Implo-Dynamics™: a system, method, and apparatus for reducing airborne pollutant emissions and/or recovering energy

Methods, systems, and apparatus for reducing or eliminating airborne pollutants and generating a measure of usable energy from the same are provided. The Implo-Dynamics™ Treatment System includes several embodiments for mixing steam and emissions and injecting said mixture into a process fluid transmission network. The vacuum induced flow of the Working Fluid provides a means of propelling a Hydro Turbine unit for energy recovery purposes. The process includes reactant injection, gas transfer, filtration, remediation of pollutants, and delivers a novel means for carbon dioxide capture and sequestration. Furthermore, the detoxified process by-product solids represent a beneficial reutilization and/or recycling resource. The methods and systems of the present invention include a comprehensive arrangement of process configurations and components as well as a means of operation.

The present invention relates to airborne pollutant reduction and/or treatment systems and methods. More particularly, but not by way of limitation, the present invention also relates to power generation systems and methods; in which, a driving fluid initiates a cavitation reaction as it undergoes a phase change and initiates a vacuum to a fluid system thus creating a flow, which is harnessed for generating electricity or providing motive force to a process system. Still more particularly, the present invention relates to a method of mixing emissions gases and steam and collectively or separately injecting these gases as a driving fluid into a working fluid, thereby creating a gas transfer mechanism for the reduction, dissolution, translation, and/or elimination of said contaminants and/or gases into the working fluid body. Even still more particularly, the present invention relates to a method of separating gaseous and solid components from the working fluid and/or recovering, reclaiming, recycling, converting, capturing, and/or sequestrating said components.

The Problem

Combustion of coal and other fossil fuels primarily produces carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur oxides (SOx), such as sulfur dioxide (SO2). Sulfur dioxide reacts with oxygen to form sulfur trioxide (SO3), which then reacts with water to form sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and in like manner, the nitrogen oxides evolve into nitric acid. Collectively, these acidic compounds contribute to the problem of acid rain.

To a lesser extent, the fossil-fueled power generating processes also introduce carbon monoxide (CO) and a host of other toxic metal micro-contaminants to the air, which primarily are not appreciably removed by current state-of-the-art pollution abatement systems. These micro contaminants may consist of heavy metals including: arsenic, lead, mercury, nickel, vanadium, beryllium, cadmium, barium, chromium, copper, molybdenum, zinc, selenium as well as certain naturally-occurring radioactive isotopes such as radium, uranium, and thorium.

The combustion of coal and other fossil fuels, is currently regarded by much of the world's scientific community as the primary source for the earth's greenhouse gas situation; whereas, the burning of hydrocarbons, and the associated anthropogenic CO2 emissions, is considered a serious threat to the stability of the global climate.

Another issue of concern is that many power-generating plants throughout the world, cool the hot water in an evaporative cooling tower process; whereas, large hyperbolic (mechanical or natural draft) cooling towers are used extensively for this purpose. Even though, most of the heated vapor/water throughput is cooled via this method, a significant amount of water vapor is expelled to the atmosphere, which may be as much as several hundred thousand gallons per hour.

The Solution

The present invention comprises a method and system for the abatement of certain fossil fuel combustion-related pollutants as well as many other forms of airborne pollutants pursuant to other industrial applications and process systems. In addition to power plant operations other industrial-scale boiler operations, manufacturing processes, petroleum refineries, and/or petrochemical operations generate airborne pollutants and may benefit from the environmental benefits and economies made possible through the present invention's technology.

In addition to these attributes, the current invention provides both means and method for reducing evaporative cooling and/or heat exchange system losses from power plants to the atmosphere. Further, this invention provides an alternative to certain power plant facilities employing cooling processes, which utilize methods of direct discharge of cooling fluids into bodies of water; wherein, the thermal impact of these discharges constitutes an ecological imbalance.

Also, various embodiments of the present invention comprise a means, method and system for the capture, purification, sequestration, and/or recovery of carbon dioxide from said emissions.

Also, the by-products of the present invention's system include, but are not limited to, construction materials, such as concrete, as well as agricultural products, such as fertilizers, in addition to other industrial and commercially beneficial products.


Various systems are known for the environmental control of industrial emissions, hydroelectric generation, and the use of steam; however prior to this invention, no other invention has endeavored to employ a novel arrangement of unique methods and mechanisms for reducing airborne pollutant emissions and a means of producing a quantity of recoverable energy by the same.

    • U.S. Pat. No. 6,200,486 discloses a method of using steam-induced cavitation as a means of water treatment for the abatement of waterborne biological contaminants.
    • U.S. Pat. No. 5,431,346 discloses a method of using steam-induced cavitation as a means of atomizing liquid droplets for fuel dispersion purposes.
    • U.S. Pat. No. 6,662,549 discloses a method of using steam-induced cavitation as a means of for propelling a watercraft.
    • U.S. Pat. No. 6,299,343 discloses a method of using steam-induced cavitation as a means of dispersing and mixing food products or homogenizing beverages.
    • U.S. Pat. No. 4,750,330 discloses a method for recovering energy from waste steam condensation.
    • U.S. Pat. No. 6,607,579 discloses a method of using charged particle electrostatic filtration for emissions control.
    • U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,098,851 and 6,767,006 disclose methods for injecting gases into water as a means of aeration.

The present invention differs significantly from these, and other, examples of prior art in its purpose, the scope of its approach and the mechanisms thereto employed. These differences should be readily apparent to those skilled in the art.

The Differences Between Bubbles and Cavities

There is significant difference between “bubbles” and “cavities”; even though, both terms commonly refer to accumulations of gas phase molecules within a liquid and are typically referred to as “bubbles.” The present invention uses both bubbles and cavities, within various embodiments of its process, as mechanisms of treatment and transformation.

In the context of this application, the term “bubbles” is often defined as pockets of gas, which primarily do not involve molecules changing phases. Bubbles compress and expand at various stages within the present invention's process system and accordingly, they diffuse effectively into the fluid in which they are suspended. In gas transfer and bubble filtration applications, it is desirable to reduce bubble size, which maximizes the amount of gases suspended in the liquid. This reduction in bubble size increases the reactive contact area with the pollutants and the fluid medium to be treated per unit mass of active substance.

In the context of this application, the term “cavities” is often defined as pockets of vacuum voids involving a molecular phase change; whereas, these cavities are almost instantaneously created, and almost instantaneously imploded, thus creating said gas pocket voids. Accordingly, as the molecules change phases from gas back to liquid, the implosion releases extreme energies in the form of shock wave pressures and heat.

Initially, the diffused injection of steam within a fluid body creates many small natural cavities and are usually small to microscopic in size; however in some instances, the cavities will coalesce into larger and larger vacuum voids and eventually become macroscopic and are thus sometimes referred to as “Super Cavities” or “Super Cavitation.”

Cavitation Shapes and Attachment

In the cavitation process, gas phase molecules coalesce or accumulate into enlarging pockets of gas and eventually accumulate into large visible structures appearing as strings, sheets, and flame like shapes. Cavitation pockets are also inclined to attach themselves to objects in the flow path and thus cause damage to said objects by means of micro-jet impact and supersonic shockwave erosional influence.

Cavitation Contraction Ratio

For steam injection purposes, the factor of volumetric contraction is the inverse factor of steam's volume expansion ratio, whereby the volume occupied by the molecules is reduced by a factor of 1,675 for a steam to water phase change at near atmospheric conditions. Accordingly, when steam is injected into a body of fluid, the increasing fluid pressure surrounding the cavities forces the cavity walls inwards and thereby compresses the gas inside the cavity. This compression continues until the vapor pressure is reached, at which point the process changes dramatically from compression into a phase change and, near instantaneously, the gas molecules change phases from gas to liquid.

Implosion Mechanics

With gas pressure no longer supporting the interior walls of the cavity, the walls of the cavity rapidly move inwards. The process of the liquid rushing to re-occupy the vacuum cavity is commonly referred to as an implosion; whereas, the walls of the cavity race inwards at extremely high velocities, colliding with extreme force and releasing substantial levels of energy within a very brief period of time.

Normally, when steam pressure is injected into a fluid body, the result is a turbulent implosion reaction whereas over a 1675:1 reduction of steam volume occurs at supersonic speed. This manner of cavity implosion is a violent and chaotic process and is influenced by a host of variables.


As a process fluid, water's combination of small heavy molecules and high cavity wall implosion velocities (resulting from the sharp and fast rate of phase change), results in the release of extreme inertial energies as the walls of the cavity strike against each other and against objects in the fluid flow path during the cavity implosion episodes. When steam pressure and exhausted gases are mixed together and introduced to a fluid, the implosion episodes are somewhat less forceful than that generated by the injection of steam pressure alone. The mixture's volume reduces rapidly and the excess emissions gases are compressed by the turbulent condensation of the steam pressure. The mixture of gases contract and re-expand in the turbulent flow induced by the violence of the imploding forces and the resulting fluid vacuum effect. This event generates a multiplicity of diffused bubbles and creates a transitional foaming state of hyper turbulent fluid and gas dynamics, which constitutes an efficient mechanism for the gas transfer and filtration of airborne pollutants to be transferred and/or dissolved into the fluid body. Also, it is an attribute of such hydrodynamically turbulent flow patterns to provide high heat flux cooling capabilities, which correspond to efficient reductions in the temperatures of the gas load suspended within a turbulent flow.

The implosion mechanism of this invention creates a vast number of turbulent bubbles within the process fluid reservoirs, which are far greater in number and smaller in size than can be achieved through aeration devices. Thus not only is the particulate removal efficiency of this invention much greater than comparable gas phase treatment technologies based upon charged particle or charged droplet based systems, but also the gas scrubbing effect is optimized and the emissions gasses are dissolved more efficiently into the Working Fluid than by other treatment methodologies.

Shockwave Generation

In the current invention's process system, the implosion principle is an integrated component of the treatment system. During the initial stages of the implosion process, as a low pressure void forms in the space formally occupied by the steam, the surrounding fluids rush in to fill the void according to the principles of Raleigh's Law. Thus when this cavitation, or ‘water hammer’ type reaction occurs, a mass of water traveling at high speed is rapidly decelerated by the imploding collision and a high energy wave is dissipated as a high pressure wave, or acoustic wave traveling at supersonic speed through the fluid reservoir system. The resulting collision of the fluid cavity walls generates an over-pressurization event, which reverberates throughout the fluid body's reservoir.

Shock Absorption Effect

Water containing solids, gases, and other ingredients behaves more non-homogenously than does pure water alone; in that, it causes a “blurred” or lesser defined phase change reaction. These added ‘ingredients’ reduce the rate of cavity creation and collapse, as well as lowering the amount of energy released by the implosion in addition to reducing the potential for damage caused by the cavitation process.

Bubble Filtration and Cooling Mechanisms

As cavities implode and bubbles collapse and re-expand, several mechanisms are at work therein to accomplish the intended purpose of this invention:

    • 1) Condensation occurs at the bubble wall causing heat and foreign matter to leave the bubble and be absorbed into the fluid body.
    • 2) Evaporation at the bubble wall interface injects cool matter into the bubble, lowering the temperature.
    • 3) Heat flux into the fluid body carries heat away from the bubble.
    • 4) As a function of time, the bubble volume and temperature are factors of the water's kinetics and determine the nature of the bubble composition.

Electrostatic Influence

England's Sir William George Armstrong, (1810-1900) built an electrostatic boiler in 1842 due to his fascination with electrically charged steam. Later in 1887, Richard von Helmholtz discovered that small, electrically charged, particles possessed a remarkable ability to condense steam around them. Still several years later in 1894, Nobel Prize winner Sir J. J. Thomson further studied this phenomenon and developed the framework for much of our current understanding of the interaction between charged particles and steam.

There are many inventions, which use electrostatic influence to remove airborne pollutants. Some of these inventions seek to charge the particulates in an airborne emissions stream while other inventions are founded upon charging an airborne dispersion of liquid droplets.

Certain embodiments of this invention utilizes a two, or more, phase approach to electrostatic influencing the removal of pollutants in a very novel arrangement much different and more effective than that of prior art technologies.


This invention relates to the science of pollutant treatment.

Basic Process Operation Description

The present invention uniquely employs a gas phase mixture of exhaust and/or emissions as well as steam, which in certain embodiments, are combined either prior to, or subsequent to, injection within the process system's fluid reservoir. As such, the thermodynamic energy cycle employed is a variation of the Rankine Cycle; whereas, heat is transferred from a constant temperature source and energy is extracted from the process as the heat is dispensed at lower temperatures.

The present invention utilizes an Injection Chamber Mechanism for combining the steam and emissions gas mixture within the process system's fluid reservoir. This Injection Chamber is the point of interface where the enthalpy or internal energy of the gas/vapor mixture, or Driving Fluid, is translated into kinetic energy as the hydrodynamic interaction occurs within the process fluid body (or Working Fluid as referred to herein).

When the mixed gas/steam blend (or Driving Fluid as referred to herein) is injected in and through the current invention's Injection Chamber Mechanism, the volume of gases almost immediately respond to the cooler fluid temperatures by violently imploding a portion the injected gas mixture's volume. The implosion of these vacuum void cavities impacts the gas phase bubbles of the exhausted gas volumes and creates a turbulent mass of contracting and expanding bubbles, which disperse into a foaming mixture of very fine bubbles within the process system's fluid reservoir.

The implosion-generated foaming mass of bubbles, containing various gaseous and particulate contaminates, are immediately subject to a bubble filtration influence pursuant to the nature of the process environment. Further, gas transfer dynamics occur rapidly as the foaming mass of bubbles are carried through the process system and kept in a turbulent state by various process components including, but not limited to, in-line mixing devices and turbulence inducing process flow pattern geometries. By keeping the fluid flow channel subject to the turbulent influence of the gas transfer process is maximized as the residence time of each micro bubble is extended by the transport distance of the fluid and gas suspension within the process system.

Another mechanism of the process is contributed by the suspended solids of process reactant or reactants, which are added to the process fluid reservoir and exert a neutralizing influence upon the ionic state of the process fluid suspension. As the process fluids are acidified by the contaminant influence, they are accordingly neutralized by the reactant suspension and generate an agglomerating suspended solids component within the process fluid flow channel.

When the process fluids reach the Gas/Solids Separation Unit, the carbon dioxide, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and other residual gases are released to a secondary process for subsequent gas treatment, recycling, capture, and/or sequestration activities, or are released to the atmosphere, provided the toxicity of the gaseous emissions is reduced to legally acceptable limits.

Accordingly, the neutralized suspended solids load is flocculated and removed from the reservoir fluids by both the first and second phase of the process solids separation components. The solids are recycled into construction, agricultural, and/or other products or materials for beneficial reutilization purposes and/or are regenerated for subsequent reclamation as a reactant. The clarified process reservoir fluids are routed through the return fluids network to the Injection Chamber by means of vacuum induced flow and/or gravity or pumping.

In certain embodiments of the present invention, a Hydro Turbine unit is located on the return fluid network and is subject to the propulsion influence exerted by the induced vacuum flow forces generated in the Injection Chamber and gas Transition Mixing Conduit portions of the process system. The flow of the process system's Working Fluid delivers force to the Hydro Turbine, which generates torque or thrust to drive an electrical generator, a pump, or other process device for recovering energy from the steam condensation implosion-induced forces.

Treatment of Gaseous Contaminants

To present an example of the current invention's gaseous treatment process mechanisms, a typical coal-fired power plant emissions scenario will be addressed and hydrated lime will be selected as the reactant substance to be used for said process example. Accordingly, the “lime” may consist of various concentrations of calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide, and calcium carbonate.

As previously described, the injection of combustion exhausts, or emissions, as well as steam, results in a turbulent reaction within the process system and creates a very dense mixture of small gas bubbles, which are transported within the process system's fluid flow pattern.

The reactant is typically added to the system's fluid reservoir at a position prior to the steam/gas mixture injection points; wherein the injection turbulence creates an optimal chemical reaction environment for mixing, bubble filtration, gas transfer, neutralization, and dissolution mechanisms.

On a weight fraction basis, bituminous coal, for instance, generates combustion gas mixtures primarily composed of 71% nitrogen and 25% carbon dioxide. The remaining balance of coal combustion gas is comprised of CO, NOx, SOx, water vapor, and a blend of micro contaminant components. To evaluate the fate of combustion byproduct gasses in this invention's treatment environment, a typical coal combustion emission gas blend will be examined. Therefore, the pollutants of coal combustion and this invention's treatment mechanisms for said pollutants are more particularly described as follows:

Nitrogen Oxide (NOX) Removal

When nitrogen dioxide reacts with water the following chemical reaction occurs: 2NO2+H2O→HNO2+HNO3 (nitrogen dioxide+water→nitrous acid+nitric acid). Calcium carbonate reacts with nitric acid to form calcium nitrate: CaCO3+2HNO3→Ca(NO3)2CaNO3+CO2+H2O Additionally, mono-nitrogen oxides also eventually form nitric acid when dissolved in water and are thus subject to like neutralization reaction. Other reactions in this process mechanism include:



Sulfur Oxide (SOX) Removal

In particular, calcium oxide (lime) reacts with sulfur dioxide to form calcium sulfite: CaO+SO2→CaSO3 and aerobic oxidation converts this CaSO3 into gypsum or (CaSO4). Other reactions in this process mechanism include:




Carbon Monoxide (CO) Removal

Although, the carbon monoxide content of coal combustion exhaust is relatively de minimis, it remains a toxic gas emission and represents a measure of impact upon the environment; moreover, the current invention incorporates a mechanism for its removal.

In certain embodiments of the present invention, steam and combustion emissions are mixed prior to injection in the invention's process system fluids. This process mechanism provides the reactive environment necessary to support a high temperature—water gas shift reaction or a (HT) CO shift conversion reaction. In this manner the carbon monoxide component of the emissions gas flow is subjected to pressurized steam and a water gas shift reaction results, which translates the carbon monoxide into hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide.

For example: CO+H2O→CO2+H2

Carbon Dioxide (Phase 1—CO2 Treatment)

Carbon dioxide has only limited solubility in water at approximately 2,000 mg/l which is only 4 thousandths of a pound of CO2 per liter of water. Yet, as the carbon dioxide progressively dissolves in water; whereas the carbon dioxide (CO2) reacts with water (H2O) to form carbonic acid (H2CO3), and then carbonic acid partially dissociates to form hydrogen (H+) and bicarbonate ions (HCO3).

As the water's bicarbonate ion content rises and it becomes increasingly acidic and it becomes corrosive to the lime reactant within the reservoir fluids. The carbonated water or the system's reservoir and the Reactant compounds react to generate soluble bicarbonate ions.

Because the waste-gas stream of a power plant has a high carbon dioxide concentration, the water acidification loading will be rapid and will lead to an efficient dissolution of the neutralizing substance or Reactant.

A number of reactions occur when the process reactant is lime-based product containing various concentrations of calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide, and/or calcium carbonate:









At subsequent process components, such as the gas separation mechanism or the clarifier mechanism, the insoluble calcium carbonate precipitate and other solid precipitates, flocculate and are removed from the process system for beneficial reutilization or recycling purposes.

Carbon Dioxide (Phase 2—CO2 Treatment System)

Although a portion of the carbon dioxide emissions is converted in the present invention's primary treatment mechanism, referred to herein as the Phase 1—CO2 Treatment System, the remaining portion of carbon dioxide can purified by the other optional treatment mechanisms and the effluent from the gas separation unit mechanism is primarily a filtered blend of nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

In certain embodiments of this invention's Phase 2—CO2 Treatment System mechanism, the filtered gases from the Gas/Solids Separation Unit are routed to and through an absorbent and/or adsorbent reactor and/or membrane unit where the carbon dioxide is transferred to an absorbent or adsorbent fluid or solid substance and thus routed to a desorption mechanism where pure carbon dioxide is recovered, compressed, and liquefied for sale or otherwise reutilized.

The absorbent and/or adsorbent substance utilized by this sub-process contains at least one of the following compounds: Monoethanolamine, Diethanolamine, Diglycolamine, Methyldiethanolamine, Monoethanolamine-Glycol Mixtures, Diispropanolamine, Mixed Amines, Sterically Hindered Amines, Alkanolamines, and/or other such Amine Concentrations.


The process reactant is added to the treatment system's reservoir fluids and physically consist of a pulverized solid, semi-solid, and/or liquid, which contains one or more of the following substances: calcium carbonate, calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate, magnesium oxide, ammonium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, magnesium chloride, olivine, serpentine, antigorite, basaltic formation minerals, brucite, lizardite, cement, wollastonite, magnesium silicate, and calcium silicate, potassium carbonate, magnesite, silica and iron oxide, magnetite, sodium carbonate, and/or any combination thereof.

Particulate Removal by Treatment System

Particles are, by definition, both solid bits and tiny liquid droplets of condensed pollutants. Size definition for both solid particles and liquid particles has been established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as follows:

    • Coarse=particles 2.5 micron and larger
    • Fine=2.5 micron and smaller
    • Ultra fine particles=0.1 micron and smaller

The current invention's process acts as a treatment system for the efficient removal of airborne particulates of all size ranges. Certain embodiments of this invention's process system employ a two-phase approach to the particulate removal task.

Particulate Removal—Phase 1

In phase one, the deliberate mixing of steam and emissions creates the first treatment opportunity and, by means of induced electrical current, the gas/steam mixture is passed through either a screen or corona wire array and/or the steam is injected through a charged network of nozzles or orifices. The steam component in the mixture develops a slight positive charge and electrostatically influences the capture of particulates in the hyper dense field of steam surrounding said particulates.

Many prior art inventions seek to use electrostatic influence to remove airborne pollutants by either charging the particulates themselves in the emissions stream or by charging a field of dispersed atomized liquid droplets. Conversely, this invention's direct use of steam and subsequent indirect use of steam condensation is a novel improvement from prior art, which translates into a higher degree of particulate removal efficiency.

This invention's electrostatic influence component allows for the efficient mixing of suspended particulates and charged steam droplets. When distances of 25 microns or less exist between the individual particulates and the steam droplets, the induced electrical forces create a field of mutual attraction; whereas, the particle and the droplet are enjoined. The current invention's field of steam creates such a dense atmosphere that this electrical current induction process step may not prove to be necessary for many emissions scenarios given the effective nature of the dense particulate/steam atmosphere and the subsequent downstream treatment mechanisms; however, certain applications may benefit from the inclusion of this step if emissions to steam ratios are disproportionably high and the subsequent reservoir transition phase residence time is brief.

Particulate Removal—Phase 2

In phase two, the deliberate injection of the emissions and steam mixture into the process fluid reservoir creates the second particulate treatment opportunity.

As previously discussed herein, the dynamics of the implosion and the gas phase transitions, contractions and expansions all collectively create a high level of turbulence and a mass of extremely fine bubbles in the process flow network.

The hydrodynamic impact forces associated with the formation and subsequent collapse of bubbles in this invention's fluid reservoir forms a turbulent multitude of small bubbles within the liquid in a very brief period of time. In this frothing bubble phase, larger particulates are immediately absorbed into the fluid and smaller particulates, on the order of 0.01 μm, are trapped inside the small bubbles and electrostatically attracted to the positive charged liquid interface of the bubble border. Accordingly, particulates, large and small alike, are absorbed into the fluid medium and within this turbulent multiplicity of small bubbles and highly efficient gas scrubbing occurs; whereas, emissions gases are dissolved and/or neutralized by the reservoir fluids and its associated reactant component/s.

In essence, the first and second phase treatment environments are inversely related as in the first phase particles are suspended in a dense field of charged steam droplets and in the second phase, residual particles are suspended with micro-bubbles inside a field of charged fluid. The following Table 1.0 illustrates these process phenomena.


Particulate Removal-Phase 1 &2 Systems

Erosion of Materials

When a cavitation bubble expands and collapses in the vicinity of a rigid wall, at the bubble interface, hydrodynamic instabilities lead to the generation of high speed or supersonic micro jet, which emanates from the collapsing bubble when the standoff parameter falls below a critical value. At the final stage of the bubble collapse episode, strong shock waves, along with the micro-jet mechanisms, contribute in the erosion process.

Various embodiments of the present invention make use of several mechanisms to protect its process system from excessive erosional wear and accordingly, preserve the system's structural integrity. These mechanisms are:

Durable System Materials—The present invention makes use of cavitation resistant materials in process areas subjected to such implosion forces. These process components subject to cavitation erosion hazards, are constructed of one or more materials including steel, stainless steel, titanium, tungsten, chromium, nickel, molybendum, ceramic, and/or other metallic compounds identified in Groups 3 through 10 of the Periodic Table of Elements.

Gas Phase Bubble Cushioning—By injecting both exhaust and steam into the process system, both bubbles and cavities are formed and the interaction between these two gas phase products makes use of the natural buffering of the emissions gas bubbles and provides a cushioning mechanism to absorb the water hammer influence of the implosion process, thus preventing the system structure from absorbing the full impact of the supersonic wave episodes introduced by the implosion processes.

Injection Diffusion—The present invention makes use of steam and exhaust injection component embodiments, which disperse the Driving Fluid's steam component/s into an injected mass of smaller bubbles. The smaller the bubble size being subject to implosion, the smaller the relative shockwave strength released during each episode. By inducing a dispersion of smaller steam bubbles using nozzles and constricting orifice ports, the current invention benefits from less structural erosion of its system components and a smoother movement of fluid occurs due to the induced vacuum force therein.

Targeted Cavitation Zones—The present invention makes use of steam and exhaust injection embodiments, which target the impact zone of the cavitation forces into areas of process system geometries less inclined to the destructive forces of the cavitation processes. Since, cavitation bubbles tend to attach themselves to structures, the injection nozzle components of this invention reduce bubble size to prevent this occurrence. Also, certain embodiments of this invention induce vortex flow zone patterns within the process system which enhance the intra-system movement of fluids and the consistent vacuum of the process fluid flow pattern without generating excessive cavitation into the system structural components.

Thermal Regulation of Process Fluids—The present invention makes use of process control technology to meter in appropriate concentrations of steam and exhaust as well as controlling the system component input and output flow patterns for the purpose of regulating system fluid temperatures. Heated process fluids react with less imploding violence than do cooler fluids. By controlling process system Working Fluid temperatures, the optimal balance of system performance and operational erosion prevention is maintained the current invention.

Other Shock Absorbing Media in Process Flow—The present invention makes use of certain low density foam, synthetic, and/or natural pellets, nodules, or particulate media, which do not present excessive interference with turbine performance or other system operations; whereas, said nodules float through the system's reservoir and creates a shock absorbing interface for acoustic wave energy to be dampened.

Process System Operation

There are several embodiments of the present invention which allow for multiple system arrangements with treatment process variation flexibilities broad enough to address a range of airborne pollutant scenarios as well as diverse end purpose objectives. The present invention's basic operation is comprised by the following steps:

    • a) steam pressure is combined with combustion emissions or other pollutant emissions or exhaust gases (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, Y, and Z);
    • b) an electrical charge is induced during, or prior, to the steam/emissions mixing process (Figures: F, G, and W);
    • c) the electrical charge is applied to the steam and/or fluid components of said process system (Figures: F and G);
    • d) the steam/emissions mixture, or Driving Fluid, is transmitted by pipeline, or other conduit means, to the Injection Chamber Mechanism (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, Y, and Z);
    • e) the process fluid, or Working Fluid, is provided to said Injection Chamber and the Driving Fluid is also introduced in said chamber (Figures: M, N, O, P, and Q);
    • f) the injected Driving Fluid experiences the impact of phase change forces and a rapid volume reduction reaction occurs as the induced voids implode in a cavitation reaction (Figures: M, N, O, P, and Q);
    • g) the Driving Fluid is de-energized and its residual gas load is turbulently transferred into the Working Fluid (Figures: M, N, O, P, and Q);
    • h) the vacuum force created by the implosion reaction of the steam/emissions mixture meeting the water or process fluid body, creates a flow of water, or Working Fluid, which rushes into the Injection Chamber and out into the Transition Mixing Conduit (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, Y, and Z);
    • i) as the Working Fluid, with its highly frothed, gas bubble mass, passes through the Transition Mixing Conduit, it encounters in-line mixing devices and other process geometries designed to keep the Working Fluid's bubble suspension in a state of turbulence (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, Y, and Z);
    • j) as the Working Fluid leaves the Transition Mixing Conduit, it enters the Gas/Solids Separation Unit where the filtered gases are removed from the Working Fluid and said filtered gases are routed into a Gas Treatment, Recycling, Capture, and/or Sequestration Mechanism (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, J, and K);
    • k) the precipitated solids load flocculates out of the Gas/Solids Separation Chamber where said Solids are removed (Figures: A through G, J through L, and Y through Z);
    • l) the degassed Working Fluid is then routed from the Gas/Solids Separation Chamber into a Clarifier Unit, where residual precipitated Solids are flocculated out and said settled Solids are removed from the Clarifier Unit (Figures: A through E, G, J through L, and Y through Z);
    • m) the Solids load is removed from the Clarifier Unit and/or the Gas/Solids Separation Chamber, are routed into a Reutilization Unit for conversion into construction, agricultural, industrial, and/or commercial products or materials, and/or for reclamation and reuse as a Reactant (Figures: A through G, J through L, and Y through Z);
    • n) the clarified Working Fluid is then routed to the Hydro Turbine Unit (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, W, and Y);
    • o) the Hydro Turbine Unit accepts water, or Working Fluid, in its intake portal due to the vacuum-induced flow pattern stimulated by the flow of the vacuum force drawing the Working Fluid from its outlet portal (Figures: A through D, G through L, and Y through Z);
    • p) the Hydro Turbine Unit's impeller system is moved by the force of said Working Fluid and energy is translated into torque or thrust to drive a electricity generator, pump, or other process device for recovering energy from the de-energization of Driving Fluids (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, W, and Y);
    • q) the Working Fluid is then routed from the Hydro Turbine Unit (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, and W);
    • r) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's fluid transmission network incorporates a Closed Circuit Well Point; whereas said Working Fluid is routed subterraneously through a pipe to the bottom of said Well Point, which may be naturally or artificially cooled, and said Working Fluid is then returned to the surface through a pipe and said flow is thereby returned into the process piping network (Figures: B and R);
    • s) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's fluid transmission network incorporates an Open Circuit Well Point; whereas said Working Fluid is routed subterraneously through a pipe to the bottom of said Well Point and discharged into a suitable aquifer or other geological formation and the amount of fluid resistance presented by said formation returns a portion of Working Fluid flow to the surface through a pipe and said flow is thereby returned into the process piping network (Figures: B and S);
    • t) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's arrangement of components and/or mechanisms is varied; whereas, said Treatment System process can be suitably adapted to remediate the pollutants, conform to the physical site, and/or better accommodate the generating source of said pollutants (Figures: A through L, W, Y, and Z);
    • u) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's fluid transmission network incorporates a mechanism for inducing an electrical charge, which is applied to the Working Fluid component (Figures: F, G, and W);
    • v) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the Injection Chamber, the Transition Mixing Conduit, and/or other portions of the process system's fluid transmission network and/or the components or mechanisms thereof, incorporates mechanisms and arrangements to create a vortex effect within said Treatment; whereas a multiplicity of vortices are applied to the Working Fluid component and the Treatment System's performance is thereby enhanced by this improvement (Figures: A through H, and J through Z);
    • w) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the Injection Chamber, and the Transition Mixing Conduit, and/or other portions of the process system's fluid transmission network, incorporate mechanisms and arrangements to inject emissions or steam or exhaust to the Working Fluid component and the Treatment System's performance is thereby enhanced by this improvement (Figures: C, E, I, Y, and Z);
    • x) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's fluid transmission network incorporates a mechanism for conveying and injecting a portion of the Working Fluid component into a subsurface geological formation through well point mechanisms for geothermal storage and/or to provide a means of recovering usable gaseous or liquid natural resources (such as methane, natural gas, and/or oil) and/or provide a capture system for carbon dioxide sequestration purposes (Figures: B, S, and U);
    • y) a Reactant Injection Mechanism pumps a Reactant substance into the Working Fluid conduit (Figures: A through H, J through L, and Y through Z); and
    • z) the Working Fluid responds to the steam condensation-induced vacuum force and is driven into the Injection Chamber Mechanism, thus completing a process system circuit (Figures: A through Z).

Additional Process Components

Well Points—Certain embodiments of the present invention, may be arranged to utilize one or more subsurface well points or combinations of types thereof. The use of well points for the circulation of the system Working Fluid has distinct advantages:

    • a) Better Gas Transfer Mechanics—The downward flow of fluid force suspended bubbles causes said bubbles to decrease in size as they descend (at approximately 300′ of depth, the bubble size has reduced by a factor of tenfold; whereas the smaller the bubble size, the greater the gas transfer efficiency).
    • b) Smaller Physical System Footprint—Less surface area is needed for long runs of multiple pipelines.
    • c) Improved Thermodynamics—The arrangement allows use of natural geothermal resources.

In certain embodiments of the present invention, there are four general types of well point configurations, which may be used in singular or unison process arrangements. These well point types are more precisely described as follows:

  • 1) Closed Circuit Well Point (Figure R)—This configuration is a sealed component where fluids are transmitted downward and returned to the surface.
  • 2) Closed Circuit Well Point with Casing Cooling Feature (Figure T)—This configuration is also a sealed component where fluids are transmitted downward and returned to the surface. The added feature of this well point configuration consists in an arrangement which injects cooling water in a casing jacket chamber around said well point and thus allows for additional cooling to take place on the Working Fluid being transmitted through the inner piping channels.
  • 3) Open Circuit Well Point (Figure S)—This configuration is similar to the Closed Circuit Well Point component with the exception that the lower portions of the supply and return piping systems are opened into a geological formation for geothermal transfer or storage; whereas, the fluids are transmitted freely to and fro and excess fluid pressures return to the surface to be transmitted through the process system network.
  • 4) Formation Injection Well Point (Figure U)—This configuration is similar to the Open Circuit Well Point component with the exception that this well point has no return flow feature; in that, this well point is directed into a geological formation for geothermal storage and/or to provide a means of displacing usable gaseous or liquid natural resources (such as methane, natural gas, and/or oil) and/or to provide a system for carbon dioxide sequestration in said formation and/or old underground mining works. The Formation Injection Well Point will be used in conjunction with a separate Resource Recovery Well Point, or other conventional recovery well configuration or arrangement, for recovering said usable gaseous or liquid natural resources.

Special Configurations

Open Circuit Treatment System (Figure H)—Certain embodiments of the current invention may or may not involve a toxic emissions element with steam pressure. In an Open Circuit Treatment System where the emissions are relatively non-toxic due to the use of certain alternative fuels or clean energy resources, the Working Fluid may be clean enough to warrant direct release into a body of water and/or drawing replacement fluids from the same.

Steam to Energy System (Figure I)—Certain embodiments of the current invention may or may not involve mixing emissions with steam pressure. In a steam to energy system cycle, steam pressure, from any means of steam generation (including but not limited to combustion of fossil fuels, nuclear reactors, solar reactors, geothermal, wind resources, etc.), may be translated into the motive force of a fluid; whereas the motive force provides a means of generating hydroelectric power and/or providing power to another turbine, pump, or other such apparatus designed to extract energy from the movement of a fluid.

The steam pressures utilized can also either be insufficient to drive a conventional steam turbine or the steam pressure may be a de-energized outlet pressure from a steam turbine. In each case, the current invention's Injection Chamber Mechanism can provide vacuum thrust to the process fluid or Working Fluid and thus power a Hydro Turbine and/or generator assembly to create electricity or provide motive force for another beneficial purpose.

Explosive or Thermobaric Reaction Energy Process Treatment System (Figures: J, K, L, and W)—Although, the current invention has obvious application and benefit to combustion exhaust and other industrial process emissions treatment scenarios, certain embodiments of the current invention be employed with explosive or thermobaric reaction energy processes; whereas, such energy processes may involve pulse/impulse dissociation and/or steam conversion elements.

Exhaust to Energy System (Figure C)—Certain embodiments of the current invention may include a process arrangement component for recovering energy from the filtered gas discharges from the process system. In this embodiment configuration, a windmill or wind turbine is encased within a gas transport pipe or duct or is positioned on the effluent end of the exhaust gas flow; whereas, said gaseous flow provides motive force to the turbine blades or windmill fan and rotational energy is supplied to the generator thus producing a quantity of electricity.



Process Cycle:


Drawing/Figure No.:


Component/Process Employed

Injection Chamber Mechanism

Transition Mixing Conduit

Gas/Solids Separation Unit

Clarifier Unit

Hydro Turbine

Solids Reutilization and/or Recycling

Gas Treatment, Recycling, Capture,

and/or Sequestration Mechanism/s

Hydro-Electricity Produced

Reactant Injection

Exchange with Body of Water

Combined Steam &

Emissions/Exhaust Injection

Steam Injected Independently

Emissions/Exhaust Injected


Annular Injector Sequence

Interior Channel Injector Sequence

Combined Injector Sequence

Transition Mixing Zone Injection


Hydro Turbine Located on Suction

Side of Injection Chamber

Hydro Turbine Located on Discharge

Side of Injection Chamber

Closed Circuit Well Points (FIG. R)

Open Circuit Well Points (FIG. S)

Closed Circuit Well Points with

Cooling Systems (FIG. T)

Formation Injection &Resource

Recovery Well Points (FIG. U)

Vortex Induction Mechanisms (FIG.


Cooling Mechanisms (Cooling

Towers, Cooling Channels (FIG. V),

Cooling Jackets, Etc.)

Direct Atmospheric Discharge of

Filtered Gases

Upgradient Process System

Downgradient Process System

Surface Impoundment - Settling

and/or Cooling Pond

Electrical Current Induction - Vapor


Electrical Current Induction - Liquid


Contributing Process Gases -

Combustion Related

Contributing Process Gases - Non-

Combustion Related

Contributing Process Driven by

Thermobaric or Explosive Reaction

Wind Generated Electricity Produced

Within Process

Steam Generated Electricity

Produced Within Process


Figure A
Sheet# 1 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Emissions Treatment &

Energy Recovery - Process Cycle 1

Figure B
Sheet# 2 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Emissions Treatment &

Energy Recovery - Process Cycle 2

Figure C
Sheet# 3 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Emissions Treatment &

Energy Recovery - Process Cycle 3

Figure D
Sheet# 4 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Emissions Treatment &

Energy Recovery - Process Cycle 4

Figure E
Sheet# 5 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Emissions Treatment &

Energy Recovery - Process Cycle 5

Figure F
Sheet# 6 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Emissions Treatment &

Energy Recovery - Process Cycle 6

Figure G
Sheet# 7 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Emissions Treatment &

Energy Recovery - Process Cycle 7

Figure H
Sheet# 8 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Emissions Treatment &

Energy Recovery - Process Cycle 8

Figure I
Sheet# 9 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Emissions Treatment &

Energy Recovery - Process Cycle 9

Figure J
Sheet# 10 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Thermobaric Reaction/

Explosion Energy Conversion - Process Cycle


Figure K
Sheet# 11 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Thermobaric Reaction/

Explosion Energy Conversion - Process Cycle


Figure L
Sheet# 12 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ ~XPLOGEN ™ - Pulse

Dissociation- Process Cycle 12

Figure M
Sheet# 13 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ External Annular Vortex

Injector 1 - Process Component 1

Figure N
Sheet# 14 of 26
Implo-Dynamics External Annular Vortex

Injector 1 - Process Component 2

Figure O
Sheet# 15 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Internal Bladed Vortex

Injector - Process Component

Figure P
Sheet# 16 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Injection Chamber

Configurations 1 - Process Components

Figure Q
Sheet# 17 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Injection Chamber

Configurations 2 - Process Components

Figure R
Sheet# 18 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Closed Circuit Well Point -

Process Component

Figure S
Sheet# 19 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Open Circuit Well Point -

Process Component

Figure T
Sheet# 20 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Closed Circuit Well Point

With Casing Cooling - Process Component

Figure U
Sheet# 21 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Formation Injection and

Resource Recovery Well Points - Process


Figure V
Sheet# 22 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Process Cooling Channel -

Process Component

Figure W
Sheet# 23 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Process Incorporated into

Explosive Energy Conversion System

Figure X
Sheet# 24 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Vortex Induction Features -

Process Components

Figure Y
Sheet# 25 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Emissions Treatment &

Energy Recovery - Process Cycle 13

Figure Z
Sheet# 26 of 26
Implo-Dynamics ™ Emissions Treatment -

Process Cycle 14

In view of the preferred embodiments described above, it should be apparent to those skilled in the art that the present invention may be embodied in forms other than those specifically described herein without departing from the spirit or central characteristics of the invention. Thus, the specific embodiments described herein are to be considered as illustrative and by no means restrictive.

The above description is that of a preferred embodiment of the invention. Multiple modifications and variations are possible in light of the above teachings. It is therefore to be understood that, within the scope of the appended claims, the invention may be practiced otherwise than as specifically described. Any reference to claim elements in the singular, e.g. using the articles “a,” “an,” “the,” or “said” is not construed as limiting the element to the singular.

Further, it is to be understood that the present invention is not limited to the embodiments described above, but encompasses any and all embodiments within the scope of the preceding claims. None of the above inventions and patents, taken either singly or in combination, is seen to describe the instant invention as claimed.

  • 1) A method for treating, controlling, capturing, or otherwise reducing gaseous and/or particulate airborne pollutants and producing energy from the condensation of pressurized steam, comprising the mixture of pressurized steam with emissions, exhaust, and/or the airborne pollutants therein, and injecting said mixture, collectively or separately, into a fluid body contained within a process system in order to induce a vacuum and/or pressure driven propulsion influence to said fluid body via the cavitation reaction produced by the condensation phase change of said steam containing mixture within the fluid body; wherein the fluid body constitutes a mechanism of treatment for said pollutants and the flow of which becomes a supply of motive force to power a turbine or other mechanism for converting said force into usable energy (and/or as generally described in Figures: A through Z).
  • 2) A method according to claim 1, wherein said process comprises the following steps: a) steam pressure is combined with combustion emissions or other pollutant emissions or exhaust gases (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, Y, and Z);b) an electrical charge is induced during, or prior, to the steam/emissions mixing process (Figures: F, G, and W);c) the electrical charge is applied to the steam and/or fluid components of said process system (Figures: F and G);d) the steam/emissions mixture, or Driving Fluid, is transmitted by pipeline, or other conduit means, to the Injection Chamber Mechanism (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, Y, and Z);e) the process fluid, or Working Fluid, is provided to said Injection Chamber and the Driving Fluid is also introduced in said chamber (Figures: M, N, O, P, and Q);f) the injected Driving Fluid experiences the impact of phase change forces and a rapid volume reduction reaction occurs as the induced voids implode in a cavitation reaction (Figures: M, N, O, P, and Q);g) the Driving Fluid is de-energized and its residual gas load is turbulently transferred into the Working Fluid (Figures: M, N, O, P, and Q);h) the vacuum force created by the implosion reaction of the steam/emissions mixture meeting the water or process fluid body, creates a flow of water, or Working Fluid, which rushes into the Injection Chamber and out into the Transition Mixing Conduit (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, Y, and Z);i) as the Working Fluid, with its highly frothed, gas bubble mass, passes through the Transition Mixing Conduit, it encounters in-line mixing devices and other process geometries designed to keep the Working Fluid's bubble suspension in a state of turbulence (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, Y, and Z);j) as the Working Fluid leaves the Transition Mixing Conduit, it enters the Gas/Solids Separation Unit where the filtered gases are removed from the Working Fluid and said filtered gases are routed into a Gas Treatment, Recycling, Capture, and/or Sequestration Mechanism (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, J, and K);k) the precipitated solids load flocculates out of the Gas/Solids Separation Chamber where said Solids are removed (Figures: A through G, J through L, and Y through Z);l) the degassed Working Fluid is then routed from the Gas/Solids Separation Chamber into a Clarifier Unit, where residual precipitated Solids are flocculated out and said settled Solids are removed from the Clarifier Unit (Figures: A through E, G, J through L, and Y through Z);m) the Solids load is removed from the Clarifier Unit and/or the Gas/Solids Separation Chamber, are routed into a Reutilization Unit for conversion into construction, agricultural, industrial, and/or commercial products or materials, and/or for reclamation and reuse as a Reactant (Figures: A through G, J through L, and Y through Z);n) the clarified Working Fluid is then routed to the Hydro Turbine Unit (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, W, and Y);o) the Hydro Turbine Unit accepts water, or Working Fluid, in its intake portal due to the vacuum-induced flow pattern stimulated by the flow of the vacuum force drawing the Working Fluid from its outlet portal (Figures: A through D, G through L, and Y through Z);p) the Hydro Turbine Unit's impeller system is moved by the force of saidWorking Fluid and energy is translated into torque or thrust to drive a electricity generator, pump, or other process device for recovering energy from the de-energization of Driving Fluids (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, W, and Y);q) the Working Fluid is then routed from the Hydro Turbine Unit (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, and W);r) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's fluid transmission network incorporates a Closed Circuit Well Point; whereas said Working Fluid is routed subterraneously through a pipe to the bottom of said Well Point, which may be naturally or artificially cooled, and said Working Fluid is then returned to the surface through a pipe and said flow is thereby returned into the process piping network (Figures: B and R);s) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's fluid transmission network incorporates an Open Circuit Well Point; whereas said Working Fluid is routed subterraneously through a pipe to the bottom of said Well Point and discharged into a suitable aquifer or other geological formation and the amount of fluid resistance presented by said formation returns a portion of Working Fluid flow to the surface through a pipe and said flow is thereby returned into the process piping network (Figures: B and S);t) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's arrangement of components and/or mechanisms is varied; whereas, said Treatment System process can be suitably adapted to remediate the pollutants, conform to the physical site, and/or better accommodate the generating source of said pollutants (Figures: A through L, W, Y, and Z);u) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's fluid transmission network incorporates a mechanism for inducing an electrical charge, which is applied to the Working Fluid component (Figures: F, G, and W);v) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the Injection Chamber, the Transition Mixing Conduit, and/or other portions of the process system's fluid transmission network and/or the components or mechanisms thereof, incorporates mechanisms and arrangements to create a vortex effect within said Treatment; whereas a multiplicity of vortices are applied to the Working Fluid component and the Treatment System's performance is thereby enhanced by this improvement (Figures: A through H, and J through Z);w) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the Injection Chamber, and the Transition Mixing Conduit, and/or other portions of the process system's fluid transmission network, incorporate mechanisms and arrangements to inject emissions or steam or exhaust to the Working Fluid component and the Treatment System's performance is thereby enhanced by this improvement (Figures: C, E, I, Y, and Z);x) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's fluid transmission network incorporates a mechanism for conveying and injecting a portion of the Working Fluid component into a subsurface geological formation through well point mechanisms for geothermal storage and/or to provide a means of recovering usable gaseous or liquid natural resources (such as methane, natural gas, and/or oil) and/or provide a capture system for carbon dioxide sequestration purposes (Figures: B, S, and U);y) a Reactant Injection Mechanism pumps a Reactant substance into the Working Fluid conduit (Figures: A through H, J through L, and Y through Z); andz) the Working Fluid responds to the steam condensation-induced vacuum force and is driven into the Injection Chamber Mechanism, thus completing a process system circuit (Figures: A through Z).
  • 3) A method according to claim 1, (as generally described in Figures: A through L, and/or Y through Z); wherein said process comprises an airborne pollutant emissions abatement system comprising an inlet arrangement linked to a source of gaseous and/or particulate emissions or exhaust and/or steam, thus constituting a mixture, or Driving Fluid, which is supplied to an Injection Chamber Mechanism for introducing said mixture, or Driving Fluid, into a process fluid reservoir or Working Fluid, a mixing zone positioned in and between the Injection Chamber Mechanism, the Transition Mixing Conduit and other downstream fluid and gaseous treatment and recovery components of said process system, as well as a Hydro Turbine Unit for utilizing and translating induced process fluid, or Working Fluid, flows into torque or thrust for driving a generator to create electricity and/or use the motive force to fulfill another energy resource need, such as driving a pump.
  • 4) A method according to claim 1, wherein one or more embodiments of the pollutant treatment system comprises a mechanism for injecting airborne emissions and/or exhaust and steam into a pipe, conduit, chamber, or other fluid-containing process system component; whereas said injection system may either consist of a outside border or circumferential port arrangement to inject steam and/or exhaust pressure into a stream of fluid from the outside border of the channel conduit, tube, pipe or other injection mechanism, or an arrangement to introduce a jet of steam and/or exhaust pressure to the interior of a fluid channel with channel fluid flows surrounding said injection jet assembly; and/or an arrangement incorporating a combination of said circumferential ports and said internal injection components (as generally described in Figures: M, N, O, P, and/or Q); wherein the purpose of these injection mechanisms is to provide a means for treating, reducing, dissolving, or capturing said pollutants and/or gases and/or to create a flow of fluid within said process system for hydroelectric energy production purposes.
  • 5) A method according to claim 1, wherein said process system contains a means for inducing a positive, or negative, electrical charge influence upon a steam or Driving Fluid and/or Working Fluid body by passing said fluid through one or more devices including a charged nozzle, a screen, a corona wire array, an orifice, and/or a section of pipe; wherein said fluid receives and retains an electrical charge for the purpose of enhancing the capture and retention of said pollutants into said body of fluid and/or steam (as generally described in Figures: F and G).
  • 6) A method according to claim 1 (as generally described in Figures: A through H, J through L, and Y through Z); comprising the injection of a reactant into said process system's Working Fluid for the purpose of providing a neutralizing influence upon the progressive acidification of the process Working Fluid thereby produced by the introduction and diffusion of gaseous and particulate contaminates into and through the fluids of said process system.
  • 7) A method according to claim 1 comprising a means for increasing bubble diffusion gas filtering effectiveness and for cooling system fluids with natural geothermal influences; whereas said method involves routing process fluid flow into one or more Well Points with an inner casing and an outer casing to allow flow to be routed downward and return to the surface before system fluids are transmitted on to the subsequent phases of said treatment system network; wherein said method uses the natural pressure forces of water to decrease the bubble size of the suspended gas bubbles as the water is routed downward whereupon as said flow returns to the surface, the bubbles enlarge (as partially described in Figures: R, S, and T).
  • 8) A method according to claim 7 wherein said Well Point is open to a subsurface geological formation suitable to receive system fluid flow and return a portion of said flow to the surface for transmission on to the subsequent components of said treatment system's process flow network (as partially described in Figure S).
  • 9) A method according to claim 1 wherein said Working Fluid, and/or the gases therein or therefrom, is injected by one or more well points into a geological formation comprising a means of dislodging or gasifying methane, natural gas, oil and/or gaseous or liquid hydrocarbons from said formation and/or also constituting a means of sequestering carbon dioxide from the Working Fluid; whereas, additional well points are placed in said formation to recover the dislodged gases for separation and energy recovery purposes (as partially described in Figure U).
  • 10) A method according to claim 1, wherein said Working Fluid, and/or the gases therein or therefrom, is injected by one or more well points into a geological formation comprising a means of geothermally storing the heat from said Working Fluid in said formation and/or a means of sequestering carbon dioxide therein; whereas, additional well points are placed in said formation to recover heated fluids and/or gases for energy production and/or energy recovery purposes (as partially described in Figures: S and/or U).
  • 11) A method according to claim 1 (as partially described in Figures: V and T); wherein one or more embodiments of said treatment system, the method comprises a means of cooling said system and/or its components by locating all, or portions of said system components, beneath a circulating fluid and/or configuring said components with cooling jackets for liquid and/or gaseous cooling substances to be circulated therein and therefrom.
  • 12) The method of claim 6, wherein the reactant comprises a pulverized solid, semi-solid, and/or liquid blend, which contains one or more of the following substances: calcium carbonate, calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, magnesium chloride, olivine, serpentine, antigorite, basaltic formation minerals, brucite, lizardite, cement, wollastonite, magnesium silicate, and calcium silicate, potassium carbonate, magnesite, silica and iron oxide, magnetite, sodium carbonate, and/or any combination thereof.
  • 13) A method according to claim 1 and claim 2 wherein said method or process provides for carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to be captured, treated, sequestrated, recovered, and/or purified and comprises a means for separating said gases for subsequent treatment using sorbents, catalysts, and/or membrane systems including, but not limited to, systems utilizing substances or solutions containing at least one of the following compounds including: Monoethanolamine, Diethanolamine, Diglycolamine, Methyldiethanolamine, Monoethanolamine-Glycol Mixtures, Diispropanolamine, Mixed Amines, Sterically Hindered Amines, Alkanolamines, and/or other such Amine Concentrations.
  • 14) An apparatus according to claim 1, herein referred to as a Injection Chamber Mechanism, whereas one or more embodiments of which are generally described in Figures: M, N, O, P, and/or Q, wherein said apparatus comprises a fluid conduit device, such as a chamber, pipe, cylinder, vessel, or other such process arrangement, including an inlet and outlet portal arrangement for the transmission of a Working Fluid, an inlet portal and/or nozzle mechanism/s for the intake of a compressible Driving Fluid, which includes emissions and/or exhaust as well as steam pressure either in combination or singularly, and said Injection Chamber Mechanism also includes interior features and geometries designed to create turbulence and vortices in the Working Fluid flow passing therein and therefrom.
  • 15) An apparatus according to claim 1, herein referred to as the Transition Mixing Conduit, whereas one or more embodiments of which are generally described in Figures: A through H, J through L, and Y through Z, wherein said apparatus comprises a fluid conduit device, such as a chamber, pipe, cylinder, vessel, or other such process arrangement, including an inlet and outlet portal arrangement for the transmission of a Working Fluid, and may include one or more inlet portals and/or nozzle mechanism/s for the injection intake of a compressible Driving Fluid, which includes emissions and/or exhaust and/or steam pressure, either in combination or singularly, and said Transition Mixing Conduit incorporates interior features and geometries designed to create turbulence and vortices in the Working Fluid flow passing therein and therefrom.
  • 16) An apparatus according to claim 1, herein referred to as the Gas/Solids Separation Unit, whereas one or more embodiments of which are generally described in Figures: A through G, J through L, and Y through Z and Y; wherein said apparatus comprises a fluid conduit device, such as a chamber, pipe, cylinder, vessel, tank, or other such combined process arrangement, including an inlet and outlet portal arrangement for the throughput transmission of a clarified and degassed Working Fluid, and includes one or more outlet portals for exhausting or conveying the filtered gases released from the Working Fluid, and also includes one or more outlet portals for allowing solids or dense semi-solid substances to be drained and/or conveyed from said chamber or process system and thereby directed into a reutilization, waste disposal, and/or recycling process.
  • 17) An apparatus according to claim 1, herein referred to as the Clarifier Unit, whereas one or more embodiments of which are generally described in Figures: A through E, J through L, and Y through Z, wherein said apparatus comprises a fluid conduit device, such as a chamber, pipe, cylinder, vessel, tank, pond, impoundment, or other such combined process arrangement, including an inlet and outlet portal arrangement for the throughput transmission of a clarified Working Fluid, and includes one or more outlet portals for allowing solids or dense semi-solid substances to be drained and/or conveyed from said chamber or process system and thereby directed into a reutilization, waste disposal, and/or recycling process.
  • 18) An apparatus according to claim 1, herein referred to as a Hydro Turbine, whereas one or more embodiments of which are generally described in Figures: A through L, W, and Y, wherein said apparatus comprises a fluid conduit device, including an inlet and outlet portal arrangement for the transmission of a Working Fluid and further including an arrangement of vanes, flites, a propeller, an impellor, or other such components designed to translate a vacuum or pressure induced flow of Working Fluid passing through said Hydro Turbine into rotational torque, thrust, or other such motive force to turn a generator to produce electricity or otherwise empower a pump or another process component designed to create or use energy.
  • 19) A method according to claim 1 comprising a material of construction for said Injection Chamber Mechanism and/or Transition Mixing Conduit component, for injecting said steam and/or steam containing mixture; whereas said process components are constructed of one or more materials including steel, stainless steel, titanium, tungsten, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, ceramic, iron, and/or other metallic compounds identified in Groups 3 through 10 of the Periodic Table of Elements.
  • 20) The method of claim 1, wherein one or more embodiments of said process system includes a process control mechanism, which is comprised by one or more components, which may include a microprocessor, programmable logic controller array, flow, temperature, pressure, and other such sensor arrays, and/or computer system, which is used to support process control activities by monitoring influent and effluent gaseous and liquid emissions attributes, flows, inventories and thus triggering the activation and deactivation of process components, as well as fluid and gaseous transfers, injection component flows, wherein said operations of treatment and/or energy generation process are monitored and various process component operations are activated and deactivated according to a pre-programmed sequence with limits of operation as well as providing for the monitoring and control of the subsequent energy conversion operations managed therein.
  • 21) The method of claim 1, wherein one or more embodiments of said treatment system comprises a component configuration comprising a windmill or wind turbine either encased within the effluent exhaust duct or positioned on the effluent outlet of the exhaust gas flow from the Gas/Solids Separation Chamber or at the inlet or outlet of the Gas Treatment, Recycling, Capture, and/or Sequestration Mechanism/s; whereas said gaseous flow provides motive force to the turbine blades and rotational energy to the generator thus producing a quantity of electricity (as generally described in Figure C).
  • 22) The method of claim 1, wherein one or more embodiments of said treatment system and/or energy generating system comprises a system of operation and is comprised by one or more practices including: a) a method of injecting both exhaust and steam into the process system, both bubbles and cavities are formed and the interaction between these two gas phase products makes use of the natural cushioning of the suspended bubble mass mechanism to absorb the water hammer influence of the implosion process;b) a method of using steam and exhaust injection components to disperse the Driving Fluid's steam component/s into an injected mass of smaller bubbles to reduce the relative shockwave strength released during each cavity collapse episode;c) a method of using nozzle and portal configurations and vessel geometries to direct the cavitation influence into an internal process sector, which minimizes the attachment of said imploding cavities against said system component structures;d) a method of establishing and maintaining an appropriately heated process fluid reservoir temperature for the purpose of reducing the severity of the cavitation effect caused by steam implosion episodes induced within the Working Fluid of said process system's fluids reservoir; and/ore) a method of adding small low-density foam or other natural or synthetic substance nodules or particles to said system Working Fluids to absorb the shockwave influence.
  • 23) The method of claim 1, wherein the source of the pollutant emissions and/or exhaust, as well as the steam pressure, is a power generating plant, boiler, or other combustion-related process utilizing coal and/or other hydrocarbon fuels in a solid, liquid, or gaseous state.
  • 24) A method according to claim 1 wherein the flocculated, agglomerated, or settled solids generated from said treatment process is reutilized as a construction material, including but not limited to concrete, cement, or block components, mixes, or materials, and/or agricultural products, including but not limited to fertilizer components or materials.
  • 25) A system for converting heat energy to electricity, comprising: providing steam to a conduit of fluid and injecting said steam into said fluid conduit to produce a phase change reaction of cavitation thus inducing a force of vacuum to said fluid conduit and creating a flow of said fluids therein (as partially described in Figure I); whereas a Hydro Turbine, pump, or other apparatus is used to translate fluid flow force into rotational torque or other such motive force for driving a generator and producing electricity or providing for another energy recovery purpose.
  • 26) A means of converting heat energy to electricity, comprising: providing steam to a conduit of fluid and injecting said steam into said fluid conduit to produce a phase change reaction of cavitation thus inducing a force of vacuum to said fluid conduit and creating a flow of said fluids therein (as partially described in Figure I); whereas a Hydro Turbine, pump, or other apparatus is used to translate fluid flow force into rotational torque or other such motive force for driving a generator and producing electricity or providing for another energy recovery purpose.
  • 27) The use of steam pressure to generate electricity, comprising: providing steam to a conduit of fluid and injecting said steam into said fluid conduit to produce a phase change reaction of cavitation thus inducing a force of vacuum to said fluid conduit and creating a flow of said fluids therein (as partially described in Figure I); whereas a Hydro Turbine, pump, or other apparatus is used to translate fluid flow force into rotational torque or other such motive force for driving a generator and producing electricity or providing for another energy recovery purpose.
  • 28) A system according to claim 1 wherein said Treatment System comprises the following steps: a) steam pressure is combined with combustion emissions or other pollutant emissions or exhaust gases (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, Y, and Z);b) an electrical charge is induced during, or prior, to the steam/emissions mixing process (Figures: F, G, and W);c) the electrical charge is applied to the steam and/or fluid components of said process system (Figures: F and G);d) the steam/emissions mixture, or Driving Fluid, is transmitted by pipeline, or other conduit means, to the Injection Chamber Mechanism (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, Y, and Z);e) the process fluid, or Working Fluid, is provided to said Injection Chamber and the Driving Fluid is also introduced in said chamber (Figures: M, N, O, P, and Q);f) the injected Driving Fluid experiences the impact of phase change forces and a rapid volume reduction reaction occurs as the induced voids implode in a cavitation reaction (Figures: M, N, O, P, and Q);g) the Driving Fluid is de-energized and its residual gas load is turbulently transferred into the Working Fluid (Figures: M, N, O, P, and Q);h) the vacuum force created by the implosion reaction of the steam/emissions mixture meeting the water or process fluid body, creates a flow of water, or Working Fluid, which rushes into the Injection Chamber and out into the Transition Mixing Conduit (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, Y, and Z);i) as the Working Fluid, with its highly frothed, gas bubble mass, passes through the Transition Mixing Conduit, it encounters in-line mixing devices and other process geometries designed to keep the Working Fluid's bubble suspension in a state of turbulence (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, Y, and Z);j) as the Working Fluid leaves the Transition Mixing Conduit, it enters the Gas/Solids Separation Unit where the filtered gases are removed from the Working Fluid and said filtered gases are routed into a Gas Treatment, Recycling, Capture, and/or Sequestration Mechanism (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, J, and K);k) the precipitated solids load flocculates out of the Gas/Solids Separation Chamber where said Solids are removed (Figures: A through G, J through L, and Y through Z);l) the degassed Working Fluid is then routed from the Gas/Solids Separation Chamber into a Clarifier Unit, where residual precipitated Solids are flocculated out and said settled Solids are removed from the Clarifier Unit (Figures: A through E, G, J through L, and Y through Z);m) the Solids load is removed from the Clarifier Unit and/or the Gas/Solids Separation Chamber, are routed into a Reutilization Unit for conversion into construction, agricultural, industrial, and/or commercial products or materials, and/or for reclamation and reuse as a Reactant (Figures: A through G, J through L, and Y through Z);n) the clarified Working Fluid is then routed to the Hydro Turbine Unit (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, W, and Y);o) the Hydro Turbine Unit accepts water, or Working Fluid, in its intake portal due to the vacuum-induced flow pattern stimulated by the flow of the vacuum force drawing the Working Fluid from its outlet portal (Figures: A through D, G through L, and Y through Z);p) the Hydro Turbine Unit's impeller system is moved by the force of said Working Fluid and energy is translated into torque or thrust to drive a electricity generator, pump, or other process device for recovering energy from the de-energization of Driving Fluids (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, W, and Y);q) the Working Fluid is then routed from the Hydro Turbine Unit (Figures: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, and W);r) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's fluid transmission network incorporates a Closed Circuit Well Point; whereas said Working Fluid is routed subterraneously through a pipe to the bottom of said Well Point, which may be naturally or artificially cooled, and said Working Fluid is then returned to the surface through a pipe and said flow is thereby returned into the process piping network (Figures: B and R);s) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's fluid transmission network incorporates an Open Circuit Well Point; whereas said Working Fluid is routed subterraneously through a pipe to the bottom of said Well Point and discharged into a suitable aquifer or other geological formation and the amount of fluid resistance presented by said formation returns a portion of Working Fluid flow to the surface through a pipe and said flow is thereby returned into the process piping network (Figures: B and S);t) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's arrangement of components and/or mechanisms is varied; whereas, said Treatment System process can be suitably adapted to remediate the pollutants, conform to the physical site, and/or better accommodate the generating source of said pollutants (Figures: A through L, W, Y, and Z);u) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's fluid transmission network incorporates a mechanism for inducing an electrical charge, which is applied to the Working Fluid component (Figures: F, G, and W);v) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the InjectionChamber, the Transition Mixing Conduit, and/or other portions of the process system's fluid transmission network and/or the components or mechanisms thereof, incorporates mechanisms and arrangements to create a vortex effect within said Treatment; whereas a multiplicity of vortices are applied to the Working Fluid component and the Treatment System's performance is thereby enhanced by this improvement (Figures: A through H, and J through Z);w) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the Injection Chamber, and the Transition Mixing Conduit, and/or other portions of the process system's fluid transmission network, incorporate mechanisms and arrangements to inject emissions or steam or exhaust to the Working Fluid component and the Treatment System's performance is thereby enhanced by this improvement (Figures: C, E, 1, Y, and Z);x) in one or more embodiments of said Treatment System, the process system's fluid transmission network incorporates a mechanism for conveying and injecting a portion of the Working Fluid component into a subsurface geological formation through well point mechanisms for geothermal storage and/or to provide a means of recovering usable gaseous or liquid natural resources (such as methane, natural gas, and/or oil) and/or provide a capture system for carbon dioxide sequestration purposes (Figures: B, S, and U);y) a Reactant Injection Mechanism pumps a Reactant substance into the Working Fluid conduit (Figures: A through H, J through L, and Y through Z); andz) the Working Fluid responds to the steam condensation-induced vacuum force and is driven into the Injection Chamber Mechanism, thus completing a process system circuit (Figures: A through Z).