The present invention relates to an improved automatic apparatus for loading onsingle “pallets”, (the term is worldwide known and therefore it will be used without any further details) successively ready to be loaded with a plurality of containers or “mosaics” (the term will be explained later); these containers and/or mosaics are loaded in layers that is on overlapping planes and of course loaded in succession, so that a lower layer is the support base for the upper layer.
Hereinafter the term “plane” will be used to identify a general horizontal plane whereon a respective layer of containers/mosaic is supported.
Furthermore, the invention relates to the respective operating method.
The invention relates in particular to the handling and loading, on respective pallets, containers, especially cases, loaded according to different procedures depending on both the type of product being collected, and on the characteristics of the same containers.
Hereinafter, for a greater compliance with the object of the invention, it will be assumed that such containers contain vegetable products or in general horticultural products, but being understood that the invention is applicable and can be used for loading, on respective pallets, containers carrying materials/products of a completely different kind.
It is known that, in particular in the sector of loading pallets with cases/containers containing vegetable/fruit on layers or overlapping planes, the quantity of products and hence the respective cases to realise and transport is very high, and their handling techniques are rather standardised; the methods for handling and transporting such cases have in common both the way in which such cases are made ready to be transported, and the way in which they are grouped together and finally transported.
As for the way with which such cases are made ready to be transported, it consists in loading a succession, also not continuous and at not predetermined intervals of single cases to be transported on a mobile conveyor that can be a belt, catenary or roller conveyor of a conventional type and universally known.
Regarding instead the way with which said cases are assembled and readied to be transported, the most efficient and common way consists in loading a plurality of said cases on a respective pallet, thus said cases are arranged on overlapping planes or layers so as to optimise the utilization of each pallet; moreover, even if each of said layers can be formed by only one case, if the reciprocal sizes of said pallets and said cases allow that, each of said layers is generally formed by more cases arranged on the same layer so as to optimise the usable surface of the respective pallet.
In order to load said cases on the respective pallets, machines or specific apparatuses known as “palletizers” are generally used.
Such apparatuses are made according to very varied ways depending on the constraints and conditions wherein they have to operate.
From U.S. Pat. No. 5,135,351 it is known an apparatus for palletizing and depalletizing a plurality of homogeneous loads, each one typically consisting of a single stack of flat and thin products, such as sheets of paper or in general printed publications, stacked in succession and vertically one by one on a sole pallet.
To this purpose, single stacks of such flat and thin products are each one of them loaded on a respective intermediate plane (called “intercarrier 2”) and subsequently each load, consisting of a respective intermediate plane, supporting a respective stack of products is stacked one by one, by means of moving the respective intermediate plane.
The object of such patent is not that of forming a pallet rapidly and efficiently so as to move it onto a means of transport to send it away, but to make it possible that the various stacks can be formed in an ordered, and above all, stable and safe way, so as to avoid the risk of collapsing of part of the various loads stacked one on top of the other on the same pallet; but above all, this patent allows to depalletise the various single loads, by means of a method for “undoing” in an ordered and safe way the overall load, comprising the various intermediate planes and the respective stacks resting on a same pallet.
Basically the apparatus described therein discloses a palletizer of an improved type for the particular use as a means for storing and retrieving in an ordered and safe way documents and the like, and it does have any advantages as a means and method for forming pallets that have to be rapidly and efficiently loaded with a great amount of containers coming from different origins, such as different conveyors or mobile planes.
From patent DE 3107495 it is known another apparatus for palletizing apt at loading in succession and totally automatically a plurality of single containers (Zusnittelstapel 1) on a respective pallet; after the loading of the pallet, this one is moved away and its place is taken by a successive pallet whereon the same loading operation is repeated.
Anyway, even if the optimization of the area on the pallet is achieved forming a suitable “mosaic” of single containers, there is still the inconvenience that the palletizer is fixed and can only work with only one conveyor, and therefore it necessarily affected by inevitable slowing down or discontinuity of the feeding of products coming from the sole mobile conveyor.
It is specified that in the present description with the term “mosaic” it is meant the assembly of more containers arranged and oriented, and associated with respect to one another on a same horizontal plane and that together they constitute the overall load forming a single common load layer on the same pallet.
Further, that palletizer is capable of loading only a single layer (or “mosaic”) of containers on the same pallet, and therefore it is not capable of loading, in an optimal way, a same pallet to its highest capacity, that is on more overlapping layers.
From U.S. Pat. No. 5,297,924 it is known an overall apparatus for palletizing and transferring a plurality of already formed and loaded pallets; this apparatus is capable of transferring a sequence of bodies also having very different sizes, incoming from a conveyor, to a plurality of pallets each of which is arranged on a loading area of a respective outgoing conveyor.
In order to transfer the various bodies from the incoming conveyor towards and
on various outgoing pallets, it is used a rotating transferring means which, suitably associated with rails allowing its horizontal displacement and according to a rectilinear route, is made able to access both the collecting area of the incoming conveyor, and to carry the various bodies on a respective pallet arranged in the loading area of pallets on a respective outgoing conveyor.
In particular the patent aims at a method for automatically feeding pallets on the loading areas of respective outgoing conveyors so as to make the apparatus completely automatic and highly flexible.
Even though it has to be recognized that the presence of a sole palletizing means (transfer device 52, self propelled robot 54) combined with guide rails improves the efficiency and the overall performances of the whole apparatus since said palletizing means is single but multi-purpose, yet it has to be observed that such apparatus is particularly meant for a sector typical of the “large-scale retail trade”, and therefore it is capable of neither loading the single pallets with more overlapping layers of products, nor of loading on a single pallet an organized mosaic of products whose horizontal dimensions are compatible with the optimization of the surface offered by each single pallet.
It would therefore be desirable, and it is the main object of the present invention,
to realize a type of apparatus which overcomes the described inconveniences and in particular which offers the possibility and advantages of:
Such object, and others which will be better described hereinafter, will be achieved by the type of apparatus made and operating, for exemplification only but not limited to, with reference to the appended figures as hereunder shown and described, wherein:
FIGS. from 1A to 1H show respective plan views and top views of a schematic representation of likewise operating steps of an apparatus according to the invention,
With reference to figures, an apparatus for palletizing a plurality of containers 30 available in a sequential way comprises:
The fundamental content of the invention is based on the nature and operation of said open structure 3; its function is that of being a temporary vertical storing means such as a vertical storage unit (BUFFER), provided with a plurality of leaning distinct planes, basically rigid, 5, 6, 7, 8 . . . and overlapping one another but separated one from the other so as to form, if said planes 5, 6, 7, 8 . . . are rectangles, a parallelogram-like structure, as shown in
It must be said beforehand that, even though this aspect will be better explained and analysed later, said rigid planes 5, 6, 7, 8 . . . can be either separated one from the other or, during one of their operating step, they can also be moved into contact one with the other, roughly similar to a stack of planes overlapping one another.
Since said planes are at first separated one from the other, between each pair of contiguous and overlapping planes, of course, there will be formed a respective hollow space 5A, 6A, 7A . . . .
Said parallelogram-like structure is completed, for its stabilization as a solid body, by four vertical posts 11, 112, 113, 114 applied at the corners of said rigid planes 5, 6, 7, 8 . . . so that, after such completion and stabilization, said open multi-flat structure 3 is as in
Said multi-flat structure 3 is provided with lifting means, not shown, apt at lifting and lowering it selectively, and with modes and sequence which will be described hereinafter in detail.
At this point a clarification is necessary: generally on each pallet it is loaded a plurality of layers of containers in succession and vertically, and leaning one on the other; generally each layer contains not only one container, but a respective plurality of containers, so as to optimise the pallet useful surface.
The modes with which the various containers are managed, arranged and loaded so as to form an assembly which becomes a single layer of containers, also called “mosaic” are well known to the skilled in the art and therefore they are not included in the present invention.
Therefore hereinafter it will be meant that when it is described in general the motion of “containers” it can be indifferently referred to either a single container or to a respective said “mosaic” comprising said container and all the others comprised in the respective mosaic, if present.
In the embodiment of the present invention it is meant that said “mosaic” is formed on said handling and ordered collecting group 2, by means of a suitable operation of the associated elements to said same group 2 and that typically are formed by:
Since such elements apt at forming said “mosaic” are known per se, as well as their overall operation, their description is avoided for simplicity, being understood that at the end of the operation of said handling and ordered collecting group 2, on its surface it is, in fact, formed a succession of said “mosaics”, each of which, after being formed, is subsequently moved forward to a successive working state so that the surface it occupied on said group 2 can be used to form a successive “mosaic”.
In correspondence of said handling and ordered collecting group 2 there is arranged a transferring device 11 apt at selectively displacing the containers present on the same group 2 towards and into said multi-flat structure 3, and precisely into one of said hollow spaces 5A, 6A, 7A . . .
Said transferring device can be made in various ways, and by means of pushers, belts, rollers etc.; furthermore such mechanisms, their mode of operation and their purpose are well known in the art, and therefore they are not included in the present invention and consequently they are not described any further.
In order to lift sequentially said multi-flat structure, there are provided lifting means, not specifically described, apt at lifting selectively and in sequence said whole multi-flat structure 3 at successive levels such that, in said respective levels, one at a time the various said rigid planes 5, 6, 7, 8 . . . are basically at the same level as the upper surface of said group 2, so that when a container is on said group 2, it is possible, through the means comprised in said transferring device 11, to displace said container on said plane (of said open multi-flat frame), which at the moment is at the same level of said group 2.
Furthermore, the apparatus is provided with control and command means apt at activating in a sequential and coordinated way the just described organs so that it is possible to insert in each one of said hollow spaces 5A, 6A, 7A . . . respective loads or mosaics formed by one or more containers displaced by said transferring device 11 and subsequently to move in height said multi-flat structure 3 so as to present, at the same height of said group 2, a different still empty hollow space, and hence to repeat the loading operation of said new hollow space by activating again the transferring device 11 so as to displace a new load of containers (previously pushed onto said group 2).
In essence, it is possible to load all the hollow spaces with the respective loads of containers, and hence said multi-flat structure 3 becomes and operates as a very efficient storing means to store temporarily and vertically a plurality of loads of containers which have previously been supplied in sequence by said conveyor 1.
That function carried out by said multi-flat structure 3 not only allows to store, in a limited surface corresponding to the base of the multi-flat structure 3, a load that otherwise would require a much larger space (the same as the sum of the spaces occupied by the single loads/mosaics inserted in the various hollow spaces), but above all it avoids engaging, in a continuative way, all the other downstream organs, as it will be described at length later.
Beside said open multi-flat structure 3 there is arranged a horizontal plate 12 basically having the same dimensions of said rigid planes 5, 6, 7, 8 . . . and basically at the same level, or slighter lower than the level wherein said rigid planes 5, 6, 7, 8 . . . are when each one of them is raised at the level of said handling and ordered collecting group 2.
Said plate 12 is comprised in the assembly normally called “palletizer”, as it will be described later.
At this point it is necessary to completely clarify the following fact: in order to push out the various loads/mosaics from the respective hollow spaces formed in said multi-flat structure 3, different solutions and means are possible; at this operation step, a first solution would be, very simply, to use the same transferring device 11 to push or push out the containers/mosaics from the respective hollow spaces 5A, 6A, 7A . . . and move them on the plate 12; anyway said function can be achieved not only through said transferring device 11, but through any other means apt at carrying out the same function.
In fact, it has been seen that the control and actuating organs of the device 11 become particularly burdensome under the operating point of view, and mechanically bulky if it is desired to use said transferring device 11 for both functions of:
This inconvenience can be overcome simply providing a suitable pusher means 18, shown in figures from 4 to 7, which, suitably made and controlled, is able of carrying out the function regarding only the expulsion of the mosaics out of the respective hollow spaces and displace them on said plate 12.
Since said pusher 18 is a device known per se and easy to realize by the skilled in the art, such device will not be described any further.
With reference to
Said two motions can be in the shown sequence or in the reverse; what is important is that, with any type of motion, said second plate with its load of containers/mosaics 30 is positioned immediately on the pallet or on the load already placed on it, so as to continue the loading of the pallet with other loads of containers to place on the upper container/mosaic of the already formed stack, or which is being formed on said pallet.
For a reason which will soon be explained, in a position suitably raised with respect to said plate 12 in motion and almost at the outer end 12A of the plate 12 there is arranged a retaining means, ideally a wall 15, which is made able of acquiring two positions, a raised one 15A and a lowered one 15B.
In the first raised position 15A, said wall does not impede either the motion of said plate 12, or the consequent displacement of the load of containers which lean on it, and previously pushed thereon by said transferring device 18.
In the second lowered position 15B, said wall 15 is lowered to almost touch said plate 12 from above, but especially it is lowered basically at almost the same level of the load of containers on the same plate 12.
Furthermore, with reference to
In particular said wall 15 follows the changing of the level of the plate 12, yet keeping the relative initial position, in the sense that, if said plate 12 lowers, then said wall 15 lowers as well, but keeping its initial height with respect to the plane of the same plate 12.
Anyway, as it will become more apparent later, such constraint lasts only during the motion of the plate 12 when loaded, and it stops after it has placed its load on the pallet or on other containers underneath.
Hence it is also possible to carry out the final loading operation of the load of containers/mosaics placed on said plate 12 moving it first, along said horizontal travel “B”, then along said vertical travel “A” (or vice versa, as already said), then to lower said wall 15 to the position 15A, and finally to displace said plate with a backward motion.
In this way it is necessary that, in the raised position 15A, said wall 15 allows the plate 12 and the relative load of containers to pass, and in the subsequent lowered position 15B it prevents the load leaning on the plate 12 from following said plate in its backward motion towards its initial position, that is beside said open structure 3.
After having reached its unloading position (
With reference to
Anyway the solution of the multi-flat structure/structures 3 easily generates the problem that the vertical bulk of those structures that could also be very high, and that therefore have to be raised and lowered for a remarkable travel, would require a considerable installation difficulty to assemble said multi-flat structure 3, with considerable overall burdens.
In fact, in case it is desired to access the hollow spaces arranged in the higher positions, it would be necessary to lower the same structure by an equivalent height, which would most likely imply also a hole to house said structure when the latter is completely lowered.
In order to avoid this inconvenience, and with reference to
For exemplification only, and with reference to
Of course such construction is repeated in the same way for all the pairs of adjacent planes, so as to achieve the configuration clearly shown in
Therefore all said planes are made and connected so as to be both separate, condition which forms respective said hollow spaces, and basically laying one on the other, condition which forms the lowest vertical dimension of the whole structure.
In this way it has an “accordion-like” type or “folding” configuration, as it can easily be verified observing together
Let's refer to
Let's arrange high on said structure lifting/lowering means 50 which, suitably engaged on the upper part of the structure and, suitably controlled, are capable of lifting progressively and in sequence the first upper plane, and after that the successive lower plane, and so on; to lift one by one all the planes so as to open the respective hollow spaces.
On the contrary, when said structure is completely opened, it is as in
Of course, the dimensions and geometry of the described elements have to be such that, starting from the initial moment, with said structure completely contracted and shortened on the bottom, said hollow spaces open one after the other and all of them at the same level “L”, as shown in
How to realize the devices and means so that the planes 5, 6, 7, . . . 22, 23, 24 . . . , are reciprocally moved away and approached can be easily inferred and used from the prior art, and hence they do not belong to the present invention.
It only has to be taken into consideration that, just due to the fact that said structure 3 is opened starting from the upper hollow space, and one by one all the other lower hollow spaces are successively opened, it will result that, obviously, when all the hollow spaces of said multi-flat structure 3 are loaded with the respective loads, then necessarily the lower hollow space will be at the level of both said group 2 and said plate 12.
At this point, in order not to change the vertical position of said structure, it will be suitable and consistent to start the unloading of the various loads of containers just starting from the last load inserted, and that is from the load which is in the lowest hollow space.
And hence from this moment on, after the load/mosaic 30 has been pushed out, by the known means, such as, but not necessarily, said pusher 18, the respective hollow space that at that moment is at its same level, said structure 3 is lowered by a step, that is the hollow space that was previously above the just unloaded hollow space is brought to the level of the pusher 18, and so on until the complete unloading of all the hollow spaces and until the multi-flat structure 3 has the arrangement shown in
Having so defined the apparatus of the invention, it will now be synthetically described its typical operation.
Suitable control and command means, and the just described organs, are made capable of cyclically carrying out the following sequence of operations:
It is to note that normally the various mosaics are loaded in succession on the same pallet until the load final height is at a level lower than the second plate 12, so that the latter has necessarily to lower, a little or a lot, in order to get to the level of the upper mosaic of the stack already arranged on the pallet, on which upper mosaic the plate itself has to unload the mosaic it is displacing at the moment; anyway it is possible that at a given moment said stack is already at a level higher than the level of said second plate 12; of course in that case the operations have to be reversed, and that is said plate 12 first has to raise up to the upper level of the stack, and only after having reached such level it displaces itself horizontally in order to be over the stack.
Therefore in this second case the operations shown at the previous points f) and g) have to be reversed.
As the skilled in the art has already understood, some of the above described steps can also be carried out not necessarily in the identical described order.
In fact, just as it is a question of activating different organs that can operate in “masked time” it will be possible that some steps are anticipated without affecting the successive steps; for example it is possible that, after the load has been pushed out from the respective hollow space and is already on the plate 12, the structure 3 can already place itself so as to present a new hollow space, ready to be emptied, before said group 2 and respective transferring device 11, even if the just displaced load has not been laid on the final pallet yet.
Since there can be different embodiments, but basically equivalent under the point of view of the desired result, these technical equivalents, well conceivable by the skilled in the art, will not be described any further.
In particular it has to be seen that, until the multi-flat structure 3 has not been completely loaded (or loaded up to a pre-determined level), and hence the previous steps from a) to d) have not been carried out completely, the successive steps from e) on do not have to be carried out since clearly it is not possible, in the same time interval, to carry out both the loading of the structure 3, through the steps from a) to d), and its unloading, through the steps from step e) on.
As well, it is also possible that said group 2 forms a new mosaic before the structure 3 places itself at a new level in order to receive this new mosaic.
Of course, other examples can be given but the skilled in the art is certainly capable of determining easily all the possible ways and therefore, a detailed listing is avoided.
Said first assembly or palletizer is known per se and widely used in the art, and therefore it is not part of the invention; anyway it has been described in order to understand in general all the main operating organs of the apparatus of the invention.
Anyway, if such palletizer were stable and fixed, it would occur that it could operate only with said second assembly as previously defined, and which comprises:
And hence, if it were desired to work and palletize also containers coming from other conveyors, different from the conveyor 1 considered so far, of course it would be necessary to provide other respective palletizers, which would imply a remarkable constructive complication and above all a huge increase of costs.
Examining attentively the workload on the palletizer, this increase of costs shows to be basically unnecessary and mainly inefficient as it can be seen that the palletizer operates only for a very small fraction of the available time, having to wait that the single loads of containers 30 coming from the conveyor 1 arrive at a pace much slower than the operation and loading speed of the palletizer.
And hence the palletizer remains waiting, and therefore stationary, and ultimately economically inefficient, for most part of the available time.
The present invention therefore solves this great inconvenience, since, with reference to
In this way the present advantageous improvement envisages to store as in a temporary “buffer” all the containers coming from a sole conveyor yet without engaging a respective palletizer rigidly associated to that conveyor; in fact, the described palletizer becomes a sole one as it can be programmed and controlled so as to be moved and in the meantime work with other second assemblies (defined before), which optimizes its construction and its use; basically it is realised the integrated operation mode known as “masked time” well known in other sectors and which, therefore, will not talked about.
Hence this improvement, which consists in associating a single palletizer to a plurality of different assemblies, each comprising a respective conveyor, allows to achieve the very important advantage of using the same palletizer to palletize, on different pallets, all the containers coming from respective and different conveyors.
And this fundamental improvement is, in fact, based on the fact that a sole palletizer can be moved from any second assembly, wherein the loading of the respective multi-flat structure 3 is being carried out, to another second assembly wherein the loading of the respective multi-flat structure has already been completed, where therefore it becomes possible to carry out the loading function of the respective pallet according to the above described method, while in the other second assemblies it is carried out and completed the loading of the respective and successive loads of containers coming from the respective conveyors.
Hence the fundamental object of the invention is achieved, since, in fact, it can be used a sole palletizer to load the containers coming from different conveyors, and at the same time the feeding of the containers from the single conveyors is not affected not even slowed down in any way since the single containers, when in the unloading area, are temporarily loaded in the respective multi-flat structure, waiting to be loaded on the respective pallet, in sequence and without undesired waiting time.
A further fundamental improvement, essential for the best utilization of the invention, consists in the following:
if the functional organs of such apparatus comprising:
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
PN2014A000040 | Aug 2014 | IT | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/IB2015/055959 | 8/6/2015 | WO | 00 |