Using the ideas of (1) Dr. Bennet Omalu's analysis of ram and woodpecker brains being anatomically suspended within their skulls to prevent brain damage from head trauma resulting from pecking wood and territorial disputes with other rams, and (2) the judo technique of hitting the ground with the arm during falls in order to spread the impact of the fall over a larger surface area and lessen the damage to the body, and (3) naturally-occurring friction created by resistance from surrounding air molecules, I have hypothesized and begun building a prototype of an impact dispersing and friction dissipating spring-mounted outer shell boxing helmet design, which is being submitted with this application with the goal of obtaining a utility patent. The ultimate goal beyond patenting this idea is to create a boxing helmet that better protects fighters' long-term brain health from both direct and glancing blows than the current headgear worn by boxers. However, if testing of the concept eventually proves to be successful, I would like to begin incorporating this idea into creating protective gear for the body, and begin experimenting with incorporating similar ideas into creating helmets for other high-contact athletes such as football, hockey and lacrosse players, as these sports all present higher-than-average risks for both head and body trauma than can lead to more advanced problems as players age. My hope is that eventually the use of this helmet by boxers during their day-to-day training will divert at least some of the force away from athletes brains that is being created through punching, and the main focus of this helmet design will be to protect fighters against the effect of medium-to-low strength blows to the head sustained day-in and day-out during training. These punches sustained during training are generally not as forceful as those a fighter sustains during a sanctioned competition, but occur far more frequently, and due to their consistent and repetitive nature, are thought by a number of brain specialist to result in even more long-term brain damage than the less frequent and more forceful punches that boxers sustain in competition. See (discussing the cumulative harm done to fighters' brains by repeated light blows to the head, and how this damage can be more detrimental in the long term than harder, less-frequent blows to the head sustained in competition, according to research published by a leading doctor in Melbourne, Australia who specializes in studying the long-term effects of boxing on the brain).
The three primary goals of the impact dispersing and friction dissipating spring-mounted outer shell helmet design are to (1) create physical distance between the place where an incoming punch lands and the recipient's brain, (2) utilize a carefully-placed system of springs beneath the outer shell to spread the force from direct blows to the head over a larger surface area, thereby reducing the high concentration of damage that would otherwise be done to a smaller surface area of the brain, and (3) utilize the loose-yet-firm connection between the outer shell and the outward-facing ends of the springs which point away from the base helmet, in a way that allows glancing, less direct punches to make the outer shell ricochet back and forth, thereby using the naturally occurring created between the outer shell and surrounding air molecules, to dissipate the same kinetic force that, without such a mechanism in place, would go directly to the brain of the fighter taking such a punch. (See Pages 4 and 5 of the Drawings for a visual explanation of these effects). Conventional helmets, not only in boxing but in all contact sports, sit directly on top of the head. While certain structural advances over the years have made some difference in the effectiveness of these (hereinafter ‘single-layer’) helmets, in all cases, the surfaces of these helmets that sustain the external force are all still directly connected to the wearer's head, and accordingly, there is very little structural or physical separation between the force created by a punch landing on the outside of one of these helmets, and the brains of the athletes who wear and depend on them. By loosely mounting a three-layered outer shell (a hard plastic shell, with a layer of latex foam on both sides, enclosed in a double layer of durable canvas material) atop a single-layer helmet (hereinafter known for the purposes of this design as the ‘base helmet’) suspended by compression springs that are strategically spread over all parts of the front of the head other than the jaw area and temple areas, which are most susceptible to damage. While wearing this proposed helmet design, any direct blows that land on the wearer's head will strike the spring-mounted outer shell instead of the helmet that is making direct contact with the wearer's head, and the resulting force generated will be spread over the totality of the springs suspending the outer shell, instead of just the small concentrated area where the punch lands (See Page 4 of Drawings), and any glancing blows that land on the outer shell of this design will cause it to ricochet back and forth, which will gradually stop naturally due to friction resulting from surrounding air molecules, thereby causing the energy transferred by a glancing punch to dissipate through the outer shell and the surrounding air molecules that naturally resist its movement, instead of going directly to the brain of the athlete as is the case if they are wearing a single-layer helmet that sits directly atop the head. The use of 0.625 inch springs to mount the outer shell atop the base helmet creates physical separation between the brain of the helmet wearer and the location where sustained punches land, and spreads the force created by these punches over a larger surface area of the head, which therefore reduces the overall force of direct and glancing punches by 1) creating distance between the landing zone of the punch and the brain, and 2) diverting the energy created by these punches in a way that prevents the totality of the force generated from traveling directly to a small, concentrated part of the user's brain. Once the prototype of this design has been completed (See Page 6 of Drawings), it is my hope to have the spring-mounted outer shell helmet tested in a laboratory to determine the extent to which it helps prevents raw force from reaching the brains of its users, which may prove to be a step in the right direction in terms of preventing long-term brain damage from disrupting the later lives of boxers and other high-trauma contact sport participants.
On the first page of drawings included with this patent application,
The bottom layer of this helmet which sits directly atop the wearer's head is a standard single-layer boxing helmet (‘base helmet’) which emphasizes protection of the facial area, but is inherently limited because it is in direct contact with the wearer's head. 0.625 inch flat-ended, wire springs with a diameter of 0.051 inches will be placed at various strategic points over the base helmet, each atop a double layer of canvas cloth, which are sewn tightly onto the surface of the base helmet using high-strength industrial thread and a curved heavy-duty upholstery sewing needle. The placement of these springs is such that no springs will be resting atop two of the most vulnerable parts of the head, the jaw and the temples, which because of the outer shell acting as a buffer, prevents any force from having a direct impact on these areas. Instead, the force generated by an incoming punch will be spread to the other springs across the helmet, and always away from the jaw and temples, no matter where the opponent strikes the outer shell. Next, Double-layered sheets of durable canvas will then be sewn to the other end of each of the springs. These sheets must be large enough and separated in such a way where they are able to fully enclose the hard outer shell, surrounded on both sides by a layer of latex foam, while also allowing for the necessary openings at the wearer's eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and back of the head, which allow the user to see and breathe while also making sure that they do not overheat. The outer design shown in