"Fiberglass Handle Tools--Designed to Bury the competition," UnionTools Catalog, No date. |
"Classic Plus Gard `n` Grip Rhino Fiberglass," True Temper Catalog bearing 1992 copyright on selected pages. |
"Power Tool.TM.--The Tools of the Future--Now!, Men At Work," Structron Corporation 1995 Product Catalog. |
"Anatomy of the World's Best Shovel," Structron Corporation Brochure bearing date Aug. 15, 1991. |
"Complete Guide to Shovels--Ames," Ames catalog bearing date Sep. 1992 on last page. |
"Dynamic . . . Innovative . . . Responsive That's What Makes NUPLA Better Than The `Stone Age` Competition!", NUPLA catalog bearing 1988 copyright. |