepared in this manner. Conjugatext missing or illegible when filed may be prepared by separate processes and combined into a single dosage formulation.

Carrier Protein

The invention involves the use of carrier proteins. Although polysaccharides are immunogenic text missing or illegible when filed their own, conjugation of polysaccharides to carrier proteins can improve or enhatext missing or illegible when filed immunogenicity. Therefore, as used herein, the term “carrier” refers to an immunogenic substatext missing or illegible when filed which, when conjugated to an antigen (such as a polysaccharide) and administered to an animal, wtext missing or illegible when filed induce or enhance an immune response in the animal, particularly a protective immune response, atext missing or illegible when filed elicit the production of antibodies that bind specifically to the antigen, for example, the abotext missing or illegible when filed described polysaccharides. Useful carrier proteins include bacterial toxins or toxoids, such text missing or illegible when filed diphtheria toxoid or tetanus toxoid. Fragments of toxins or toxoids can also be used e.g. fragmenttext missing or illegible when filed of tetanus toxoid [35].

The CRM197 mutant of diphtheria toxin [36-38] is a particularly useful carrier for use in the prestext missing or illegible when filed invention. Diphtheria is an acute, often fatal bacterial disease caused by Corynebacterium diphthetext missing or illegible when filedand clinical manifestations of the disease are due mainly to the presence of circulating diphthetext missing or illegible when filed toxin. Active immunization programs against diphtheria have generally been based on preparatitext missing or illegible when filed containing a diphtheria toxoid produced by formaldehyde detoxification of diphtheria toxin (stext missing or illegible when filed below). The cross-reacting material (CRM197) is a genetically detoxified preparation of diphthetext missing or illegible when filed toxin. CRM197 differs from diphtheria toxin (DT) in only a single amino acid and is therefore higtext missing or illegible when filed cross-reactive with DT (CRM=cross reactive material). This mutant of diphtheria toxin does ntext missing or illegible when filed require detoxification with formaldehyde, and homogeneous preparations of purified antigen can text missing or illegible when filed readily obtained, for example, from cultures of Corynebacterium diphtheria strain C7 (beta 19 text missing or illegible when filed grown in casamino acids and yeast extract medium. Alternatively CRM197 may be prepatext missing or illegible when filed recombinantly in accordance with U.S. Pat. No. 5,614,382. CRM197 is licensed for human use as a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein for several capsular polysaccharide antigens and is a potential alternative to conventiotext missing or illegible when filed diphtheria toxoid prepared by formaldehyde treatment. As described below, the use of CRM197 atext missing or illegible when filed carrier may be advantageous since this carrier can also elicit the production of antibodies agaitext missing or illegible when filedCorynebacterium diphtheria.

Other suitable carrier proteins include the N. meningitidis outer membrane protein [39], synthetext missing or illegible when filed peptides [40,41], heat shock proteins [42,43], pertussis proteins [44,45], cytokines [46], lymphokitext missing or illegible when filed [46], hormones [46], growth factors [46], human serum albumin (preferably recombinant), artifictext missing or illegible when filed proteins comprising multiple human CD4 T cell epitopes from various pathogen-derived antigtext missing or illegible when filed [47] such as N19 [48], protein D from H. influenzae [49,50], pneumococcal surface protein Pstext missing or illegible when filed [51], pneumolysin [52], iron-uptake proteins [53], toxin A or B from C. difficile [54], recombintext missing or illegible when filedPseudomonas aeruginosa exoprotein A (rEPA) [55], a GBS protein (particularly GBS67) [56], etc.

Attachment to the carrier is preferably via a —NH2 group e.g. in the side chain of a lysine residue itext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, or of an arginine residue, or at the N-terminus. Attachment may also be via a text missing or illegible when filed group e.g. in the side chain of a cysteine residue.

It is possible to use more than one carrier protein e.g. to reduce the risk of carrier suppression. Ttext missing or illegible when filed different carrier proteins can be used for different GBS serotypes e.g. serotype Ia saccharides mitext missing or illegible when filed be conjugated to CRM197 while serotype Ib saccharides might be conjugated to tetanus toxoid. It text missing or illegible when filed also possible to use more than one carrier protein for a particular saccharide antigen e.g. serotype text missing or illegible when filed saccharides might be in two groups, with some conjugated to CRM197 and others conjugated text missing or illegible when filed tetanus toxoid. In general, however, it is typical to use the same carrier protein for all saccharides.

A single carrier protein might carry more than one saccharide antigen [57,58]. For example, a sintext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein might have conjugated to it saccharides from serotypes Ia and Ib. To achieve this gotext missing or illegible when filed different saccharides can be mixed prior to the conjugation reaction. In general, however, it text missing or illegible when filed preferred to have separate conjugates for each serogroup, with the different saccharides being mixtext missing or illegible when filed after conjugation. The separate conjugates may be based on the same carrier.

GBS conjugates with a saccharide:protein ratio (w/w) of between 1:5 (i.e. excess protein) and text missing or illegible when filed (i.e. excess saccharide) are typically used, in particular ratios between 1:5 and 2:1. When ttext missing or illegible when filed invention uses a GBS conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, then the saccharide:protein ratio (w/w) is typically between about 1:1 to 1 text missing or illegible when filed particularly about 1:1.3. Similarly, when the invention uses a conjugate that is a capsular saccharitext missing or illegible when filed from GBS serotype Ib conjugated to a carrier protein, then the ratio is typically between about 1:1text missing or illegible when filed 1:2, particularly about 1:1.3. When the invention uses a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide frtext missing or illegible when filed GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein, then the saccharide:protein ratio (w/w) is typicatext missing or illegible when filed between about 3:1 to 1:1, particularly about 2:1. However, GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein with a saccharide:protein ratio (w/w) of about 1:1 to 1:5, particularly about 1:3.3, may also text missing or illegible when filed used. When the invention uses a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, then the ratio is typically between about 2:1 to 1:1 Finally, when ttext missing or illegible when filed invention uses a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype V conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein, then the ratio is typically between about 2:1 to 1:1, particularly about 1.1:1. Thus a weitext missing or illegible when filed excess of saccharide is typical, particularly with longer saccharide chains.

Compositions may include a small amount of free carrier [59]. When a given carrier protein text missing or illegible when filed present in both free and conjugated form in a composition of the invention, the unconjugated form text missing or illegible when filed typically no more than 5% of the total amount of the carrier protein in the composition as a whotext missing or illegible when filed for example, present at less than 2% by weight.

After conjugation, free and conjugated saccharides can be separated. There are many suitatext missing or illegible when filed methods, including hydrophobic chromatography, tangential ultrafiltration, diafiltration etc. [see altext missing or illegible when filed refs. 60 & 61, etc.]. A preferred method is described in reference 62.

Where the composition of the invention includes a depolymerised oligosaccharide, it is preferred ttext missing or illegible when filed depolymerisation precedes conjugation.

One or More Antigens

An “antigen” is a compound, composition, or substance which stimulates an immune response in ttext missing or illegible when filed body, particularly a protective immune response by stimulating the production of antibodies and/otext missing or illegible when filed T cell response. Whilst the above described bacterial polysaccharide conjugates are antigens, as ustext missing or illegible when filed herein generally the term ‘antigen’ will be used to refer to diphtheria toxoid(s), tetanus toxoid(text missing or illegible when filed pertussis toxoid(s), cellular pertussis antigen(s), acellular pertussis antigen(s) and poliovitext missing or illegible when filed antigen(s), including inactivated poliovirus antigens described below. Thus, the term will be used text missing or illegible when filed distinguish the conjugated component(s) which primarily provide protection against Streptococctext missing or illegible when filed agalactiae from the component(s) providing protection against Corynebacterium diphtheritext missing or illegible when filed Clostridium tetani, Bordetella pertussis and/or Poliovirus. The term “one or more” as used heretext missing or illegible when filed refers to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, or more.

Diphtheria Toxoid

Diphtheria is caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, a Gram-positive non-sporing aeroltext missing or illegible when filed bacterium. This organism expresses a prophage-encoded ADP-ribosylating exotoxin (‘diphthetext missing or illegible when filed toxin’), which can be treated (e.g. using formaldehyde) to give a toxoid that is no longer toxic btext missing or illegible when filed that remains antigenic and is able to stimulate the production of specific anti-toxin antibodies aftext missing or illegible when filed injection. Diphtheria toxoids are disclosed in more detail in chapter 13 of reference 63. Prefertext missing or illegible when filed diphtheria toxoids are those prepared by formaldehyde treatment. The diphtheria toxoid can text missing or illegible when filed obtained by growing C. diphtheriae in growth medium (e.g. Fenton medium, or Linggoud & Fenttext missing or illegible when filed medium), which may be supplemented with bovine extract, followed by formaldehyde treatmetext missing or illegible when filed ultrafiltration and precipitation. The toxoided material may then be treated by a process comprisitext missing or illegible when filed sterile filtration and/or dialysis.

Quantities of diphtheria toxoid can be expressed in international units (IU). For example, the NIBtext missing or illegible when filed [64] supplies the ‘Diphtheria Toxoid Adsorbed Third International Standard 1999’ [65,66], whitext missing or illegible when filed contains 160 IU per ampoule. As an alternative to the IU system, the ‘Lf’ unit (“flocculating unittext missing or illegible when filed the “limes flocculating dose”, or the “limit of flocculation”) is defined as the amount of toxtext missing or illegible when filed which, when mixed with one International Unit of antitoxin, produces an optimally flocculatitext missing or illegible when filed mixture [67]. For example, the NIBSC supplies ‘Diphtheria Toxoid, Plain’ [68], which contatext missing or illegible when filed 300 Lf per ampoule, ‘The 1st International Reference Reagent For Diphtheria Toxoid text missing or illegible when filed Flocculation Test’ [69] which contains 900 Lf per ampoule. The conversion between IU and text missing or illegible when filed systems depends on the particular toxoid preparation.

Where bovine materials are used in the culture of C. diphtheriae, they should be obtained frtext missing or illegible when filed sources that are free from bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or from other transmissitext missing or illegible when filed spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs).

The diphtheria toxoid in the immunogenic compositions of the invention is typically present in text missing or illegible when filed amount that is capable of eliciting an immune response when administered. Ideally, diphtheria toxtext missing or illegible when filed can elicit a protective immune response. The amount of diphtheria toxoid in the immunogetext missing or illegible when filed compositions of the invention is typically 1-50 Lf/dose. Booster vaccines for adolescents and adutext missing or illegible when filed typically contain between 4 Lf/ml and 8 Lf/ml of diphtheria toxoid, e.g. 2.5 Lf, preferably 4 Lf, ptext missing or illegible when filed 0.5 ml dose. Paediatric vaccines typically contain between 20 and 50 Lf/ml of diphtheria toxoid, etext missing or illegible when filed 10 Lf or 25 Lf per 0.5 ml dose.

For paediatric combination vaccines, the ratio of diphtheria toxoid to tetanus toxoid is typicatext missing or illegible when filed greater than 1 (i.e. paediatric vaccines usually have an excess of diphtheria toxoid) and generatext missing or illegible when filed between 2:1 and 3:1 (measured in Lf units), e.g. 2.5:1. In contrast, for booster vaccine that atext missing or illegible when filed administered to adolescents or adults (who usually have received at least one paediatric combinatitext missing or illegible when filed vaccine comprising diphtheria toxoid and tetanus toxoid), the ratio of diphtheria toxoid to tetatext missing or illegible when filed toxoid is typically greater than 1 (i.e. booster vaccines usually have an excess of tetanus toxoid) atext missing or illegible when filed generally between 1.5:1 and 2.5:1, e.g. 2:1. The diphtheria toxoid is typically unconjugated.

The skilled person will understand that the “diphtheria component”, in other words that part of ttext missing or illegible when filed immunogenic composition which is used for eliciting an immune response which provides protectitext missing or illegible when filed against Corynebacterium diphtheria, may be provided in the form of CRM197, diphtheria toxoid otext missing or illegible when filed combination of these.

In some embodiments when CRM197 is present as a carrier protein, i.e. as part of a conjugate, ttext missing or illegible when filed amount of unconjugated (“free”) diphtheria toxoid in compositions of the invention may be reductext missing or illegible when filed In other embodiments when CRM197 is present as a carrier protein, i.e. as part of a conjugatext missing or illegible when filed diphtheria toxoid is not present and may be absent from the compositions of the invention but ttext missing or illegible when filed immunogenic composition may still be able to elicit an immune response that provides protectitext missing or illegible when filed against C. diphtheria. Therefore, when immunogenic compositions comprise both unconjugated atext missing or illegible when filed conjugated diphtheria toxoid and/or CRM197, the total amount of diphtheria toxoid/CRM197 may text missing or illegible when filed equivalent to 1-50 Lf/dose, at a concentration of between 4 Lf/ml and 8 Lf/ml, for example 2.5 Lf ptext missing or illegible when filed 0.5 ml dose or 4 Lf per 0.5 ml dose, at a concentration of between 20 and 50 Lf/ml, for example 10 text missing or illegible when filed per 0.5 ml dose or 25 Lf per 0.5 ml dose. In particular embodiments where diphtheria toxoid text missing or illegible when filed absent, the amount of CRM197 present may be equivalent to 1-50 Lf/dose, at a concentration text missing or illegible when filed between 4 Lf/ml and 8 Lf/ml, for example 2.5 Lf per 0.5 ml dose or 4 Lf per 0.5 ml dose, atext missing or illegible when filed concentration of between 20 and 50 Lf/ml, for example 10 Lf per 0.5 ml dose or 25 Lf per 0.5 text missing or illegible when filed dose.

The diphtheria toxoid may be adsorbed onto an aluminium hydroxide adjuvant.

Typically, the immunogenic composition comprising diphtheria toxoid antigen is substantially ftext missing or illegible when filed from any mercurial preservatives.

Tetanus Toxoid

Tetanus is caused by Clostridium tetani, a Gram-positive, spore-forming bacillus. This organitext missing or illegible when filed expresses an endopeptidase (‘tetanus toxin’), which can be treated to give a toxoid that is no lontext missing or illegible when filed toxic but that remains antigenic and is able to stimulate the production of specific anti-totext missing or illegible when filed antibodies after injection. Tetanus toxoids are disclosed in more detail in chapter 27 of reference text missing or illegible when filed Preferred tetanus toxoids are those prepared by formaldehyde treatment. The tetanus toxoid can text missing or illegible when filed obtained by growing C. tetani in growth medium (e.g. a Latham medium derived from bovine caseitext missing or illegible when filed followed by formaldehyde treatment, ultrafiltration and precipitation. The material may then text missing or illegible when filed treated by a process comprising sterile filtration and/or dialysis.

Quantities of tetanus toxoid can be expressed in international units (IU). For example, the NIBtext missing or illegible when filed [70] supplies the ‘Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed Third International Standard 2000’ [71,72], whitext missing or illegible when filed contains 469 IU per ampoule. As an alternative to the IU system, the ‘Lf’ unit is defined as ttext missing or illegible when filed amount of toxoid which, when mixed with one International Unit of antitoxin, produces an optimatext missing or illegible when filed flocculating mixture [73]. For example, the NIBSC supplies ‘The 1st International Referetext missing or illegible when filed Reagent for Tetanus Toxoid For Flocculation Test’ [74] which contains 1000 LF per ampoule. Ttext missing or illegible when filed conversion between IU and Lf systems depends on the particular toxoid preparation.

Where bovine materials are used in the culture of C. tetani, they should be obtained from sources ttext missing or illegible when filed are free from bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or from other transmissible spongifotext missing or illegible when filed encephalopathies (TSEs).

The tetanus toxoid in the immunogenic compositions of the invention is typically present in text missing or illegible when filed amount that is capable of eliciting an immune response when administered. Ideally, tetanus toxtext missing or illegible when filed can elicit a protective immune response. The amount of tetanus toxoid in immunogenic composititext missing or illegible when filed of the invention is typically 1-20 Lf per dose. Booster vaccines for adolescents and adults typicatext missing or illegible when filed contain 5 Lf of tetanus toxoid per 0.5 ml dose. Paediatric vaccines typically contain between 5 atext missing or illegible when filed 10 Lf of tetanus toxoid per 0.5 ml dose.

The tetanus toxoid is typically unconjugated. However, it will be apparent to one skilled in the text missing or illegible when filed that in some embodiments, tetanus toxoid may be present in both free (unconjugated) and conjugatext missing or illegible when filed form or primarily in conjugated form, that is more than 80, 85, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 text missing or illegible when filed of the tetanus toxoid is present in conjugated form. Thus, the amount of tetanus toxoid text missing or illegible when filed immunogenic compositions of the invention may refer to unconjugated tetanus toxoid alotext missing or illegible when filed conjugated tetanus toxoid alone or the sum of unconjugated and conjugated tetanus toxoid. text missing or illegible when filed particular embodiments, tetanus toxoid is not conjugated to a GBS capsular polysaccharide. text missing or illegible when filed particular embodiments, tetanus toxoid is conjugated to a Haemophilus b antigen. In particutext missing or illegible when filed embodiments, tetanus toxoid may be present as part of a GBS capsular polysaccharide conjugate atext missing or illegible when filed as a part of a conjugate to a non-GBS antigen. For the purposes of clarity, in some instances tetatext missing or illegible when filed toxoid in conjugated form may be referred to using the nomenclature “-TT”.

The tetanus toxoid may be adsorbed onto an aluminium hydroxide adjuvant, but this is not necesstext missing or illegible when filed (e.g. adsorption of between 0-10% of the total tetanus toxoid can be used).

Typically, the immunogenic composition comprising tetanus toxoid is substantially free from atext missing or illegible when filed mercurial preservatives.

Pertussis Toxoid

Bordetella pertussis is a Gram-negative non-sporing aerobic bacterium that causes whooping coutext missing or illegible when filed As described in more detail in chapter 21 of reference 1, vaccines against B. pertussis have betext missing or illegible when filed available for many years, and fall into two categories: cellular (wP) and acellular (aP). Cellutext missing or illegible when filed vaccines comprise whole B. pertussis cells which have been killed and deactivated (e.g. by treatmtext missing or illegible when filed with formalin and/or heat), whereas acellular vaccines comprise specific purified B. pertustext missing or illegible when filedantigens, either purified from the native bacterium or purified after expression in a recombinant hostext missing or illegible when filed

Cellular Pertussis Antigens

The invention may use cellular pertussis antigens, in the form of inactivated B. pertussis celtext missing or illegible when filed Preparation of cellular pertussis antigens is well documented (e.g. see chapter 21 of reference text missing or illegible when filed e.g. it may be obtained by heat inactivation of phase I culture of B. pertussis.

Quantities of wP antigens can be expressed in international units (IU). For example, the NIBtext missing or illegible when filed supplies the ‘Third International Standard For Pertussis Vaccine’ [75], which contains 46 IU ptext missing or illegible when filed ampoule. Each ampoule contains the freeze-dried residue of 2.0 ml aliquots of an aqueous solutitext missing or illegible when filed which contained 10 litres of bacterial suspension (equivalent to 180 opacity units in terms of the Utext missing or illegible when filed Opacity Standard) diluted with eight litres of M/15 Sorensen's buffer pH 7.0. As an alternative to ttext missing or illegible when filed IU system, the ‘OU’ unit (“opacity units”) is also used (e.g. 4 OU may be about 1 IU).

The cellular pertussis antigen in the immunogenic compositions of the invention is typically prestext missing or illegible when filed in an amount that is capable of eliciting an immune response when administered. Ideally, the cellutext missing or illegible when filed pertussis antigen can elicit a protective immune response. The amount of wP antigen text missing or illegible when filed immunogenic compositions of the invention is typically at least 4 IU/dose.

The cellular pertussis antigen may be adsorbed onto or mixed with an aluminium phosphate adjuvatext missing or illegible when filed

Acellular Pertussis Antigen

The invention may use more than one acellular pertussis (aP) antigen in a single vaccine e.g. two text missing or illegible when filed three of the following well-known and well-characterized B. pertussis antigens: (1) detoxifitext missing or illegible when filed pertussis toxin (pertussis toxoid, or ‘PT’); (2) filamentous hemagglutinin (‘FHA’); (3) pertactin (atext missing or illegible when filed known as the ‘69 kiloDalton outer membrane protein’). It is most preferred that all three of thtext missing or illegible when filed antigens should be used. These three antigens are preferably prepared by isolation from B. pertustext missing or illegible when filedculture grown in modified Stainer-Scholte liquid medium. PT and FHA can be isolated from ttext missing or illegible when filed fermentation broth (e.g. by adsorption on hydroxyapatite gel), whereas pertactin can be extracttext missing or illegible when filed from the cells by heat treatment and flocculation (e.g. using barium chloride). The antigens can text missing or illegible when filed purified in successive chromatographic and/or precipitation steps. PT and FHA can be purified text missing or illegible when filed hydrophobic chromatography, affinity chromatography and size exclusion chromatography. Pertactext missing or illegible when filed can be purified by ion exchange chromatography, hydrophobic chromatography and size exclusitext missing or illegible when filed chromatography.

FHA and pertactin may be treated with formaldehyde prior to use according to the invention. PT text missing or illegible when filed preferably detoxified by treatment with formaldehyde and/or glutaraldehyde. As an alternative to ttext missing or illegible when filed chemical detoxification procedure the PT may be a mutant PT in which enzymatic activity has betext missing or illegible when filed reduced by mutagenesis [76], but detoxification by chemical treatment is preferred.

Further acellular pertussis antigens that can be used include fimbriae (e.g. agglutinogens 2 and 3).

The aP antigen(s) may be used in an unadsorbed state, but they are preferably adsorbed onto one text missing or illegible when filed more aluminium salt adjuvant(s) before being used. The aP antigens are preferably adsorbed onto text missing or illegible when filed aluminium hydroxide adjuvant.

Typically, the immunogenic composition comprising aP antigens are substantially free frtext missing or illegible when filed mercurial preservatives (e.g. thimerosal).

The acellular pertussis antigen is typically present in the immunogenic compositions of the inventitext missing or illegible when filed in an amount that is capable of eliciting an immune response when administered. Ideally, ttext missing or illegible when filed acellular pertussis antigen can elicit a protective immune response. Quantities of acellular pertustext missing or illegible when filed antigens are typically expressed in micrograms. The concentration of PT in a vaccine is usuatext missing or illegible when filed between 5 and 50 μg/ml. Typical PT concentrations are 5 μg/ml, 16 μg/ml, 20 μg/ml or 50 μg/ml. Ttext missing or illegible when filed concentration of FHA in a vaccine is usually between 10 and 50 μg/ml. Typical FHA concentratitext missing or illegible when filed are 10 μg/ml, 16 μg/ml or 50 μg/ml. The concentration of pertactin in a vaccine is usually betweetext missing or illegible when filed and 16 μg/ml. Typical pertactin concentrations are 5 μg/ml, 6 μg/ml or 16 μg/ml. For example, text missing or illegible when filed booster vaccine for adolescents and adults typically contains 2.5 to 8 μg PT, between 4 and 8 text missing or illegible when filed FHA and between 2.5 and 8 μg pertactin per 0.5 ml dose. Typically, a booster vaccine comprisetext missing or illegible when filed μg PT, 4 μg FHA and 8 μg pertactin, more preferably 5 μg PT, 2.5 μg FHA and 2.5 μg pertactin, ptext missing or illegible when filed 0.5 ml dose. A paediatric vaccine usually comprises 7 μg PT, 10 μg FHA and 10 μg pertactin, per text missing or illegible when filed ml dose.

Where the aqueous component includes each of PT, FHA and pertactin, their weight ratios can vatext missing or illegible when filed but may be e.g. about 16:16:5, about 5:10:6, about 20:20:3, about 25:25:8, or about 10:text missing or illegible when filed (PT:FHA:PRN).

Inactivated Poliovirus Antigens

Poliomyelitis can be caused by one of three types of poliovirus. The three types are similar and catext missing or illegible when filed identical symptoms, but they are antigenically very different and infection by one type does ntext missing or illegible when filed protect against infection by others. As explained in chapter 24 of reference 1, it is therefore prefertext missing or illegible when filed to use three poliovirus antigens in the immunogenic compositions of the invention—poliovirus Tytext missing or illegible when filed 1 (e.g. Mahoney strain), poliovirus Type 2 (e.g. MEF-1 strain), and poliovirus Type 3 (e.g. Sauktext missing or illegible when filed strain).

Immunogenic compositions of the invention may include an inactivated poliovirus antigen.

Polioviruses may be grown in cell culture. A preferred culture uses a Vero cell line, which is text missing or illegible when filed continuous cell line derived from monkey kidney. Vero cells can conveniently be culturtext missing or illegible when filed microcarriers. Culture of the Vero cells before and during viral infection may involve the use text missing or illegible when filed bovine-derived material, such as calf serum, and of lactalbumin hydrolysate (e.g. obtained text missing or illegible when filed enzymatic degradation of lactalbumin). Such bovine-derived material should be obtained frtext missing or illegible when filed sources which are free from BSE or other TSEs. Preferably, polioviruses are grown in cells culturtext missing or illegible when filed in medium free of animal-derived components. After growth, virions may be purified usitext missing or illegible when filed techniques such as ultrafiltration, diafiltration, and chromatography. Prior to administration text missing or illegible when filed patients, polioviruses must be inactivated, and this can be achieved by treatment with formaldehytext missing or illegible when filed before the viruses are used in the immunogenic compositions of the invention.

The three polioviruses are preferably grown, purified and inactivated individually, and are thtext missing or illegible when filed combined to give a mixture for use in the invention.

The combined polioviruses may be adsorbed onto aluminium adjuvants.

Typically, the immunogenic composition comprising IPV antigens is substantially free frtext missing or illegible when filed mercurial preservatives (e.g. thimerosal).

Quantities of IPV antigens are typically expressed in the ‘DU’ unit (the “D-antigen unit” [77]). Ttext missing or illegible when filed IPV antigens in the immunogenic compositions of the invention are typically present in an amotext missing or illegible when filed that is capable of eliciting an immune response when administered. Ideally, the IPV antigens ctext missing or illegible when filed elicit a protective immune response.

Combination vaccine usually comprise between 1-100 DU per polioviral type per dose e.g., about text missing or illegible when filed DU of type 1 poliovirus, about 8 DU of type 2 poliovirus, and about 32 DU of type 3 poliovirus, btext missing or illegible when filed it is possible to use lower doses than these [78,79] e.g. 10-20 DU for type 1, 2-4 DU for type 2, atext missing or illegible when filed 8-20 DU for type 3. Preferably, a combination vaccine of the invention includes a ‘low dose’ otext missing or illegible when filed poliovirus. For a Type 1 poliovirus this means that the concentration of the virus in the composititext missing or illegible when filed is ≦20 DU/ml e.g. <18, <16, <14, <12, <10, etc. For a Type 2 poliovirus this means that ttext missing or illegible when filed concentration of the virus in the composition is ≦4 DU/ml e.g. <3, <2, <1, <0.5, etc. For a Type text missing or illegible when filed poliovirus this means that the concentration of the virus in the composition is ≦16 DU/ml e.g. <text missing or illegible when filed <12, <10, <8, <6, etc. Where all three of Types 1, 2 and 3 poliovirus are present the three antigetext missing or illegible when filed can be present at a DU ratio of 5:1:4 respectively, or at any other suitable ratio e.g. a ratio text missing or illegible when filed 15:32:45 when using Sabin strains [80]. A low dose of antigen from Sabin strains is particulatext missing or illegible when filed useful, with ≦10 DU type 1, ≦20 DU type 2, and ≦30 DU type 3 (per unit dose, typically 0.5 ml).

Where an IPV component is used, and the polioviruses were grown on Vero cells, a vaccitext missing or illegible when filed composition preferably contains less than 10 ng/ml, preferably ≦1 ng/ml e.g. ≦500 pg/ml or ≦50 pg/text missing or illegible when filed Vero cell DNA e.g. less than 10 ng/ml of Vero cell DNA that is ≧50 base pairs long.

Specific Immunogenic Compositions of the Invention

Specifically envisaged immunogenic compositions of the invention comprise:

    • (i) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein, (ii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, (iii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein and (iv) a diphtheria toxoid.
    • (i) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein, (ii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, (iii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein and (iv) a tetanus toxoid.
    • (i) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein, (ii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, (iii) conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugatext missing or illegible when filed to a carrier protein, (iv) a diphtheria toxoid and (v) a tetanus toxoid.
    • (i) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein, (ii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, (iii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, (iv) a diphtheria toxoid, (v) a tetanus toxoid, (vi) a cellutext missing or illegible when filed pertussis antigen.
    • (i) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein, (ii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, (iii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, (iv) a diphtheria toxoid, (v) a tetanus toxoid, (vi) acellutext missing or illegible when filed pertussis antigen.
    • (i) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein, (ii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, (iii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, (iv) a diphtheria toxoid, (v) a tetanus toxoid, (vi) detoxifitext missing or illegible when filed pertussis toxin, (vii) filamentous hemagglutinin and (viii) pertactin.
    • (i) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein, (ii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, (iii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, (iv) a diphtheria toxoid, (v) a tetanus toxoid, (vi) acellutext missing or illegible when filed pertussis antigen and (vii) an inactivated polio virus antigen.
    • (i) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein, (ii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, (iii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, (iv) a diphtheria toxoid, (v) a tetanus toxoid, (vi) detoxifitext missing or illegible when filed pertussis toxin, (vii) filamentous hemagglutinin, (viii) pertactin and (ix) an inactivated potext missing or illegible when filed virus antigen.
    • (i) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein, (ii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, (iii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, (iv) a diphtheria toxoid, (v) a tetanus toxoid, (vi) detoxifitext missing or illegible when filed pertussis toxin, (vii) filamentous hemagglutinin, (viii) pertactin, (ix) an antigen from text missing or illegible when filed poliovirus Type 1 strain, (x) an antigen from a poliovirus Type 2 strain and (xi) an antigtext missing or illegible when filed from a poliovirus Type 3 strain.
    • (i) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrtext missing or illegible when filed protein, (ii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated ttext missing or illegible when filed carrier protein, (iii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a carrier protein, (iv) a diphtheria toxoid, (v) a tetanus toxoid, (vi) acellutext missing or illegible when filed pertussis antigen, (vii) an antigen from a poliovirus Type 1 strain, (viii) an antigen frotext missing or illegible when filed poliovirus Type 2 strain and (ix) an antigen from a poliovirus Type 3 strain.

Typically, the carrier protein in the GBS conjugate comprising a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype Ia capsular saccharide, the carrier protein in the GBS conjugate comprising GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed capsular saccharide and the carrier portion in the GBS conjugate comprising GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed capsular saccharide is CRM197.

Further exemplary immunogenic composition of the invention include:

    • A composition which comprises (a) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype Ia conjugated to CRM197; b) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotytext missing or illegible when filed Ib conjugated to CRM197; c) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to CRM197 and (d) diphtheria toxoid, particularly diphtheria toxoid prepared text missing or illegible when filed treatment of diphtheria toxin with formaldehyde, particularly diphtheria toxoid wherein ttext missing or illegible when filed diphtheria toxoid is not conjugated to a GBS capsular polysaccharide.
    • A composition which comprises (a) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype Ia conjugated to CRM197; b) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotytext missing or illegible when filed Ib conjugated to CRM197; c) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to CRM197 and (d) tetanus toxoid, particularly wherein the tetanus toxoid is ttext missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a GBS capsular polysaccharide.
    • A composition which comprises (a) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype Ia conjugated to CRM197; b) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotytext missing or illegible when filed Ib conjugated to CRM197; c) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to CRM197; (d) diphtheria toxoid, particularly diphtheria toxoid prepared by treatmtext missing or illegible when filed of diphtheria toxin with formaldehyde, particularly diphtheria toxoid wherein the diphtheria toxoid text missing or illegible when filed not conjugated to a GBS capsular polysaccharide and (e) tetanus toxoid, particularly wherein ttext missing or illegible when filed tetanus toxoid is not conjugated to a GBS capsular polysaccharide.
    • A composition which comprises (a) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype Ia conjugated to CRM197; b) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotytext missing or illegible when filed Ib conjugated to CRM197; c) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to CRM197; (d) diphtheria toxoid, particularly diphtheria toxoid prepared by treatmtext missing or illegible when filed of diphtheria toxin with formaldehyde, particularly diphtheria toxoid wherein the diphtheria toxoid text missing or illegible when filed not conjugated to a GBS capsular polysaccharide; (e) tetanus toxoid, particularly wherein the tetatext missing or illegible when filed toxoid is not conjugated to a GBS capsular polysaccharide and (f) a cellular pertussis antigen or text missing or illegible when filed acellular pertissus antigen.
    • A composition which comprises (a) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype Ia conjugated to CRM197; b) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotytext missing or illegible when filed Ib conjugated to CRM197; c) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to CRM197; (d) diphtheria toxoid, particularly diphtheria toxoid prepared by treatmtext missing or illegible when filed of diphtheria toxin with formaldehyde, particularly diphtheria toxoid wherein the diphtheria toxoid text missing or illegible when filed not conjugated to a GBS capsular polysaccharide; (e) tetanus toxoid, particularly wherein the tetatext missing or illegible when filed toxoid is not conjugated to a GBS capsular polysaccharide; (f) detoxified pertussis toxin, text missing or illegible when filed filamentous hemagglutinin; (h) pertactin and optionally (i) an inactivated polio virus antigen.
    • A composition which comprises (a) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype Ia conjugated to CRM197; b) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotytext missing or illegible when filed Ib conjugated to CRM197; c) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to CRM197; d) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype II conjugatext missing or illegible when filed to CRM197; and e) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype V conjugated text missing or illegible when filed CRM197; (f) diphtheria toxoid, particularly diphtheria toxoid prepared by treatment of diphthetext missing or illegible when filed toxin with formaldehyde, particularly diphtheria toxoid wherein the diphtheria toxoid is ttext missing or illegible when filed conjugated to a GBS capsular polysaccharide and/or (g) tetanus toxoid, particularly wherein ttext missing or illegible when filed tetanus toxoid is not conjugated to a GBS capsular polysaccharide; optionally (h) a cellular pertustext missing or illegible when filed antigen or an acellular pertissus antigen; optionally (i) detoxified pertussis toxin; optionally text missing or illegible when filed filamentous hemagglutinin; optionally (k) pertactin and optionally (l) an inactivated polio vitext missing or illegible when filed antigen.
    • A composition which comprises (a) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype Ia conjugated to CRM197; b) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotytext missing or illegible when filed Ib conjugated to CRM197; c) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to CRM197; d) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype II conjugatext missing or illegible when filed to CRM197 or tetanus toxoid; and e) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype text missing or illegible when filed conjugated to CRM197 or tetanus toxoid; (f) diphtheria toxoid, particularly diphtheria toxtext missing or illegible when filed prepared by treatment of diphtheria toxin with formaldehyde, particularly diphtheria toxoid whertext missing or illegible when filed the diphtheria toxoid is not conjugated to a GBS capsular polysaccharide and/or (g) tetanus toxotext missing or illegible when filed particularly wherein the tetanus toxoid is not conjugated to a GBS capsular polysaccharitext missing or illegible when filed optionally (h) a cellular pertussis antigen or an acellular pertissus antigen; optionally (i) detoxifitext missing or illegible when filed pertussis toxin; optionally (j) filamentous hemagglutinin; optionally (k) pertactin and optionally text missing or illegible when filed an inactivated polio virus antigen.

Pharmaceutical Methods and Uses

The immunogenic compositions of the invention may further comprise a pharmaceutically acceptatext missing or illegible when filed carrier. Typical ‘pharmaceutically acceptable carriers’ include any carrier that does not itself indtext missing or illegible when filed the production of antibodies harmful to the individual receiving the composition. Suitable carriers atext missing or illegible when filed typically large, slowly metabolised macromolecules such as proteins, polysaccharides, polylactext missing or illegible when filed acids, polyglycolic acids, polymeric amino acids, amino acid copolymers, sucrose [81], trehaltext missing or illegible when filed [82], lactose, and lipid aggregates (such as oil droplets or liposomes). Such carriers are well knotext missing or illegible when filed to those of ordinary skill in the art. The vaccines may also contain diluents, such as water, salitext missing or illegible when filed glycerol, etc. Additionally, auxiliary substances, such as wetting or emulsifying agents, pH bufferitext missing or illegible when filed substances, and the like, may be present. Sterile pyrogen-free, phosphate-buffered physiologic salitext missing or illegible when filed is a typical carrier. A thorough discussion of pharmaceutically acceptable excipients is available text missing or illegible when filed reference 83.

Compositions of the invention may be in aqueous form (i.e. solutions or suspensions) or in a dritext missing or illegible when filed form (e.g. lyophilised). If a dried vaccine is used then it will be reconstituted into a liquid meditext missing or illegible when filed prior to injection. Lyophilisation of conjugate vaccines is known in the art e.g. the Menjugatetext missing or illegible when filed product is presented in lyophilised form. When the immunogenic compositions of the inventitext missing or illegible when filed include conjugates comprising capsular saccharides from more than one GBS serotypes, it is typitext missing or illegible when filed for the conjugates to be prepared separately, mixed and then lyophilised. In this way, lyophilistext missing or illegible when filed compositions comprising two, three or four etc. conjugates as described herein may be prepared.

To stabilise conjugates during lyophilisation, non-active components, e.g. as stabilizers, can be addtext missing or illegible when filed prior to freeze-drying. Preferred stabilizers for inclusion are lactose, sucrose and mannitol, as well text missing or illegible when filed mixtures thereof e.g. lactose/sucrose mixtures, sucrose/mannitol mixtures, etc. A final vaccitext missing or illegible when filed obtained by aqueous reconstitution of the lyophilised material may thus contain lactose and text missing or illegible when filed sucrose. It is preferred to use amorphous excipients and/or amorphous buffers when preparitext missing or illegible when filed lyophilised vaccines [84].

It may be preferred to include a sugar alcohol (e.g. mannitol) and/or a disaccharide (e.g. sucrose text missing or illegible when filed trehalose) e.g. at between 1 mg/ml and 30 mg/ml (e.g. about 25 mg/ml) in the composition. The use text missing or illegible when filed sucrose has been recommended as a stabiliser for GBS conjugate vaccines (ref. 85). However, it text missing or illegible when filed typical for the stabiliser of the present invention to be mannitol. When the dried vaccine text missing or illegible when filed reconstituted into a liquid medium prior to injection, the concentration of residual mannitol wtext missing or illegible when filed typically be about 2-20 mg/ml, e.g. 3.75 mg/ml, 7.5 mg/ml or 15 mg/ml.

Compositions may be presented in vials, or they may be presented in ready-filled syringes. Ttext missing or illegible when filed syringes may be supplied with or without needles. A syringe will include a single dose of ttext missing or illegible when filed composition, whereas a vial may include a single dose or multiple doses.

Compositions of the invention are preferably administered to patients in 0.5 ml unit doses. Referentext missing or illegible when filed to 0.5 ml doses will be understood to include normal variance e.g. 0.5 ml±0.05 ml. For multidtext missing or illegible when filed situations, multiple dose amounts will be extracted and packaged together in a single container etext missing or illegible when filed 5 ml for a 10-dose multidose container (or 5.5 ml with 10% overfill).

Aqueous compositions of the invention are also suitable for reconstituting other vaccines from text missing or illegible when filed lyophilised form. Where a composition of the invention is to be used for such extemporanetext missing or illegible when filed reconstitution, the invention provides a kit, which may comprise two vials, or may comprise otext missing or illegible when filed ready-filled syringe and one vial, with the contents of the syringe being used to reactivate ttext missing or illegible when filed contents of the vial prior to injection.

Vaccines can also be prepared in a form where the vaccine can be prepared extemporaneously at ttext missing or illegible when filed time/point of use by mixing together two components. Such two-component embodiments inclutext missing or illegible when filed liquid/liquid mixing and liquid/solid mixing e.g. by mixing aqueous material with lyophilistext missing or illegible when filed material.

Thus, a kit useful for the invention comprises a first component comprising one or more Gtext missing or illegible when filed conjugates; and a second component comprising one or more antigens selected from: a) cellular text missing or illegible when filed acellular pertussis antigen, b) a tetanus toxoid, c) a diphtheria toxoid and d) an inactivated polio vitext missing or illegible when filed antigen; wherein the two components are in separate containers (e.g. vials and/or syringes). The Gtext missing or illegible when filed conjugates in the first component may be lyophilised. In some embodiments, the first compontext missing or illegible when filed does not comprise an adjuvant. The second component may comprise aqueous antigens. In sotext missing or illegible when filed embodiments, the second component comprises an adjuvant, for example, an aluminium stext missing or illegible when filed adjuvant.

Another kit useful for the invention may comprise a first component that is antigen-free, such that text missing or illegible when filed antigenic components in the final immunogenic composition are derived from the second componetext missing or illegible when filed For example, a kit may comprise a first component comprising aqueous antigens comprising: (i) otext missing or illegible when filed or more GBS conjugates and (ii) one or more antigens selected from: a) cellular or acellular pertustext missing or illegible when filed antigen, b) a tetanus toxoid, c) a diphtheria toxoid and d) an inactivated polio virus antigen; antext missing or illegible when filed second component comprising aqueous adjuvant. The immunogenic composition of the invention ctext missing or illegible when filed be prepared by mixing the first component and the second component.

The invention also provides a process for preparing the immunogenic composition of the inventitext missing or illegible when filed comprising mixing a first component comprising one or more GBS conjugates and a secotext missing or illegible when filed component comprising one or more antigens selected from: a) cellular or acellular pertussis antigtext missing or illegible when filed b) a tetanus toxoid, c) a diphtheria toxoid and d) an inactivated polio virus antigen. The Gtext missing or illegible when filed conjugates in the first component may be lyophilised. The second component may comprise aquetext missing or illegible when filed antigens. The process may comprise a further step of reconstituting the lyophilised GBS conjugatext missing or illegible when filed in the first component with the aqueous antigens of the second component. The first component mtext missing or illegible when filed not comprise an adjuvant. The second component may comprise an adjuvant, for example, text missing or illegible when filed aluminium salt adjuvant.

Compositions of the invention may be packaged in unit dose form or in multiple dose form. text missing or illegible when filed multiple dose forms, vials are preferred to pre-filled syringes. Effective dosage volumes can text missing or illegible when filed routinely established, but a typical human dose of the composition has a volume of 0.5 ml e.g. text missing or illegible when filed intramuscular injection.

The pH of the composition is preferably between 6 and 8, preferably about 7. Stable pH may text missing or illegible when filed maintained by the use of a buffer. Aqueous compositions administered to a patient can have a pH text missing or illegible when filed between 5.0 and 7.5, and more typically between 5.0 and 6.0 for optimum stability; wheretext missing or illegible when filed diphtheria toxoid and/or tetanus toxoid is present, the pH is ideally between 6.0 and 7.0.

The immunogenic compositions of the invention typically comprise a potassium dihydrogtext missing or illegible when filed phosphate buffer. The potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer may comprise about 1-10 mtext missing or illegible when filed potassium dihydrogen phosphate, e.g. 1.25 mM, 2.5 mM or 5.0 mM. If a composition comprises text missing or illegible when filed aluminium hydroxide salt, it is preferred to use a histidine buffer [86]. The composition may text missing or illegible when filed sterile and/or pyrogen-free. Compositions of the invention may be isotonic with respect to humans.

Compositions of the invention are immunogenic, and are more preferably vaccine compositiotext missing or illegible when filed Vaccines according to the invention may either be prophylactic (i.e. to prevent infection) text missing or illegible when filed therapeutic (i.e. to treat infection), but will typically be prophylactic. Prophylactic vaccines do ntext missing or illegible when filed guarantee complete protection from disease because even if the patient develops antibodies, thtext missing or illegible when filed may be a lag or delay before the immune system is able to fight off the infection. Therefore, and text missing or illegible when filed the avoidance of doubt, the term prophylactic vaccine may also refer to vaccines that ameliorate ttext missing or illegible when filed effects of a future infection, for example by reducing the severity or duration of such an infection.

The terms “protection against infection” and/or “provide protective immunity” means that ttext missing or illegible when filed immune system of a subject has been primed (e.g by vaccination) to trigger an immune response atext missing or illegible when filed repel infection. Particularly, the immune response triggered is capable of repelling infection againstext missing or illegible when filed number of pathogens, such as different strains of bacteria. A vaccinated subject may thus gtext missing or illegible when filed infected, but is better able to repel the infection than a control subject. Immunogenic composititext missing or illegible when filed used as vaccines comprise an immunologically effective amount of antigen(s), as well as any ottext missing or illegible when filed components, as needed. By ‘immunologically effective amount’, it is meant that the administration text missing or illegible when filed that amount to an individual, either in a single dose or as part of a series, is effective for treatment text missing or illegible when filed prevention. Commonly, the desired result is the production of an antigen (e.g., pathogen)-specitext missing or illegible when filed immune response that is capable of or contributes to protecting the subject against the pathogen. Ttext missing or illegible when filed amount varies depending upon the health and physical condition of the individual to be treated, atext missing or illegible when filed the taxonomic group of individual to be treated (e.g. non-human primate, primate, etc.), the capactext missing or illegible when filed of the individual's immune system to synthesise antibodies, the degree of protection desired, ttext missing or illegible when filed formulation of the vaccine, the treating doctor's assessment of the medical situation, and other rtext missing or illegible when filed evant factors. It is expected that the amount will fall in a relatively broad range that can text missing or illegible when filed determined through routine trials.

The compositions of the invention may be prepared in various forms. For example, the composititext missing or illegible when filed may be prepared as injectables, either as liquid solutions or suspensions. The composition may text missing or illegible when filed prepared for pulmonary administration e.g. as an inhaler, using a fine powder or a spray. Ttext missing or illegible when filed composition may be prepared as a suppository or pessary. The composition may be prepared text missing or illegible when filed nasal, aural or ocular administration e.g. as spray, drops, gel or powder [e.g. refs 87 & 88]. Succtext missing or illegible when filed with nasal administration of pneumococcal saccharides [89,90], Hib saccharides [91], Metext missing or illegible when filed saccharides [92], and mixtures of Hib and MenC saccharide conjugates [93] has been reported.

Compositions of the invention may include an antimicrobial, particularly when packaged in multitext missing or illegible when filed dose format.

Compositions of the invention may comprise detergent e.g. a Tween (polysorbate), such as Twetext missing or illegible when filed 80. Detergents are generally present at low levels e.g. <0.01%.

Compositions of the invention may include sodium salts (e.g. sodium chloride) to give tonicity. text missing or illegible when filed concentration of 10±2 mg/ml NaCl is typical. In some embodiments, a concentration of 4-10 mg/text missing or illegible when filed NaCl may be used, e.g. 9.0, 7.0, 6.75 or 4.5 mg/ml.

Compositions will generally have an osmolality of between 200 mOsm/kg and 400 mOsm/text missing or illegible when filed preferably between 240-360 mOsm/kg, and will more preferably fall within the range of 280-3text missing or illegible when filed mOsm/kg. Osmolality has previously been reported not to have an impact on pain caused text missing or illegible when filed vaccination [94], but keeping osmolality in this range is nevertheless preferred.

Compositions of the invention will generally include a buffer. A phosphate buffer is typical.

Compositions of the invention may be administered in conjunction with other immunoregulattext missing or illegible when filed agents. In particular, compositions may include one or more adjuvants. Such adjuvants include, btext missing or illegible when filed are not limited to:

A. Mineral-Containing Compositions

Mineral containing compositions suitable for use as adjuvants in the invention include mineral satext missing or illegible when filed such as aluminium salts and calcium salts (or mixtures thereof). Calcium salts include calcitext missing or illegible when filed phosphate (e.g. the “CAP” particles disclosed in ref. 95). Aluminium salts include hydroxidtext missing or illegible when filed phosphates, sulfates, etc., with the salts taking any suitable form (e.g. gel, crystalline, amorphotext missing or illegible when filed etc.). Adsorption to these salts is preferred. The mineral containing compositions may also text missing or illegible when filed formulated as a particle of metal salt [96].

The adjuvants known as aluminium hydroxide and aluminium phosphate may be used. These nartext missing or illegible when filed are conventional, but are used for convenience only, as neither is a precise description of the acttext missing or illegible when filed chemical compound which is present (e.g. see chapter 9 of reference 97). The invention can use atext missing or illegible when filed of the “hydroxide” or “phosphate” adjuvants that are in general use as adjuvants. The adjuvatext missing or illegible when filed known as “aluminium hydroxide” are typically aluminium oxyhydroxide salts, which are usually text missing or illegible when filed least partially crystalline. The adjuvants known as “aluminium phosphate” are typically aluminitext missing or illegible when filed hydroxyphosphates, often also containing a small amount of sulfate (i.e. aluminitext missing or illegible when filed hydroxyphosphate sulfate). They may be obtained by precipitation, and the reaction conditions atext missing or illegible when filed concentrations during precipitation influence the degree of substitution of phosphate for hydroxyl text missing or illegible when filed the salt.

A fibrous morphology (e.g. as seen in transmission electron micrographs) is typical for aluminitext missing or illegible when filed hydroxide adjuvants. The pI of aluminium hydroxide adjuvants is typically about 11 i.e. the adjuvtext missing or illegible when filed itself has a positive surface charge at physiological pH. Adsorptive capacities of between 1.8-2.6 text missing or illegible when filed protein per mg Al+++ at pH 7.4 have been reported for aluminium hydroxide adjuvants.

Aluminium phosphate adjuvants generally have a PO4/Al molar ratio between 0.3 and 1.2, preferatext missing or illegible when filed between 0.8 and 1.2, and more preferably 0.95±0.1. The aluminium phosphate will generally text missing or illegible when filed amorphous, particularly for hydroxyphosphate salts. A typical adjuvant is amorphous aluminitext missing or illegible when filed hydroxyphosphate with PO4/Al molar ratio between 0.84 and 0.92, included at 0.6 mg Al3+/ml. Ttext missing or illegible when filed aluminium phosphate will generally be particulate (e.g. plate-like morphology as seen text missing or illegible when filed transmission electron micrographs). Typical diameters of the particles are in the range 0.5-20 μm (etext missing or illegible when filed about 5-10 μm) after any antigen adsorption. Adsorptive capacities of between 0.7-1.5 mg protein ptext missing or illegible when filed mg Al+++ at pH 7.4 have been reported for aluminium phosphate adjuvants.

The point of zero charge (PZC) of aluminium phosphate is inversely related to the degree text missing or illegible when filed substitution of phosphate for hydroxyl, and this degree of substitution can vary depending text missing or illegible when filed reaction conditions and concentration of reactants used for preparing the salt by precipitation. PZC text missing or illegible when filed also altered by changing the concentration of free phosphate ions in solution (more phosphate=mtext missing or illegible when filed acidic PZC) or by adding a buffer such as a histidine buffer (makes PZC more basic). Aluminitext missing or illegible when filed phosphates used according to the invention will generally have a PZC of between 4.0 and 7.0, mtext missing or illegible when filed preferably between 5.0 and 6.5 e.g. about 5.7.

Suspensions of aluminium salts used to prepare compositions of the invention may contain a buftext missing or illegible when filed (e.g. a phosphate or a histidine or a Tris buffer), but this is not always necessary. The suspensions atext missing or illegible when filed preferably sterile and pyrogen-free. A suspension may include free aqueous phosphate ions etext missing or illegible when filed present at a concentration between 1.0 and 20 mM, preferably between 5 and 15 mM, and mtext missing or illegible when filed preferably about 10 mM. The suspensions may also comprise sodium chloride.

The invention can use a mixture of both an aluminium hydroxide and an aluminium phosphate. text missing or illegible when filed this case there may be more aluminium phosphate than hydroxide e.g. a weight ratio of at least text missing or illegible when filed e.g. ≧5:1, ≧6:1, ≧7:1, ≧8:1, ≧9:1, etc.

The concentration of Al+++ in a composition for administration to a patient is preferably less thtext missing or illegible when filed 10 mg/ml e.g. ≦5 mg/ml, ≦4 mg/ml, ≦3 mg/ml, ≦2 mg/ml, ≦1 mg/ml, etc. A preferred range text missing or illegible when filed between 0.3 and 1 mg/ml. A maximum of 0.85 mg/dose is preferred.

A typical adjuvant aluminium phosphate adjuvant is amorphous aluminium hydroxyphosphate wtext missing or illegible when filed PO4/Al molar ratio between 0.84 and 0.92, included at 0.6 mg Al3+/ml. Adsorption with a low dose text missing or illegible when filed aluminium phosphate may be used e.g. between 50 and 100 μg Al3+ per conjugate per dose.

B. Saponin Formulations [Chapter 22 of Ref 97]

Saponin formulations may also be used as adjuvants in the invention. Saponins are a heterologtext missing or illegible when filed group of sterol glycosides and triterpenoid glycosides that are found in the bark, leaves, stems, rotext missing or illegible when filed and even flowers of a wide range of plant species. Saponins isolated from the bark of the Quilltext missing or illegible when filed saponaria Molina tree have been widely studied as adjuvants. Saponin can also be commerciatext missing or illegible when filed obtained from Smilax ornata (sarsaprilla), Gypsophilla paniculata (brides veil), and Saponatext missing or illegible when filed officianalis (soap root). Saponin adjuvant formulations include purified formulations, such as QStext missing or illegible when filed as well as lipid formulations, such as ISCOMs.

Saponin compositions have been purified using HPLC and RP-HPLC. Specific purified fractitext missing or illegible when filed using these techniques have been identified, including QS7, QS17, QS18, QS21, QH-A, QH-B atext missing or illegible when filed QH-C. Preferably, the saponin is QS21. A method of production of QS21 is disclosed in ref. text missing or illegible when filed Saponin formulations may also comprise a sterol, such as cholesterol [99].

Combinations of saponins and cholesterols can be used to form unique particles calltext missing or illegible when filed immunostimulating complexes (ISCOMs) [chapter 23 of ref. 97]. ISCOMs typically also includtext missing or illegible when filed phospholipid such as phosphatidylethanolamine or phosphatidylcholine. Any known saponin can text missing or illegible when filed used in ISCOMs. Preferably, the ISCOM includes one or more of QuilA, QHA and QHC. ISCOtext missing or illegible when filed are further described in refs. 99-101. Optionally, the ISCOMS may be devoid of additiotext missing or illegible when filed detergent(s) [102].

A review of the development of saponin based adjuvants can be found in refs. 103 & 104.

C. Virosomes and Virus-Like Particles

Virosomes and virus-like particles (VLPs) can also be used as adjuvants in the invention. Thtext missing or illegible when filed structures generally contain one or more proteins from a virus optionally combined or formulattext missing or illegible when filed with a phospholipid. They are generally non-pathogenic, non-replicating and generally do not conttext missing or illegible when filed any of the native viral genome. The viral proteins may be recombinantly produced or isolated frtext missing or illegible when filed whole viruses. These viral proteins suitable for use in virosomes or VLPs include proteins derivtext missing or illegible when filed from influenza virus (such as HA or NA), Hepatitis B virus (such as core or capsid proteintext missing or illegible when filed Hepatitis E virus, measles virus, Sindbis virus, Rotavirus, Foot-and-Mouth Disease virus, Retrovirtext missing or illegible when filed Norwalk virus, human Papilloma virus, HIV, RNA-phages, Qβ-phage (such as coat proteins), Gtext missing or illegible when filed phage, fr-phage, AP205 phage, and Ty (such as retrotransposon Ty protein p1). VLPs are discusstext missing or illegible when filed further in refs. 105-110. Virosomes are discussed further in, for example, ref. 111

D. Bacterial or Microbial Derivatives

Adjuvants suitable for use in the invention include bacterial or microbial derivatives such text missing or illegible when filed immunostimulatory oligonucleotides and ADP-ribosylating toxins and detoxified derivatives theretext missing or illegible when filed Immunostimulatory oligonucleotides suitable for use as adjuvants in the invention include nucleotitext missing or illegible when filed sequences containing a CpG motif (a dinucleotide sequence containing an unmethylated cytositext missing or illegible when filed linked by a phosphate bond to a guanosine). Double-stranded RNAs and oligonucleotides containitext missing or illegible when filed palindromic or poly(dG) sequences have also been shown to be immunostimulatory.

The CpG's can include nucleotide modifications/analogs such as phosphorothioate modifications atext missing or illegible when filed can be double-stranded or single-stranded. References 112, 113 and 114 disclose possible analtext missing or illegible when filed substitutions e.g. replacement of guanosine with 2′-deoxy-7-deazaguanosine. The adjuvant effect text missing or illegible when filed CpG oligonucleotides is further discussed in refs. 115-120.

The CpG sequence may be directed to TLR9, such as the motif GTCGTT or TTCGTT [121]. Ttext missing or illegible when filed CpG sequence may be specific for inducing a Th1 immune response, such as a CpG-A ODN, otext missing or illegible when filed may be more specific for inducing a B cell response, such a CpG-B ODN. CpG-A and CpG-B ODtext missing or illegible when filed are discussed in refs. 122-124. Preferably, the CpG is a CpG-A ODN.

Preferably, the CpG oligonucleotide is constructed so that the 5′ end is accessible for receptext missing or illegible when filed recognition. Optionally, two CpG oligonucleotide sequences may be attached at their 3′ ends to fotext missing or illegible when filed “immunomers”. See, for example, refs. 121 & 125-127.

Bacterial ADP-ribosylating toxins and detoxified derivatives thereof may be used as adjuvants in ttext missing or illegible when filed invention. Preferably, the protein is derived from E.coli (E.coli heat labile enterotoxin “LT”), choltext missing or illegible when filed (“CT”), or pertussis (“PT”). The use of detoxified ADP-ribosylating toxins as mucosal adjuvants text missing or illegible when filed described in ref. 128 and as parenteral adjuvants in ref. 129. The toxin or toxoid is preferably in ttext missing or illegible when filed form of a holotoxin, comprising both A and B subunits. Preferably, the A subunit contains text missing or illegible when filed detoxifying mutation; preferably the B subunit is not mutated. Preferably, the adjuvant is a detoxifitext missing or illegible when filed LT mutant such as LT-K63, LT-R72, and LT-G192. The use of ADP-ribosylating toxins atext missing or illegible when filed detoxified derivatives thereof, particularly LT-K63 and LT-R72, as adjuvants can be found in retext missing or illegible when filed 130-137. Numerical reference for amino acid substitutions is preferably based on the alignments text missing or illegible when filed the A and B subunits of ADP-ribosylating toxins set forth in ref. 138, specifically incorporated hertext missing or illegible when filed by reference in its entirety.

E. Human Immunomodulators

Human immunomodulators suitable for use as adjuvants in the invention include cytokines, such text missing or illegible when filed interleukins (e.g. IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-12 [139], etc.) [140], interferons (etext missing or illegible when filed interferon-γ), macrophage colony stimulating factor, and tumor necrosis factor.

F. Bioadhesives and Mucoadhesives

Bioadhesives and mucoadhesives may also be used as adjuvants in the invention. Suitatext missing or illegible when filed bioadhesives include esterified hyaluronic acid microspheres [141] or mucoadhesives such text missing or illegible when filed cross-linked derivatives of poly(acrylic acid), polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl pyrollidotext missing or illegible when filed polysaccharides and carboxymethylcellulose. Chitosan and derivatives thereof may also be used text missing or illegible when filed adjuvants in the invention [142].

G. Microparticles

Microparticles may also be used as adjuvants in the invention. Microparticles (i.e. a particle text missing or illegible when filed ˜100 nm to ˜150 μm in diameter, more preferably ˜200 nm to ˜30 μm in diameter, and most preferatext missing or illegible when filed ˜500 nm to ˜10 μm in diameter) formed from materials that are biodegradable and non-toxic (e.gtext missing or illegible when filed poly(α-hydroxy acid), a polyhydroxybutyric acid, a polyorthoester, a polyanhydride, text missing or illegible when filed polycaprolactone, etc.), with poly(lactide-co-glycolide) are preferred, optionally treated to have text missing or illegible when filed negatively-charged surface (e.g. with SDS) or a positively-charged surface (e.g. with a catiotext missing or illegible when filed detergent, such as CTAB).

H. Liposomes (Chapters 13 & 14 of Ref 97)

Examples of liposome formulations suitable for use as adjuvants are described in refs. 143-145.

I. Polyoxyethylene Ether and Polyoxyethylene Ester Formulations

Adjuvants suitable for use in the invention include polyoxyethylene ethers and polyoxyethyletext missing or illegible when filed esters [146]. Such formulations further include polyoxyethylene sorbitan ester surfactants text missing or illegible when filed combination with an octoxynol [147] as well as polyoxyethylene alkyl ethers or ester surfactants text missing or illegible when filed combination with at least one additional non-ionic surfactant such as an octoxynol [148]. Prefertext missing or illegible when filed polyoxyethylene ethers are selected from the following group: polyoxyethylene-9-lauryl ettext missing or illegible when filed (laureth 9), polyoxyethylene-9-steoryl ether, polyoxytheylene-8-steoryl ether, polyoxyethylenetext missing or illegible when filed lauryl ether, polyoxyethylene-35-lauryl ether, and polyoxyethylene-23-lauryl ether.

J. Polyphosphazene (PCPP)

PCPP formulations are described, for example, in refs. 149 and 150.

K. Muramyl Peptides

Examples of muramyl peptides suitable for use as adjuvants in the invention include N-acettext missing or illegible when filed muramyl-L-threonyl-D-isoglutamine (thr-MDP), N-acetyl-normuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine (ntext missing or illegible when filed MDP), and N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutaminyl-L-alanine-2-(1′-2′-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycerotext missing or illegible when filed hydroxyphosphoryloxy)-ethylamine MTP-PE).

L. Imidazoquinolone Compounds.

Examples of imidazoquinolone compounds suitable for use adjuvants in the invention inclutext missing or illegible when filed Imiquamod and its homologues (e.g. “Resiquimod 3M”), described further in refs. 151 and 152.

M. Thiosemicarbazone Compounds.

Examples of thiosemicarbazone compounds, as well as methods of formulating, manufacturing, atext missing or illegible when filed screening for compounds all suitable for use as adjuvants in the invention include those described text missing or illegible when filed ref. 153. The thiosemicarbazones are particularly effective in the stimulation of human periphetext missing or illegible when filed blood mononuclear cells for the production of cytokines, such as TNF-α.

N. Tryptanthrin Compounds.

Examples of tryptanthrin compounds, as well as methods of formulating, manufacturing, atext missing or illegible when filed screening for compounds all suitable for use as adjuvants in the invention include those described text missing or illegible when filed ref. 154. The tryptanthrin compounds are particularly effective in the stimulation of humtext missing or illegible when filed peripheral blood mononuclear cells for the production of cytokines, such as TNF-α.

The invention may also comprise combinations of aspects of one or more of the adjuvants identifitext missing or illegible when filed above.

Other substances that act as immunostimulating agents are disclosed in chapter 7 of ref. 97.

The use of aluminium salt adjuvants is particularly preferred, and antigens are generally adsorbed text missing or illegible when filed such salts. It is possible in compositions of the invention to adsorb some antigens to an aluminitext missing or illegible when filed hydroxide but to have other antigens in association with an aluminium phosphate. In genertext missing or illegible when filed however, it is preferred to use only a single salt e.g. a hydroxide or a phosphate, but not both. Not text missing or illegible when filed conjugates need to be adsorbed i.e. some or all can be free in solution.

Methods of Treatment

The invention also provides a method for raising an immune response in a mammal, comprisitext missing or illegible when filed administering a pharmaceutical composition of the invention to the mammal. The immune respotext missing or illegible when filed is preferably protective and preferably involves antibodies. The method may raise a booster respontext missing or illegible when filed Compositions of the invention are preferably administered to patients in 0.5 ml doses (as discusstext missing or illegible when filed above).

The mammal is preferably a human. Where the vaccine is for prophylactic use, the human text missing or illegible when filed preferably a child (e.g. a toddler or infant, particularly a neonate) or a teenager; where the vaccine text missing or illegible when filed for therapeutic use, the human is preferably an adult. A vaccine intended for children may also text missing or illegible when filed administered to adults e.g. to assess safety, dosage, immunogenicity, etc. A preferred class of humatext missing or illegible when filed for treatment are females of child-bearing age (e.g. teenagers and above). Another preferred class text missing or illegible when filed pregnant females. Elderly patients (e.g. those above 50, 60, 70, 80 or 90 etc. years of atext missing or illegible when filed particularly over 65 years of age), especially those living in nursing homes where the risk of Gtext missing or illegible when filed infection may be increased ([155]), are another preferred class of humans for treatment.

In some embodiments, the patient has been pre-immunised with a diphtheria toxoid or derivatitext missing or illegible when filed thereof. In other embodiments, the patient has been pre-immunised with a tetanus toxoid text missing or illegible when filed derivative thereof.

The invention also provides a composition of the invention for use as a medicament. Ttext missing or illegible when filed medicament is preferably able to raise an immune response in a mammal (i.e. it is an immunogetext missing or illegible when filed composition) and is more preferably a vaccine.

The invention also provides the use of a composition of the invention in the manufacture otext missing or illegible when filed medicament for raising an immune response in a mammal.

These uses and methods are preferably for the prevention and/or treatment of a disease caused text missing or illegible when filedStreptococcus agalactiae and one or more of Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Clostridium tetatext missing or illegible when filed Bordetella pertussis and Poliovirus. A disease caused by S. agalactiae can be neonatal sepsis text missing or illegible when filed bacteremia, neonatal pneumonia, neonatal meningitis, endometritis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritext missing or illegible when filed etc. C. diphtheria can cause diphtheria; C. tetani can cause tetanus; B. pertussis can cause whoopitext missing or illegible when filed cough; and Poliovirus can cause polio.

The subject in which disease is prevented may not be the same as the subject that receives ttext missing or illegible when filed immunogenic composition of the invention. For instance, an immunogenic composition may text missing or illegible when filed administered to a female (before or during pregnancy) in order to protect offspring (so-calltext missing or illegible when filed ‘maternal immunization’ [156-158]). The immunization of the pregnant female provides antibotext missing or illegible when filed mediated immunity to the infant through passive maternal immunity. The passive immunity occurs text missing or illegible when filed naturally when maternal antibodies are transferred to the fetus through the placenta. Passitext missing or illegible when filed immunity is especially important to infants because they are born without any actively acquitext missing or illegible when filed immunity. Administration of compositions of the invention to a pregnant female enhances immuntext missing or illegible when filed in the female, and antibodies are passed to the newborn through the placenta, conferring passitext missing or illegible when filed maternal immunity on the infant. However, passive immunity in infants is only temporary and statext missing or illegible when filed to decrease after the first few weeks, or months of life. As passive immunity is only temporary, text missing or illegible when filed may be important for the infant to receive administration of a composition of the invention, to indutext missing or illegible when filed active immunity in the infant, before the passive immunity diminishes. Administration of a secotext missing or illegible when filed immunogenic composition to the infant after birth induces active immunity in the infant, and extetext missing or illegible when filed the immunity passed on from the mother during pregnancy.

As used herein, an infant is an individual under one year of age (e.g., less than one day old, 1 wetext missing or illegible when filed old, 2 weeks old, 3 weeks old, 4 weeks old, 2 months old, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 monthstext missing or illegible when filed months, 8 months old, 9 months old, 10 months old, 11 months old, less than 12 months old).

The pregnant female may be administered the composition of the invention at any time during text missing or illegible when filed pregnancy. For example, the composition may be administered to the female during the first, secotext missing or illegible when filed or third trimester of her pregnancy. In some embodiments, the composition is administered to ttext missing or illegible when filed female during the last 6-12 weeks of the pregnancy (e.g., 28 weeks gestation, 29 weeks gestation, text missing or illegible when filed weeks gestation, 31 weeks gestation, 32 weeks gestation, 33 weeks gestation, 34 weeks gestation, text missing or illegible when filed weeks gestation, 36 weeks gestation, 37 weeks gestation, 38 weeks gestation, 39 weeks gestatiotext missing or illegible when filed Particularly, the composition of the invention is administered to the pregnant female at least ftext missing or illegible when filed weeks before delivery of the infant. In some embodiments, a one-dose regimen is administered to ttext missing or illegible when filed pregnant female between weeks 32 and 36 gestation. In other embodiments, a two-dose regimen text missing or illegible when filed administered to the pregnant female, with the first dose being administered at approximately text missing or illegible when filed weeks gestation and the second dose being administered at approximately 36 weeks gestation.

The infant may be administered the composition at any time during the first year of life, atext missing or illegible when filed thereafter if desired. Generally the composition will be administered to the infant one, two, thrtext missing or illegible when filed four or more times during the first year of life. For example, the composition of the invention may text missing or illegible when filed administered to the infant one or more times selected from at birth, at 2 weeks old, 4 weeks oldtext missing or illegible when filed weeks old, 2 months old, 3 months old, 4 months old, 6 months old, 9 months old, and 12 montext missing or illegible when filed old. Particularly, the composition of the invention is administered to the infant at a time beftext missing or illegible when filed maternal antibodies have decreased to non-protective titers. Subsequent administrations can occur text missing or illegible when filed any desired schedule.

In one embodiment, there is provided a method of protecting an infant against a disease caused text missing or illegible when filedStreptococcus agalactiae and one or more of Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Clostridium tetatext missing or illegible when filed Bordetella pertussis and Poliovirus comprising the steps of (a) administering a composition of ttext missing or illegible when filed invention to a female during pregnancy with said infant; and (b) optionally administering text missing or illegible when filed composition of the invention to the infant that is born from the pregnancy.

Thus, there is also provided a method of protecting an infant against a disease caused by S. agalacttext missing or illegible when filedand one or more of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and polio comprising the steps of text missing or illegible when filed administering a composition of the invention to a female during pregnancy with said infant; and text missing or illegible when filed optionally administering a composition of the invention to the infant that is born from the pregnanctext missing or illegible when filed

Preferred compositions of the invention can confer an antibody titre in a patient that is superior to ttext missing or illegible when filed criterion for seroprotection for each antigenic component for an acceptable percentage of humtext missing or illegible when filed subjects. Antigens with an associated antibody titre above which a host is considered to text missing or illegible when filed seroconverted against the antigen are well known, and such titres are published by organisations sutext missing or illegible when filed as WHO. Preferably more than 80% of a statistically significant sample of subjects is seroconverttext missing or illegible when filed more preferably more than 90%, still more preferably more than 93% and most preferably 96-100%text missing or illegible when filed Compositions of the invention will generally be administered directly to a patient. Direct delivtext missing or illegible when filed may be accomplished by parenteral injection (e.g. subcutaneously, intraperitoneally, intravenoustext missing or illegible when filed intramuscularly, or to the interstitial space of a tissue), or by rectal, oral, vaginal, topictext missing or illegible when filed transdermal, intranasal, ocular, aural, pulmonary or other mucosal administration. Intramuscutext missing or illegible when filed administration to the thigh or the upper arm is preferred. Injection may be via a needle (e.g. text missing or illegible when filed hypodermic needle), but needle-free injection may alternatively be used. A typical intramuscutext missing or illegible when filed dose is 0.5 ml.

The invention may be used to elicit systemic and/or mucosal immunity.

The immunogenic compositions of the invention may be administered in single or multiple dostext missing or illegible when filed Administration of a single dose is preferred in the invention. Alternatively, a further one unit dtext missing or illegible when filed followed by a first unit dose may be effective. Typically, the second (or third, fourth, fifth etc.) utext missing or illegible when filed dose is identical to the first unit dose. Typically, the immunogenic compositions of the invention text missing or illegible when filed administered in three unit doses. Typically, the immunogenic compositions of the invention will text missing or illegible when filed administered intramuscularly, e.g. by intramuscular administration to the thigh or the upper arm.

Multiple doses may be used in a primary immunization schedule and/or in a booster immunizatitext missing or illegible when filed schedule. A primary dose schedule may be followed by a booster dose schedule. Suitable timitext missing or illegible when filed between priming doses (e.g. between 4-16 weeks), and between priming and boosting, can text missing or illegible when filed routinely determined.

In order to have full efficacy, a typical primary immunization schedule (particularly for a child) mtext missing or illegible when filed involve administering more than one dose. For example, doses may be at: 0 & 6 months (timtext missing or illegible when filed being the first dose); at 0, 1, 2 & 6 months; at day 0, day 21 and then a third dose between 6 & text missing or illegible when filed months; at 2, 4 & 6 months; at 3, 4 & 5 months; at 6, 10 & 14 weeks; at 2, 3 & 4 months; or at 0, text missing or illegible when filed 2, 6 & 12 months. Paediatric compositions can also be used as booster doses e.g. for children, in ttext missing or illegible when filed second year of life.

Compositions can also be used as booster doses e.g. for children, in the second year of litext missing or illegible when filed Adolescent booster vaccine compositions of the invention are administered in a single dose text missing or illegible when filed persons of age 10 and older. The immunogenic composition of the invention can be administered atext missing or illegible when filed booster vaccine to a patient who has previously been vaccinated against both diphtheria and tetantext missing or illegible when filed and preferably also against pertussis. These patients can be distinguished from the general populatitext missing or illegible when filed by having an immunological memory response against the previous vaccine. The patients may hatext missing or illegible when filed received their most recent diphtheria and/or tetanus vaccines at least five years before receiving ttext missing or illegible when filed vaccine of the invention. The patients receiving the vaccines may be aged between 4 and 65 years text missing or illegible when filed age e.g. 11-64 years, 10-18 years, etc.

Any suitable route of administration can be used. For example, a composition can be administertext missing or illegible when filed intramuscularly, intraperitoneally, subcutaneously, transdermally, or intradermally. If desired, ttext missing or illegible when filed composition can be administered through an intramucosal route such as intra-orally, intra-nasaltext missing or illegible when filed intra-vaginally, and intra-rectally. Administration to the pregnant female and the infant may text missing or illegible when filed through the same route or different routes. Compositions of the invention can be administered text missing or illegible when filed intramuscular injection e.g. into the arm or leg.

Vaccines produced by the invention may be administered to patients at the same time as a separtext missing or illegible when filed vaccine, e.g. at the same time as a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine such as PREVNAR™, at ttext missing or illegible when filed same time as an influenza vaccine, at the same time as a rotavirus vaccine, at the same time atext missing or illegible when filed MMR vaccine, etc.

Where compositions of the invention include an aluminium-based adjuvant, settling of componetext missing or illegible when filed may occur during storage. The composition should therefore be shaken prior to administration ttext missing or illegible when filed patient. The shaken composition will be a turbid white suspension.


The term “comprising” encompasses “including” as well as “consisting” e.g. a composititext missing or illegible when filed “comprising” X may consist exclusively of X or may include something additional e.g. X+Y.

The term “consisting of” means “consisting only of”. A composition “consisting of X” may text missing or illegible when filed include any other components. A composition “consisting essentially of X” may not include atext missing or illegible when filed other active components. The term “consisting essentially of” means that the composition, methodtext missing or illegible when filed structure may include additional ingredients, steps and/or parts, but only if the additional ingredientext missing or illegible when filed steps and/or parts do no materially alter the basic and novel characteristics of the claimtext missing or illegible when filed composition, method or structure.

The term “about” in relation to a numerical value x means, for example, x±10%.

The word “substantially” does not exclude “completely” e.g. a composition which is “substantiatext missing or illegible when filed free” from Y may be completely free from Y. Where necessary, the word “substantially” may text missing or illegible when filed omitted from the definition of the invention.

It will be appreciated that sugar rings can exist in open and closed form and that, whilst closed fortext missing or illegible when filed are shown in structural formulae herein, open forms are also encompassed by the inventitext missing or illegible when filed Similarly, it will be appreciated that sugars can exist in pyranose and furanose forms and that, whitext missing or illegible when filed pyranose forms are shown in structural formulae herein, furanose forms are also encompasstext missing or illegible when filed Different anomeric forms of sugars are also encompassed.

Unless specifically stated, a process comprising a step of mixing two or more components does text missing or illegible when filed require any specific order of mixing. Thus components can be mixed in any order. Where there text missing or illegible when filed three components then two components can be combined with each other, and then the combinatitext missing or illegible when filed may be combined with the third component, etc.

Antibodies will generally be specific for their target. Thus they will have a higher affinity for ttext missing or illegible when filed target than for an irrelevant control protein, such as bovine serum albumin.

The term “about” in relation to a numerical value x means, for example, x±10%.

Where a component is described as being “adsorbed” to an adjuvant, it is preferred that at least 50text missing or illegible when filed (by weight) of that antigen is adsorbed e.g. 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, 98% or more. text missing or illegible when filed component is totally adsorbed then none should detectable in the supernatant of a composition aftext missing or illegible when filed centrifugation.

Unless specifically stated, a process comprising a step of mixing two or more components does text missing or illegible when filed require any specific order of mixing. Thus components can be mixed in any order. Where there text missing or illegible when filed three components then two components can be combined with each other, and then the combinatitext missing or illegible when filed may be combined with the third component, etc.

Amounts of conjugates are generally given in terms of mass of saccharide (i.e. the dose of ttext missing or illegible when filed conjugate (carrier+saccharide) as a whole is higher than the stated dose) in order to avoid variatitext missing or illegible when filed due to choice of carrier.

Phosphorous-containing groups employed with the invention may exist in a number of protonattext missing or illegible when filed and deprotonated forms depending on the pH of the surrounding environment, for example the pH text missing or illegible when filed the solvent in which they are dissolved. Therefore, although a particular form may be illustrattext missing or illegible when filed herein, it is intended, unless otherwise mentioned, for these illustrations to merely be representatitext missing or illegible when filed and not limiting to a specific protonated or deprotonated form. For example, in the case of text missing or illegible when filed phosphate group, this has been illustrated as —OP(O)(OH)2 but the definition includes the protonattext missing or illegible when filed forms —[OP(O)(OH2)(OH)]+ and —[OP(O)(OH2)2]2+ that may exist in acidic conditions and ttext missing or illegible when filed deprotonated forms —[OP(O)(OH)(O)] and [OP(O)(O)2] that may exist in basic conditions. Ttext missing or illegible when filed invention encompasses all such forms.

Where a compound is administered to the body as part of a composition then that compound mtext missing or illegible when filed alternatively be replaced by a suitable prodrug.

Where animal (and particularly bovine) materials are used in the culture of cells, they should text missing or illegible when filed obtained from sources that are free from transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), and text missing or illegible when filed particular free from bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).


FIG. 1 shows IgG titers against (A) GBS Ia, (B) GBS Ib and (C) GBS III in the mouse grotext missing or illegible when filed described in Table 1. Sera were pooled for all mice in groups 5 and 6. GMT titers are indicated text missing or illegible when filed the central bar. Upper and lower bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.

FIG. 2 shows IgG titers against (A) Diptheria Toxoid, (B) Tetanus Toxoid, (C) Pertussis Toxotext missing or illegible when filed (D) Pertussis FHA and (E) Pertussis 69K in mouse groups described in Table 1. Statistitext missing or illegible when filed significance is indicated by *(p<0.05). GMT titers are indicated by the central bar. Upper and lowtext missing or illegible when filed bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.

FIG. 3 shows OPK titers against (A) GBS Ia, (B) GBS Ib and (C) GBS III in the mouse grotext missing or illegible when filed described in Table 1. Sera were pooled from all mice in each group (except for groups 5 and 6 text missing or illegible when filed each experiment (experiment repeated twice). Sera from both experiments were pooled for each text missing or illegible when filed groups 5 and 6. GMT titers are indicated by the central bar.

FIG. 4 shows IgG titers against (A) GBS Ia, (B) GBS Ib and (C) GBS III in mouse grotext missing or illegible when filed described in Table 3. Statistical significance is indicated by *(p<0.05). GMT titers are indicated text missing or illegible when filed the central bar. Upper and lower bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.

FIG. 5 shows IgG titers against (A) Diptheria Toxoid, (B) Tetanus Toxoid, (C) Pertussis Toxotext missing or illegible when filed (D) Pertussis FHA and (E) Pertussis 69K in mouse groups described in Table 3. Statistitext missing or illegible when filed significance is indicated by **(p<0.01) and *(p<0.05). GMT titers are indicated by the central btext missing or illegible when filed Upper and lower bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.

FIG. 6 shows OPK titers against (A) GBS Ia, (B) GBS Ib and (C) GBS III in mouse grotext missing or illegible when filed described in Table 3. Sera were pooled from all mice in each group for each experiment. GMT titetext missing or illegible when filed are indicated by the central bar.

FIG. 7 shows IgG titers against (A) GBS Ia, (B) GBS Ib and (C) GBS III in mouse grotext missing or illegible when filed described in Table 5. Sera were pooled for groups 5, 6 and 7. Statistical significance is indicated text missing or illegible when filed **(p<0.01). GMT titers are indicated by the central bar. Upper and lower bars indicate 95text missing or illegible when filed confidence intervals.

FIG. 8 shows IgG titers against (A) Tetanus Toxoid and (B) Diptheria Toxoid in mouse grotext missing or illegible when filed described in Table 5. Statistical significance is indicated by *(p<0.05). GMT titers are indicated text missing or illegible when filed the central bar. Upper and lower bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.

FIG. 9 shows OPK titers against (A) GBS Ia, (B) GBS Ib and (C) GBS III in mouse grotext missing or illegible when filed described in Table 5. Sera were pooled from all mice in each group for each experiment. GMT titetext missing or illegible when filed are indicated by the central bar.


Materials and Methods


The GBS trivalent vaccine used in the following experiments is composed of capsutext missing or illegible when filed polysaccharides derived from three major serotypes: Ia, Ib and III, each conjugated to CRM197. Ttext missing or illegible when filed TdaP(H4) vaccine is adjuvanted with aluminium hydroxide and contains Tetanus toxoid, Diphthetext missing or illegible when filed toxoid and Acellular Pertussis antigens (PT, FHA and 69K).

The TdaP(H4)-IPV vaccine is adjuvanted with aluminium hydroxide and contains Tetanus toxotext missing or illegible when filed Diphteria toxoid, Acellular Pertussis antigens (PT, FHA and 69K) and Polio antigens (IPV1, IPtext missing or illegible when filed and IPV3).

Commercially available Tetanus and Tetanus/Diphteria liquid vaccines were used.


IgG titers against GBS polysaccharides Ia, Ib and III in the sera from immunized mice wtext missing or illegible when filed measured by ELISA as explained in reference 159. Generally, there is good correlation betwetext missing or illegible when filed ELISA IgG Abs and OPK titers.

Opsonophagocytic Killing (OPK) Assay

Measuring the opsonizing activity of serum antibody is a useful indicator of vaccine activity sitext missing or illegible when filed protection is likely afforded by opsonophagocytic killing. The opsonophagocytosis killing astext missing or illegible when filed measures the ability of serum antibody to opsonize GBS for killing by effector cells in the presetext missing or illegible when filed of complement. OPK assays to measure the functional activity of antibodies elicited in immuniztext missing or illegible when filed mice against GBS polysaccharides Ia, Ib and III were performed using HL-60, a pro-myelocytext missing or illegible when filed leukemia cell line obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC, CCL-240). Ttext missing or illegible when filed strains GBS 515, GBS H36b and GBS COH1 were used to measure killing of serotype Ia, Ib and text missing or illegible when filed isolates, respectively. Negative control reactions were performed either in the presence of htext missing or illegible when filed inactivated complement or in the absence of antibody or effector cells, or using pre-immune text missing or illegible when filed placebo sera. Reactions were plated in trypticase soy agar plate and bacterial counts wtext missing or illegible when filed determined. The percentage of killing was calculated as (mean CFU at T0−mean CFU text missing or illegible when filed T60)/(mean CFU at T0). OPK titers were expressed as the reciprocal serum dilution leading to 5text missing or illegible when filed killing of bacteria. The OPK assay was performed according to the killing-based opsonophagocytotext missing or illegible when filed assay (kOPA) protocol described in reference 160.

Luminex-Based Multiplex Assay

A Luminex-based multiplex assay for IgG quantification of tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis antigtext missing or illegible when filed was used. Diphteria Toxoid (DT), Tetanus Toxoid (TT), Pertussis Toxoid (PT), Pertussis FHA atext missing or illegible when filed Pertussis 69K antigens were each covalently conjugated to microspheres (Luminex Corporatitext missing or illegible when filed Austin, Tex.). Mouse serum samples were analyzed to assess antibody titers specific to each antigtext missing or illegible when filed Experiments were performed in duplicate and values from duplicates were averaged. A referetext missing or illegible when filed serum was prepared by pooling sera from CD1 mice immunized with TdaP antigens+Alum.

Study 1: GBS Reconstituted in TdaP and TdAP-IPV

This study investigated the immunogenicity of lyophilized GBS trivalent vaccines (Ia, Ib, text missing or illegible when filed polysaccharides conjugated to CRM197) reconstituted with: (i) Alum adjuvanted liquid vaccitext missing or illegible when filed containing Tetanus, Diphteria and Acellular Pertussis antigens (TdaP) and (ii) Alum adjuvant text missing or illegible when filed liquid vaccine containing Tetanus, Diphteria, Acellular Pertussis and Polio antigens (TdaP-IPV).

The immunization protocol is reported in Table 1 and was repeated two times. In each experimetext missing or illegible when filed six groups of 8 CD1 female mice were immunized intraperitoneally on days 0 and 21, with 2 dotext missing or illegible when filed of the vaccines shown in Table 1, and bled on days 0 and 35.


Immunization protocol for study 1.



Group No
Vaccine Type
Antigens Dose
No mice

PSIa-CRM 5 μg/ml
i.p. 200 μl
PSIa-CRM 1 μg

PSIb-CRM 5 μg/ml

PSIb-CRM 1 μg
400 μg

PSIII-CRM 5 μg/ml


T 10 Lf/ml

T 2 Lf

D 8 Lf/ml

D 1.6 Lf

PT 8 μg/ml

PT 1.6 μg

FHA 8 μg/ml

FHA 1.6 μg

69K 16 μg/ml

69K 3.2 μg

Alum 2 μg/ml

PSIa-CRM 5 μg/ml
i.p. 200 μl
PSIa-CRM 1 μg

PSIb-CRM 5 μg/ml

PSIb-CRM 1 μg
400 μg

PSIII-CRM 5 μg/ml


T 10 Lf/ml

T 2 Lf

D 8 Lf/ml

D 1.6 Lf

PT 8 μg/ml

PT 1.6 μg

FHA 8 μg/ml

FHA 1.6 μg

69K 16 μg/ml

69K 3.2 μg

IPV1 80 dU/ml

IPV1 16 dU

IPV2 16 dU/ml

IPV2 3.2 dU

IPV3 64 dU/ml

IPV3 12.8 dU

Alum 2 mg/ml

GBS only
PSIa-CRM 5 μg/ml
i.p. 200 μl
PSIa-CRM 1 μg

PSIb-CRM 5 μg/ml

PSIb-CRM 1 μg
400 μg

PSIII-CRM 5 μg/ml


Alum 2 mg/ml

GBS only
PSIa-CRM 5 μg/ml
i.p. 200 μl
PSIa-CRM 1 μg

PSIb-CRM 5 μg/ml

PSIb-CRM 1 μg
400 μg

PSIII-CRM 5 μg/ml


Alum 2 mg/ml

No antigen
Alum 2 mg/ml
i.p. 200 μl


400 μg

T 10 Lf/ml
i.p. 200 μl
T 2 Lf

D 8 Lf/ml

D 1.6 Lf
400 μg

PT 8 μg/ml

PT 1.6 μg

FHA 8 μg/ml

FHA 1.6 μg

69K 16 μg/ml

69K 3.2 μg

IPV1 80 dU/ml

IPV1 16 dU

IPV2 16 dU/ml

IPV2 3.2 dU

IPV3 64 dU/ml

IPV3 12.8 dU

Alum 2 mg/ml

Sera from immunized mice were analyzed for the presence of IgG antibodies against each Gtext missing or illegible when filed serotype specific antigen (types Ia, Ib, and III) by ELISA. Antibodies against tetanus toxoid (Ttext missing or illegible when filed diphtheria toxoid (DT) and acellular pertussis antigens (PT, FHA and 69K) were quantified text missing or illegible when filed Luminex assay. Functional activity of antibodies against GBS antigens was evaluated text missing or illegible when filed opsonophagocytic killing (OPK) assay.

FIGS. 1 and 2 show the IgG titers against the various antigens of the six groups of mice tested text missing or illegible when filed study 1 (merged results from 8+8 mice from the two experiments). The GMT titers are indicated text missing or illegible when filed Table 2 below.


GMT serum IgG titers after 2 immunizations in

mice tested in study 1.

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6









<LLOQ = below lower limit of quantification

Overall, all vaccine formulation provided immunogenicity that was comparable with the control, atext missing or illegible when filed no significant immunological interference was observed. For IgG titers post 2nd immunizatitext missing or illegible when filed against GBS Ia, Ib and III, no significant differences in Ig responses were detected by Mann-Whitntext missing or illegible when filed U test between the vaccine groups for any of the serotypes, indicating absence of interference. text missing or illegible when filed IgG titers post 2nd immunization against DT, TT, PT, FHA and 69K, GBS+TDaP elicited aboutext missing or illegible when filed fold higher GMT titers than GBS+TDaP+IPV (P<0.05 by Mann-Whitney U test), suggestitext missing or illegible when filed minor negative effects of IPV on all TDaP antigens. Additionally, for TT, the vaccine TDaP+Itext missing or illegible when filed yielded 2 fold higher titers than TDaP+IPV+GBS (U test, P<0.026), suggesting minor negatitext missing or illegible when filed effects of GBS on TT in the presence of IPV.

FIG. 3 shows the OPK titers against GBS Ia, Ib and III of the six groups of animals tested in stutext missing or illegible when filed 1. As shown, no major differences in OPK titers against GBS Ia, Ib or III (in the range of assay atext missing or illegible when filed biological variability) were detected for any of the vaccine formulations.

Study 2: GBS Reconstituted in TdaP

This study investigated the immunogenicity of different amounts of lyophilized GBS trivaltext missing or illegible when filed vaccines (Ia, Ib, III polysaccharides conjugated to CRM197) reconstituted with Alum adjuvant text missing or illegible when filed liquid vaccine containing Tetanus, Diphteria and Acellular Pertussis antigens (TdaP).

Eight groups of 16 CD1 female mice were immunized subcutaneously on days 0, 21 and 35, wittext missing or illegible when filed doses of vaccines, and bled on days 0, 35 (post-2) and 49 (post-3). The immunization protocol text missing or illegible when filed reported in Table 3.


Immunization protocol for study 2.




Vaccine Type
Antigens Dose
No mice

PSIa-CRM 5 μg/ml
PSIa-CRM 1 μg

PSIb-CRM 5 μg/ml
200 μl
PSIb-CRM 1 μg
400 μg

PSIII-CRM 5 μg/ml


T 10 Lf/ml

T 2 Lf

D 4 Lf/ml

D 0.8 Lf

PT 8 μg/ml

PT 1.6 μg

FHA 8 μg/ml

FHA 1.6 μg

69K 16 μg/ml

69K 3.2 μg

Alum 2 mg/ml

T 10 Lf/ml
T 2 Lf

D 4 Lf/ml
200 μl
D 0.8 Lf
400 μg

PT 8 μg/ml

PT 1.6 μg

FHA 8 μg/ml

FHA 1.6 μg

69K 16 μg/ml

69K 3.2 μg

Alum 2 mg/ml

PSIb-CRM 0.25 μg
PSIII-CRM 0.25 μg

PSIII-CRM 5 μg/ml
200 μl
T 2 Lf
400 μg

T 10 Lf/ml

D 0.8 Lf

D 4 Lf/ml

PT 0.4 μg

PT 2 μg/ml

FHA 0.4 μg

FHA 2 μg/ml

69K 0.8 μg

69K 4 μg/ml

Alum 2 mg/ml

T 10 Lf/ml
T 2 Lf

D 4 Lf/ml
200 μl
D 0.8 Lf
400 μg

PT 2 μg/ml

PT 0.4 μg

FHA 2 μg/ml

FHA 0.4 μg

69K 4 μg/ml

69K 0.8 μg

Alum 2 mg/ml

PSIa-CRM 5 μg/ml
PSIa-CRM 1 μg

PSIb-CRM 5 μg/ml
200 μl
PSIb-CRM 1 μg
400 μg

PSIII-CRM 5 μg/ml


Alum 2 mg/ml

PSIa-CRM 5 μg/ml
PSIa-CRM 0.25 μg

PSIb-CRM 5 μg/ml
200 μl
PSIb-CRM 0.25 μg
400 μg

PSIII-CRM 5 μg/ml

PSIII-CRM 0.25 μg

No antigen
Alum 2 mg/ml



200 μl

400 μg

No antigen
Alum 2 mg/ml



200 μl

400 μg

FIGS. 4 and 5 show the IgG titers against the various antigens for all groups after 3 immunizatitext missing or illegible when filed for the groups of mice tested in study 2. The GMT titers are indicated in Table 4 below.


GMT serum IgG titers after 3 immunizations in mice tested in study 2.

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8









For IgG titers post 3rd immunization against GBS Ia, Ib and III, the first observation is that two mitext missing or illegible when filed from group 7 probably received vaccine by mistake (high IgG titers to all three antigens, netext missing or illegible when filed observed previously in similar placebo groups). Secondly, a trend of lower IgG titers to all three Gtext missing or illegible when filed antigens in the groups reconstituted with TdaP (2-4 fold GMT, P<0.05 in some of the castext missing or illegible when filed compared to GBS vaccines without TdaP was observed. The same trend was observed for postext missing or illegible when filed IgG titers to all serotypes.

For IgG titers post 3rd immunization against DT, TT, PT, FHA and 69K, respectively, no significtext missing or illegible when filed differences in the IgG responses between any of the groups were detected by Mann-Whitney ttext missing or illegible when filed indicating the complete absence of interference. No dose response was observed for DT and Ttext missing or illegible when filed while slightly higher titers were observed for higher doses compared to lower doses of pertussis text missing or illegible when filed FHA and 69K antigens.

When the IgG titers against GBS Ia, Ib and III in groups 5 and 6, where responses to GBS text missing or illegible when filed (high, L) and 0.25 μg (low, L) vaccine doses were compared, the variability in individual respontext missing or illegible when filed to GBS Ia and Ib was higher than that to GBS III. No significant differences between low and hitext missing or illegible when filed doses were observed for any of the serotypes, while a lower number of non-responders atext missing or illegible when filed significantly higher responses at post-3 compared to post-2 were detected for all serotypes (Matext missing or illegible when filed Whitney U test).

FIG. 6 shows the OPK titers against GB S Ia, Ib and III of the seven groups of mice tested in stutext missing or illegible when filed 2. There is a trend of slightly lower titers in GBS vaccines formulated with TdaP compared to Gtext missing or illegible when filed alone.

Study 3: GBS Reconstituted in Tetanus and Tetanus/Diphteria Liquid Vaccines

This study investigated the immunogenicity of lyophilized GBS trivalent vaccines (Ia, Ib, text missing or illegible when filed polysaccharides conjugated to CRM197) reconstituted with Alum adjuvanted liquid vaccitext missing or illegible when filed containing (i) Tetanus antigen or (ii) Tetanus and Diphtheria antigens.

The immunization protocol is reported in Table 5 and was repeated two times.

In each protocol, seven groups of 8 CD1 female mice were immunized subcutaneously on days 0 atext missing or illegible when filed 21 with 2 doses of the vaccines shown in Table 5, and bled on days 0 and 35.


Immunization protocol for study 3.



Group No
Antigens Dose
No mice

PSIa-CRM 5 μg/ml
PSIa-CRM 1 μg

PSIb-CRM 5 μg/ml
200 μl
PSIb-CRM 1 μg
600 μg

PSIII-CRM 5 μg/ml


T 40 Ul/ml

T 8 Ul

Alum 3 mg/ml

PSIa-CRM 5 μg/ml
PSIa-CRM 1 μg

PSIb-CRM 5 μg/ml
200 μl
PSIb-CRM 1 μg
600 μg

PSIII-CRM 5 μg/ml


T 40 Ul/ml

T 8 Ul

D 4 μg/ml

D 0.8 Ul

Alum 3 mg/ml

GBS only
PSIa-CRM 5 μg/ml
PSIa-CRM 1 μg

PSIb-CRM 5 μg/ml
200 μl
PSIb-CRM 1 μg
600 μg

PSIII-CRM 5 μg/ml


Alum 3 mg/ml

GBS only
PSIa-CRM 5 μg/ml
PSIa-CRM 1 μg

PSIb-CRM 5 μg/ml
200 μl
PSIb-CRM 1 μg
600 μg

PSIII-CRM 5 μg/ml


Alum 3 mg/ml

Alum 3 mg/ml



200 μl

600 μg

T only
T 40 Ul/ml
T 8 Ul

Alum 3 mg/ml
200 μl

600 μg

TD only
T 40 Ul/ml
T 8 Ul

D 4 Ul/ml
200 μl
D 0.8 Ul
600 μg

Alum 3 mg/ml

FIGS. 7 and 8 show the IgG titers against the various antigens for all groups of mice tested in stutext missing or illegible when filed 3 (merged results from 8+8 mice from the two experiments). The GMT titers are indicated in Tatext missing or illegible when filed 6 below.


GMT serum IgG titers after 2 immunizations in

mice tested in study 3.

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7









<LLOQ = below lower limit of quantification

For the IgG titers against GBS Ia, Ib and III measured by ELISA, the Mann-Whitney test did text missing or illegible when filed reveal any significant difference between vaccine groups, except for serotype Ia, where the vaccitext missing or illegible when filed constituted by GBS alone (group 3) yielded significantly higher titers than the one containing Gtext missing or illegible when filed plus Tetanus Toxoid. In the OPK assay, no major differences in OPK titers against GBS Ia, Ib or text missing or illegible when filed (in the range of assay and biological variability) were detected for any of the vaccine formulations.

IgG titers against TT were significantly lower (P=0.03) in the group containing the GBS vaccine atext missing or illegible when filed TT compared to TT alone, although the difference in GMT titers was less than 2 fold. Concernitext missing or illegible when filed IgG responses to DT, they were higher in groups containing the GBS vaccine, as expected by ttext missing or illegible when filed effect of CRM197 (detoxified DT).

FIG. 9 shows the OPK titers against GBS Ia, Ib and III in sera from all groups of mice tested text missing or illegible when filed study 3. As shown, no major differences in OPK titers against GBS Ia, Ib or III (in the range of astext missing or illegible when filed and biological variability) were detected for any of the vaccine formulations.


The following observations were made regarding the immunogenicity of the investigated vaccitext missing or illegible when filed formulations:

    • GBS trivalent, Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis vaccines elicited specific antibody titers text missing or illegible when filed the corresponding antigens, in miceimmunized with all of the investigated formulations.
    • Immunological interference between GBS and Tetanus/Diphteria/Pertussis/Polio vaccitext missing or illegible when filed combinations was investigated in studies 1 (intraperitoneal immunization with 2 vaccitext missing or illegible when filed doses) and 2 (subcutaneous immunization with 2 and 3 vaccine doses). No interference wtext missing or illegible when filed observed in study 1, where IgG and functional antibody responses to GBS, Diphthertext missing or illegible when filed Tetanus and Pertussis antigens where comparable irrespective of their use, alone or text missing or illegible when filed combination. In study 2, we observed a trend of lower IgG titers to all three GBS antigtext missing or illegible when filed reconstituted in TdaP compared to GBS alone, even though the differences in GMT titetext missing or illegible when filed were never higher than 4 fold.
    • Immunological interference between GBS and Tetanus or Tetanus/Diphteria vaccines wtext missing or illegible when filed investigated in study 3. The Mann-Whitney test did not reveal significant differences in Gtext missing or illegible when filed responses between any of the vaccine groups except for serotype Ia, where the vaccitext missing or illegible when filed constituted by GBS alone yielded significantly higher titers than the one containing GBS ptext missing or illegible when filed Tetanus Toxoid. The same study revealed a slight interference of the GBS vaccine towatext missing or illegible when filed TT (2 fold GMT difference, P=0.03 for the difference in the IgG titers against TT, in ttext missing or illegible when filed group containing the GBS vaccine compared to TT alone). Concerning IgG responses to Dtext missing or illegible when filed they were higher in groups containing the GBS vaccine, as expected by the effect text missing or illegible when filed CRM197 (detoxified DT).

In conclusion, there was no evidence of strong interference between any of the investigated vaccintext missing or illegible when filed

It will be understood that the invention has been described by way of example only a text missing or illegible when filed modifications may be made whilst remaining within the scope and spirit of the invention.


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  • 1. An immunogenic composition comprising one or more GBS conjugates and one or more antigens selected from: a) cellular or acellular pertussis antigen, b) a tetanus toxoid, c) a diphtheria toxoid d) an acellular pertussis antigen and e) an inactivated polio virus antigen, wherein each GBS conjugate is a group B streptococcus capsular saccharide conjugated to a carrier protein.
  • 2. The immunogenic composition of claim 1, wherein the GBS conjugates comprise: i) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ia conjugated to a carrier protein; ii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated to a carrier protein; and/or iii) a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein.
  • 3-8. (canceled)
  • 9. The immunogenic composition according to claim 2, wherein each GBS capsular saccharide is present at an amount from 0.1 to 30 μg per dose.
  • 10-11. (canceled)
  • 12. The immunogenic composition according to claim 2, wherein the conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GB S serotype Ia conjugated to a carrier protein has a saccharide:protein ratio (w/w) between about 1:1 to 1:2; the conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype Ib conjugated to a carrier protein has a saccharide:protein ratio (w/w) between about 1:1 to 1:2; and/or the conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype III conjugated to a carrier protein has a saccharide:protein ratio (w/w) between about 3:1 to 1:1.
  • 13. The immunogenic composition according to claim 9, wherein the carrier protein is a diphtheria toxoid, a tetanus toxoid or CRM197.
  • 14. (canceled)
  • 15. The immunogenic composition according to claim 13, further comprising: a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype II conjugated to a carrier protein; and/or a conjugate that is a capsular saccharide from GBS serotype V conjugated to a carrier protein.
  • 16-17. (canceled)
  • 18. The immunogenic composition according to claim 1, wherein the acellular pertussis antigen comprises detoxified pertussis toxin, filamentous hemagglutinin and pertactin.
  • 19. (canceled)
  • 20. The immunogenic composition according to claim 1, wherein the inactivated polio virus antigen comprises antigens from each of a poliovirus Type 1 strain, a poliovirus Type 2 strain and a poliovirus Type 3 strain.
  • 21. (canceled)
  • 22. The immunogenic composition according to claim 1, wherein the diphtheria toxoid is present at a concentration of between 4 Lf/ml and 8 Lf/ml, for example, 4 Lf per 0.5 ml dose.
  • 23. (canceled)
  • 24. The immunogenic composition according to claim 1, wherein the tetanus toxoid is present at a concentration of about 5 Lf per 0.5 ml dose.
  • 25-28. (canceled)
  • 29. The immunogenic composition according to claim 13, wherein the immunogenic composition contains an aluminium salt adjuvant.
  • 30-35. (canceled)
  • 36. The immunogenic composition according to claim 13, wherein the composition is a vaccine.
  • 37-38. (canceled)
  • 39. A method for raising an immune response in a patient, comprising the step of administering to the patient a composition according to claim 1.
  • 40. A process for preparing the immunogenic composition according to claim 1, comprising mixing a first component comprising one or more GBS conjugates and a second component comprising one or more antigens selected from: a) cellular or acellular pertussis antigen, b) a tetanus toxoid, c) a diphtheria toxoid and d) an inactivated polio virus antigen.
  • 41. The process according to claim 40, wherein the GBS conjugates in the first component are lyophilised and, wherein the second component comprises aqueous antigens.
  • 42-45. (canceled)
  • 46. A kit for preparing the immunogenic composition according to claim 1, comprising a first component comprising one or more GBS conjugates; and a second component comprising one or more antigens selected from: a) cellular or acellular pertussis antigen, b) a tetanus toxoid, c) a diphtheria toxoid and d) an inactivated polio virus antigen; wherein the two components are in separate containers.
  • 47-50. (canceled)
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